예제 #1

// Require the Indego class
require_once 'Indego.class.php';
// Instantiate the Indego class which will immediately discover all of the stations
$indego = new Indego();
// Just get "university" stations
$uni_stations = $indego->getStations('university');
예제 #2
#!/usr/bin/env php
// Require the Indego class
require_once 'Indego.class.php';
// Instantiate the Indego class
$indego = new Indego();
// Get the stations that were requested if doing a search with a CLI argument
if (isset($argv[1]) && !empty($argv[1])) {
    $search = trim($argv[1]);
    // Otherwise, get all stations
} else {
    $search = '';
// Get stations
$stations = $indego->getStations($search);
// Return red error message to standard error (stderr) if no stations were found and exit with non-zero
if (empty($stations)) {
    fwrite(STDERR, "No stations found!\n");
// Loop through each bike-share station
foreach ($stations as $station) {
    // List the current stations ID and name, padded with spaces so everything lines up
    echo str_pad($station->kioskId, 8) . ' ' . str_pad($station->name, 60);
    // Build a pretty graph for bikes at the current station
    $graph = '';
    // Graph starts empty
    for ($bike = 0; $bike < $station->bikesAvailable; $bike++) {
        $graph .= "#";
    // And build another pretty graph of for empty docks at the current station