public function readFolder() { $folder = $this->customer->getFolderName(); $dir = DIR_IMAGE . "catalog/" . $folder; $allfiles = scandir($dir); $img_links = array(); $counting = 0; foreach ($allfiles as $image) { //if the file is not hidden get the the URI if (substr($image, 0, 1) != '.') { //Once we get certified the config.php needs to be modified. $modify_image = new Image(DIR_IMAGE . "catalog/" . $folder . "/" . $image); // $mark = new Image(DIR_IMAGE. "logo.png"); $width = $modify_image->getWidth() * 0.2; $height = $modify_image->getHeight() * 0.2; // $mark->resize($width, $height); // $modify_image->watermark($mark); $size = $width * $height; $modify_image->save($modify_image->getFile()); $img_links[$counting]['source'] = HTTPS_SERVER . "/image/catalog/" . $folder . "/" . $image; $img_links[$counting]['width'] = $modify_image->getWidth(); $img_links[$counting]['height'] = $modify_image->getHeight(); $counting++; } } return $img_links; }
function addTag($srcPath, $dstPath) { $srcImage = new Image($srcPath); $tagImagePath = CODE_ROOT_DIR . "uploads/custom/" . Config::get("watermarkImageSrc"); if (!file_exists($tagImagePath)) { return; } $tagImage = new Image($tagImagePath); list($posV, $posH) = explode(",", Config::get("imageWatermarkPosition")); $tagMarginH = 5; $tagMarginV = 5; if ($posH == "l") { $tagPositionX = 0 + $tagMarginH; } else { $tagPositionX = max($srcImage->getWidth() - $tagImage->getWidth() - $tagMarginH, 0); } if ($posV == "t") { $tagPositionY = 0 + $tagMarginV; } else { $tagPositionY = max($srcImage->getHeight() - $tagImage->getHeight() - $tagMarginV, 0); } imagecopyresampled($srcImage->im, $tagImage->im, $tagPositionX, $tagPositionY, 0, 0, $tagImage->getWidth(), $tagImage->getHeight(), $tagImage->getWidth(), $tagImage->getHeight()); $srcImage->setPath($dstPath); $srcImage->saveToFile(); }
static public function imageResize($fname,$width,$height) { $i = new Image( $fname ); $owhr=$i->getWidth()/$i->getHeight(); $twhr=$width/$height; if( $owhr==$twhr ) { $i->resize( $width,$height ); } elseif( $owhr>$twhr ) { $i->resizeToHeight( $height ); $i->crop( ($i->getWidth()-$width)/2, 0, $width, $height); } else { $i->resizeToWidth( $width ); $i->crop( 0, ($i->getHeight()-$height)/2, $width, $height); } $i->save(); }
/** * @param string $filename * @param int $width * @param int $height * @return string */ public function resize($filename, $width, $height) { if (!file_exists(DIR_IMAGE . $filename) || !is_file(DIR_IMAGE . $filename)) { return null; } $info = pathinfo($filename); $extension = $info['extension']; $old_image = $filename; try { $image = new Image(DIR_IMAGE . $old_image); } catch (Exception $exc) { $image = new Image(DIR_IMAGE . 'no_image.jpg'); } /// Ensure target size doesn't exceed original size $ratio = $image->getWidth() / $image->getHeight(); $expectedHeight = round($width / $ratio); $expectedWidth = round($height * $ratio); if ($image->getWidth() >= $width) { $targetWidth = $width; $targetHeight = $expectedHeight; } else { $targetWidth = $image->getWidth(); $targetHeight = $image->getHeight(); } if ($image->getHeight() < $targetHeight) { $targetWidth = $expectedWidth; $targetHeight = $image->getHeight(); } $new_image = 'cache/' . substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')) . '-' . $targetWidth . 'x' . $targetHeight . '.' . $extension; if (!file_exists(DIR_IMAGE . $new_image) || filemtime(DIR_IMAGE . $old_image) > filemtime(DIR_IMAGE . $new_image)) { $path = ''; $directories = explode('/', dirname(str_replace('../', '', $new_image))); foreach ($directories as $directory) { $path = $path . '/' . $directory; if (!file_exists(DIR_IMAGE . $path)) { @mkdir(DIR_IMAGE . $path, 0777); } } $image->resize($targetWidth, $targetHeight); $image->save(DIR_IMAGE . $new_image); } if (isset($this->request->server['HTTPS']) && ($this->request->server['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $this->request->server['HTTPS'] == '1')) { return HTTPS_IMAGE . $new_image; } else { return HTTP_IMAGE . $new_image; } }
/** * Sets the objects properties * * @param $percentage float The percentage that the merge image should take up. */ protected function setProperties($percentage) { if ($percentage > 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$percentage must be less than 1'); } $this->sourceImageHeight = $this->sourceImage->getHeight(); $this->sourceImageWidth = $this->sourceImage->getWidth(); $this->mergeImageHeight = $this->mergeImage->getHeight(); $this->mergeImageWidth = $this->mergeImage->getWidth(); $this->calculateOverlap($percentage); $this->calculateCenter(); }
/** * Sets the objects properties * * @param $percentage float The percentage that the merge image should take up. */ protected function setProperties($percentage) { if ($percentage > 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$percentage must be less than 1'); } $this->sourceHeight = $this->sourceImage->getHeight(); $this->sourceWidth = $this->sourceImage->getWidth(); $this->mergeHeight = $this->mergeImage->getHeight(); $this->mergeWidth = $this->mergeImage->getWidth(); $this->postMergeHeight = $this->mergeHeight * $percentage; $this->postMergeWidth = $this->mergeWidth * $percentage; $this->mergePosHeight = $this->sourceHeight / 2 - $this->postMergeHeight / 2; $this->mergePosWidth = $this->sourceWidth / 2 - $this->postMergeHeight / 2; }
