public function mostrarInfo($url) { //Me quedo con el item, buscando por url $item = Item::where('url', $url)->first(); $this->array_view['item'] = $item; return View::make($this->folder_name . '.' . $this->project_name . '-ver', $this->array_view); }
public function categoryModify(Request $request, $id) { $cat_to_mod = Category::where('id', $id)->first(); $inputs = $request->except('_token', 'button'); if ($request->button == 'mod') { $x = 0; foreach ($inputs as $input) { if (!empty($input)) { $x = 1; } } if ($x == 0) { return redirect('admin'); } if ($request->name) { $cat_to_mod->name = $request->name; } $cat_to_mod->save(); } if ($request->button == 'del') { $item_count = Item::where('category_id', $id)->get()->count(); if ($item_count >= 1) { return redirect('admin')->withErrors('Suppression impossible : des produits appartiennent a cette catgorie'); } $cat_to_mod->delete(); return redirect('admin')->with('status', 'Catégorie supprimée'); } return redirect('admin')->with('status', 'Modifications de la catégorie enregistrées'); }
public function showIndex() { if (!Auth::check()) { return View::make('login', array('title' => 'edison')); } $category_names = array('ent' => 'エンターテイメント', 'music' => '音楽', 'sing' => '歌ってみた', 'play' => '演奏してみた', 'dance' => '踊ってみた', 'vocaloid' => 'VOCALOID', 'nicoindies' => 'ニコニコインディーズ', 'animal' => '動物', 'cooking' => '料理', 'nature' => '自然', 'travel' => '旅行', 'sport' => 'スポーツ', 'lecture' => 'ニコニコ動画講座', 'drive' => '車載動画', 'history' => '歴史', 'politics' => '政治', 'science' => '科学', 'tech' => 'ニコニコ技術部', 'handcraft' => 'ニコニコ手芸部', 'make' => '作ってみた', 'anime' => 'アニメ', 'game' => 'ゲーム', 'toho' => '東方', 'imas' => 'アイドルマスター', 'radio' => 'ラジオ', 'draw' => '描いてみた', 'are' => '例のアレ', 'diary' => '日記', 'other' => 'その他', 'r18' => 'R-18', 'original' => 'オリジナル', 'portrait' => '似顔絵', 'character' => 'キャラクター'); $all_items = Item::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); foreach ($all_items as &$item) { $item['user'] = User::where('id', '=', $item->user_id)->get()[0]; $item['star_count'] = Starmap::where('item_id', '=', $item->id)->count(); $item['comment_count'] = Comment::where('item_id', '=', $item->id)->count(); if ($item->category_id != 0) { $item['category'] = Category::where('id', '=', $item->category_id)->get()[0]->content; } } $recent_works = Work::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); foreach ($recent_works as &$work) { $item = Item::where('id', '=', $work->item_id)->get()[0]; $work['item'] = $item; $work['user'] = User::where('id', '=', $work->user_id)->get()[0]; $work['item_poster_screen_name'] = User::where('id', '=', $item->user_id)->get()[0]->screen_name; if ($item->category_id != 0) { $work['item_category'] = Category::where('id', '=', $item->category_id)->get()[0]->content; } } $user = User::where('screen_name', '=', Auth::user()->screen_name)->get()[0]; $data = array('title' => 'edison', 'user' => $user, 'all_items' => $all_items, 'recent_works' => $recent_works, 'categories' => $category_names, 'star_count' => Starmap::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->count(), 'work_count' => Work::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->count()); return View::make('index', $data); }
public function run() { $participants = DB::table('event_participant')->get(); foreach ($participants as $participant) { $player = Player::find($participant->player_id); $user = User::find($participant->user_id); $event = Evento::find($participant->event_id); $payment = Payment::find($participant->payment_id); $uuid = Uuid::generate(); $new = new Participant(); $new->id = $uuid; $new->firstname = $player->firstname; $new->lastname = $player->lastname; $new->due = $event->getOriginal('fee'); $new->early_due = $event->getOriginal('early_fee'); $new->early_due_deadline = $event->early_deadline; $new->method = 'full'; $new->plan_id = Null; $new->player_id = $player->id; $new->event_id = $participant->event_id; $new->accepted_on = $participant->created_at; $new->accepted_by = $user->profile->firstname . " " . $user->profile->lastname; $new->accepted_user = $participant->user_id; $new->status = 1; $new->created_at = $participant->created_at; $new->updated_at = $participant->updated_at; $new->save(); $update = Item::where('payment_id', '=', $payment->id)->firstOrFail(); $update->participant_id = $uuid; $update->save(); } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { if ($this->user->inGroup(Sentry::findGroupByName('supporter')) || $this->user->inGroup(Sentry::findGroupByName('administer'))) { $items = Item::orderBy('id', 'desc')->paginate(10); } else { $items = Item::where('user_id', '=', $this->user->id)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->paginate(10); } return View::make('items.index', compact('items')); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * PUT /items/{id} * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $item = Item::where('id', $id)->update(Input::all()); if ($item) { return ['status' => true, 'item' => $item]; } else { return ['status' => false]; } }
function item_delete() { $item = new Item(); $item->where('id', $this->post('id')); $item->get(); $item->delete(); $message = array('id' => $this->post('id'), 'message' => 'DELETED!'); $this->response($message, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code }
public function index() { try { $items = Item::where('active', '=', '1')->orderBy('vendor_id')->orderBy('name')->get(); foreach ($items as $item) { $item->vendor_name = Vendor::where('id', '=', $item->vendor_id)->pluck('name'); } return $items->toJSON(); } catch (Exception $e) { return json_encode('{"error":{"text":' . $e->getMessage() . '}}'); } }
public function isRoom($item) { // player location $currentRoom = Auth::user(); $currentRoom = $currentRoom->player_location_id; $itemRoom = Item::where("name", $item)->firstOrFail(); $itemRoom = $itemRoom->map_id; if ($currentRoom == $itemRoom) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public function getStars($screen_name) { $user = User::where('screen_name', '=', $screen_name)->first(); $star_lists = Starmap::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->orderby('created_at', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); $star_items = array(); foreach ($star_lists as &$star_list) { $star_list['item'] = Item::where('id', '=', $star_list->item_id)->get()[0]; $star_list['item']['user'] = User::where('id', '=', $star_list->item->user_id)->get()[0]; $star_list['item']['star_count'] = Starmap::where('id', '=', $star_list->item_id)->count(); $star_list['item']['comment_count'] = Comment::where('id', '=', $star_list->item_id)->count(); $star_list['category_name'] = Category::where('id', '=', $star_list->item->category_id)->first()->content; } return $star_lists; }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * GET /oss * * @return Response */ public function index() { $documents = Auth::user()->documents; $i = 0; $num = $documents->count(); if ($num == 0) { $ids = 0; } else { foreach ($documents as $document) { $ids[$i] = $document->id; } } $items = Item::where('document_id', $ids)->get(); return View::make('items.oss')->with('items', $items); }
public function vistaListado() { $items_borrados = Item::where('estado', 'B')->lists('id'); if (count($items_borrados) > 0) { $portfolios = Portfolio::whereNotIn('item_id', $items_borrados)->get(); } else { $portfolios = Portfolio::all(); } $categorias = Categoria::where('estado', 'A')->get(); $secciones = Seccion::where('estado', 'A')->get(); $this->array_view['portfolios'] = $portfolios; $this->array_view['categorias'] = $categorias; $this->array_view['secciones'] = $secciones; //Hace que se muestre el html lista.blade.php de la carpeta item //con los parametros pasados por el array return View::make($this->folder_name . '.lista', $this->array_view); }
public function index() { $documents = Auth::user()->documents; $i = 0; $num = $documents->count(); if ($num == 0) { $ids = 0; } else { foreach ($documents as $document) { $ids[$i] = $document->id; } } $organization = Auth::user()->organization; $items = Item::where('document_id', $ids)->get(); return View::make('home', array('documents' => $documents, 'items' => $items, 'organization' => $organization)); //return View::make('timeout'); }
