function addDefaultCustomFields($fromInstall = FALSE, $cid = 0) { global $lll; // Creating the fix fields: $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["item_id"]; $v->showInForm = customfield_forNone; $v->type = customfield_text; $v->subType = customfield_integer; $v->sortable = TRUE; $v->columnIndex = "id"; $v->searchable = customfield_forNone; $v->showInList = customfield_forNone; $v->showInDetails = customfield_forNone; $v->create(); $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["appcategory"]; $v->showInForm = customfield_forNone; $v->type = customfield_selection; $v->columnIndex = "cName"; $v->searchable = customfield_forAll; $v->create(); if (!$v->cid) { $v->showInList = customfield_forAll; $v->modify(); } $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["creationtime"]; $v->showInForm = customfield_forNone; $v->type = customfield_date; $v->searchable = customfield_forAll; $v->rangeSearch = TRUE; $v->columnIndex = "creationtime"; $v->create(); if (!$v->cid) { $v->showInList = customfield_forAll; $v->modify(); } $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["item_status"]; $v->showInForm = customfield_forAdmin; $v->showInDetails = customfield_forAdmin; $v->type = customfield_selection; $v->values = "0,1"; $v->columnIndex = "status"; $v->searchable = customfield_forAdmin; $v->create(); if (!$v->cid) { $v->showInList = customfield_forAdmin; $v->modify(); } $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["item_clicked"]; $v->showInForm = customfield_forNone; $v->showInDetails = customfield_forOwner; $v->type = customfield_text; $v->subType = customfield_integer; $v->columnIndex = "clicked"; $v->searchable = customfield_forAdmin; $v->rangeSearch = TRUE; $v->create(); if (!$v->cid) { $v->showInList = customfield_forLoggedin; $v->modify(); } $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["item_responded"]; $v->showInForm = customfield_forNone; $v->showInDetails = customfield_forOwner; $v->type = customfield_text; $v->subType = customfield_integer; $v->columnIndex = "responded"; $v->searchable = customfield_forAdmin; $v->rangeSearch = TRUE; $v->create(); if (!$v->cid) { $v->showInList = customfield_forAdmin; $v->modify(); } $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["item_ownerName"]; $v->showInForm = customfield_forNone; $v->showInDetails = customfield_forAll; $v->type = customfield_multipleselection; $v->columnIndex = "ownerName"; $v->searchable = customfield_forAdmin; $v->create(); if (!$v->cid) { $v->showInList = customfield_forAll; $v->modify(); } $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["exp"]; $v->showInForm = customfield_forNone; $v->showInDetails = customfield_forOwner; $v->type = customfield_date; $v->searchable = customfield_forAdmin; $v->rangeSearch = TRUE; $v->columnIndex = "expirationTime"; $v->create(); if (!$v->cid) { $v->showInList = customfield_forAdmin; $v->modify(); } // ha uj kategoriat hozunk letre, akkor a tobbi categoriaban common-na tett mezoket bele kell masolni: if ($cid) { $query = "SELECT * FROM @customfield WHERE cid=0 AND isCommon=1 AND columnIndex LIKE 'col_%'"; G::load($commonFields, $query); $customCommonFields = array(); foreach ($commonFields as $field) { if (empty($customCommonFields[$field->name][$field->type])) { $field->cid = $cid; unset($field->id); create($field); $customCommonFields[$field->name][$field->type] = 1; } } } if (!$fromInstall) { // a kovetkezo mezoket csak kkor hozzuk letre, ha meg nem leteznek. // Akkor letezhetnek, ha az iment mar letrehoztuk oket, mert common-ok: if (!$cid || empty($customCommonFields[$lll["title"]][customfield_text])) { $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["title"]; $v->type = customfield_text; $v->seo = customfield_title; $v->showInList = customfield_forAll; $v->mandatory = TRUE; $v->searchable = customfield_forAll; if (!$cid) { $v->columnIndex = "title"; } $v->create(); } if (!$cid || empty($customCommonFields[$lll["description"]][customfield_textarea])) { $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = !$cid; $v->name = $lll["description"]; $v->type = customfield_textarea; $v->seo = customfield_description; $v->showInList = customfield_forAll; $v->innewline = TRUE; $v->searchable = customfield_forAll; if (!$cid) { $v->columnIndex = "description"; } $v->create(); } if ($cid && empty($customCommonFields[$lll["item_picture"]][customfield_picture])) { $v = new ItemField(); $v->cid = $cid; $v->isCommon = FALSE; $v->name = $lll["item_picture"]; $v->type = customfield_picture; $v->mainPicture = 1; $v->searchable = customfield_forAll; $v->showInList = customfield_forAll; $v->rowspan = TRUE; $v->create(); } } }