예제 #1
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ connection_log tablosuna yeni bir kayıt oluşturur.  !!
  * @version v 1.0  10.03.2016
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function insert($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectLogFactory');
         $userId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($userId)) {
             $userIdValue = $userId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $addSql = " op_user_id,";
             $addSqlValue = " " . intval($userIdValue) . ", ";
         $sql = "\n                INSERT INTO connection_log(\n                       pk, \n                       type_id,\n                       log_datetime,\n                       url, \n                       path, \n                       ip, \n                       params,\n                       " . $addSql . " \n                       method\n                       \n                       )\n                VALUES (\n                        :pk,\n                        :type_id,\n                        :log_datetime,\n                        :url, \n                        :path, \n                        :ip, \n                        :params,\n                        " . $addSqlValue . " \n                        :method                       \n                                             )   ";
         $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
         $statement->bindValue(':pk', $params['pk'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $statement->bindValue(':type_id', $params['type_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
         $statement->bindValue(':log_datetime', $params['log_datetime'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $statement->bindValue(':url', $params['url'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $statement->bindValue(':path', $params['path'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $statement->bindValue(':ip', $params['ip'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $statement->bindValue(':params', $params['params'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $statement->bindValue(':method', $params['method'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
         echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
         $result = $statement->execute();
         $insertID = $pdo->lastInsertId('connection_log_id_seq');
         $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
         if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
             throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
         return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "lastInsertId" => $insertID);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ Quest için npk lı firmanın danısman tarafından onaylanmış kayıtların sayısını döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  24.06.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillUserProductsServicesNpkQuestRtc($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $getUserIdValue = NULL;
         $getUser = InfoUsers::getUserIdsForNetworkKey(array('network_key' => $params['network_key']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($getUser)) {
             $getUserIdValue = $getUser['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $sql = " \n                    SELECT \n                       COUNT(a.id) AS count\n                    FROM info_users_products_services a\n                    INNER JOIN info_users_detail iud ON iud.root_id = a.user_id AND iud.active = 0 AND iud.deleted = 0 AND iud.language_parent_id =0\n                    INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = iud.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0                    \n                    INNER JOIN info_users iu ON iu.id = a.user_id \n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_unspsc_codes suc ON suc.id = a.unspsc_codes_id AND suc.active = 0 AND suc.deleted = 0 AND suc.language_id =l.id AND suc.language_parent_id =0 \t\t    \n\t\t    WHERE \n                        a.user_id = " . intval($getUserIdValue) . " AND\n                        a.cons_allow_id =2 AND \n\t\t\ta.profile_public = 0 \n\t\t    ORDER BY unspsc_name\n                ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'unpk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #3
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ sys_osb_person tablosundan parametre olarak  gelen id kaydın aktifliğini
  *  0(aktif) ise 1 , 1 (pasif) ise 0  yapar. !!
  * @version v 1.0  29.08.2016
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function makeActiveOrPassive($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             if (isset($params['id']) && $params['id'] != "") {
                 $sql = "                 \n                UPDATE sys_osb_person\n                SET active = (  SELECT   \n                                CASE active\n                                    WHEN 0 THEN 1\n                                    ELSE 0\n                                END activex\n                                FROM sys_osb_person\n                                WHERE id = " . intval($params['id']) . "\n                ),\n                op_user_id = " . intval($opUserIdValue) . "\n                WHERE id = " . intval($params['id']);
                 $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
                 //  echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
                 $update = $statement->execute();
                 $afterRows = $statement->rowCount();
                 $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
                 if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                     throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             $xc = $this->makeActiveOrPassiveInfoUsers(array('id' => $params['id'], 'op_user_id' => $opUserIdValue));
             if ($xc['errorInfo'][0] != "00000" && $xc['errorInfo'][1] != NULL && $xc['errorInfo'][2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($xc['errorInfo']);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $afterRows);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #4
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ firmanın sözel verilerinin danısman bilgisini döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  23.05.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function getFirmVerbalConsultant($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $getFirm = InfoFirmProfile::getCheckIsThisFirmRegisteredUser(array('cpk' => $params['cpk'], 'op_user_id' => $opUserIdValue));
             if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($getFirm)) {
                 $getFirmId = $getFirm['resultSet'][0]['firm_id'];
                 $languageId = NULL;
                 $languageIdValue = 647;
                 if (isset($params['language_code']) && $params['language_code'] != "") {
                     $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
                     if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                         $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
                 $sql = "\n                SELECT DISTINCT \n                    a.id AS firm_id,                          \n                    ifv.consultant_id,                   \n                    iud.name, \n                    iud.surname,\n                    iud.auth_email, \n                    ifk.network_key,\n\t\t    CASE COALESCE(NULLIF(TRIM(iud.picture), ''),'-') \n                        WHEN '-' THEN CONCAT(COALESCE(NULLIF(concat(sps.folder_road,'/'), '/'),''),sps.members_folder,'/' ,'image_not_found.png')\n                        ELSE CONCAT(COALESCE(NULLIF(concat(sps.folder_road,'/'), '/'),''),sps.members_folder,'/' ,TRIM(iud.picture)) END AS cons_picture \n                FROM info_firm_profile a\n                INNER JOIN sys_project_settings sps ON sps.op_project_id = 1 AND sps.active =0 AND sps.deleted =0 \n                INNER JOIN info_firm_keys ifk ON ifk.firm_id =  a.act_parent_id \n                INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = a.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0 \n                LEFT JOIN sys_language lx ON lx.id = " . intval($languageIdValue) . " AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0 \n\t\tLEFT JOIN info_firm_profile ax ON (ax.id = a.id OR ax.language_parent_id = a.id) AND ax.language_id = lx.id AND ax.active =0 AND ax.deleted =0\n\t\tINNER JOIN info_firm_verbal ifv ON ifv.firm_id = ifk.firm_id AND ifv.deleted = 0 AND ifv.active =0 AND ifv.language_parent_id=0  \n\t\tLEFT JOIN info_firm_verbal ifvx ON (ifvx.id = ifv.id OR ifvx.language_parent_id = ifv.id) AND ifvx.deleted = 0 AND ifvx.active =0 AND ifvx.language_id = lx.id\n                INNER JOIN info_users u ON u.id = ifv.consultant_id AND u.role_id in (1,2,6)\n                INNER JOIN info_users_detail iud ON iud.root_id = u.id AND iud.cons_allow_id = 2    \n                WHERE    \n                    a.act_parent_id = " . intval($getFirmId) . "  \n                ORDER BY  iud.name, iud.surname \n                ";
                 $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
                 //   echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
                 $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                 $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
                 if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                     throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
                 return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
             } else {
                 $errorInfo = '23502';
                 // 23502  not_null_violation
                 $errorInfoColumn = 'cpk';
                 return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         //$debugSQLParams = $statement->debugDumpParams();
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN     
  * @ info_users_addresses tablosundan parametre olarak  gelen id kaydın active alanını 1 yapar ve 
  * yeni yeni kayıt oluşturarak deleted ve active = 1 olarak  yeni kayıt yapar. ! 