/** * Add a post */ public function iframe_add() { $this->setView('iframe_add.php'); @set_time_limit(0); $uploaded_files = array(); try { if (!isset(User_Model::$auth_data)) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_SESSION_EXPIRED')); } $is_student = isset(User_Model::$auth_data['student_number']); // Message $message = isset($_POST['message']) ? trim($_POST['message']) : ''; if ($message == '' || $message == __('PUBLISH_DEFAULT_MESSAGE')) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_NO_MESSAGE')); } $message = preg_replace('#\\n{2,}#', "\n\n", $message); // Category if (!isset($_POST['category']) || !ctype_digit($_POST['category'])) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_NO_CATEGORY')); } $category = (int) $_POST['category']; // Official post (in a group) $official = isset($_POST['official']); // Group $group = isset($_POST['group']) && ctype_digit($_POST['group']) ? (int) $_POST['group'] : 0; if ($group == 0) { $group = null; $official = false; } else { $groups_auth = Group_Model::getAuth(); if (isset($groups_auth[$group])) { if ($official && !$groups_auth[$group]['admin']) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_OFFICIAL')); } } else { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND')); } } // Private message $private = isset($_POST['private']); if ($private && !$is_student) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_PRIVATE')); } $attachments = array(); // Photos if (isset($_FILES['attachment_photo']) && is_array($_FILES['attachment_photo']['name'])) { foreach ($_FILES['attachment_photo']['size'] as $size) { if ($size > Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_PHOTO) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_PHOTO_SIZE', array('size' => File::humanReadableSize(Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_PHOTO)))); } } if ($filepaths = File::upload('attachment_photo')) { foreach ($filepaths as $filepath) { $uploaded_files[] = $filepath; } foreach ($filepaths as $i => $filepath) { $name = isset($_FILES['attachment_photo']['name'][$i]) ? $_FILES['attachment_photo']['name'][$i] : ''; try { $img = new Image(); $img->load($filepath); $type = $img->getType(); if ($type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $ext = 'jpg'; } else { if ($type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $ext = 'gif'; } else { if ($type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $ext = 'png'; } else { throw new Exception(); } } } if ($img->getWidth() > 800) { $img->setWidth(800, true); } $img->save($filepath); // Thumb $thumbpath = $filepath . '.thumb'; $img->thumb(Config::$THUMBS_SIZES[0], Config::$THUMBS_SIZES[1]); $img->setType(IMAGETYPE_JPEG); $img->save($thumbpath); unset($img); $attachments[] = array($filepath, $name, $thumbpath); $uploaded_files[] = $thumbpath; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_PHOTO_FORMAT')); } } } } // Vidéos /* @uses PHPVideoToolkit : * @requires ffmpeg, php5-ffmpeg */ if (isset($_FILES['attachment_video']) && is_array($_FILES['attachment_video']['name'])) { foreach ($_FILES['attachment_video']['size'] as $size) { if ($size > Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_VIDEO) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_VIDEO_SIZE', array('size' => File::humanReadableSize(Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_VIDEO)))); } } if ($filepaths = File::upload('attachment_video')) { foreach ($filepaths as $filepath) { $uploaded_files[] = $filepath; } foreach ($filepaths as $i => $filepath) { $name = isset($_FILES['attachment_video']['name'][$i]) ? $_FILES['attachment_video']['name'][$i] : ''; try { $video = new ffmpeg_movie($filepath, false); if (!$video->hasVideo()) { throw new Exception('No video stream found in the file'); } if (!$video->hasAudio()) { throw new Exception('No audio stream found in the file'); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_VIDEO_FORMAT')); } // Video conversion try { $video_current_width = $video->getFrameWidth(); $video_width = min($video_current_width, Config::VIDEO_MAX_WIDTH); if ($video_width % 2 == 1) { // Even number required $video_width--; } $video_height = $video_width * $video->getFrameHeight() / $video_current_width; if ($video_height % 2 == 1) { // Even number required $video_height--; } // Extract thumb $video_thumb = $video->getFrame(round($video->getFrameCount() * 0.2)); unset($video); $video_thumb = $video_thumb->toGDImage(); $thumbpath = DATA_DIR . Config::DIR_DATA_TMP . File::getName($filepath) . '.thumb'; imagejpeg($video_thumb, $thumbpath, 95); unset($video_thumb); $img = new Image(); $img->load($thumbpath); $img->setWidth($video_width, true); $img->setType(IMAGETYPE_JPEG); $img->save($thumbpath); $uploaded_files[] = $thumbpath; unset($img); // Convert to FLV if (!preg_match('#\\.flv$#i', $filepath)) { $toolkit = new PHPVideoToolkit(); $toolkit->on_error_die = true; // Will throw exception on error $toolkit->setInputFile($filepath); $toolkit->setVideoOutputDimensions($video_width, $video_height); $toolkit->setFormatToFLV(Config::VIDEO_SAMPLING_RATE, Config::VIDEO_AUDIO_BIT_RATE); $toolkit->setOutput(DATA_DIR . Config::DIR_DATA_TMP, File::getName($filepath) . '.flv', PHPVideoToolkit::OVERWRITE_EXISTING); $toolkit->execute(false, false); // Multipass: false, Log: false File::delete($filepath); $filepath = $toolkit->getLastOutput(); $filepath = $filepath[0]; unset($toolkit); } $attachments[] = array($filepath, $name, $thumbpath); $uploaded_files[] = $filepath; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_VIDEO_CONVERT') . $e->getMessage()); } } } } // Audios if (isset($_FILES['attachment_audio']) && is_array($_FILES['attachment_audio']['name'])) { foreach ($_FILES['attachment_audio']['size'] as $size) { if ($size > Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_AUDIO) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_AUDIO_SIZE', array('size' => File::humanReadableSize(Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_AUDIO)))); } } if ($filepaths = File::upload('attachment_audio')) { foreach ($filepaths as $filepath) { $uploaded_files[] = $filepath; } foreach ($filepaths as $i => $filepath) { if (!preg_match('#\\.mp3$#', $filepath)) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_AUDIO_FORMAT')); } $name = isset($_FILES['attachment_audio']['name'][$i]) ? $_FILES['attachment_audio']['name'][$i] : ''; $attachments[] = array($filepath, $name); } } } // Files if (isset($_FILES['attachment_file']) && is_array($_FILES['attachment_file']['name'])) { foreach ($_FILES['attachment_file']['size'] as $size) { if ($size > Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_FILE) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_FILE_SIZE', array('size' => File::humanReadableSize(Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_FILE)))); } } if ($filepaths = File::upload('attachment_file')) { foreach ($filepaths as $filepath) { $uploaded_files[] = $filepath; } foreach ($filepaths as $i => $filepath) { if (!preg_match('#\\.[a-z0-9]{2,4}$#i', $filepath)) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT')); } if (preg_match('#\\.