if ($model->save()) { if (isset($_POST['delete_current_image']) && $_POST['delete_current_image'] == 'on') { $model->removeImage(); } $model->saveImage(); $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model, 'actions' => $this->listActionsCanAccess)); } /** * Deletes a particular model. * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'admin' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be deleted */ public function actionDelete($id) { if (Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) { // we only allow deletion via POST request $model = $this->loadModel($id); if (!empty($model->large_image)) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->delete(YII_UPLOAD_DIR . '/' . Banners::$folderUpload . "/" . $model->large_image); // $ImageProcessing->delete(Banners::$folderUpload."/".$model->large_image); // $ImageProcessing->delete(Banners::$folderUpload."/thumbs/".$model->large_image); }
// } // } // else{ // if ($this->banner_type == TOP || $this->banner_type == BOTTOM) { // $ImageProcessing->file = $this->large_image; // $ImageProcessing->thumbs = self::$aSizeBannerTop; //resize Of banner // $ImageProcessing->create_thumbs(); // } // else{ // $ImageProcessing->file = $this->large_image; // $ImageProcessing->thumbs = self::$aSizeBannerMiddle; //resize Of banner // $ImageProcessing->create_thumbs(); // }
/** * Apr 01, 2014 - ANH DUNG * To do: delete file of model ProTransactionsVendorPurchaserDetail * @param: $model ProTransactionsVendorPurchaserDetail * @param: $nameField ex: upload_employment_pass_passport * @param: $pathUpload ex: 'upload/tenant' */ public static function deleteOldFile($model, $nameField) { $pathUpload = self::$folderUpload; $modelDel = self::model()->findByPk($model->id); if (is_null($modelDel) || empty($modelDel->{$nameField})) { return; } $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->folder = '/' . $pathUpload . '/' . $modelDel->id; $ImageProcessing->delete($ImageProcessing->folder . '/' . $modelDel->{$nameField}); }
/** * @Author: ANH DUNG Apr 01, 2014 * @Todo: only remove file of transaction * @Param: $modelDel is model ProTransactionsPropertyDocument */ public static function removeFile($modelDel) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->folder = '/' . self::$folderUpload . '/' . $modelDel->transactions_id; $ImageProcessing->delete($ImageProcessing->folder . '/' . $modelDel->file_name); }
/** * Updates a particular model. * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated */ public function actionUpdate($id) { try { $model = Pages::model()->findbyPk($id); $model->scenario = 'update'; // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); $old_image = $model->featured_image; $old_home_page = $model->thumb_image; if (isset($_POST['Pages'])) { $oldImg = $model->banner; $model->attributes = $_POST['Pages']; $uploadFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'banner'); $model->parent_id = $_POST['Pages']['parent_id']; // $model->show_footer = $_POST['Pages']['show_footer']; // $model->show_home_page = $_POST['Pages']['show_home_page']; // $model->short_content = $_POST['Pages']['short_content']; // $model->order = $_POST['Pages']['order']; if (isset($_POST['ck'])) { $model->show_desc = 1; } else { $model->show_desc = 0; } $isEmptyFileInput = empty($_FILES["Pages"]["name"]["imageFile"]); $new_banner = ''; if (!$isEmptyFileInput) { //has file input $model->imageFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'imageFile'); } $isEmptyHomePageInput = empty($_FILES["Pages"]["name"]["thumbFile"]); $new_home_page = ''; if (!$isEmptyHomePageInput) { //has file input $model->thumbFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'thumbFile'); } if ($model->validate()) { if ($uploadFile) { // remove old image and save new image to disk $model->removeBanner($oldImg); $model->saveBanner($uploadFile); } else { $model->banner = $oldImg; // keep old image } if (!$isEmptyFileInput) { //has file input $errorBanner = false; if (MyFunctionCustom::bannerIsSmall($model->imageFile->getTempName(), Pages::$aSizeBanner['960x252']['width'], Pages::$aSizeBanner['960x252']['height'])) { $errorBanner = true; } //Checked size of banner if ($errorBanner) { $model->addError('imageFile', 'Banner file size need larger than 960x252.'); } else { $ext_banner = $model->imageFile->getExtensionName(); $timestamp_banner = time(); $new_banner = $timestamp_banner . '.' . $ext_banner; } } if (!$isEmptyHomePageInput) { //has file input //Checked size of banner $errorBanner = false; if (MyFunctionCustom::bannerEqual($model->thumbFile->getTempName(), Pages::$aSizeHomePage['204x94']['width'], Pages::$aSizeHomePage['204x94']['height'])) { $errorBanner = true; } //Checked size of banner if ($errorBanner) { $model->addError('thumbFile', 'Thumb file size must be equal 204x94.'); } else { $ext_home_page = $model->thumbFile->getExtensionName(); $timestamp_home_page = time(); $model->thumb_image = $timestamp_home_page . '.' . $ext_home_page; } } if (!$model->hasErrors()) { if (isset($_POST['delete_current_image']) && $_POST['delete_current_image'] == 'on') { Pages::deleteImage($model); $model->featured_image = NULL; if (!