  * @version v 1.0  02.02.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function deletedActTemp($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $userId = InfoUsers::getUserIdTemp(array('pktemp' => $params['pktemp']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($userId)) {
             $userIdValue = $userId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $addSql = "";
             $addSqlValue = "";
             if (isset($params['act_parent_id'])) {
                 $act_parent_id = intval($params['act_parent_id']);
                 $addSql .= " act_parent_id, ";
                 if ($act_parent_id == 0) {
                     $act_parent_id = intval($params['id']);
                 $addSqlValue .= intval($act_parent_id) . ", ";
             if (isset($params['operation_type_id'])) {
                 $addSql .= " operation_type_id, ";
                 $addSqlValue .= intval($params['operation_type_id']) . ", ";
             $this->makePassive(array('id' => $params['id']));
             $statementInsert = $pdo->prepare(" \n                    INSERT INTO info_users_addresses (\n                        user_id,                        \n                        active, \n                        deleted,\n                        op_user_id, \n                        " . $addSql . "\n                        \n                        language_code, \n                        language_id,\n                        address_type_id, \n                        address1, \n                        address2, \n                        postal_code, \n                        country_id, \n                        city_id, \n                        borough_id, \n                        city_name, \n                        description, \n                        description_eng\n                        profile_public,\n                        \n                        f_check, \n                        consultant_id,\n                        consultant_confirm_type_id, \n                        confirm_id,                        \n                        language_parent_id ,\n                        history_parent_id,\n                        consultant_id,\n                        consultant_confirm_type_id,\n                        confirm_id,\n                        act_parent_id\n                        )    \n                        \n                    SELECT\n                        user_id,\n                        1 AS active,  \n                        1 AS deleted, \n                        " . intval($userIdValue) . " AS op_user_id,  \n                        " . $addSqlValue . " \n                            \n                        language_code, \n                        language_id,\n                        address_type_id, \n                        address1, \n                        address2, \n                        postal_code, \n                        country_id, \n                        city_id, \n                        borough_id, \n                        city_name, \n                        description, \n                        description_eng\n                        profile_public,    \n\n                        f_check,                \n                        consultant_id, \n                        consultant_confirm_type_id, \n                        confirm_id,                        \n                        language_parent_id ,\n                        history_parent_id,\n                        consultant_id,\n                        consultant_confirm_type_id,\n                        confirm_id,\n                        act_parent_id\n                    FROM info_users_addresses \n                    WHERE id  =" . intval($params['id']) . "    \n                    )");
             $insertAct = $statementInsert->execute();
             $affectedRows = $statementInsert->rowCount();
             $errorInfo = $statementInsert->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $affectedRows);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             /// 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk / op_user_id';
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ info_firm_profile tablosuna yeni bir kayıt oluşturur.  !!
  * @version v 1.0  06.01.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function insertTemp($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserIdTemp(array('pktemp' => $params['pktemp']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $kontrol = $this->haveRecords($params);
             if (!\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($kontrol)) {
                 $addSql = " op_user_id, ";
                 $addSqlValue = " " . $opUserIdValue . ",";
                 $addSql .= " operation_type_id,  ";
                 $addSqlValue .= " 1,";
                 $addSql .= " owner_user_id,  ";
                 $addSqlValue .= " " . $opUserIdValue . ",";
                 $getConsultant = SysOsbConsultants::getConsultantIdForCompany(array('category_id' => 1));
                 if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($getConsultant)) {
                     $ConsultantId = $getConsultant['resultSet'][0]['consultant_id'];
                 } else {
                     $ConsultantId = 1001;
                 $addSql .= " consultant_id,  ";
                 $addSqlValue .= " " . intval($ConsultantId) . ",";
                 if (isset($params['foundation_year']) && $params['foundation_year'] != "") {
                     $foundationYear = $params['foundation_year'];
                     $addSql .= " foundation_year,  ";
                     $addSqlValue .= " '" . $foundationYear . "',";
                 $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
                 if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                     $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
                 } else {
                     $languageIdValue = 647;
                 $addSql .= " language_id, ";
                 $addSqlValue .= " " . intval($languageIdValue) . ",";
                 $sql = " \n                   INSERT INTO info_firm_profile(\n                        profile_public, \n                        country_id,                    \n                        firm_name, \n                        web_address, \n                        tax_office, \n                        tax_no, \n                        sgk_sicil_no, \n                        ownership_status_id,                         \n                        language_code,                         \n                         " . $addSql . "                     \n                        firm_name_short,\n                        act_parent_id,                      \n                        description,\n                        description_eng,\n                        duns_number\n                        )\n                VALUES (\n                        " . intval($params['profile_public']) . ", \n                        " . intval($params['country_id']) . ",                     \n                        :firm_name, \n                        :web_address, \n                        :tax_office, \n                        :tax_no, \n                        :sgk_sicil_no, \n                        " . intval($params['ownership_status_id']) . ",                         \n                        :language_code,                         \n                         " . $addSqlValue . "                     \n                        :firm_name_short,\n                        (SELECT last_value FROM info_firm_profile_id_seq),                   \n                        :description,\n                        :description_eng,\n                        :duns_number\n                                            )    ";
                 $statementInsert = $pdo->prepare($sql);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':firm_name', $params['firm_name'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':web_address', $params['web_address'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':tax_office', $params['tax_office'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':tax_no', $params['tax_no'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':sgk_sicil_no', $params['sgk_sicil_no'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':language_code', $params['language_code'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':firm_name_short', $params['firm_name_short'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':description', $params['description'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':description_eng', $params['description_eng'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statementInsert->bindValue(':duns_number', $params['duns_number'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $result = $statementInsert->execute();
                 $insertID = $pdo->lastInsertId('info_firm_profile_id_seq');
                 $errorInfo = $statementInsert->errorInfo();
                 if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                     throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
                 return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "lastInsertId" => $insertID);
             } else {
                 // 23505  unique_violation
                 $errorInfo = '23505';
                 $errorInfoColumn = 'firm_name';
                 return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ npk lı firmanın danısman tarafından onaylanmış kayıtların sayısını döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  30.05.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillFirmSectorNpkRtc($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $userId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($userId)) {
             // $opUserIdValue = $userId ['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $firmIdValue = NULL;
             $getFirm = InfoFirmProfile::getFirmIdsForNetworkKey(array('network_key' => $params['network_key']));
             if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($getFirm)) {
                 $firmIdValue = $getFirm['resultSet'][0]['firm_id'];
                 $sql = " \n                    SELECT \n                        COUNT(a.id) AS count \n                    FROM info_firm_sectoral a\n                    INNER JOIN info_users u ON u.id = a.op_user_id\n                    INNER JOIN info_firm_profile fp ON fp.act_parent_id = a.firm_id AND fp.cons_allow_id=2 AND fp.language_parent_id =0\n                    INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = fp.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0                    \n                    INNER JOIN info_firm_keys ifk ON fp.act_parent_id = ifk.firm_id  \n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_sectors ss ON ss.id = a.sector_id AND ss.deleted =0 AND ss.active =0 AND ss.language_parent_id =0                    \n\t\t    WHERE \n                        a.firm_id =  " . intval($firmIdValue) . " AND\n                        a.cons_allow_id =2 AND\n\t\t\ta.profile_public=0\t    \t                              \n                            ";
                 $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
                 //echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
                 $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                 $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
                 if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                     throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
                 return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
             } else {
                 $errorInfo = '23502';
                 // 23502  not_null_violation
                 $errorInfoColumn = 'npk';
                 return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  user_id not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #8
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ sys_countrys tablosuna yeni bir kayıt oluşturur.  !!