(jpg|png|gif|mp3|flv)$#i', $filepath)) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT2')); } $name = isset($_FILES['attachment_file']['name'][$i]) ? $_FILES['attachment_file']['name'][$i] : ''; $attachments[] = array($filepath, $name); } } } // Event if (isset($_POST['event_title']) && isset($_POST['event_start']) && isset($_POST['event_end'])) { // Title $event_title = trim($_POST['event_title']); if ($event_title == '') { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_EVENT_NO_TITLE')); } // Dates if (!($event_start = strptime($_POST['event_start'], __('PUBLISH_EVENT_DATE_FORMAT')))) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_EVENT_DATE')); } if (!($event_end = strptime($_POST['event_end'], __('PUBLISH_EVENT_DATE_FORMAT')))) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_EVENT_DATE')); } $event_start = mktime($event_start['tm_hour'], $event_start['tm_min'], 0, $event_start['tm_mon'] + 1, $event_start['tm_mday'], $event_start['tm_year'] + 1900); $event_end = mktime($event_end['tm_hour'], $event_end['tm_min'], 0, $event_end['tm_mon'] + 1, $event_end['tm_mday'], $event_end['tm_year'] + 1900); if ($event_start > $event_end) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_EVENT_DATE_ORDER')); } $event = array($event_title, $event_start, $event_end); } else { $event = null; } // Survey if (isset($_POST['survey_question']) && isset($_POST['survey_end']) && isset($_POST['survey_answer']) && is_array($_POST['survey_answer'])) { // Question $survey_question = trim($_POST['survey_question']); if ($survey_question == '') { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_SURVEY_NO_QUESTION')); } // Date if (!($survey_end = strptime($_POST['survey_end'], __('PUBLISH_EVENT_DATE_FORMAT')))) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_SURVEY_DATE')); } $survey_end = mktime($survey_end['tm_hour'], $survey_end['tm_min'], 0, $survey_end['tm_mon'] + 1, $survey_end['tm_mday'], $survey_end['tm_year'] + 1900); // Multiple answers $survey_multiple = isset($_POST['survey_multiple']); // Answers $survey_answers = array(); foreach ($_POST['survey_answer'] as $survey_answer) { $survey_answer = trim($survey_answer); if ($survey_answer != '') { $survey_answers[] = $survey_answer; } } if (count($survey_answers) < 2) { throw new Exception(__('POST_ADD_ERROR_SURVEY_ANSWERS')); } $survey = array($survey_question, $survey_end, $survey_multiple, $survey_answers); } else { $survey = null; } // Creation of the post $id = $this->model->addPost((int) User_Model::$auth_data['id'], $message, $category, $group, $official, $private); // Attach files foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $this->model->attachFile($id, $attachment[0], $attachment[1], isset($attachment[2]) ? $attachment[2] : null); } // Event if (isset($event)) { $this->model->attachEvent($id, $event[0], $event[1], $event[2]); } // Survey if (isset($survey)) { $this->model->attachSurvey($id, $survey[0], $survey[1], $survey[2], $survey[3]); } $this->addJSCode(' parent.location = "' . Config::URL_ROOT . Routes::getPage('home') . '"; '); } catch (Exception $e) { // Delete all uploading files in tmp foreach ($uploaded_files as $uploaded_file) { File::delete($uploaded_file); } $this->addJSCode(' with(parent){ Post.errorForm(' . json_encode($e->getMessage()) . '); } '); } }
/** * Create a new image based on an image preset. * * @param array $actions An image preset array. * @param Image $image Path of the source file. * @param string $dst Path of the destination file. * @throws \RuntimeException * @return Image */ protected function buildImage($actions, Image $image, $dst) { foreach ($actions as $action) { // Make sure the width and height are computed first so they can be used // in relative x/yoffsets like 'center' or 'bottom'. if (isset($action['width'])) { $action['width'] = $this->percent($action['width'], $image->getWidth()); } if (isset($action['height'])) { $action['height'] = $this->percent($action['height'], $image->getHeight()); } if (isset($action['xoffset'])) { $action['xoffset'] = $this->keywords($action['xoffset'], $image->getWidth(), $action['width']); } if (isset($action['yoffset'])) { $action['yoffset'] = $this->keywords($action['yoffset'], $image->getHeight(), $action['height']); } $this->getMethodCaller()->call($image, $action['action'], $action); } return $image->save($dst); }
public function alphaMask(Image $mask) { $new_img = $this->newImage($this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight()); // resize the mask if it's not the same size if ($mask->getWidth() != $this->getWidth() || $mask->getHeight() != $this->getHeight()) { $mask->resize($this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight(), self::RESIZE_BASE_MIN, true); } // put the mask on for ($x = 0; $x < $this->getWidth(); $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $this->getHeight(); $y++) { $alpha = imagecolorsforindex($mask->getHandle(), imagecolorat($mask->getHandle(), $x, $y)); $alpha = 127 - floor($alpha['red'] / 2); $color = imagecolorsforindex($this->getHandle(), imagecolorat($this->getHandle(), $x, $y)); $new_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($new_img, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $alpha); imagesetpixel($new_img, $x, $y, $new_color); } } imagecopy($this->getHandle(), $new_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight()); imagedestroy($new_img); }
private function handlePluginList($tag, $parameters) { $template = new TemplateEngine($this->getPath() . "templates/" . $this->templateFile); $request = Request::getInstance(); $view = ViewManager::getInstance(); $searchcriteria = isset($parameters) && array_key_exists('searchcriteria', $parameters) ? $parameters['searchcriteria'] : array(); $keys = isset($parameters) && array_key_exists('keys', $parameters) ? $parameters['keys'] : array(); $searchcriteria['id'] = $keys; $settings = $this->plugin->getSettings(); $template->setVariable('settings', $settings); $systemSite = new SystemSite(); $tree = $systemSite->getTree(); $list = $this->getList($searchcriteria, $pagesize, $page); foreach ($list['data'] as &$item) { //TODO get url from caller plugin (newsletter) to track visits $url = new Url(); $url->setPath($request->getProtocol() . $request->getDomain() . $tree->getPath($item['tree_id'])); $url->setParameter('id', $item['id']); $url->setParameter(ViewManager::URL_KEY_DEFAULT, Calendar::VIEW_DETAIL); $item['href_detail'] = $url->getUrl(true); if ($item['thumbnail']) { $img = new Image($item['thumbnail'], $this->plugin->getContentPath(true)); $item['thumbnail'] = array('src' => $this->plugin->getContentPath(false) . $img->getFileName(false), 'width' => $img->getWidth(), 'height' => $img->getHeight()); } } $template->setVariable('calendar', $list); $this->template[$tag] = $template; }