$isEmptyFileInput) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->delete('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $old_image); $ImageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id); $model->imageFile->saveAs(YII_UPLOAD_DIR . '/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $new_banner); $model->featured_image = $new_banner; $model->resizeBanner(); } $model->update(); } else { if ($new_banner != NULL) { $model->featured_image = $new_banner; } if ($model->update()) { if (!$isEmptyFileInput) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->delete('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $old_image); $ImageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id); $model->imageFile->saveAs(YII_UPLOAD_DIR . '/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $model->featured_image); $model->resizeBanner(); } } } //For home page if (isset($_POST['delete_current_image_home_page']) && $_POST['delete_current_image_home_page'] == 'on') { Pages::deleteImage($model, true); $model->thumb_image = NULL; if (!$isEmptyHomePageInput) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->delete('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $old_home_page); $ImageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id); $model->thumbFile->saveAs(YII_UPLOAD_DIR . '/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $new_home_page); $model->thumb_image = $new_home_page; $model->resizeHomePages(); } $model->update(); } else { if ($new_home_page != NULL) { $model->thumb_image = $new_home_page; } if ($model->update()) { if (!$isEmptyHomePageInput) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->delete('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $old_home_page); $ImageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id); $model->thumbFile->saveAs(YII_UPLOAD_DIR . '/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $model->thumb_image); $model->resizeHomePages(); } } } $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model, 'actions' => $this->listActionsCanAccess)); } catch (exception $e) { Yii::log("Exception " . print_r($e, true), 'error'); throw new CHttpException("Exception " . print_r($e, true)); } }
$fileName = $mProTransactionsVendorPurchaserDetail->scanned_employment_pass; $url_download = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/') . "/{$fileFolder}/{$fileModelId}/{$fileName}"; MyFormat::DownloadFile($url_download, $pathSaveFile, $fileName); $mUser->upload_employment_pass_passport = $fileName; } if (!empty($mProTransactionsVendorPurchaserDetail->scanned_passport)) { $fileName = $mProTransactionsVendorPurchaserDetail->scanned_passport; $url_download = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/') . "/{$fileFolder}/{$fileModelId}/{$fileName}"; MyFormat::DownloadFile($url_download, $pathSaveFile, $fileName); $mUser->scanned_passport = $fileName;
/** * @Author: Jason Apr 11, 2014 * @Todo: only remove file of report defect * @Param: $modelDel is model DeportDefect * @Param: $nameField field file in model report */ public static function removeFile($modelDel, $nameField, $pathUpload) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->folder = '/' . $pathUpload . '/' . $modelDel->id; $ImageProcessing->delete($ImageProcessing->folder . '/' . $modelDel->{$nameField}); // $ImageHelper = new ImageHelper(); // $ImageHelper->folder = '/'.$pathUpload; // $ImageHelper->deleteFile($ImageHelper->folder . '/' . $modelRemove->$fieldName); // foreach ( $aSize as $key => $value) { // $ImageHelper->deleteFile($ImageHelper->folder . '/' . $key . '/' . $modelRemove->$fieldName); // } foreach (self::$aSize as $key => $value) { $ImageProcessing->deleteFile($ImageProcessing->folder . '/' . $key . '/' . $modelDel->{$nameField}); } }
/** * <Jason> * 09-08-2013 * To do: deleteImage of category */ public static function deleteImage($model, $is_home_page = false) { $model = Pages::model()->findByPk($model->id); if ($is_home_page == true) { if (is_null($model) || empty($model->thumb_image)) { return; } $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->folder = '/upload/admin/pages/' . $model->id; $ImageProcessing->delete($ImageProcessing->folder . '/' . $model->thumb_image); foreach (Pages::$aSizeHomePage as $key => $value) { $ImageProcessing->delete($ImageProcessing->folder . '/' . $key . '/' . $model->thumb_image); } } else { if (is_null($model) || empty($model->featured_image)) { return; } $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->folder = '/upload/admin/pages/' . $model->id; $ImageProcessing->delete($ImageProcessing->folder . '/' . $model->featured_image); foreach (Pages::$aSizeBanner as $key => $value) { $ImageProcessing->delete($ImageProcessing->folder . '/' . $key . '/' . $model->featured_image); } } }
/** * @Author: Jul 08, 2014 - ANH DUNG * @Todo: only remove file * @Param: $modelDel is model ProAirconService * @Param: $nameField field file in model: upload_service_documents * @Param: $pathUpload self::$folderUpload) */ public static function removeFile($modelDel, $nameField, $pathUpload) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); // $ImageProcessing->folder = '/'.$pathUpload.'/'.$modelDel->id; $ImageProcessing->folder = '/' . $pathUpload; $ImageProcessing->delete($ImageProcessing->folder . '/' . $modelDel->{$nameField}); }