  * @version v 1.0  08.12.2015
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function insert($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $kontrol = $this->haveRecords($params);
             if (!\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($kontrol)) {
                 $languageId = NULL;
                 $languageIdValue = 647;
                 if (isset($params['language_code']) && $params['language_code'] != "") {
                     $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
                     if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                         $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
                 $statement = $pdo->prepare("\n                INSERT INTO sys_countrys(\n                        name, \n                        name_eng, \n                        language_id,  \n                        op_user_id, \n                        flag_icon_road, \n                        country_code2,\n                        country_code3,   \n                        priority)\n                VALUES (\n                        :name,\n                        :name_eng, \n                        " . intval($languageIdValue) . ",\n                        " . intval($opUserIdValue) . ",\n                        :user_id,\n                        :flag_icon_road,                       \n                        :country_code2,\n                        :country_code3,  \n                        :priority \n                                              )  ");
                 $statement->bindValue(':name', $params['name'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':name_eng', $params['name_eng'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':flag_icon_road', $params['flag_icon_road'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':country_code2', $params['country_code2'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':country_code3', $params['country_code3'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':priority', $params['priority'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 $result = $statement->execute();
                 $insertID = $pdo->lastInsertId('sys_countrys_id_seq');
                 $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
                 if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                     throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
                 return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "lastInsertId" => $insertID);
             } else {
                 $errorInfo = '23505';
                 $result = $kontrol;
                 return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '');
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ Gridi doldurmak için consultant ların yaptığı operasyon kayıtlarını döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  08.02.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function getConsOpDetailedReviewForUser($params = array())
     if (isset($params['page']) && $params['page'] != "" && isset($params['rows']) && $params['rows'] != "") {
         $offset = (intval($params['page']) - 1) * intval($params['rows']);
         $limit = intval($params['rows']);
     } else {
         $limit = 10;
         $offset = 0;
     $sortArr = array();
     $orderArr = array();
     if (isset($params['sort']) && $params['sort'] != "") {
         $sort = trim($params['sort']);
         $sortArr = explode(",", $sort);
         if (count($sortArr) === 1) {
             $sort = trim($params['sort']);
     } else {
         $sort = "fp.s_date ASC, fp.c_date";
     if (isset($params['order']) && $params['order'] != "") {
         $order = trim($params['order']);
         $orderArr = explode(",", $order);
         if (count($orderArr) === 1) {
             $order = trim($params['order']);
     } else {
         $order = "ASC";
     // sql query dynamic for filter operations
     $sorguStr = null;
     if (isset($params['filterRules'])) {
         $filterRules = trim($params['filterRules']);
         $jsonFilter = json_decode($filterRules, true);
         $sorguExpression = null;
         foreach ($jsonFilter as $std) {
             if ($std['value'] != null) {
                 switch (trim($std['field'])) {
                     case 'operation_type_id':
                         $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\' ';
                         $sorguStr .= ' AND fpu.username' . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                     case 'company_name':
                         $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                         $sorguStr .= ' AND fp.firm_name' . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                     case 's_date':
                         $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                         $sorguStr .= 'AND TO_CHAR(fp.s_date, \'DD/MM/YYYY\')' . $sorguExpression . ' ';
     } else {
         $sorguStr = null;
         $filterRules = "";
     $sorguStr = rtrim($sorguStr, "AND ");
     //if($sorguStr!="") $sorguStr = "WHERE ".$sorguStr;
     try {
         $pdo = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $sql = "\n                SELECT \n                    fp.id AS id, \n                    fpu.s_date, \n                    fp.firm_name AS company_name, \n                    fpu.username AS username \n                FROM sys_osb_consultants a   \n                LEFT JOIN info_firm_profile fp ON fp.consultant_id = a.user_id AND fp.deleted = 0 \n                INNER JOIN info_users fpu ON fpu.id = fp.op_user_id    \n                WHERE fpu.auth_allow_id = 0 AND \n                \n                     a.user_id =" . intval($opUserIdValue) . "                                                \n                " . $sorguStr . "\n                ORDER BY    " . $sort . " " . "" . $order . " " . "LIMIT " . $pdo->quote($limit) . " " . "OFFSET " . $pdo->quote($offset) . " ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             // echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         //$debugSQLParams = $statement->debugDumpParams();
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #10
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * sys_unit_systems tablosuna parametre olarak gelen id deki kaydın bilgilerini günceller   !!
  * @version v 1.0  05.03.2016
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function update($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $kontrol = $this->haveRecords($params);
             if (!\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($kontrol)) {
                 $languageId = NULL;
                 $languageIdValue = 647;
                 if (isset($params['language_code']) && $params['language_code'] != "") {
                     $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
                     if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                         $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
                 $sql = "\n                UPDATE sys_unit_systems\n                SET                     \n                    system_eng  = :system_eng,                     \n                    system  = :system,                                                             \n                    op_user_id = :op_user_id                  \n                WHERE id = " . intval($params['id']);
                 $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
                 $statement->bindValue(':system_eng', $params['system_eng'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':system', $params['system'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':op_user_id', $opUserIdValue, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 //   echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
                 $update = $statement->execute();
                 $affectedRows = $statement->rowCount();
                 $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
                 if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                     throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
                 return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $affectedRows);
             } else {
                 // 23505 	unique_violation
                 $errorInfo = '23505';
                 $errorInfoColumn = 'system';
                 return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #11
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * sys_language tablosuna parametre olarak gelen id deki kaydın bilgilerini günceller   !!
  * @version v 1.0  07.12.2015
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function update($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $kontrol = $this->haveRecords($params);
             if (!\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($kontrol)) {
                 $statement = $pdo->prepare("\n                UPDATE sys_language\n                SET              \n                    country_name = :country_name, \n                    country_name_eng = :country_name_eng, \n                    country_id  = :country_id, \n                    language_parent_id  = :language_parent_id, \n                    icon_road  = :icon_road, \n                    op_user_id  = " . intval($opUserIdValue) . ",\n                    country_code3  = :country_code3, \n                    link  = :link, \n                    language_code  = :language_code, \n                    language_id  = :language_id, \n                    parent_id  = :parent_id, \n                    language_eng  = :language_eng, \n                    language_main_code  = :language_main_code, \n                    language  = :language, \n                    priority  = :priority\n                WHERE id = :id");
                 //Bind our value to the parameter :id.
                 $statement->bindValue(':id', $params['id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 //Bind our :model parameter.
                 $statement->bindValue(':country_name', $params['country_name'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':country_name_eng', $params['country_name_eng'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':country_id', $params['country_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 $statement->bindValue(':language_parent_id', $params['language_parent_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 $statement->bindValue(':icon_road', $params['icon_road'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':country_code3', $params['country_code3'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':link', $params['link'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':language_code', $params['language_code'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 $statement->bindValue(':language_id', $params['language_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 $statement->bindValue(':parent_id', $params['parent_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 $statement->bindValue(':language_eng', $params['language_eng'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':language_main_code', $params['language_main_code'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':language', $params['language'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $statement->bindValue(':priority', $params['priority'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 //Execute our UPDATE statement.
                 $update = $statement->execute();
                 $affectedRows = $statement->rowCount();
                 $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
                 if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                     throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
                 return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $affectedRows);
             } else {
                 // 23505  unique_violation
                 $errorInfo = '23505';
                 $errorInfoColumn = 'language_code';
                 // $result = $kontrol;
                 return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * delete olayında önce kaydın active özelliğini pasif e olarak değiştiriyoruz. 
  * daha sonra deleted= 1 ve active = 1 olan kaydı oluşturuyor. 
  * böylece tablo içerisinde loglama mekanizması için gerekli olan kayıt oluşuyor.
  * @version 10.08.2016 
  * @param type $id
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws PDOException
 public function deletedAct($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $this->makePassive(array('id' => $params['id']));
             $operationIdValue = 3;
             $sql = "  \n                    INSERT INTO info_firm_consultants(\n                        firm_id,\n                        user_id,                     \n                        op_user_id, \n                        operation_type_id,                                        \n                        act_parent_id,\n                        deleted\n                        )\n                        SELECT  \n                            firm_id,\n                            user_id,\n                            " . intval($opUserIdValue) . " AS op_user_id, \n                            " . intval($operationIdValue) . " AS operation_type_id,                             \n                            act_parent_id,\n                            1 \n                        FROM info_firm_consultants \n                        WHERE id =  " . intval($params['id']) . " \n                        ";
             $statement_act_insert = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             // echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $insert_act_insert = $statement_act_insert->execute();
             $affectedRows = $statement_act_insert->rowCount();
             $insertID = $pdo->lastInsertId('info_firm_consultants_id_seq');
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $affectedRows);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * sys_acl_action_rrp_restservices tablosuna parametre olarak gelen id deki kaydın bilgilerini günceller   !!
