public function __construct () { parent::__construct(); $this->SetName(GetLang($this->id . '_name')); Interspire_Event::bind('Interspire_EmailIntegration_MailChimp/error', array($this, 'onApiError')); }
public function CommitSettings(&$messages=array()) { // If the shop path has changed normalize it and set the app path too if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ShopPath']) && $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ShopPath'] != GetConfig('ShopPath')) { $parsedPath = ParseShopPath($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ShopPath']); $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ShopPath'] = $parsedPath['shopPath']; // add an event to resubscribe to ebay notifications since the notification url will now be different if (ISC_ADMIN_EBAY::checkEbayConfig()) { Interspire_Event::bind('settings_updated', array('ISC_ADMIN_EBAY', 'resubscribeNotifications')); } } // normalize our shared ssl path if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SharedSSLPath']) && trim($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SharedSSLPath'])) { $ssl_path_parts = parse_url($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SharedSSLPath']); if (!isset($ssl_path_parts['path'])) { $ssl_path_parts['path'] = ''; } $ssl_path_parts['path'] = rtrim($ssl_path_parts['path'], '/'); // Workout the Shop Path $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SharedSSLPath'] = 'https://' . $ssl_path_parts['host']; if (isset($ssl_path_parts['port']) && $ssl_path_parts['port'] != '443') { $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SharedSSLPath'] .= ':'.$ssl_path_parts['port']; } $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SharedSSLPath'] .= $ssl_path_parts['path']; } // normalize our subdomain ssl path if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SubdomainSSLPath']) && trim($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SubdomainSSLPath'])) { $ssl_path_parts = parse_url($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SubdomainSSLPath']); if (!isset($ssl_path_parts['path'])) { $ssl_path_parts['path'] = ''; } $ssl_path_parts['path'] = rtrim($ssl_path_parts['path'], '/'); // Workout the Shop Path $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SubdomainSSLPath'] = 'https://' . $ssl_path_parts['host']; if (isset($ssl_path_parts['port']) && $ssl_path_parts['port'] != '443') { $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SubdomainSSLPath'] .= ':'.$ssl_path_parts['port']; } $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['SubdomainSSLPath'] .= $ssl_path_parts['path']; } if (!isset($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG'])) { $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG'] = array(); } $directories = array( 'ImageDirectory' => 'product_images', 'DownloadDirectory' => 'product_downloads' ); foreach($directories as $directory => $default) { if(isset($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG'][$directory])) { $newDirectory = ISC_BASE_PATH.'/'.$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG'][$directory]; if(!$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG'][$directory] || !is_dir($newDirectory)) { $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG'][$directory] = $default; } } } // Wht we're doing here is we copy the current configuration in to another variable and // then load the store configuration file again. We do this to prevent any settings // that may have temporarily been modified in memory from propagating to the configuration // file. We then revert back to the in memory settings $memoryConfig = $GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']; unset($GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']); require ISC_CONFIG_FILE; $originalConfig = $GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']; $GLOBALS['ISC_CFG'] = $memoryConfig; $GLOBALS['ISC_SAVE_CFG'] = array_merge($originalConfig, $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']); // Save the var_exported vars in the globals array temporarily for saving foreach ($this->all_vars as $var) { if (!array_key_exists($var, $GLOBALS['ISC_SAVE_CFG'])) { if(array_key_exists($var, $memoryConfig)) { $GLOBALS[$var] = var_export($memoryConfig[$var], true); } else { $GLOBALS[$var] = "null"; } } else { $GLOBALS[$var] = var_export($GLOBALS['ISC_SAVE_CFG'][$var], true); } } $config_data = $this->template->render('config.file.tpl'); $setting_string = "<" . "?php\n\n"; $setting_string .= "\t// Last Updated: ".isc_date("jS M Y @ g:i A") . "\n"; $setting_string .= $config_data; if (!defined("ISC_CONFIG_FILE") || !defined("ISC_CONFIG_BACKUP_FILE")) { die("Config sanity check failed"); } // Try to copy the current config file to a backup file if (!@copy(ISC_CONFIG_FILE, ISC_CONFIG_BACKUP_FILE)) { isc_chmod(ISC_CONFIG_BACKUP_FILE, ISC_WRITEABLE_FILE_PERM); $messages = array(GetLang('CouldntBackupConfig') => MSG_INFO); } // Try to write to the config file if (!is_writable(ISC_CONFIG_FILE)) { $this->error = GetLang('CouldntSaveConfig'); return false; } if (!($fp = @fopen(ISC_CONFIG_FILE, "wb+"))) { $this->error = GetLang('CouldntSaveConfig'); return false; } if (@fwrite($fp, $setting_string)) { fclose($fp); $prevCatListDepth = GetConfig('CategoryListDepth'); // Include the config file again to initialize the new values include(ISC_CONFIG_FILE); if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['CategoryListDepth']) && $GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['CategoryListDepth'] != $prevCatListDepth) { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DATA_STORE']->UpdateRootCategories(); } // trigger any events that should run after the settings have been saved Interspire_Event::trigger('settings_updated'); return true; } fclose($fp); $this->error = GetLang('CouldntSaveConfig'); return false; }
/** * Actually connect to the server and call the requested methods, parsing the result * You should never have to call this public function manually * * This is an override of the MCAPI callServer method to use ISC's network code. Since it's now using ISC, the error codes produced may not match MCAPI documents. * * @param string $method * @param array $params * @param int $timeout * @return string|bool resulting response body on success, or false on failure */ public function callServer($method, $params, $timeout = self::MCAPI_TIMEOUT) { $dc = "us1"; if (strstr($this->api_key,"-")){ list($key, $dc) = explode("-",$this->api_key,2); if (!$dc) $dc = "us1"; } $host = $dc.".".$this->apiUrl["host"]; $params["apikey"] = $this->api_key; $this->errorMessage = ""; $this->errorCode = ""; $url = 'http'; if ($this->secure) { $url .= 's'; } $url .= '://' . $host . $this->apiUrl['path'] . '?' . $this->apiUrl['query'] . '&method=' . $method; $requestOptions = new Interspire_Http_RequestOptions; $requestOptions->userAgent = 'MCAPI/' . $this->version . ' (BigCommerce)'; $response = PostToRemoteFileAndGetResponse($url, http_build_query($params), $timeout, $errno, $requestOptions); if (!$response) { $this->errorMessage = "Could not connect (" . $errno . ": " . GetLang('ISC_REMOTEFILE_ERROR_' . $errno) . ")"; $this->errorCode = $errno; Interspire_Event::trigger('Interspire_EmailIntegration_MailChimp/error', array( 'method' => $method, 'params' => $params, 'api' => $this, )); return false; } if (ini_get("magic_quotes_runtime")) { $response = stripslashes($response); } $serial = unserialize($response); if($response && $serial === false) { $response = array("error" => "Bad Response. Got This: " . $response, "code" => "-99"); } else { $response = $serial; } if(is_array($response) && isset($response["error"])) { $this->errorMessage = $response["error"]; $this->errorCode = $response["code"]; Interspire_Event::trigger('Interspire_EmailIntegration_MailChimp/error', array( 'method' => $method, 'params' => $params, 'api' => $this, )); return false; } return $response; }