public function getNoticeContents() { $login_user_id = Auth::user()->id; $notice = Starmap::where('user_id', '=', $login_user_id)->where('watched_flag', '=', 0)->where('notice_flag', '=', 1)->get(); $notice_item_ids = array(); foreach ($notice as $n) { $notice_item_ids[] = $n["item_id"]; } $notice_items_uesr = array(); $notice_item_titles = array(); $notice_work_ids = array(); foreach ($notice_item_ids as $notice_item_id) { $notice_items_uesr_ids[] = Item::where('id', '=', $notice_item_id)->get()[0]['user_id']; $notice_item_titles[] = Item::where('id', '=', $notice_item_id)->get()[0]['title']; $notice_work_ids[] = Work::where('item_id', '=', $notice_item_id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get()[0]['item_id']; } //$this->debug($notice_work_ids); $notice_work_user_ids = array(); $notice_work_title = array(); foreach ($notice_work_ids as $notice_work_id) { var_dump($notice_work_id); $notice_work_user_ids[] = Work::where('id', '=', $notice_work_id)->orderBy('updated_at', 'asc')->get()[0]['user_id']; $notice_work_title[] = Work::where('id', '=', $notice_work_id)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get()[0]['title']; } $this->debug($notice_work_user_ids); //$this->debug($notice_work_title); // --------- $notice_work_user_screen_name = array(); foreach ($notice_work_user_ids as $notice_work_user_id) { $notice_work_user_screen_name = User::where('id', '=', $notice_work_user_id)->get()[0]['screen_name']; } //$this->debug($notice_work_user_screen_name); $notice_item_screen_name = array(); foreach ($notice_items_uesr_ids as $user_id) { $notice_item_screen_name[] = User::where('id', '=', $user_id)->get()[0]['screen_name']; } $json_val = array("notice_title" => $notice_item_titles, "notice_item_id" => $notice_item_ids, "notice_item_user" => $notice_item_screen_name, "notice_work_title" => $notice_work_title, "notice_work_user" => $notice_work_user_screen_name); header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($json_val); }
public function create($item_id) { $data = Input::all(); $item = Item::where('id', '=', $item_id)->get()[0]; $screen_name = User::where('id', '=', $item->user_id)->first()['attributes']['screen_name']; $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($item['type'] == 'video') { $reg = '/^http:\\/\\/www\\.nicovideo\\.jp\\/watch\\/(sm[0-9]+)/'; } else { $reg = '/^http:\\/\\/seiga\\.nicovideo\\.jp\\/seiga\\/im([0-9]+)/'; } preg_match($reg, $data['url'], $match); $nico_content = $match ? $match[1] : 0; if ($item['type'] == 'video') { $Niconico = new Niconico(); $ret = $Niconico->getThumbInfo($nico_content); $title = $ret->title; $thumbnail_url = $ret->thumbnail_url; } else { $title = ''; $thumbnail_url = "{$nico_content}q"; } if ($nico_content) { $work = new Work(); $work->item_id = $item_id; $work->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $work->url = $data['url']; $work->title = $title; $work->thumbnail_url = $thumbnail_url; $work->comment = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($data['comment'])); $work->created_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $work->updated_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $work->save(); Starmap::where('item_id', '=', $item_id)->update(array('notice_flag' => 1)); return Redirect::to("/{$screen_name}/items/{$item_id}"); } else { echo "その作品はあかん"; } }
/** * postModal (入库确认) */ public function postModal() { //itemReceivedPackageDetail->id $id = Input::get('id'); $position = Input::get('readyposition'); $itemReceivedPackageDetail = ItemReceivedPackageDetail::find($id); $itemReceivedPackageDetail->status = 2; $itemReceivedPackageDetail->readyposition = $position; $itemReceivedPackageDetail->save(); //历史入库记录 $historyWareHouse = new HistoryWarehouse(); $historyWareHouse->identity = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->identity; $historyWareHouse->item = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->item; $historyWareHouse->batch = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->batch; $historyWareHouse->quantity = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $historyWareHouse->position = $position; $historyWareHouse->operator = 5; $historyWareHouse->save(); //库存汇总 $wareHouse = Warehouse::where('item', $itemReceivedPackageDetail->item)->where('position', $position)->first(); if ($wareHouse) { $wareHouse->quantity = $wareHouse->quantity + $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $wareHouse->save(); } else { $wareHouse = new Warehouse(); $wareHouse->item = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->item; $wareHouse->position = $position; $wareHouse->quantity = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $wareHouse->save(); } //更新item总库存 $items = Item::where('code', $itemReceivedPackageDetail->item)->first(); $items->stock += $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $items->readystock -= $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $items->save(); return Redirect::back(); }