  * @version v 1.0  16-08-2016
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function update($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $kontrol = $this->haveRecords($params);
             if (!\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($kontrol)) {
                 $sql = "\n                UPDATE sys_acl_action_rrp_restservices\n                SET  \n                    rrp_id = " . intval($params['rrp_id']) . ",\n                    restservices_id = " . intval($params['restservices_id']) . ",\n                    description = '" . $params['description'] . "',\n                    op_user_id = " . intval($opUserIdValue) . "\n                WHERE id = " . intval($params['id']);
                 $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
                 //  echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
                 $update = $statement->execute();
                 $affectedRows = $statement->rowCount();
                 $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
                 if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                     throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
                 return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $affectedRows);
             } else {
                 $errorInfo = '23505';
                 $errorInfoColumn = 'restservice';
                 return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ Danışmanın onay bekleyen firmalarının bilgilerini döndürür  !!
  * @version v 1.0  05.02.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function getConsWaitingForConfirm($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $languageId = NULL;
             $languageIdValue = 647;
             if (isset($params['language_code']) && $params['language_code'] != "") {
                 $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
                 if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                     $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
             $sql = "                   \n                SELECT \n                    id,\n                    operation_type_id,\n                    operation_name AS aciklama,\n                    operation_name,\n                    operation_name_eng,\t\n                    category_id,\n                    category,\n                    category_eng,\t \n                    table_name, \n                    table_column_id,   \n                    membership_types_id,\n                    membership_types_name,\n                    membership_types_name_eng,\n                    sys_membership_periods_id,   \t\t\t\n                    period_name,\t\t\t\n                    period_name_eng,\n                    preferred_language_id,\n                    preferred_language,\n                    language_id,\n                    language_name,\n                    op_user_id,\n                    op_user_name,\n                    cons_id,\n                    cons_name,\t\t\t\t\t\t \n                    op_cons_id,\n                    op_cons_name,\n                    cons_operation_type_id,\n                    cons_operation_name,\n                    cons_operation_name_eng,\n\t\t    CASE\n                        WHEN sure_int > 50000 THEN CAST(SUBSTRING(sure FROM 1 FOR POSITION(' ' IN sure )-1 ) AS integer)\n                    ELSE 0 \n                    END AS sure,\n                    s_date,\n                    c_date,\n                    priority\n                FROM ( \n                    SELECT \n                        a.id,\n                        a.operation_type_id,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(sotx.operation_name, ''), sot.operation_name_eng) AS operation_name,\n                        sot.operation_name_eng,\n                        sot.category_id,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(soccx.category, ''), socc.category_eng) AS category,\n                        socc.category_eng,\n                        sot.table_name,\n                        a.table_column_id,\n                        smt.id AS membership_types_id,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(smtx.mem_type, ''), smt.mem_type_eng) AS membership_types_name,\n                        smt.mem_type_eng AS membership_types_name_eng,\n                        a.sys_membership_periods_id,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(spx.period_name, ''), sp.period_name_eng) AS period_name,\n                        sp.period_name_eng,\n                        a.preferred_language_id,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(lpx.language, ''), lp.language_eng) AS preferred_language,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(lx.id, NULL), 385) AS language_id,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(lx.language, ''), l.language_eng) AS language_name,\n                        a.op_user_id,\n                        opuc.username AS op_user_name,\n                        a.cons_id,\n                        uc.username AS cons_name,\n                        a.op_cons_id,\n                        u.username AS op_cons_name,\n                        a.cons_operation_type_id,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(sotconsx.operation_name, ''), sotcons.operation_name_eng) AS cons_operation_name,\n                        sotcons.operation_name_eng AS cons_operation_name_eng,\n                        EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM age(a.s_date)) AS sure_int, \n                        CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - a.s_date AS VARCHAR(20)) AS sure,\n                        a.s_date,\n                        a.c_date,\n                        smt.priority\n                    FROM act_process_confirm a\n                    INNER JOIN sys_operation_types sot ON sot.base_id = a.operation_type_id AND sot.active =0 AND sot.deleted = 0 AND sot.language_parent_id =0 \n                    INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = sot.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active = 0\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_language lx ON lx.id = " . intval($languageIdValue) . " AND lx.deleted =0 AND lx.active =0\n                    INNER JOIN sys_language lp ON lp.id = a.preferred_language_id AND lp.deleted =0 AND lp.active = 0\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_language lpx ON (lpx.id = lp.id OR lpx.language_parent_id = lp.id) AND lpx.deleted =0 AND lpx.active =0\n                    INNER JOIN sys_osb_consultant_categories socc ON socc.id= sot.category_id AND socc.active =0 AND socc.deleted = 0 AND socc.language_parent_id =0 AND l.id = socc.language_id \n                    INNER JOIN info_users uc ON uc.id = a.cons_id \n                    INNER JOIN info_users opuc ON opuc.id = a.op_user_id \n                    LEFT JOIN info_users u ON u.id = a.op_cons_id \n                    LEFT JOIN sys_membership_periods smp ON smp.id = a.sys_membership_periods_id\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_membership_types smt ON smt.id = smp.mems_type_id AND smt.language_parent_id =0 AND l.id = smt.language_id\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_membership_types smtx ON (smtx.id = smt.id OR smtx.language_parent_id = smt.id) AND lx.id = smtx.language_id\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_operation_types sotx ON (sotx.id = sot.id OR sotx.language_parent_id = sot.id) AND sotx.deleted =0 AND sotx.active =0 AND lx.id = sotx.language_id\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_osb_consultant_categories soccx ON (soccx.id = socc.id OR soccx.language_parent_id = socc.id) AND soccx.deleted =0 AND soccx.active =0 AND lx.id = soccx.language_id\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_operation_types sotcons ON sotcons.base_id = a.cons_operation_type_id AND sotcons.active =0 AND sotcons.deleted = 0 AND sotcons.language_parent_id =0\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_operation_types sotconsx ON (sotconsx.id = sotcons.id OR sotconsx.language_parent_id = sotcons.id) AND sotconsx.deleted =0 AND sotconsx.active =0 AND lx.id = sotconsx.language_id\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_periods sp ON sp.id = smp.period_id AND sp.language_parent_id =0 AND l.id = sp.language_id\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_periods spx ON (spx.id = sp.id OR spx.language_parent_id = sp.id) AND spx.deleted =0 AND spx.active =0 AND lx.id = spx.language_id\n                    WHERE a.cons_id = " . intval($opUserIdValue) . "\n                        AND  a.c_date IS NULL\n                ) AS xtable\n                ORDER BY priority, s_date, membership_types_name , sure desc \n                \n                LIMIT 6\n  \n                    ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             // echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             //return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
             return json_encode($result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * sys_certifications tablosuna parametre olarak gelen id deki kaydın bilgilerini günceller   !!
  * @version v 1.0  29.03.2016
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function update($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $languageId = NULL;
             $languageIdValue = 647;
             if (isset($params['language_code']) && $params['language_code'] != "") {
                 $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
                 if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                     $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
             $addSql = null;
             if (isset($params['priority']) && $params['priority'] != "") {
                 $Priority = $params['priority'];
                 $addSql = " priority = " . intval($Priority) . ",";
             $sql = " \n                UPDATE sys_navigation_left\n                SET                                  \n                    language_id = " . intval($languageIdValue) . ", \n                    certificate = :certificate , \n                    certificate_short = :certificate_short, \n                    description = :description,                     \n                    certificate_eng = :certificate_eng, \n                    certificate_short_eng = :certificate_short_eng, \n                    description_eng = :description_eng,  \n                    logo = :logo,\n                    " . $addSql . "\n                    op_user_id = " . intval($opUserIdValue) . "                  \n                WHERE id = :id";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             $statement->bindValue(':id', $params['id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
             $statement->bindValue(':certificate', $params['certificate'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $statement->bindValue(':certificate_short', $params['certificate_short'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $statement->bindValue(':description', $params['description'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $statement->bindValue(':certificate_eng', $params['certificate_eng'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $statement->bindValue(':certificate_short_eng', $params['certificate_short_eng'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $statement->bindValue(':description_eng', $params['description_eng'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $statement->bindValue(':logo', $params['logo'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             // echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $update = $statement->execute();
             $affectedRows = $statement->rowCount();
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $affectedRows);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #16
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ sys_acl_action_rrp tablosuna yeni bir kayıt oluşturur.  !!