/** * handle overview request */ private function handleOverview() { $request = Request::getInstance(); $view = ViewManager::getInstance(); $page = $this->getPage(); $this->pagerUrl->setParameter($view->getUrlId(), $view->getType()); $taglist = $this->plugin->getTagList(array('plugin_type' => News::TYPE_ARCHIVE)); if (!$taglist) { return; } $tree = $this->director->tree; $url = new Url(true); $url->setParameter($view->getUrlId(), News::VIEW_DETAIL); // link to news tree nodes $treeRef = new NewsTreeRef(); foreach ($taglist as $item) { $template = new TemplateEngine($this->getPath() . "templates/" . $this->templateFile); $template->setPostfix($item['tag']); $template->setCacheable(true); // check if template is in cache if (!$template->isCached()) { // get settings $settings = $this->getSettings(); $key = array('tree_id' => $item['tree_id'], 'tag' => $item['tag']); $detail = $this->getDetail($key); $treeRefList = $treeRef->getList($key); $treeItemList = array(); foreach ($treeRefList['data'] as $treeRefItem) { if (!$tree->exists($treeRefItem['ref_tree_id'])) { continue; } $treeItemList[] = $treeRefItem['ref_tree_id']; } if (!$treeItemList) { continue; } $searchcriteria = array('tree_id' => $treeItemList, 'active' => true); if ($detail['online']) { $searchcriteria['archiveonline'] = $detail['online']; } $searchcriteria['archiveoffline'] = $detail['offline'] ? $detail['offline'] : time(); $overview = $this->getNewsOverview(); $list = $overview->getList($searchcriteria, $settings['rows'], $page); foreach ($list['data'] as &$newsitem) { $url->setParameter('id', $newsitem['id']); $newsitem['href_detail'] = $url->getUrl(true); if ($newsitem['thumbnail']) { $img = new Image($newsitem['thumbnail'], $this->plugin->getContentPath(true)); $newsitem['thumbnail'] = array('src' => $this->plugin->getContentPath(false) . $img->getFileName(false), 'width' => $img->getWidth(), 'height' => $img->getHeight()); } } $template->setVariable('news', $list); $template->setVariable('display', $settings['display'], false); } $this->template[$item['tag']] = $template; } }
for ($i = 0, $icount = count($_JPOST->images); $i < $icount; $i++) { # Storing our image $img_details = $_JPOST->images[$i]; # Getting our image $tmpimg = new Image(); $tmpimg->load($img_details->src); # Our dimentions $x = (int) $img_details->x; $y = (int) $img_details->y; $width = (int) $img_details->width; $height = (int) $img_details->height; $rotate = (double) $img_details->rotate; switch ($img_details->size) { case 'contain': # Calaulating our actual widths/heights $px = $width / $tmpimg->getWidth(); $py = $height / $tmpimg->getHeight(); # Getting our percentages if ($px >= $py) { $py /= $px; $px = 1.0; } else { $px /= $py; $py = 1.0; } # Calculating our new positions $x += ($width - $width * $py) * 0.5; $y += ($height - $height * $px) * 0.5; $width = $width * $py; $height = $height * $px; break;
/** * handle tree edit */ private function handleTreeEditGet($retrieveFields = true) { $template = new TemplateEngine($this->getPath() . "templates/" . $this->templateFile); $request = Request::getInstance(); $view = ViewManager::getInstance(); $view->setType(ViewManager::TREE_EDIT); if (!$request->exists('id')) { throw new Exception('Link is missing.'); } $id = intval($request->getValue('id')); $template->setVariable('id', $id, false); $key = array('id' => $id); if ($retrieveFields) { $fields = $this->getDetail($key); } else { $fields = $this->getFields(SqlParser::MOD_UPDATE); $detail = $this->getDetail($key); $fields['image'] = $detail['image']; } $this->setFields($fields); if ($fields['image']) { $img = new Image($fields['image'], $this->getContentPath(true)); $fields['image'] = array('src' => $this->getContentPath(false) . $img->getFileName(false), 'width' => $img->getWidth(), 'height' => $img->getHeight()); } $template->setVariable($fields, NULL, false); $this->handleTreeSettings($template); $template->setVariable('fckBox', $this->getEditor($fields['text']), false); // get all tree nodes which have plugin modules $site = new SystemSite(); $tree = $site->getTree(); $treelist = $tree->getList(); foreach ($treelist as &$item) { $item['name'] = $tree->toString($item['id'], '/', 'name'); } $template->setVariable('cbo_tree_id', Utils::getHtmlCombo($treelist, $fields['ref_tree_id'], '...')); // get crop settings $settings = $this->plugin->getObject(Links::TYPE_SETTINGS)->getSettings($fields['tag'], $fields['tree_id']); //only crop if both width and height defaults are set if ($fields['image'] && $settings['image_width'] && $settings['image_height'] && ($fields['image']['width'] > $settings['image_width'] || $fields['image']['height'] > $settings['image_height'])) { $theme = $this->director->theme; $parseFile = new ParseFile(); $parseFile->setVariable($fields, NULL, false); $parseFile->setVariable('imgTag', 'imgsrc', false); $parseFile->setVariable($settings, NULL, false); $parseFile->setSource($this->getHtdocsPath(true) . "js/"); //$parseFile->setDestination($this->getCachePath(true)."cropinit_tpl_content.js"); //$parseFile->save(); $theme->addJavascript($parseFile->fetch()); //$this->headers[] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->getCachePath().'cropinit_tpl_content.js"></script>'; $theme->addHeader('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DIF_VIRTUAL_WEB_ROOT . 'js/prototype.js"></script>'); $theme->addHeader('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DIF_VIRTUAL_WEB_ROOT . 'js/scriptaculous.js"></script>'); $theme->addHeader('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DIF_VIRTUAL_WEB_ROOT . 'js/cropper.js"></script>'); $theme->addHeader('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DIF_VIRTUAL_WEB_ROOT . 'js/mint.js"></script>'); } $this->template[$this->director->theme->getConfig()->main_tag] = $template; }