/** * postPackageCheckedin (拆包检验入库) */ public function postPackageCheckedin() { $id = Input::get('id'); $position = Input::get('readyposition'); $itemReceivedPackageDetail = ItemReceivedPackageDetail::find($id); $itemReceivedPackageDetail->status = 2; $itemReceivedPackageDetail->readyposition = $position; $itemReceivedPackageDetail->save(); //历史入库记录 $historyWareHouse = new HistoryWarehouse(); $historyWareHouse->identity = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->identity; $historyWareHouse->item = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->item; $historyWareHouse->batch = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->batch; $historyWareHouse->quantity = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $historyWareHouse->position = $position; $historyWareHouse->operator = 5; $historyWareHouse->save(); //库存汇总 $wareHouse = Warehouse::where('item', $itemReceivedPackageDetail->item)->where('position', $position)->first(); if ($wareHouse) { $wareHouse->quantity = $wareHouse->quantity + $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $wareHouse->save(); } else { $wareHouse = new Warehouse(); $wareHouse->item = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->item; $wareHouse->position = $position; $wareHouse->quantity = $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $wareHouse->save(); } //更新item总库存 $items = Item::where('code', $itemReceivedPackageDetail->item)->first(); $items->stock += $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $items->readystock -= $itemReceivedPackageDetail->quantity; $items->save(); //到包日期|包号 $itemReceivedPackage = ItemReceivedPackage::find($itemReceivedPackageDetail->package_id); $package_checked_date = $itemReceivedPackage->package_checked_date; $package_no = $itemReceivedPackage->package_no; //供应商 $supplier = Supplier::find($itemReceivedPackageDetail->supplier_id); //details $itemReceivedPackageDetails = ItemReceivedPackageDetail::where('package_id', $itemReceivedPackageDetail->package_id)->orderBy('status')->get(); return View::make('admin.itemreceive.packagedetail')->with('itemReceivedPackageDetails', $itemReceivedPackageDetails)->with('supplier', $supplier)->with('package_checked_date', $package_checked_date)->with('package_no', $package_no); }
public function getView($id) { $document = Document::find($id); //$items = Document::find($id)->items; $items = Item::where('document_id', '=', $id)->paginate(50); // Если такого документа нет, то вернем пользователю ошибку 404 - Не найдено if (!$document) { App::abort(404); } return View::make('documents/view', array('items' => $items, 'document' => $document)); }
public function getDocView($id) { $document = Document::find($id); $user = Document::find($id)->user(); $organization_id = $document->user->organization_id; $organization = Organization::find($organization_id); //$items = Document::find($id)->items; $items = Item::where('document_id', '=', $id)->paginate(50); // Если такого документа нет, то вернем пользователю ошибку 404 - Не найдено if (!$document) { App::abort(404); } return View::make('admin.DocView', array('items' => $items, 'document' => $document, 'organization' => $organization)); }
<?php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the Closure to execute when that URI is requested. | */ Route::bind('task', function ($value, $route) { return Item::where('id', $value)->first(); }); Route::get('/', array('as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'HomeController@getIndex'))->before('auth'); Route::post('item', array('uses' => 'HomeController@postIndex'))->before('csrf'); Route::get('/new', array('as' => 'new', 'uses' => 'HomeController@getNew')); Route::post('/new', array('uses' => 'HomeController@postNew'))->before('csrf'); Route::get('/up/{task}', array('as' => 'up', 'uses' => 'HomeController@getUpdate')); Route::post('/up', array('uses' => 'HomeController@postUpdate'))->before('csrf'); Route::get('/delete/{task}', array('as' => 'delete', 'uses' => 'HomeController@getDelete')); Route::get('login', array('as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'AuthController@getlogin'))->before('guest'); Route::post('login', array('uses' => 'AuthController@postlogin'))->before('csrf');