  * @version v 1.0  13.08.2016
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function transferRolesActionPrivilege($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $sql = "  \n               INSERT INTO sys_acl_action_rrp(\n                        role_id, \n                        resource_id, \n                        privilege_id,\n                        op_user_id\n                        )\n                VALUES (\n                        " . intval($params['role_id']) . ", \n                        " . intval($params['resource_id']) . ",\n                        " . intval($params['privilege_id']) . ",\n                        " . intval($opUserIdValue) . "\n                    )";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //  echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->execute();
             $insertID = $pdo->lastInsertId('sys_acl_action_rrp_id_seq');
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "lastInsertId" => $insertID);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ gtip li ürünü üreten firmaların sayısını döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  18.05.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillFirmProductsGtipRtc($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $userId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($userId)) {
             $addSql = NULL;
             if (isset($params['gtip_no_id']) && $params['gtip_no_id'] != "") {
                 $addSql .= " AND a.gtip_no_id = " . intval($params['gtip_no_id']);
             if (isset($params['gtip_key']) && $params['gtip_key'] != "") {
                 $addSql .= " AND sgc.cnkey LIKE '%" . intval($params['gtip_key']) . "%'";
             if (isset($params['gtip']) && $params['gtip'] != "") {
                 $addSql .= " AND LOWER(sgc.description) LIKE LOWER('%" . intval($params['gtip']) . "%')";
             if (isset($params['gtip_eng']) && $params['gtip_eng'] != "") {
                 $addSql .= " AND LOWER(sgc.description_eng) LIKE LOWER('%" . intval($params['gtip_eng']) . "%')";
             if (isset($params['product_name']) && $params['product_name'] != "") {
                 $addSql .= " AND LOWER(a.product_name) LIKE LOWER('%" . intval($params['product_name']) . "%')";
             $sql = " \n                    SELECT \n                        COUNT(a.id) as count\n                    FROM info_firm_products a \n                    INNER JOIN sys_project_settings sps ON sps.op_project_id = 1 AND sps.active =0 AND sps.deleted = 0\n                    INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = a.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active = 0                    \n                    INNER JOIN info_firm_profile fp ON fp.act_parent_id = a.firm_id AND fp.cons_allow_id = 2 AND fp.language_parent_id = 0                    \n                    INNER JOIN info_firm_keys ifk ON fp.act_parent_id = ifk.firm_id  \n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_gtip_codes sgc ON sgc.id = a.gtip_no_id AND sgc.active = 0 AND sgc.deleted = 0 AND sgc.language_id = l.id AND sgc.language_parent_id = 0 \t\t    \n                    WHERE                      \n                        a.cons_allow_id =2 AND \n                        a.language_parent_id = 0 AND\n\t\t\ta.profile_public=0\n\t\t      " . $addSql . "\n\t\t    ORDER BY a.firm_id, product_name \n                         \n                ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  user_id not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ Danışmanın onay bekleyen firmalarının bilgilerini döndürür  !!
  * @version v 1.0  05.02.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function getConsWaitingForConfirm($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $sql = "                   \n               SELECT \n                    aciklama , \n                    CASE\n                        WHEN sure_int > 50000 THEN CAST(SUBSTRING(sure FROM 1 FOR POSITION(' ' IN sure )-1 ) AS integer)\n                    ELSE 0 \n                    END AS sure\n                FROM (\n                    SELECT a.id,\n                        EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM age(a.s_date)) AS sure_int,  \n\t\t\ta.firm_name AS aciklama, \n                       CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - a.s_date AS VARCHAR(20)) AS sure\n                    FROM  info_firm_profile a                 \n                    INNER JOIN info_users u ON u.id = a.consultant_id   \n                    INNER JOIN sys_operation_types op ON op.parent_id = 1 AND a.operation_type_id = op.id AND op.active = 0 AND op.deleted =0\n                    WHERE \n                        a.consultant_id = " . intval($opUserIdValue) . "                     \n                    ) AS asdasd\n                ORDER BY sure DESC\n                LIMIT 6\n  \n                    ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             // echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             //return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
             return json_encode($result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * delete olayında önce kaydın active özelliğini pasif e olarak değiştiriyoruz. 
  * daha sonra deleted= 1 ve active = 1 olan kaydı oluşturuyor. 
  * böylece tablo içerisinde loglama mekanizması için gerekli olan kayıt oluşuyor.
  * @version 09.05.2016 
  * @param type $id
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws PDOException
 public function deletedAct($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $this->makePassive(array('id' => $params['id']));
             $operationIdValue = -3;
             $operationId = SysOperationTypes::getTypeIdToGoOperationId(array('parent_id' => 3, 'main_group' => 3, 'sub_grup_id' => 29, 'type_id' => 3));
             if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($operationId)) {
                 $operationIdValue = $operationId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
             $sql = "  \n                    INSERT INTO info_firm_socialmedia(\n                        firm_id, \n                        profile_public, \n                        op_user_id, \n                        operation_type_id, \n                        consultant_id, \n                        sys_socialmedia_id, \n                        act_parent_id, \n                        firm_link,\n                        active,\n                        deleted\n                        )\n                        SELECT  \n                            firm_id,\n                            profile_public,                           \n                            " . intval($opUserIdValue) . " AS op_user_id,  \n                            " . intval($operationIdValue) . " AS operation_type_id,  \n                            consultant_id, \n                            sys_socialmedia_id,\n                            act_parent_id,                                                   \n                            firm_link,\n                            1,\n                            1    \n                        FROM info_firm_socialmedia \n                        WHERE id =  " . intval($params['id']) . " \n                        ";
             $statement_act_insert = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             // echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $insert_act_insert = $statement_act_insert->execute();
             $affectedRows = $statement_act_insert->rowCount();
             $insertID = $pdo->lastInsertId('info_firm_socialmedia_id_seq');
              * ufak bir trik var. 
              * işlem update oldugunda update işlemini yapan kişinin dil bilgisini kullanıcaz. 
              * ancak delete işlemi oldugunda delete işlemini yapan user in dil bilgisini değil 
              * silinen kaydı yapan kişinin dil bilgisini alıcaz.
