private function readUrl_Curl($url, $destFile, ImThumb $requestor)
     self::$curlFH = @fopen($destFile, 'w');
     if (!self::$curlFH) {
         throw new ImThumbException('Could not open cache file for remote image', ImThumb::ERR_CACHE);
     self::$curlDataWritten = 0;
     $curl = curl_init($url);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $requestor->param('externalRequestTimeout'));
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.122 Safari/534.30");
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, 'ImThumbSource_HTTP::curlWrite');
     @curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
     @curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10);
     $curlResult = curl_exec($curl);
     $httpStatus = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     if ($httpStatus == 404) {
         throw new ImThumbNotFoundException('Could not locate remote image', ImThumb::ERR_SRC_IMAGE);
     if ($httpStatus == 302) {
         throw new ImThumbNotFoundException("External Image is Redirecting. Try alternate image url", ImThumb::ERR_SRC_IMAGE);
     if (!$curlResult) {
         throw new ImThumbException("Internal cURL error fetching remote file", ImThumb::ERR_SRC_IMAGE);
예제 #2
 public function validateWith(ImThumb $generator)
     if (!$this->valid) {
         throw new ImThumbNotFoundException("Could not read image metadata", ImThumb::ERR_SRC_IMAGE);
     if ($this->fileSize > $generator->param('maxSize')) {
         throw new ImThumbException("Image file exceeds maximum processable size", ImThumb::ERR_SRC_IMAGE);
 public function readMetadata($src, ImThumb $requestor)
     $fallbackMeta = new ImThumbMeta();
     $src = $this->getRealImagePath($src, $requestor->param('baseDir'));
     $mtime = @filemtime($src);
     if (false === $mtime) {
         return $fallbackMeta->invalid();
     $fileSize = @filesize($src);
     $sData = @getimagesize($src);
     // ensure it's an image
     if (!$sData) {
         return $fallbackMeta->invalid();
     $mimeType = strtolower($sData['mime']);
     if (!preg_match('/^image\\//i', $mimeType)) {
         $mimeType = 'image/' . $mimeType;
     if ($mimeType == 'image/jpg') {
         $mimeType = 'image/jpeg';
     return new ImThumbMeta($src, $mtime, $fileSize, $mimeType);
 public static function processRequest(array $params)
     // set timezone if unset to avoid warnings
     // set memory limit if required
     if ($params['memoryLimit']) {
         $inibytes = self::returnBytes(ini_get('memory_limit'));
         $ourbytes = self::returnBytes($params['memoryLimit']);
         if ($inibytes < $ourbytes) {
             @ini_set('memory_limit', $params['memoryLimit']);
     // load up the configured rate limiter class, if any
     if (!empty($params['rateLimiter'])) {
         $limiter = $params['rateLimiter'];
         // if the configured class does not exist, this is a hack attempt and someone is hitting the imthumb.php script directly to bypass rate limiting
         if (!class_exists($limiter)) {
             $remoteIPString = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] : (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''));
             throw new ImThumbCriticalException("Rate limiter class not found, hack attempt! Source {$remoteIPString}", ImThumb::ERR_HACK_ATTEMPT);
         $params['rateLimiter'] = new $limiter();
     $handler = new ImThumb($params);
     $http = new ImThumbHTTP($handler, $params);
     try {
         // check for referrer
         if (!$params['externalReferrerAllowed'] && !self::isReferrerOk()) {
         // check for rate limiting
         if (!$handler->checkRateLimits()) {
         // load up the image
         // check for browser cache
         if ($handler->hasBrowserCache()) {
         // check and write to caches
         if (!$handler->writeCache()) {
             // check cache directory for expired content if we processed an already cached image
             if ($handler->cache) {
         // output the image and all headers
         if (!$http->display()) {
             // nothing to display, we aren't configured to show any fallback 404 image
             throw new ImThumbCriticalException("Source image not found. Source querystring: {$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}", ImThumb::ERR_SERVER_CONFIG);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e instanceof ImThumbCriticalException) {
             throw $e;
         // attempt to load any configured error image. If this errors out it will just throw the exception naturally.
         if ($e instanceof ImThumbException) {
             if ($e->getCode() == ImThumb::ERR_SRC_IMAGE) {
                 // log the querystring passed in addition to regular message
                 $msg = $e->getMessage() . ' Source querystring: ' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
             } else {
                 $msg = $e->getMessage();
         } else {
             $msg = 'Unknown error ' . $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage();
         $theImage = $handler->getImage();
         if (!$theImage) {
             throw $e;
         echo $theImage;
예제 #5
 public function getCachePath(ImThumb $imageHandle, $src = null)
     $cacheDir = $this->baseDir;
     if (!$cacheDir) {
         return false;
     if (!$src) {
         $src = $imageHandle->getSrc();
     $extension = substr($src, strrpos($src, '.') + 1);
     if ($this->cacheFilenameFormat) {
         list($width, $height) = $imageHandle->getTargetSize();
         return $cacheDir . '/' . str_replace(array('%filename%', '%ext%', '%w%', '%h%', '%q%', '%a%', '%zc%', '%s%', '%cc%', '%ct%', '%cr%', '%filters%', '%pjpg%', '%upscale%'), array(basename($src, '.' . $extension), $extension, $width, $height, $imageHandle->param('quality'), $imageHandle->param('align'), $imageHandle->param('cropMode'), $imageHandle->param('sharpen') ? 's' : '', $imageHandle->param('canvasColor'), $imageHandle->param('canvasTransparent') ? 't' : '', $imageHandle->param('cropRect'), $imageHandle->param('filters'), $imageHandle->param('jpgProgressive') ? 'p' : '', $imageHandle->param('upscale') ? '' : 'nu'), $this->cacheFilenameFormat);
     return $cacheDir . '/' . $this->cachePrefix . md5($this->cacheSalt . json_encode($imageHandle->params()) . ImThumb::VERSION) . $this->cacheSuffix;
예제 #6
        $tryFile = '/imthumb-source-' . strtolower(str_replace('ImThumbSource_', '', $class)) . '.class.php';
        if (file_exists(IMTHUMB_BASE . $tryFile)) {
            require_once IMTHUMB_BASE . $tryFile;
            return true;
        if ($this->params['extraSourceHandlerPath'] && file_exists($this->params['extraSourceHandlerPath'] . $tryFile)) {
            require_once $this->params['extraSourceHandlerPath'] . $tryFile;
            return true;
        return false;
    // Rate limiting
     * @return true if rate is OK, false if exceeded
    public function checkRateLimits()
        if ($limiter = $this->param('rateLimiter')) {
            if (!$limiter->checkRateLimits()) {
                return false;
        return true;
ImThumb::$HAS_MBSTRING = extension_loaded('mbstring');
ImThumb::$MBSTRING_SHADOW = (int) ini_get('mbstring.func_overload');