예제 #1
 public function test_PrepareStringCSV()
     $s = array('1' => array('1.1' => '213213', '1.2' => '21213', '1.3' => '2133'), '2' => array('2.1' => '2113', '2.2' => '2132', '2.3' => '3213'));
     $result = It::prepareStringCSV($s);
     $expected = '"1.1","1.2","1.3"' . "\n" . '"213213","21213","2133"' . "\n" . '"2113","2132","3213"' . "\n";
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
예제 #2
 public function createExport()
     $return_string = "";
     $sql = "SELECT\n                       `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` AS `TxDateTime`,\n                       `t4`.`station_id_code` AS `StationId`, \n                       `t4`.`display_name` AS `StationDisplayName`,\n                       `t3`.`sensor_id_code` AS `SensorId`, \n                       `t3`.`display_name` AS `SensorDisplayName`, \n                       \n                       `t1`.`period` AS `MeasurementPeriod`,\n                       `t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS `Value`,\n                       `t5`.`short_name` AS `Metric`,\n                       `t8`.`value` AS `DewPoint`,\n                       `t11`.`value` AS `PressureMSL`,\n                       \n                       `t12`.`handler_id_code`,\n                       `t4`.`magnetic_north_offset`\n\n                 FROM `" . SensorData::model()->tableName() . "` t1\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensorFeature::model()->tableName() . "`          `t2`    ON `t2`.`sensor_feature_id` = `t1`.`sensor_feature_id`\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensor::model()->tableName() . "`                 `t3`    ON `t3`.`station_sensor_id` = `t2`.`sensor_id`\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`                       `t4`    ON `t4`.`station_id` = `t1`.`station_id`\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . RefbookMetric::model()->tableName() . "`                 `t5`    ON `t5`.`metric_id` = `t2`.`metric_id`\n\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculation::model()->tableName() . "`            `t6`    ON (`t6`.`station_id` = `t1`.`station_id` AND `t6`.`handler_id` = 1)\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculationVariable::model()->tableName() . "`    `t7`    ON (`t7`.`sensor_feature_id` = `t2`.`sensor_feature_id` AND `t7`.`calculation_id` = `t6`.`calculation_id`)\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculationData::model()->tableName() . "`        `t8`    ON (`t8`.`calculation_id` = `t7`.`calculation_id` AND `t8`.`listener_log_id` = `t1`.`listener_log_id`)\n\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculation::model()->tableName() . "`            `t9`    ON (`t9`.`station_id` = `t1`.`station_id` AND `t9`.`handler_id` = 2)\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculationVariable::model()->tableName() . "`    `t10`   ON (`t10`.`sensor_feature_id` = `t2`.`sensor_feature_id` AND `t10`.`calculation_id` = `t9`.`calculation_id`)\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculationData::model()->tableName() . "`        `t11`   ON (`t11`.`calculation_id` = `t10`.`calculation_id` AND `t11`.`listener_log_id` = `t1`.`listener_log_id`)\n\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . SensorDBHandler::model()->tableName() . "`               `t12`   ON `t12`.`handler_id` = `t3`.`handler_id`\n\n                 WHERE `t1`.`station_id` IN (" . implode(',', $this->station_id) . ")\n                   AND `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->start_timestamp . ") \n                   AND `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->end_timestamp . ")\n                   AND `t2`.`is_main` = 1\n                   AND `t1`.`is_m` = '0'\n                 ORDER BY `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` DESC, `t4`.`station_id_code`, `t3`.`sensor_id_code`";
     $res = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if ($res) {
         foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
             $handler_obj = SensorHandler::create($value['handler_id_code']);
             $res[$key]['Value'] = $handler_obj->applyOffset($res[$key]['Value'], $res[$key]['magnetic_north_offset']);
             $res[$key]['Value'] = $handler_obj->formatValue($res[$key]['Value'], $res[$key]['feature_code']);
         $return_string .= "\"AWS Stations:\"\n" . It::prepareStringCSV($res);
     $sql = "SELECT\n                        `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` AS `TxDateTime`,\n                        `t3`.`station_id_code` AS `StationId`, \n                        `t3`.`display_name` AS `StationDisplayName`,\n                        `t2`.`sensor_id_code` AS `SensorId`, \n                        `t2`.`display_name` AS `SensorDisplayName`,  \n                        (`t1`.`sensor_value` * `t1`.`bucket_size`) AS `Value`,\n                        `t4`.`short_name` AS `Metric`                        \n                 FROM `" . SensorDataMinute::model()->tableName() . "` t1\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensor::model()->tableName() . "` t2 ON t2.station_sensor_id = t1.sensor_id\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` t3 ON t3.station_id = t1.station_id\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . RefbookMetric::model()->tableName() . "` t4 ON t4.metric_id = t1.metric_id\n                     \n                 WHERE `t1`.`station_id` IN (" . implode(',', $this->station_id) . ")\n                   AND `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->start_timestamp . ") \n                   AND `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->end_timestamp . ")\n                   AND `t1`.`is_tmp` = 0\n                 ORDER BY t1.measuring_timestamp DESC, t3.station_id_code, t2.sensor_id_code\n                ";
     $res = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if ($res) {
         $return_string .= "\n\n\"RG Stations:\"\n" . It::prepareStringCSV($res);
     It::downloadFile($return_string, 'export__' . date('Y-m-d_Hi') . '.csv', 'text/csv');
예제 #3
 public function makeExport()
     $return_string = "\"Messages History\"\n\nChoosed filters:\n\n";
     if ($this->types) {
         $subtypes = array();
         if (in_array('failed', $this->types)) {
             $subtypes[] = "Failed";
         if (in_array('warning', $this->types)) {
             $subtypes[] = "Warning";
         if (in_array('successfull', $this->types)) {
             $subtypes[] = "Successfull";
         if ($this->types && in_array('not_processed_yet', $this->types)) {
             $subtypes[] = "Not procecessed yet";
         $return_string .= "* Types " . implode(' OR ', $subtypes);
     if ($this->date_from || $this->date_to) {
         $return_string .= "\n* Message was added into DB in period ";
         if ($this->date_from) {
             $return_string .= " from: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->date_from . ' ' . $this->time_from));
         if ($this->date_to) {
             if ($this->date_from) {
                 $return_string .= ' and';
             $return_string .= ' Before ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->date_to . ' ' . $this->time_to));
     $res = $this->prepareList(0);
     if (!$res['list']) {
         $return_string .= "\n\nList is empty";
     } else {
         $prepared_res = array();
         foreach ($res['list'] as $key => $value) {
             $prepared_res[] = array('Message' => $value['message'], 'Added' => $value['created'], 'St Id' => $value['station_id_code'] ? $value['station_id_code'] : 'Unknown', 'St Name' => $value['station_id_code'] ? $value['display_name'] : 'Unknown', 'St Type' => $value['station_id_code'] ? $value['station_type'] : 'No', 'Has Errors?' => $value['errors'] ? 'Fatal errors. Was not processed.' : 'No', 'Has Warnings?' => $value['warnings'] ? 'Data from some sensors were not processed.' : 'No', 'Errors Description' => addslashes($value['errors'] ? implode(' ; ', $value['errors']) : 'No'), 'Warnings Description' => addslashes($value['warnings'] ? implode(' ; ', $value['warnings']) : 'No'));
         $return_string .= "\n\n" . It::prepareStringCSV($prepared_res);
     It::downloadFile($return_string, 'export_history__' . date('Y-m-d_Hi') . '.csv', 'text/csv');