             $consIdAndLanguageId = SysOperationTypes::getConsIdAndLanguageId(array('table_name' => 'info_firm_socialmedia', 'id' => $params['id']));
             if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($consIdAndLanguageId)) {
                 $ConsultantId = $consIdAndLanguageId['resultSet'][0]['consultant_id'];
                 $languageIdValue = $consIdAndLanguageId['resultSet'][0]['language_id'];
             $xjobs = ActProcessConfirm::insert(array('op_user_id' => intval($opUserIdValue), 'operation_type_id' => intval($operationIdValue), 'table_column_id' => intval($insertID), 'cons_id' => intval($ConsultantId), 'preferred_language_id' => intval($languageIdValue)));
             if ($xjobs['errorInfo'][0] != "00000" && $xjobs['errorInfo'][1] != NULL && $xjobs['errorInfo'][2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($xjobs['errorInfo']);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $affectedRows);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #20
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ Gridi doldurmak için info_firm_address tablosundan firmanın kayıtlarını döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  09.02.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillSingularFirmAddressRtc($params = array())
     try {
         $addSql = NULL;
         $sorguStr = null;
         if (isset($args['filterRules'])) {
             $filterRules = trim($args['filterRules']);
             $jsonFilter = json_decode($filterRules, true);
             $sorguExpression = null;
             foreach ($jsonFilter as $std) {
                 if ($std['value'] != null) {
                     switch (trim($std['field'])) {
                         case 'firm_name':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\' ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND COALESCE(NULLIF(fpx.firm_name, ''), fp.firm_name_eng)" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'firm_name_eng':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND fp.firm_name_eng" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'firm_building_type':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND COALESCE(NULLIF(sd4x.description, ''), sd4.description_eng)" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'address':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND a.address" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'cons_allow':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND COALESCE(NULLIF(sd14x.description, ''), sd14.description_eng)" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'cons_allow':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND COALESCE(NULLIF(sd14x.description, ''), sd14.description_eng)" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'osb_name':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND osb.name" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'country_name':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND COALESCE(NULLIF(cox.name , ''), co.name_eng)" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'city_name':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND COALESCE(NULLIF(ctx.name , ''), ct.name_eng)" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'borough_name':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND COALESCE(NULLIF(box.name , ''), bo.name_eng)" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
                         case 'operation_name':
                             $sorguExpression = ' ILIKE \'%' . $std['value'] . '%\'  ';
                             $sorguStr .= " AND COALESCE(NULLIF(opx.operation_name, ''), op.operation_name_eng)" . $sorguExpression . ' ';
         } else {
             $sorguStr = null;
             $filterRules = "";
         $sorguStr = rtrim($sorguStr, "AND ");
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $languageId = NULL;
             $languageIdValue = 647;
             if (isset($params['language_code']) && $params['language_code'] != "") {
                 $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
                 if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                     $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
             $networkKeyValue = '-1';
             if (isset($params['network_key']) && $params['network_key'] != "") {
                 $networkKeyValue = $params['network_key'];
             $sql = "\n                    SELECT \n                       count(a.id) AS COUNT  \n                    FROM info_firm_address a                    \n                    INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = a.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_language lx ON lx.id = " . intval($languageIdValue) . " AND lx.deleted =0 AND lx.active =0\n                    LEFT JOIN info_firm_address ax ON (ax.id = a.id OR ax.language_parent_id = a.id) AND ax.deleted = 0 AND ax.active = 0 AND ax.language_id = lx.id\n                    INNER JOIN info_users u ON u.id = a.op_user_id\n                    INNER JOIN info_firm_profile fp ON fp.act_parent_id = a.firm_id AND fp.deleted = 0 AND fp.active = 0 AND fp.language_parent_id =0  \n                    LEFT JOIN info_firm_profile fpx ON (fpx.act_parent_id = fp.act_parent_id OR fpx.language_parent_id= fp.act_parent_id) AND fpx.deleted = 0 AND fpx.active = 0 AND fpx.language_id =lx.id  \n                    INNER JOIN info_firm_keys ifk ON fp.act_parent_id = ifk.firm_id\n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_operation_types op ON op.id = a.operation_type_id AND op.deleted =0 AND op.active =0 AND op.language_parent_id =0\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_operation_types opx ON (opx.id = a.operation_type_id OR opx.language_parent_id = a.operation_type_id) and opx.language_id =lx.id  AND opx.deleted =0 AND opx.active =0\n\n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd4 ON sd4.main_group = 4 AND a.firm_building_type_id = sd4.first_group AND sd4.deleted =0 AND sd4.active =0 AND sd4.language_parent_id =0\n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd14 ON sd14.main_group = 14 AND a.cons_allow_id = sd14.first_group AND sd14.deleted =0 AND sd14.active =0 AND sd14.language_parent_id =0\n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd15 ON sd15.main_group = 15 AND sd15.first_group= a.deleted AND sd15.deleted =0 AND sd15.active =0 AND sd15.language_parent_id =0\n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd16 ON sd16.main_group = 16 AND sd16.first_group= a.active AND sd16.deleted = 0 AND sd16.active = 0 AND sd16.language_parent_id =0\n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd19 ON sd19.main_group = 19 AND sd19.first_group= a.profile_public AND sd19.deleted = 0 AND sd19.active = 0 AND sd19.language_parent_id =0\n\n\t\t    LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd4x ON  sd4x.language_id = lx.id AND (sd4x.id = sd4.id OR sd4x.language_parent_id = sd4.id) AND sd4x.deleted =0 AND sd4x.active =0\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd14x ON sd14x.language_id = lx.id AND (sd14x.id = sd14.id OR sd14x.language_parent_id = sd14.id) AND sd14x.deleted =0 AND sd14x.active =0\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd15x ON sd15x.language_id =lx.id AND (sd15x.id = sd15.id OR sd15x.language_parent_id = sd15.id) AND sd15x.deleted =0 AND sd15x.active =0 \n                    LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd16x ON sd16x.language_id = lx.id AND (sd16x.id = sd16.id OR sd16x.language_parent_id = sd16.id) AND sd16x.deleted = 0 AND sd16x.active = 0\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd19x ON sd19x.language_id = lx.id AND (sd19x.id = sd19.id OR sd19x.language_parent_id = sd19.id) AND sd19x.deleted = 0 AND sd19x.active = 0\n                    \n                    INNER JOIN sys_countrys co ON co.id = a.country_id AND co.deleted = 0 AND co.active = 0 AND co.language_id = a.language_id\n                    INNER JOIN sys_city ct ON ct.id = a.city_id AND ct.deleted = 0 AND ct.active = 0 AND ct.language_id = a.language_id \n                    INNER JOIN sys_borough bo ON bo.id = a.borough_id AND bo.deleted = 0 AND bo.active = 0 AND bo.language_id = a.language_id  \n\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_countrys cox ON (cox.id = co.id OR cox.language_parent_id = co.id) AND cox.deleted = 0 AND cox.active = 0 AND cox.language_id = lx.id\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_city ctx ON (ctx.id = ct.id OR ctx.language_parent_id = ct.id) AND ctx.deleted = 0 AND ctx.active = 0 AND ctx.language_id = lx.id\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_borough box ON (box.id = bo.id OR box.language_parent_id = bo.id) AND box.deleted = 0 AND box.active = 0 AND box.language_id = lx.id \n\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_osb osb ON osb.id = a.osb_id\n                    WHERE \n                        a.deleted = 0 AND \n                        a.active =0 AND\n                        a.language_parent_id =0 AND \n                        ifk.network_key = '" . $networkKeyValue . "'  \n                " . $addSql . "\n                " . $sorguStr;
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //  echo debugPDO($sql, $parameters);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             $affectedRows = $statement->rowCount();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  user_id not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         //$debugSQLParams = $statement->debugDumpParams();
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #21
  * Datagrid fill function used for testing
  * user interface datagrid fill operation
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return Array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillUsersInformationNpk($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $languageId = NULL;
             $languageIdValue = 647;
             if (isset($params['language_code']) && $params['language_code'] != "") {
                 $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
                 if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                     $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
             $sql = "                        \n                    SELECT\n                        a.network_key as unpk,\n                        a.s_date AS registration_date, \n                        ad.name, \n                        ad.surname,\n                        ad.auth_email,  \n                        ad.language_id, \n                        l.language_eng as user_language,\n\t\t\tCOALESCE(NULLIF(lx.id, NULL), 385) AS language_id,\n\t\t        COALESCE(NULLIF(lx.language, ''), 'en') AS language_name,                        \n                        ifk.network_key as npk,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(fpx.firm_name, ''), fp.firm_name_eng) AS firm_name,\n                        fp.firm_name_eng,\n                        COALESCE(NULLIF(ifux.title, ''), ifu.title_eng) AS title,\n                        ifu.title_eng,\n                        ad.root_id  = u.id AS userb\n                    FROM info_users a\n                    INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = a.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0\n                    LEFT JOIN sys_language lx ON lx.id = " . intval($languageIdValue) . " AND lx.deleted =0 AND lx.active =0\n                    INNER JOIN info_users_detail ad ON ad.deleted =0 AND ad.active =0 AND ad.root_id = a.id AND ad.language_parent_id = 0\n                    INNER JOIN info_users u ON u.id = " . intval($opUserIdValue) . "\n                    LEFT JOIN info_firm_users ifu ON ifu.user_id = a.id AND ifu.cons_allow_id =2 \n                    LEFT JOIN info_firm_users ifux ON (ifux.language_parent_id = ifu.id OR ifux.id=ifu.id) AND ifux.cons_allow_id =2 AND ifux.language_id = lx.id                \n                    LEFT JOIN info_firm_profile fp ON (fp.act_parent_id = ifu.firm_id) AND fp.cons_allow_id =2 AND fp.language_id = l.id  \n                    LEFT JOIN info_firm_profile fpx ON (fpx.language_parent_id = fp.id OR fpx.id=fp.id) AND fpx.cons_allow_id =2 AND fpx.language_id = lx.id                \n                    LEFT JOIN info_firm_keys ifk ON ifk.firm_id = fp.act_parent_id                 \n                    WHERE a.deleted =0  \n                    and a.network_key = '" . $params['network_key'] . "'                    \n                   ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             // echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  user_id not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         //$debugSQLParams = $statement->debugDumpParams();
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * sys_machine_groups_property_definition tablosuna parametre olarak gelen id deki kaydın bilgilerini siler   !!