public function tag(Image $img) { return "<img src = \"{$img->getPath()}\" alt=\"\" width=\"{$img->getWidth()}\" height=\"{$img->getHeight()}\" />"; }
/** * Add a group */ public function add($params) { $this->setView('add.php'); $this->setTitle(__('GROUP_ADD_TITLE')); $is_logged = isset(User_Model::$auth_data); $is_admin = $is_logged && User_Model::$auth_data['admin'] == '1'; // Authorization if (!$is_admin) { throw new ActionException('Page', 'error404'); } $group = array(); // Saving data if (isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['creation_date']) && isset($_POST['mail']) && isset($_POST['description'])) { $uploaded_files = array(); try { // Members $members = array(); if (isset($_POST['members_ids']) && is_array($_POST['members_ids'])) { foreach ($_POST['members_ids'] as $id) { if (ctype_digit($id)) { $id = (int) $id; $members[$id] = array('title' => isset($_POST['member_title_' . $id]) ? $_POST['member_title_' . $id] : '', 'admin' => isset($_POST['member_admin_' . $id])); } } } // Other info $data = array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'creation_date' => $_POST['creation_date'], 'mail' => $_POST['mail'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'members' => $members); // Avatar if (isset($_FILES['avatar']) && !is_array($_FILES['avatar']['name'])) { if ($_FILES['avatar']['size'] > Config::UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_PHOTO) { throw new FormException('avatar'); } if ($avatarpath = File::upload('avatar')) { $uploaded_files[] = $avatarpath; try { $img = new Image(); $img->load($avatarpath); $type = $img->getType(); if ($type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $ext = 'jpg'; } else { if ($type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $ext = 'gif'; } else { if ($type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $ext = 'png'; } else { throw new Exception(); } } } if ($img->getWidth() > 800) { $img->setWidth(800, true); } $img->setType(IMAGETYPE_JPEG); $img->save($avatarpath); // Thumb $avatarthumbpath = $avatarpath . '.thumb'; $img->thumb(Config::$AVATARS_THUMBS_SIZES[0], Config::$AVATARS_THUMBS_SIZES[1]); $img->setType(IMAGETYPE_JPEG); $img->save($avatarthumbpath); unset($img); $uploaded_files[] = $avatarthumbpath; $data['avatar_path'] = $avatarthumbpath; $data['avatar_big_path'] = $avatarpath; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new FormException('avatar'); } } } $url_name = $this->model->create($data); Routes::redirect('group', array('group' => $url_name)); } catch (FormException $e) { foreach ($uploaded_files as $uploaded_file) { File::delete($uploaded_file); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $group[$key] = $value; } $group['members'] = Student_Model::getInfoByUsersIds(array_keys($members)); foreach ($group['members'] as &$member) { if (isset($members[(int) $member['user_id']])) { $member['title'] = $members[(int) $member['user_id']]['title']; $member['admin'] = $members[(int) $member['user_id']]['admin'] ? '1' : '0'; } } $this->set('form_error', $e->getError()); } } $this->set('group', $group); $this->addJSCode('Group.initEdit();'); }
/** * page for upload face in iframe * override the js array */ public function ajax_face() { if (!$this->RequestHandler->isPost()) { $this->error(ECode::$SYS_REQUESTERROR); } $this->requestLogin(); $u = User::getInstance(); $face = Configure::read("user.face"); //init upload file if (isset($this->params['url']['name'])) { //html5 mode $tmp_name = tempnam(CACHE, "upload_"); file_put_contents($tmp_name, file_get_contents('php://input')); $file = array('tmp_name' => $tmp_name, 'name' => nforum_iconv('utf-8', $this->encoding, $this->params['url']['name']), 'size' => filesize($tmp_name), 'error' => 0); } else { if (isset($this->params['form']['file']) && is_array($this->params['form']['file'])) { //flash mode $file = $this->params['form']['file']; $file['name'] = nforum_iconv('utf-8', $this->encoding, $file['name']); } else { $this->error(ECode::$ATT_NONE); } } $errno = isset($file['error']) ? $file['error'] : UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE; switch ($errno) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: $tmpFile = $file['tmp_name']; $tmpName = $file['name']; if (!isset($tmp_name) && !is_uploaded_file($tmpFile)) { $msg = "上传错误"; break; } $ext = strrchr($tmpName, '.'); if (!in_array(strtolower($ext), $face['ext'])) { $msg = "上传文件扩展名有误"; break; } if (filesize($tmpFile) > $face['size']) { $msg = "文件大小超过上限" . $face['size'] / 1024 . "K"; break; } mt_srand(); $faceDir = $face['dir'] . DS . strtoupper(substr($u->userid, 0, 1)); $facePath = $faceDir . DS . $u->userid . "." . mt_rand(0, 10000) . $ext; $faceFullDir = WWW_ROOT . $faceDir; $faceFullPath = WWW_ROOT . $facePath; if (!is_dir($faceFullDir)) { @mkdir($faceFullDir); } if (is_file($faceFullPath)) { $msg = "我觉得您今天可以买彩票了"; break; } if (isset($tmp_name)) { if (!rename($tmp_name, $faceFullPath)) { $msg = "上传错误"; break; } } else { if (!move_uploaded_file($tmpFile, $faceFullPath)) { $msg = "上传错误"; break; } } App::import('vendor', "inc/image"); try { $img = new Image($faceFullPath); $format = $img->getFormat(); if (!in_array($format, range(1, 3))) { $msg = "上传的文件貌似不是图像文件"; break; } //gif do not thumbnail if ($format != 1) { $facePath = preg_replace("/\\.[^.]+\$/", '.jpg', $facePath); $faceFullPath = WWW_ROOT . $facePath; $img->thumbnail($faceFullPath, 120, 120); } } catch (ImageNullException $e) { $msg = "上传的文件貌似不是图像文件"; break; } $this->set("no_html_data", array("img" => $facePath, "width" => $img->getWidth(), "height" => $img->getHeight(), "ajax_st" => 1, "ajax_code" => ECode::$SYS_AJAXOK, "ajax_msg" => "文件上传成功")); return; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $msg = "文件大小超过系统上限"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $msg = "文件传输出错!"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $msg = "没有文件上传!"; break; default: $msg = "未知错误"; } if (isset($tmp_name)) { @unlink($tmp_name); } $this->set("no_html_data", array("ajax_st" => 0, "ajax_code" => ECode::$SYS_AJAXERROR, "ajax_msg" => $msg)); }
