예제 #1
require 'classes/inbound.class.php';
// Credentials for DB access
define('DB_HOST', '');
define('DB_USER', '');
define('DB_PASSWORD', '');
define('DB_NAME', 'derbycityfood');
define('SQL_QUERY_TEMPLATE', 'SELECT Est_Name, str_to_date(Date_Insp, \'%c/%e/%Y\') AS I_Date, Score, Grade FROM inspections WHERE Est_Name LIKE \'%{NAME}%\' ORDER BY I_Date DESC LIMIT 1');
// Credentials for SMSified.
define('SMS_USER', '');
define('SMS_PASSWORD', '');
define('SMS_SENDER_NUMBER', '');
try {
    // Get the JSON payload sumbitted from SMSified.
    $json = file_get_contents("php://input");
    // Create a new instance of the custom object.
    $sms = new InboundMessage($json);
    // Get the message sent with the inbound message.
    $message = $sms->getMessage();
    // Get the number message was sent from.
    $number = $sms->getSenderAddress();
    // Look up latest review for establishment.
    $conn = new DBConnect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
    $query = str_replace("{NAME}", $conn->escapeInput($message), SQL_QUERY_TEMPLATE);
    $result = $conn->runQuery($query);
    // Construct response to send back to user.
    if ($conn->getNumRowsAffected() == 0) {
        $response = "No establishments found";
    } else {
        $review = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        $response = 'Name: ' . $review["Est_Name"] . ' ';
 public function __construct($json)