  * @version v 1.0  27.06.2016
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function deletePropertyMachine($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $sql = "\n                UPDATE sys_machine_tool_properties\n                SET \n                    active = 1, \n                    deleted = 1,                    \n                    op_user_id = " . intval($opUserIdValue) . "    \n                WHERE machine_tool_property_definition_id = " . intval($params['property_id']) . " AND  \n                    machine_tool_id = " . intval($params['machine_id']) . " \n                    AND active = 0 AND deleted = 0  \n                ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //  echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $update = $statement->execute();
             $affectedRows = $statement->rowCount();
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $affectedRows);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #23
파일: cabinet.php 프로젝트: WebJunior/tests
    <div id="block_info_user">
        <h3>Личный кабинет</h3>
require_once "config.php";
require_once "lib/User.php";
echo "<p>Логин <b>" . $_SESSION["login"] . "</b></p>";
echo "<p>Статус <b>" . $_SESSION["group_user"] . "</b></p>";
if ($_SESSION["admin"]) {
    echo '<form action="" method="get">
                  <p>Информация по id пользователя
                  <input type="text" id="show_info" name="show_info" maxlength="10" size="2" title="Введите id пользователя" />
                  <input type="submit" name="show_info_user" value="show" /></p>
echo '<p id="exit_cab"><a href="exit.php">Выход</a></p>';
if (isset($_GET["show_info_user"])) {
    $show_info = new InfoUsers();
    <div id="block_all_users">
        <h2>Список пользователей</h2>
$info = new InfoUsers();
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ firman ın kullanıcılarının socialmedia bilgilerinin sayısını döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  21.04.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillCompanyUsersSocialMediaNpkRtc($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $userId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($userId)) {
             $addSql = "";
             $networkKey = "-1";
             if (isset($params['network_key']) && $params['network_key'] != "") {
                 $networkKey = $params['network_key'];
             $sql = "                     \n                SELECT\n                    count(a.id) AS COUNT \n                FROM info_users_socialmedia a\n                INNER JOIN info_users_detail iud on iud.root_id = a.user_id AND iud.deleted =0 AND iud.active =0 \t\t\n                INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = iud.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active = 0                 \n                INNER JOIN sys_socialmedia sm ON sm.id = a.sys_socialmedia_id AND sm.deleted =0 AND sm.active =0 AND sm.language_id = l.id\t\t\n\t\tINNER JOIN info_firm_users ifu ON ifu.user_id = a.user_id AND ifu.active = 0 AND ifu.deleted = 0 AND ifu.language_parent_id =0   \n\t\tINNER JOIN info_firm_profile fp ON fp.act_parent_id = ifu.firm_id AND fp.active = 0 AND fp.deleted = 0 AND fp.language_parent_id =0                      \n\t \tINNER JOIN info_firm_keys fk ON fp.act_parent_id =  fk.firm_id   \n                WHERE \t\n                    a.cons_allow_id=2 AND \n                    fk.network_key= '" . $networkKey . "' AND\n                    iud.language_parent_id =0\n                ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //  echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  user_id not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ firm_language_id li firmaların danısman tarafından onaylanmış kayıtların sayısını döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  30.05.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillFindFirmLanguageIdRtc($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $userId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($userId)) {
             $FirmLanguageId = 385;
             if (isset($params['firm_language_id']) && $params['firm_language_id'] != "") {
                 $FirmLanguageId = $params['firm_language_id'];
             $sql = "  \n                    SELECT \n                       COUNT(a.id) AS count \n                    FROM info_firm_language_info a\n                    INNER JOIN sys_project_settings sps ON sps.op_project_id = 1 AND sps.active =0 AND sps.deleted =0  \n                    INNER JOIN info_users u ON u.id = a.op_user_id\n                    INNER JOIN info_firm_profile fp ON fp.act_parent_id = a.firm_id AND fp.cons_allow_id=2 AND fp.language_parent_id =0\n                    INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = fp.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0                    \n                    INNER JOIN info_firm_keys ifk ON fp.act_parent_id = ifk.firm_id  \n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_language ssl ON ssl.id = a.firm_language_id AND ssl.deleted =0 AND ssl.active =0 AND ssl.language_parent_id =0 AND ssl.lang_choose=1                     \n\t\t    WHERE \n                        a.firm_language_id = " . intval($FirmLanguageId) . " AND\n                        a.cons_allow_id =2 AND\n\t\t\ta.profile_public=0\t\t    \n                ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  user_id not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ public key e ait danışmanın gerçekleştirdiği operasyonları ve adetlerinin döndürür  !!
  * @version v 1.0  08.03.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function getConsultantOperation($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             //// su anda kullanılmıyor.