/** * @param Image $src * @param int $x * @param int $y * @param int $width * @param int $height * @return Image */ public function addAndResizeLayer(Image $src, $x, $y, $width, $height) { if ($src->getWidth() !== $width || $src->getHeight() !== $height) { $src = $src->resizeTo($width, $height); } return $this->addLayer($src, $x, $y); }
/** * Puts another image into this image. * @param Image * @param mixed x-coordinate in pixels or percent * @param mixed y-coordinate in pixels or percent * @param int opacity 0..100 * @return Image provides a fluent interface */ public function place(Image $image, $left = 0, $top = 0, $opacity = 100) { $opacity = max(0, min(100, (int) $opacity)); if (substr($left, -1) === '%') { $left = round(($this->getWidth() - $image->getWidth()) / 100 * $left); } if (substr($top, -1) === '%') { $top = round(($this->getHeight() - $image->getHeight()) / 100 * $top); } if ($opacity === 100) { imagecopy($this->getImageResource(), $image->getImageResource(), $left, $top, 0, 0, $image->getWidth(), $image->getHeight()); } elseif ($opacity != 0) { imagecopymerge($this->getImageResource(), $image->getImageResource(), $left, $top, 0, 0, $image->getWidth(), $image->getHeight(), $opacity); } return $this; }
/** * Make HTML for a thumbnail including image, border and caption * $img is an Image object */ function makeThumbLinkObj($img, $label = '', $alt, $align = 'right', $boxwidth = 180, $boxheight = false, $framed = false, $manual_thumb = "") { global $wgStylePath, $wgContLang; $url = $img->getViewURL(); $width = $height = 0; if ($img->exists()) { $width = $img->getWidth(); $height = $img->getHeight(); } if (0 == $width || 0 == $height) { $width = $height = 200; } if ($boxwidth == 0) { $boxwidth = 200; } if ($framed) { // Use image dimensions, don't scale $boxwidth = $width; $oboxwidth = $boxwidth + 2; $boxheight = $height; $thumbUrl = $url; } else { $h = intval($height / ($width / $boxwidth)); $oboxwidth = $boxwidth + 2; if (!$boxheight === false && $h > $boxheight) { $boxwidth *= $boxheight / $h; } else { $boxheight = $h; } if ('' == $manual_thumb) { $thumbUrl = $img->createThumb($boxwidth); } } if ($manual_thumb != '') { $manual_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_IMAGE, $manual_thumb); #new Title ( $manual_thumb ) ; $manual_img = new Image($manual_title); $thumbUrl = $manual_img->getViewURL(); if ($manual_img->exists()) { $width = $manual_img->getWidth(); $height = $manual_img->getHeight(); $boxwidth = $width; $boxheight = $height; $oboxwidth = $boxwidth + 2; } } $u = $img->getEscapeLocalURL(); $more = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('thumbnail-more')); $magnifyalign = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? 'left' : 'right'; $textalign = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? ' style="text-align:right"' : ''; $s = "<div class=\"thumb t{$align}\"><div style=\"width:{$oboxwidth}px;\">"; if ($thumbUrl == '') { $s .= $this->makeBrokenImageLinkObj($img->getTitle()); $zoomicon = ''; } else { $s .= '<a href="' . $u . '" class="internal" title="' . $alt . '">' . '<img src="' . $thumbUrl . '" alt="' . $alt . '" ' . 'width="' . $boxwidth . '" height="' . $boxheight . '" ' . 'longdesc="' . $u . '" /></a>'; if ($framed) { $zoomicon = ""; } else { $zoomicon = '<div class="magnify" style="float:' . $magnifyalign . '">' . '<a href="' . $u . '" class="internal" title="' . $more . '">' . '<img src="' . $wgStylePath . '/common/images/magnify-clip.png" ' . 'width="15" height="11" alt="' . $more . '" /></a></div>'; } } $s .= ' <div class="thumbcaption" ' . $textalign . '>' . $zoomicon . $label . "</div></div></div>"; return str_replace("\n", ' ', $s); }
/** * handle tree edit */ private function handleTreeEditGet($retrieveFields = true) { $template = new TemplateEngine($this->getPath() . "templates/" . $this->templateFile); $request = Request::getInstance(); $view = ViewManager::getInstance(); $view->setType(Calendar::VIEW_IMAGE_EDIT); $tree_id = intval($request->getValue('tree_id')); $tag = $request->getValue('tag'); $template->setVariable('tree_id', $tree_id, false); $template->setVariable('tag', $tag, false); if (!$request->exists('id')) { throw new Exception('Bestand is missing.'); } $id = intval($request->getValue('id')); $template->setVariable('id', $id, false); $key = array('id' => $id); if ($retrieveFields) { $fields = $this->getDetail($key); } else { $fields = $this->getFields(SqlParser::MOD_UPDATE); $detail = $this->getDetail($key); $fields['file'] = $detail['file']; } $this->setFields($fields); if ($fields['image']) { $img = new Image($fields['image'], $this->plugin->getContentPath(true)); $fields['image'] = array('src' => $this->plugin->getContentPath(false) . $img->getFileName(false), 'width' => $img->getWidth(), 'height' => $img->getHeight()); } $template->setVariable($fields); $this->handleTreeSettings($template); // get crop settings $settings = $this->plugin->getSettings(); //only crop if both width and height defaults are set if ($fields['image'] && $settings['image_width'] && $settings['image_height'] && ($fields['image']['width'] > $settings['image_width'] || $fields['image']['height'] > $settings['image_height'])) { $theme = $this->director->theme; $parseFile = new ParseFile(); $parseFile->setVariable($fields); $parseFile->setVariable('imgTag', 'imgsrc'); $parseFile->setVariable($settings); $parseFile->setSource($this->plugin->getHtdocsPath(true) . "js/"); //$parseFile->setDestination($this->plugin->getCachePath(true)."cropinit_tpl_content.js"); //$parseFile->save(); $theme->addJavascript($parseFile->fetch()); $theme->addHeader('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DIF_VIRTUAL_WEB_ROOT . 'js/prototype.js"></script>'); $theme->addHeader('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DIF_VIRTUAL_WEB_ROOT . 'js/scriptaculous.js"></script>'); $theme->addHeader('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DIF_VIRTUAL_WEB_ROOT . 'js/cropper.js"></script>'); $theme->addHeader('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DIF_VIRTUAL_WEB_ROOT . 'js/mint.js"></script>'); //$theme->addHeader('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->plugin->getCachePath().'cropinit_tpl_content.js"></script>'); } $this->template[$this->director->theme->getConfig()->main_tag] = $template; }
