예제 #1
    /** ----------------------------------------
    /**  Image Resizing
    /** ----------------------------------------*/
	function _image_resize($filename, $type = 'avatar', $axis = 'width')
		global $PREFS;
		if ( ! class_exists('Image_lib'))
			require PATH_CORE.'core.image_lib'.EXT;
		$IM = new Image_lib();
		if ($type == 'avatar')
			$max_width	= ($PREFS->ini('avatar_max_width') == '' OR $PREFS->ini('avatar_max_width') == 0) ? 100 : $PREFS->ini('avatar_max_width');
			$max_height	= ($PREFS->ini('avatar_max_height') == '' OR $PREFS->ini('avatar_max_height') == 0) ? 100 : $PREFS->ini('avatar_max_height');	
			$image_path = $PREFS->ini('avatar_path', TRUE).'uploads/';
		elseif ($type == 'photo')
			$max_width	= ($PREFS->ini('photo_max_width') == '' OR $PREFS->ini('photo_max_width') == 0) ? 100 : $PREFS->ini('photo_max_width');
			$max_height	= ($PREFS->ini('photo_max_height') == '' OR $PREFS->ini('photo_max_height') == 0) ? 100 : $PREFS->ini('photo_max_height');	
			$image_path = $PREFS->ini('photo_path', TRUE);		
			$max_width	= ($PREFS->ini('sig_img_max_width') == '' OR $PREFS->ini('sig_img_max_width') == 0) ? 100 : $PREFS->ini('sig_img_max_width');
			$max_height	= ($PREFS->ini('sig_img_max_height') == '' OR $PREFS->ini('sig_img_max_height') == 0) ? 100 : $PREFS->ini('sig_img_max_height');	
			$image_path = $PREFS->ini('sig_img_path', TRUE);		

		$res = $IM->set_properties(			
											'resize_protocol'	=> $PREFS->ini('image_resize_protocol'),
											'libpath'			=> $PREFS->ini('image_library_path'),
											'maintain_ratio'	=> TRUE,
											'master_dim'		=> $axis,
											'file_path'			=> $image_path,
											'file_name'			=> $filename,
											'quality'			=> 75,
											'dst_width'			=> $max_width,
											'dst_height'		=> $max_height
		if ( ! $IM->image_resize())
			return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
예제 #2
 /** -----------------------------------
     /**  Create image thumbnail
     /** -----------------------------------*/
 function create_thumb()
     global $IN, $DSP, $LANG, $PREFS, $LANG, $DB;
     if ($_POST['width_unit'] == 'percent') {
         $_POST['width'] = ceil($_POST['width'] / 100 * $_POST['width_orig']);
     if ($_POST['height_unit'] == 'percent') {
         $_POST['height'] = ceil($_POST['height'] / 100 * $_POST['height_orig']);
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
         ${$key} = $val;
     //print_r($_POST); exit;
     if ($width == $width_orig and $height == $height_orig) {
         return $DSP->error_message($LANG->line('image_size_not_different'));
     if ($width != $width_orig or $height_orig != $height) {
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM exp_upload_prefs WHERE id = '" . $DB->escape_str($id) . "'");
         $thumb_prefix = $PREFS->ini('thumbnail_prefix') == '' ? 'thumb' : $PREFS->ini('thumbnail_prefix');
         /** --------------------------------
         			/**  Invoke the Image Lib Class
         			/** --------------------------------*/
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.image_lib' . EXT;
         $IM = new Image_lib();
         /** --------------------------------
         			/**  Resize the image
         			/** --------------------------------*/
         $res = $IM->set_properties(array('resize_protocol' => $PREFS->ini('image_resize_protocol'), 'libpath' => $PREFS->ini('image_library_path'), 'thumb_prefix' => $source == 'orig' ? '' : $thumb_prefix, 'file_path' => $query->row['server_path'], 'file_name' => $file_name, 'dst_width' => $width, 'dst_height' => $height, 'maintain_ratio' => FALSE));
         if ($res === FALSE or !$IM->image_resize()) {
             return $IM->show_error();
     $this->finalize_uploaded_file(array('id' => $id, 'field_group' => $field_group, 'orig_name' => $file_name, 'file_name' => $IM->thumb_name, 'is_image' => 1, 'step' => 2, 'source' => $source));