             $sql = "     \n               SELECT count(a.id) AS adet , \n                    a.operation_type_id,\n                    op.operation_name as aciklama\n                FROM sys_activation_report a    \n                INNER JOIN sys_operation_types op ON op.parent_id = 2 AND op.id = a.operation_type_id  AND op.deleted =0 AND op.active =0\n                INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.language_main_code = a.language_code AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0 \n                INNER JOIN info_users u ON u.id = a.op_user_id      \n                INNER JOIN sys_acl_roles acl ON acl.id = u.role_id  \n                WHERE \n                    a.op_user_id = " . intval($opUserIdValue) . "\n                GROUP BY a.operation_type_id, op.operation_name\n                ORDER BY op.operation_name\n                    ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             // echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             //return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
             return json_encode($result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         //  $pdo->rollback();
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * user interface fill operation   
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ tree doldurmak için sys_machine_tool tablosundan tüm kayıtları döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  19.02.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillUsersFirmMachineProperties($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $userId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($userId)) {
             $ownerUser = $userId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $addSql = "";
             $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
             if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                 $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
             } else {
                 $languageIdValue = 647;
             if (isset($params['machine_id'])) {
                 $addSql .= " AND a.sys_machine_tool_id = " . intval($params['machine_id']) . " ";
             $sql = " \n               \tSELECT \n                    mtp.id, \n                    cast(a.sys_machine_tool_id as text) as machine_id ,\t\t   \n\t\t     COALESCE(NULLIF(pd.property_name, ''), pd.property_name_eng) AS property_names,\n                     pd.property_name_eng,\n\t\t     mtp.property_value, \n\t\t     u.id AS unit_id,\n                    COALESCE(NULLIF(u.unitcode, ''), u.unitcode_eng) AS unitcodes                  \n                FROM info_firm_machine_tool a\n\t\tINNER JOIN sys_language lx ON lx.id =" . intval($languageIdValue) . " AND lx.deleted =0 AND lx.active =0                      \n\t\tINNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = a.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0  \t\t\n\t\tINNER JOIN info_firm_users ifu ON ifu.user_id = " . intval($ownerUser) . " AND ifu.language_id = l.id \n                INNER JOIN info_firm_profile ifp ON (ifp.id = ifu.firm_id OR ifp.language_parent_id = ifu.firm_id)  AND ifp.active =0 AND ifp.deleted =0  AND ifp.language_id = l.id\n                INNER JOIN sys_machine_tools mt ON (mt.id = a.sys_machine_tool_id OR mt.language_parent_id = a.sys_machine_tool_id )AND mt.language_id = lx.id\n                LEFT JOIN sys_machine_tool_properties mtp ON mtp.machine_tool_id = a.sys_machine_tool_id AND mtp.language_id = lx.id\n                LEFT JOIN sys_machine_tool_property_definition pd ON (pd.id = mtp.machine_tool_property_definition_id OR pd.language_parent_id = mtp.machine_tool_property_definition_id) AND pd.language_id = lx.id             \n                LEFT JOIN sys_units u ON (u.id = mtp.unit_id OR u.language_parent_id = mtp.unit_id) AND u.language_id = lx.id\n                WHERE a.deleted =0 AND a.active =0  \n                AND a.language_parent_id =0 \n                " . $addSql . "\n                                 ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //    echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  user_id not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
  * sys_operation_types_tools tablosuna parametre olarak gelen id deki kaydın bilgilerini günceller!!
  * @param type $params
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
  * @author Mustafa Zeynel Dağlı
  * @since 11/02/2016
 public function update($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $opUserId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (!\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($opUserId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $opUserId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
             if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                 $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
             } else {
                 $languageIdValue = 647;
             $statement = $pdo->prepare("\n                UPDATE sys_operation_types_tools\n                SET \n                     parent_id = :parent_id,\n                     role_name = :role_name, \n                     role_name_eng = :role_name_eng,\n                     language_id :language_id,\n                     op_user_id = :op_user_id,\n                     language_parent_id = :language_parent_id,                       \n                     language_code = :language_code  \n                WHERE base_id = :id");
             $statement->bindValue(':id', $params['id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
             $statement->bindValue(':parent_id', $params['parent_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
             $statement->bindValue(':role_name', $params['operation_name'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $statement->bindValue(':role_name_eng', $params['operation_name_eng'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $statement->bindValue(':language_id', $languageIdValue, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
             $statement->bindValue(':op_user_id', $opUserIdValue, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
             $statement->bindValue(':language_parent_id', $params['language_parent_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
             $statement->bindValue(':language_code', $params['language_code'], \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $update = $statement->execute();
             $affectedRows = $statement->rowCount();
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "affectedRowsCount" => $affectedRows);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());
예제 #29
  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ firma elemanlarının socialmedia bilgilerini kayıtlarını döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  21.04.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillCompanyUsersSocialMediaNpk($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $userId = InfoUsers::getUserId(array('pk' => $params['pk']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($userId)) {
             $opUserIdValue = $userId['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $addSql = "";
             $languageId = NULL;
             $languageIdValue = 647;
             if (isset($params['language_code']) && $params['language_code'] != "") {
                 $languageId = SysLanguage::getLanguageId(array('language_code' => $params['language_code']));
                 if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($languageId)) {
                     $languageIdValue = $languageId['resultSet'][0]['id'];
             if (isset($params['user_id']) && $params['user_id'] != "") {
                 $addSql .= " AND iud.root_id = " . intval($params['user_id']);
             $sql = "                     \n                SELECT \n                    a.id, \n                    iud.root_id AS user_id,\n                    iud.name,\n                    iud.surname,\n                    COALESCE(NULLIF(smx.name, ''),sm.name_eng) AS socialmedia_name,\n                    sm.name_eng AS socialmedia_eng,\n                    a.user_link,                         \n                    a.deleted,\n                    COALESCE(NULLIF(sd15x.description, ''), sd15.description_eng) AS state_deleted,\n                    a.active,\n                    COALESCE(NULLIF(sd16x.description , ''), sd16.description_eng) AS state_active,\n                    COALESCE(NULLIF(lx.id, NULL), 385) AS language_id,\n                    COALESCE(NULLIF(lx.language, ''), l.language_eng) AS language_name,\t\t\t \n                    a.op_user_id,\n                    u.username AS op_user_name,\n                    a.operation_type_id ,                        \n                    COALESCE(NULLIF(opx.operation_name, ''), op.operation_name_eng) AS operation_name,\n                   sm.abbreviation  \n                FROM info_users_socialmedia a\n                INNER JOIN info_users_detail iud on iud.root_id = a.user_id AND iud.deleted =0 AND iud.active =0 \n\t\tINNER JOIN info_firm_users ifu ON ifu.user_id = a.user_id AND ifu.active = 0 AND ifu.deleted = 0 AND ifu.language_parent_id =0   \n                INNER JOIN info_firm_profile fp ON fp.act_parent_id = ifu.firm_id AND fp.active = 0 AND fp.deleted = 0 AND fp.language_parent_id =0\n                INNER JOIN info_firm_keys fk ON  ifu.firm_id =  fk.firm_id  \n                INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = iud.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active = 0 \n                LEFT JOIN sys_language lx ON lx.id = 647 /*" . intval($languageIdValue) . " */  AND lx.deleted =0 AND lx.active =0\n                INNER JOIN sys_socialmedia sm ON sm.id = a.sys_socialmedia_id AND sm.deleted =0 AND sm.active =0 AND sm.language_id = l.id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN sys_socialmedia smx ON (smx.id = sm.id OR smx.language_parent_id = sm.id) AND smx.language_id = lx.id AND smx.active =0 AND smx.deleted =0                   \n                INNER JOIN sys_operation_types op ON op.id = a.operation_type_id AND op.language_id =l.id  AND op.deleted =0 AND op.active =0\n                LEFT JOIN sys_operation_types opx ON (opx.id = a.operation_type_id OR opx.language_parent_id = a.operation_type_id) and opx.language_id =lx.id  AND opx.deleted =0 AND opx.active =0\n                INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd15 ON sd15.main_group = 15 AND sd15.first_group= a.deleted AND sd15.language_id = l.id AND sd15.deleted = 0 \n                INNER JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd16 ON sd16.main_group = 16 AND sd16.first_group= a.active AND sd16.language_id = l.id AND sd16.deleted = 0\n                INNER JOIN info_users u ON u.id = a.op_user_id    \n                LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd15x ON (sd15x.id = sd15.id OR sd15x.language_parent_id = sd15.id) AND sd15x.language_id =lx.id  AND sd15x.deleted =0 AND sd15x.active =0 \n                LEFT JOIN sys_specific_definitions sd16x ON (sd16x.id = sd16.id OR sd16x.language_parent_id = sd16.id) AND sd16x.language_id = lx.id  AND sd16x.deleted = 0 AND sd16x.active = 0                \n                WHERE a.deleted =0 AND iud.language_parent_id =0\n\t\t\tAND fk.network_key = '" . $params['network_key'] . "'\n                " . $addSql . " \n                ORDER BY iud.language_id, iud.root_id\n                ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //  echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  user_id not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'pk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());