protected function getImageInfo($image, $firstChildClass = '') { $imageText = ''; $thumbWidth = SearchForm::THUMB_WIDTH; $filename = (string) $image['filename']; $t = Title::makeTitle(NS_IMAGE, $filename); if ($t && $t->exists()) { $img = new Image($t); $caption = (string) $image['caption']; if (!$caption) { $caption = $filename; } $maxWidth = 700; $maxHeight = 300; $width = $img->getWidth(); $height = $img->getHeight(); if ($maxWidth > $width * $maxHeight / $height) { $maxWidth = wfFitBoxWidth($width, $height, $maxHeight); } $imageURL = $img->createThumb($maxWidth, $maxHeight); $caption = str_replace('|', ' ', $caption); $titleAttr = StructuredData::escapeXml("{$imageURL}|{$maxWidth}|{$caption}"); $imageText = <<<END <td style="width: 1%" class="{$firstChildClass}"> <div class="wr-infobox-image wr-imagehover" title="{$titleAttr}">[[Image:{$filename}|{$thumbWidth}x{$thumbWidth}px]]</div> </td> END; } return $imageText; }
<?php namespace esee; require_once 'esee/App.php'; App::autoload(); $image = new Image('../x1.jpg'); $image->open(); $diff = 16777215 / 2; $provider = new provider\ProviderFile('data.txt'); $chainBuilder = new ChainBuilder($image, $diff); $ar = []; for ($y = 0; $y < $image->getHeight(); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $image->getWidth(); $x++) { if ($chainBuilder->getValue($x, $y) == 1) { $c = $chainBuilder->makeChain($x, $y); if (is_null($c)) { continue; } Helper::view2($c); list($ax, $ay) = Helper::avg($c); $char = $provider->findByXY($ax, $ay); if (!is_null($char)) { echo "Find: {$char->char}\n"; exit; } else { echo "No find: {$ax}, {$ay}\n"; } array_push($ar, $c); } }
public function uploadAll() { $this->load->language('common/filemanager'); $error = array(); $extension = array("jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif", "JPG", "bmp"); // Make sure we have the correct directory if (isset($this->request->get['directory'])) { $directory = rtrim(DIR_IMAGE . 'catalog/' . str_replace(array('../', '..\\', '..'), '', $this->request->get['directory']), '/'); } else { $directory = DIR_IMAGE . 'catalog'; } // Check it's a directory if (!is_dir($directory)) { $json['error'] = $this->language->get('error_directory'); } $clientFolder = $this->request->get['directory']; foreach ($this->request->files["file"]["tmp_name"] as $key => $tmp_name) { $file_name = $this->request->files["file"]["name"][$key]; $file_name = str_replace(" ", "_", $file_name); $file_tmp = $this->request->files["file"]["tmp_name"][$key]; $ext = pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //Contruct the image object for modification $new_image = new Image($file_tmp); $w = $new_image->getWidth(); $h = $new_image->getHeight(); $size = $w * $h; $new_image->resize($w * 0.5, $h * 0.5); if (in_array($ext, $extension)) { if (!file_exists($directory . "/" . $file_name)) { //move_uploaded_file($file_tmp = $this->request->files["file"]["tmp_name"][$key], $directory . "/" . $file_name); move_uploaded_file($new_image->getFile(), $directory . "/" . $file_name); $json['success'] = 'Files are uploaded'; } else { $json['error'] = 'Duplicate file error'; } } else { array_push($error, "{$file_name}, "); $json['error'] = $this->language->get('error_upload'); } } $this->response->addHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); $this->response->setOutput(json_encode($json)); }
public function uploadAvatar() { if (!$this->auth->isLogged()) { $this->security_log->write('Try to upload image from guest request'); exit; } if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { $this->security_log->write('Try to upload image without ajax request'); exit; } $json = array('error_message' => tt('Undefined upload error')); if ('POST' == $this->request->getRequestMethod() && $this->_validateAvatar()) { // If image file looks good, lets prepare temporary save it $image = new Image($this->request->files['avatar']['tmp_name']); // Resize to default original format if (USER_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_WIDTH < $image->getWidth() || USER_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_HEIGHT < $image->getHeight()) { $image->resize(USER_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_WIDTH, USER_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_HEIGHT); } // Return result $filename = DIR_STORAGE . $this->auth->getId() . DIR_SEPARATOR . 'thumb' . '.' . ALLOWED_IMAGE_EXTENSION; if ($image->save($filename)) { $json = array('success_message' => tt('Image successfully uploaded!'), 'url' => $this->cache->image('thumb', $this->auth->getId(), 100, 100, false, true) . '?update=' . time()); } } else { if (isset($this->_error['common'])) { $json = array('error_message' => $this->_error['common']); } } $this->response->addHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); $this->response->setOutput(json_encode($json)); }
public function insert(Image $replacement, $x, $y, $width, $height) { imagecopyresized($this->handle, $replacement->getHandle(), $x, $y, 0, 0, $width, $height, $replacement->getWidth(), $replacement->getHeight()); return $this; }
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $results = split("\n", trim(curl_exec($ch))); foreach ($results as $line) { if (strtok($line, ':') == 'Content-Type') { $parts = explode(":", $line); if (substr(trim($parts[1]), 0, 6) != 'image/') { exit_fail(NQ_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE, LANG_INVALID_IMAGE . $line); } } } # Getting our image $img = new Image(); $img->load($_JPOST->src); # Checking our image if ((int) $img->getWidth() < 1 || (int) $img->getHeight() < 1) { exit_fail(NQ_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE, LANG_INVALID_IMAGE); } # Making sure we have our open directories $G_PATH_DATA = parse_path($_JPOST->dir, $_ENDPOINT, $G_TOKEN_SESSION_DATA); $G_DIRECTORY_DATA = directory_hierarchy($G_STORAGE_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, $G_APP_DATA['id'], $G_APP_ENVIRONMENT, $G_PATH_DATA->absolute, $G_APP_DATA['img_auto_makedir'] == 1); # If we aren't allowed we exit