function __construct($controller, $name, $cleanupID)
     // Get The clean Up we need to edit
     $cleanupgroup = DataObject::get_one('CleanUpGroup', "CleanUpGroup.ID = '{$cleanupID}'");
     //Get The Regions
     //$lat = $cleanupgroup->LocationLatitude;
     //$lon = $cleanupgroup->LocationLongitude;
     //$loc = $cleanupgroup->LocationAddress;
     $image1 = new ImageUploadField("Image", "Upload an image");
     $uploadimagesFields = new CompositeField(new HeaderField('Add an Image to your Event Gallery', 3), new LiteralField('Help', '<p class="help">Please upload as many images as you would like by clicking "Upload Images" again when redirected to your event\'s page.</p><p>The maximum allowed file size is 2MB and allowed file extensions are jpg, gif and png.</p><p><strong>NOTE - Because this image is hosted on Flickr, there may be a delay between uploading your image and it appearing in your event\'s image gallery. </strong> <p>Thank you for contributing.</p>'), $image1, new TextField('Caption', 'Image Caption'), new HiddenField('CleanUpID', 'CleanUpID', $cleanupID));
     $fields = new FieldSet($uploadimagesFields);
     //val and doubleselect stuff
     $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction('uploadimages', 'Upload'));
     parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
 function __construct($controller, $name, $cleanupID)
     // Get The clean Up we need to edit
     $cleanupgroup = DataObject::get_one('CleanUpGroup', "CleanUpGroup.ID = '{$cleanupID}'");
     //Get The Regions
     //$lat = $cleanupgroup->LocationLatitude;
     //$lon = $cleanupgroup->LocationLongitude;
     //$loc = $cleanupgroup->LocationAddress;
     $image1 = new ImageUploadField("EventImage", "Upload an event image");
     $uploadimagesFields = new CompositeField(new LiteralField('Help', '<p class="help">The maximum allowed file size is 150KB and allowed file extensions are jpg, gif and png.</p>'), $image1, new HiddenField('CleanUpID', 'CleanUpID', $cleanupID));
     $fields = new FieldSet($uploadimagesFields);
     //val and doubleselect stuff
     $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction('uploadimages', 'Upload'));
     parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
예제 #3
  * customizes the backends fields, mainly for ModelAdmin
  * @param array $params configuration parameters
  * @return FieldList the fields for the backend
 public function getMinimizedCMSFields($params = null)
     $fields = $this->getCMSFieldsForContext(array_merge(array('restrictFields' => array('SortOrder')), (array) $params));
     if ($this->ID) {
         $imageUploadField = new ImageUploadField('Image', $this->fieldLabel('Image'));
         $fields->insertBefore($imageUploadField, 'SortOrder');
     return $fields;