/** * input() takes Input::all and creates a table with info * @return associative array $data to views */ public function input() { $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('cmmf' => 'required', 'quantity' => 'required')); if ($validator->fails()) { return View::make('input')->with(array('response' => '<p style="color:red;">Please check your input and try again.</p>')); } else { $notFoundItems = array(); $cmmf = trim(Input::get('cmmf')); //Stores the inputted cmmfs and quantities in Session variables incase user wants to use Back button to redo query Session::flash('cmmf', $cmmf); $quantity = trim(Input::get('quantity')); Session::flash('quantity', $quantity); //broken up by newline to be processes line by line $quantities = explode(PHP_EOL, $quantity); $cmmfs = explode(PHP_EOL, $cmmf); //$stats is var storing the table data for the summary of the shipment $stats = '<div class="CSSTableGenerator" > <table id="stats" ><tr> <td> Total Pieces </td> <td > Total Cartons </td> <td> Total Weight </td> <td> Total Pallets </td> <td> Total Spaces </td> </tr>'; //if the amount of cmmfs supplied doesn't match the amount of quantities supplied then state error if (count($cmmfs) != count($quantities)) { return View::make('input', array('response' => '<p style="color:red;">ERROR: NUMBER OF CMMFS DO NOT MATCH THE NUMBER OF QUANTITIES SUPPLIED.</p>')); } $totalQuantity = null; $totalCartons = null; $totalWeight = null; $totalPallets = null; $totalSpaces = null; //$i tracks the index for each line items of both the inputted cmmf and quantity array $i = 0; $response = '<div class="CSSTableGenerator" > <table id="table" ><tr> <td> CMMF </td> <td > Quantity </td> <td>Size</td> <td>Case</td> <td> Total Cases </td> <td> Weight </td> <td> Total Weight </td> <td>Cartons per Pallet</td> <td> Total Pallets </td> <td> Total Spaces </td> </tr>'; //now checks each of the cmmfs (broken up by newline) supplied from input foreach ($cmmfs as $cmmf) { $item = Item::where('cmmf', '=', $cmmf)->first(); //checks if cmmf if ($item == null) { //item isn't found, so added to the $notFoundItems array to be displayed later and shows as NA for that row/item array_push($notFoundItems, $cmmf); //echo $cmmf . ' not in DB<br>'; $response .= '<tr> <td> ' . $cmmf . ' </td> <td > ' . $quantities[$i] . ' </td> <td>NA</td> <td>NA</td> <td> NA </td> <td> NA </td> <td> NA </td> <td> NA </td> <td> NA </td> <td> NA </td> </tr>'; } else { $linequantity = $quantities[$i]; $linequantity = str_replace(',', '', $linequantity); $linequantity = intval($linequantity); $varcmmf = $item->cmmf; // add info to totals variables $totalQuantity += $linequantity; $totalCartons += ceil($item->getCartonCount($linequantity)); $totalWeight += $item->getWeight($linequantity); $totalPallets += $item->getPalletCount($linequantity); $totalSpaces += $item->getSpaceCount($linequantity); //end of info to totals variables $response .= '<tr> <td> ' . $varcmmf . ' </td> <td > ' . $linequantity . ' </td> <td>' . $item->size . '</td> <td>' . $item->case . '</td> <td> ' . ceil($item->getCartonCount($linequantity)) . ' </td> <td> ' . number_format($item->weight, 2, '.', '') . ' </td> <td> ' . number_format($item->getWeight($linequantity), 2, '.', '') . ' </td> <td> ' . $item->cartonsperpallet . ' </td> <td> ' . number_format($item->getPalletCount($linequantity), 2, '.', '') . ' </td> <td> ' . number_format($item->getSpaceCount($linequantity), 2, '.', '') . ' </td> </tr>'; // echo $item->getSpaceCount($quantities[$i]) . '<br>'; } $i++; } $stats .= '<tr> <td>' . $totalQuantity . ' </td> <td> ' . $totalCartons . ' </td> <td> ' . number_format($totalWeight, 2, '.', '') . ' </td> <td> ' . number_format($totalPallets, 2, '.', '') . ' </td> <td> ' . number_format($totalSpaces, 2, '.', '') . ' </td> </tr></table> </div> '; $response .= ' </table> </div> '; $data['stats'] = $stats; $data['response'] = $response; $data['missingitems'] = array_unique($notFoundItems); return View::make('output-table')->with($data); } }
public function checkOverlap($user = null) { if ($user == null && $this->user == null) { throw new UserNotFound(); } if ($user == null) { $user = $this->user; } $item = new Item(); $item->where(array("start <=" => $this->start, "end >=" => $this->end))->get_by_related($user); if ($item->exists()) { throw new Item_Overlap_With_Other_Item(); } }
