예제 #1
 public function actionRemove_selected()
     if ($_GET['boat_id'] != '') {
         $boat_id = explode(',', $_GET['boat_id']);
         //$room = Room::model()->findByPk($room_id); // assuming there is a post whose ID is 10
예제 #2
 function setUpRelationalModel()
     $parentDocs = array(array('username' => 'sam', 'job_title' => 'awesome guy'), array('username' => 'john', 'job_title' => 'co-awesome guy'), array('username' => 'dan', 'job_title' => 'programmer'), array('username' => 'lewis', 'job_title' => 'programmer'), array('username' => 'ant', 'job_title' => 'programmer'));
     $childDocs = array(array('name' => 'jogging'), array('name' => 'computers'), array('name' => 'biking'), array('name' => 'drinking'), array('name' => 'partying'), array('name' => 'cars'));
     $docsLinkedByDBRef = array(array('name' => 'python'), array('name' => 'java'), array('name' => 'php'), array('name' => 'lisp'), array('name' => 'C'), array('name' => 'Objective C'), array('name' => 'C++'), array('name' => 'ruby'));
     foreach (array(array('class' => 'Interest', 'data' => $childDocs), array('class' => 'Skill', 'data' => $docsLinkedByDBRef)) as $subgroup) {
         foreach ($subgroup['data'] as $doc) {
             $i = new $subgroup['class']();
             foreach ($doc as $k => $v) {
                 $i->{$k} = $v;
     // Lets make sure those child docs actually went in
     $skills = iterator_to_array(Skill::model()->find());
     $this->assertTrue(count($skills) > 0);
     $c = Interest::model()->find();
     $this->assertTrue($c->count() > 0);
     // Let's build an array of the all the _ids of the child docs
     $interest_ids = array();
     foreach ($c as $row) {
         $interest_ids[] = $row->_id;
     // Create the users with each doc having the value of the interest ids
     $user_ids = array();
     foreach ($parentDocs as $doc) {
         $u = new User();
         foreach ($doc as $k => $v) {
             $u->{$k} = $v;
         $u->interests = $interest_ids;
         //Let`s take random skill as primary for this user
         $primarySkill = $skills[array_rand($skills)]->_id;
         $u->mainSkill = MongoDBRef::create(Skill::model()->collectionName(), $primarySkill);
         //Now, lets pick array of secondary skills
         $allSecondarySkills = array();
         foreach (array_rand($skills, rand(3, 5)) as $secondarySkill) {
             if ($secondarySkill == $primarySkill) {
             array_push($allSecondarySkills, MongoDBRef::create(Skill::model()->collectionName(), $skills[$secondarySkill]->_id));
         $u->otherSkills = $allSecondarySkills;
         $user_ids[] = $u->_id;
     $interests = array_values(iterator_to_array($c));
     // Now 50^6 times re-insert each interest with a parnt user _id
     // So we have two forms of the document in interests, one without the parent user and one with
     for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) {
         $randInt = rand(0, sizeof($interests) - 1);
         $row = $interests[$randInt];
         $randPos = rand(0, sizeof($user_ids) - 1);
         $row->i_id = $user_ids[$randPos];
         $row->_id = null;
     // we will assume the set up was successful and we will leave it to further testing to see
     // whether it really was.
예제 #3
 public function actionGet_data()
     //      var_dump($_POST);
     $count = Interest::model()->count();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     if ($_POST['searchPhrase'] != '') {
         $criteria->condition = 'title like ' . '"%' . $_POST['searchPhrase'] . '%" or  port like ' . '"%' . $_POST['searchPhrase'] . '%"';
     if (isset($_POST['sort']['id'])) {
         $criteria->order = " id  {$_POST['sort']['id']} ";
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['sort']['title'])) {
             $criteria->order = "title {$_POST['sort']['title']} ";
         } else {
             if (isset($_POST['sort']['port'])) {
                 $criteria->order = "port {$_POST['sort']['port']} ";
     $criteria->limit = $_POST['rowCount'];
     $criteria->offset = (intval($_POST['current']) - 1) * $_POST['rowCount'];
     $model = Interest::model()->findAll($criteria);
     //      var_dump($model);
     $arr = array();
     foreach ($model as $o) {
         $json = array('id' => intval($o->id), 'title' => $o->title, 'port' => $o->port);
         array_push($arr, $json);
     //      var_dump( $arr);
     echo json_encode(array('rowCount' => $_POST['rowCount'], 'current' => $_POST['current'], 'rows' => $arr, 'total' => $count));