public static function get_plugin_information($path) { require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/packages.php'; $details = Ithemes_Updater_Packages::get_full_details(); if (!isset($details['packages'][$path])) { return false; } $package = $details['packages'][$path]; require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/functions.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/information.php'; $changelog = Ithemes_Updater_API::get_package_changelog($package['package'], $details['packages'][$path]['installed']); $info = array('name' => Ithemes_Updater_Functions::get_package_name($package['package']), 'slug' => dirname($path), 'version' => $package['available'], 'author' => '<a href="">iThemes</a>', 'download_link' => $package['package-url'], 'sections' => array('changelog' => $changelog)); return (object) $info; }
public static function run_update() { // Prevent the code from running if the code was loaded by an older updater version. if (!isset($GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'])) { return; } require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/api.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/packages.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/keys.php'; $keys = Ithemes_Updater_Keys::get(); $legacy_keys = Ithemes_Updater_Keys::get_legacy(); if (empty($keys) && empty($legacy_keys)) { return; } Ithemes_Updater_API::get_package_details(false); }
public static function get_full_details($response = false) { if (false === $response) { require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/api.php'; $response = Ithemes_Updater_API::get_package_details(); } $packages = self::get_local_details(); if (is_wp_error($response)) { $expiration = time() + 600; foreach ($packages as $path => $data) { $packages[$path]['status'] = 'error'; $packages[$path]['error'] = array('code' => 'unknown', 'type' => $response->get_error_code(), 'message' => $response->get_error_message()); } } else { $expiration = time() + 12 * 3600; foreach ($packages as $path => $data) { if (empty($response['packages'][$data['package']])) { continue; } $package = $response['packages'][$data['package']]; if (!empty($package['error'])) { if (in_array($package['error']['type'], array('ITXAPI_License_Key_Unknown', 'ITXAPI_Updater_Missing_Legacy_Key'))) { $packages[$path]['status'] = 'unlicensed'; } else { $packages[$path]['status'] = 'error'; $packages[$path]['error'] = $package['error']; } continue; } $key_map = array('status' => 'status', 'link' => 'package-url', 'ver' => 'available', 'used' => 'used', 'total' => 'total', 'user' => 'user', 'sub_expire' => 'expiration', 'upgrade' => 'upgrade'); foreach ($key_map as $old => $new) { if (isset($package[$old])) { $packages[$path][$new] = $package[$old]; } else { $packages[$path][$new] = null; } } if (isset($package['link_expire'])) { $expiration = min($expiration, $package['link_expire']); } } } $details = compact('packages', 'expiration'); return $details; }
public static function get_plugin_information($path) { require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/packages.php'; $details = Ithemes_Updater_Packages::get_full_details(); if (!isset($details['packages'][$path])) { return false; } $package = $details['packages'][$path]; $url = "{$package['package']}/information.json"; $response = wp_remote_get($url); if (!is_wp_error($response) && isset($response['body'])) { $info = json_decode($response['body']); if (is_object($info) && !empty($info->name) && !empty($info->version)) { $info->slug = dirname($path); $info->download_link = $package['package-url']; return $info; } } require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/functions.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['ithemes_updater_path'] . '/information.php'; $changelog = Ithemes_Updater_API::get_package_changelog($package['package'], $details['packages'][$path]['installed']); $info = array('name' => Ithemes_Updater_Functions::get_package_name($package['package']), 'slug' => dirname($path), 'version' => $package['available'], 'author' => '<a href="">iThemes</a>', 'download_link' => $package['package-url'], 'sections' => array('changelog' => $changelog)); return (object) $info; }
private function unlicense_packages($data) { check_admin_referer('unlicense_packages', 'ithemes_updater_nonce'); if (empty($data['username']) && empty($data['password'])) { $this->errors[] = __('You must supply an iThemes membership username and password in order to remove licenses.', 'it-l10n-ithemes-sync'); } else { if (empty($data['username'])) { $this->errors[] = __('You must supply an iThemes membership username in order to remove licenses.', 'it-l10n-ithemes-sync'); } else { if (empty($data['password'])) { $this->errors[] = __('You must supply an iThemes membership password in order to remove licenses.', 'it-l10n-ithemes-sync'); } else { if (empty($data['packages'])) { $this->errors[] = __('You must select at least one license to remove. Ensure that you select the licenses that you wish to remove in the listing below.', 'it-l10n-ithemes-sync'); } } } } if (!empty($this->errors)) { return; } $response = Ithemes_Updater_API::deactivate_package($data['username'], $data['password'], $data['packages']); if (is_wp_error($response)) { $this->errors[] = $this->get_error_explanation($response); return; } if (empty($response['packages'])) { $this->errors[] = __('An unknown server error occurred. Please try to remove licenses from your products again at another time.', 'it-l10n-ithemes-sync'); return; } uksort($response['packages'], 'strnatcasecmp'); $success = array(); $fail = array(); foreach ($response['packages'] as $package => $data) { if (preg_match('/ \\|\\|\\| \\d+$/', $package)) { continue; } $name = Ithemes_Updater_Functions::get_package_name($package); if (isset($data['status']) && 'inactive' == $data['status']) { $success[] = $name; } else { if (isset($data['error']) && isset($data['error']['message'])) { $fail[$name] = $data['error']['message']; } else { $fail[$name] = __('Unknown server error.', 'it-l10n-ithemes-sync'); } } } if (!empty($success)) { $this->messages[] = wp_sprintf(_n('Successfully removed license from %l.', 'Successfully removed licenses from %l.', count($success), 'it-l10n-ithemes-sync'), $success); } if (!empty($fail)) { foreach ($fail as $name => $reason) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(__('Unable to remove license from %1$s. Reason: %2$s', 'it-l10n-ithemes-sync'), $name, $reason); } } }