return substr($date, 8, 2); // return Carbon::yesterday()->endOfDay(); // return (new Sale)->getYesterdaysBestSeller(); // return Carbon::create(2015,2,3,0)->startOfDay(); // return Carbon::create(2015-08-26 23:06:20)->endOfDay(); // return $prod->getCurrentProduction()->toArray(); return Auth::user()->role; if (Auth::attempt(array('password' => 'raymund123'))) { return 'true'; } else { return 'false'; } // return 10 + -10; // return Item::find(1)->cart; $temp = TempCart::all()->toArray(); $item = Item::where('barcode', '=', '900110023')->get()->toArray(); // return TempCart::all(); return json_encode(array_merge($temp, $item)); return DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('123456789', "EAN13", 2, 60); $production = Production::find(2); return $production->items; }); Route::get('test/{trans_id}', ['uses' => 'SalesController@printInvoice']); Route::get('sample/{code}', ['uses' => 'SalesController@processOrder']); Route::get('/item/findbyname/{name}', ['uses' => 'ItemsController@findByName']); Route::group(array('before' => 'auth'), function () { Route::get('/', ['as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'BaseController@index']); // Route::get('/',function(){ // return View::make('index') // ->with('title',"Flibbys Point of Sale System"); // });
public function testNoDocument() { $items = Item::where('name', 'nothing')->get(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection', $items); $this->assertEquals(0, $items->count()); $item = Item::where('name', 'nothing')->first(); $this->assertEquals(null, $item); $item = Item::find('51c33d8981fec6813e00000a'); $this->assertEquals(null, $item); }
public function aggregateSales() { $count = 0; foreach ($this->children as $e) { $count += Item::where('team_id', $e->id)->sum('price'); } return $count + Item::where('team_id', $this->id)->sum('price'); }
include './includes/nav.php'; ?> <div class="customercontainer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col s12"> <h4>Search Results</h3> <ul class="collection"> <?php foreach ($res as $res) { echo '<li class="collection-item"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="../' . $res->img . '" class="responsive-img circle"></div> <h4 class="line1">' . $res->name . '</h4>'; $cuisines = Item::where('restaurant_id', $res->id)->distinct('cuisine')->lists('cuisine')->toArray(); /* Shouldn't do the above query like this */ echo '<p> Cuisines: '; foreach ($cuisines as $key => $cuisine) { if ($key == sizeof($cuisines) - 1) { echo $cuisine; } else { echo $cuisine . ','; } } echo '</p> <div class="chip">' . $res->place . '</div> <div class="chip">Min order : ₹ ' . $res->min_order . '</div> <a href="./menu.php?id=' . $res->id . '" class="waves-effect btn menubtn">Menu</a> </li>';
public function showShop() { $title = 'Shop'; $items = Item::where('stock', '>', 0)->get(); return View::make('shop')->with('title', $title)->with('items', $items); }
require_once '../classes/session.php'; require_once '../classes/functions.php'; require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; require_once '../classes/Item.php'; require_once '../classes/Restaurant.php'; require '../config.php'; require '../classes/boot.php'; require '../classes/Uploader.php'; $session = new Session(); $session->adminForceLogin("../index.php"); $rest_id = $_GET['rest_id']; $item_id = $_GET['item_id']; if (isset($_POST['create'])) { $file = $_FILES['img']; $item = Item::where('item_id', $item_id)->first(); //dd($item); unlink('../' . $item->img); $item->img = 'public/images/uploads/items/' . basename($file['name']); $item->save(); $error = Uploader::attach_file($file, '../public/images/uploads/items', basename($file['name'])); if ($error == 0) { header("location:view_items.php?id={$rest_id}"); } } $item = Item::find($item_id); ?> <?php getTemplate(1, 'header', []);
public function history($param, $id) { if ($param) { // 1- validate dates, make sure start date is less than end date // 2- Build query where create_at is more than start less than end return $param; return Redirect::action('AccountingController@Index')->with('result_query', $transaction); } else { $paydata = Item::where('club_id', '=', $id->id)->get(); return $paydata; } }
function menu() { $rest_id = $_GET['id']; $items = Item::where("restaurant_id", $rest_id)->get(); return $items; }