check_directory_blacklisted($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, $G_TOKEN_DATA['id'], $G_TOKEN_SESSION_DATA, $G_DIRECTORY_DATA['path'] . $G_DIRECTORY_DATA['name']); # Getting our server where we are going to store the images $query = "\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t" . NQ_SERVERS_TABLE . "\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t`server_type`\t='image' AND\n\t\t\t\t`environment`\t='" . mysqli_escape_string($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, $G_APP_ENVIRONMENT) . "'\n\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t`tier` ASC,\n\t\t\t\t`available_space` DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT 1"; $G_SERVER_DATA = mysqli_single_result_query($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, $query); # Combining our host properties into our path $G_SERVER_HOST = NQ_FILE_STORAGE_PROTOCOL . $G_SERVER_DATA['username'] . NQ_FILE_STORAGE_CRED_SEPARATOR . $G_SERVER_DATA['password'] . NQ_FILE_STORAGE_HOST_SEPARATOR . $G_SERVER_DATA['host'] . $G_SERVER_DATA['path']; # Getting our metadata $filename = $_JPOST->name; $created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
protected function formatImage($image, $inCitation = false) { $filename = (string) $image['filename']; if (!$filename) { return ''; } $caption = (string) $image['caption']; $iconWidth = SearchForm::THUMB_WIDTH; $iconHeight = 48; $t = Title::makeTitle(NS_IMAGE, $filename); if (!$t || !$t->exists()) { return ''; } $image = new Image($t); $maxHoverWidth = 700; $maxHoverHeight = 300; $width = $image->getWidth(); $height = $image->getHeight(); if ($height > 0 && $maxHoverWidth > $width * $maxHoverHeight / $height) { $maxHoverWidth = wfFitBoxWidth($width, $height, $maxHoverHeight); } $imageURL = $image->createThumb($maxHoverWidth, $maxHoverHeight); $titleAttr = StructuredData::escapeXml("{$imageURL}|{$maxHoverWidth}"); if ($inCitation) { return "<span class=\"wr-citation-image wr-imagehover inline-block\" title=\"{$titleAttr}\">{$caption} [[Image:{$filename}|{$iconWidth}x{$iconHeight}px]]</span>"; } else { return "<span class=\"wr-imagehover inline-block\" title=\"{$titleAttr}\">[[Image:{$filename}|thumb|left|{$caption}]]</span>"; } // return <<<END //<div class="inline-block"> // <span id="$id">[[Image:$filename|thumb|left|$id. $caption]]</span> //</div> //END; }
/** * Returns image width. * @return int */ public function getWidth() { return $this->file === NULL ? parent::getWidth() : $this->width; }
/** * handle admin overview request */ private function handleAdminOverview() { $request = Request::getInstance(); $view = ViewManager::getInstance(); $page = $this->getPage(); $this->pagerUrl->setParameter($view->getUrlId(), $view->getType()); $template = new TemplateEngine($this->getPath() . "templates/" . $this->templateFile); $url = new Url(true); $url->clearParameter('id'); $url_new = clone $url; $url_new->setParameter($view->getUrlId(), ViewManager::ADMIN_NEW); $template->setVariable('href_new', $url_new->getUrl(true), false); $url_update = clone $url; $url_update->setParameter($view->getUrlId(), self::VIEW_UPDATE); $template->setVariable('href_update', $url_update->getUrl(true), false); $url_edit = clone $url; $url_edit->setParameter($view->getUrlId(), ViewManager::ADMIN_EDIT); $url_config = clone $url; $url_config->setParameter($view->getUrlId(), self::VIEW_CONFIG); $url_export = clone $url; $url_export->setParameter($view->getUrlId(), self::VIEW_EXPORT); $url_del = clone $url; $url_del->setParameter($view->getUrlId(), ViewManager::ADMIN_DELETE); $searchcriteria = array(); $list = $this->getList(NULL, $this->pagesize, $page); foreach ($list['data'] as &$item) { $url_edit->setParameter('id', $item['id']); $url_config->setParameter('id', $item['id']); $url_export->setParameter('id', $item['id']); $url_del->setParameter('id', $item['id']); $item['href_edit'] = $url_edit->getUrl(true); $item['href_config'] = $url_config->getUrl(true); $item['href_export'] = $url_export->getUrl(true); $item['href_del'] = $url_del->getUrl(true); if ($item['image']) { try { $img = new Image($item['image'], $this->getContentPath(true)); $item['image'] = array('src' => $this->getContentPath(false) . $img->getFileName(false), 'width' => $img->getWidth(), 'height' => $img->getHeight()); } catch (Exception $err) { } } } $template->setVariable('list', $list, false); $this->template[$this->director->theme->getConfig()->main_tag] = $template; }
public function uploadImage() { if (!$this->auth->isLogged()) { $this->security_log->write('Try to upload image from guest request'); exit; } if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { $this->security_log->write('Try to upload image without ajax request'); exit; } $json = array('error_message' => tt('Undefined upload error')); if ('POST' == $this->request->getRequestMethod() && $this->_validateImage()) { // Create user's folder if not exists if (!is_dir(DIR_STORAGE . $this->auth->getId())) { mkdir(DIR_STORAGE . $this->auth->getId(), 0755); } $image = new Image($this->request->files['image']['tmp_name'][$this->request->get['row']]); // Resize to default original format if (PRODUCT_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_WIDTH < $image->getWidth() || PRODUCT_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_HEIGHT < $image->getHeight()) { $image->resize(PRODUCT_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_WIDTH, PRODUCT_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_HEIGHT, 1, false, true); } $image_path = DIR_STORAGE . $this->auth->getId() . DIR_SEPARATOR; $image_filename = '_' . sha1(rand() . microtime() . $this->auth->getId()); // Save image to the temporary file if ($image->save($image_path . $image_filename . '.' . STORAGE_IMAGE_EXTENSION)) { $json = array('success_message' => tt('Image successfully uploaded!'), 'url' => $this->cache->image($image_filename, $this->auth->getId(), 36, 36), 'product_image_id' => $image_filename); } } else { if (isset($this->_error['image']['common'])) { $json = array('error_message' => $this->_error['image']['common']); } } $this->response->addHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); $this->response->setOutput(json_encode($json)); }