public function safeDown()
     $this->addColumn('{{ics_analytics}}', 'headers', 'text NOT NULL');
     $this->addColumn('{{ics_analytics}}', 'params', 'text NOT NULL');
     $this->dropColumn('{{ics_analytics}}', 'group');
 public function actionChart($interval = 'day', $group = 'all')
     if (!in_array($interval, ['day', 'hour'])) {
         throw new CHttpException(404);
     if (!in_array($group, ['all', 'groups', 'platforms'])) {
         throw new CHttpException(404);
     switch ($interval) {
         case 'day':
             $time = "DATE_FORMAT(`time`, '%Y-%m-%d')";
         case 'hour':
             $time = "DATE_FORMAT(`time`, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00')";
     $series = [];
     switch ($group) {
         case 'groups':
             $data = [];
             foreach (Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select($time . " as 'date', count(*) as `count`, `group`")->from(IcsAnalytics::model()->tableName())->group($time . ', `group`')->queryAll() as $row) {
                 $data[(int) $row['group']][] = [strtotime($row['date']) * 1000, (int) $row['count']];
             foreach ($data as $chart_name => $chart_data) {
                 $series[] = ['name' => $chart_name, 'data' => $chart_data];
         case 'platforms':
             $data_temp = [];
             $data_temp['Android'] = [];
             foreach (Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select($time . " as 'date', count(*) as `count`, `group`")->from(IcsAnalytics::model()->tableName())->where("`useragent` LIKE '%Android%'")->group($time)->queryAll() as $row) {
                 $data_temp['Android'][] = [strtotime($row['date']) * 1000, (int) $row['count']];
             $data_temp['iOS/Mac'] = [];
             foreach (Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select($time . " as 'date', count(*) as `count`, `group`")->from(IcsAnalytics::model()->tableName())->where("`useragent` LIKE '%iOS%' OR `useragent` LIKE '%Mac%'")->group($time)->queryAll() as $row) {
                 $data_temp['iOS/Mac'][] = [strtotime($row['date']) * 1000, (int) $row['count']];
             $data_temp['Другие'] = [];
             foreach (Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select($time . " as 'date', count(*) as `count`, `group`")->from(IcsAnalytics::model()->tableName())->where("`useragent` NOT LIKE '%iOS%' AND `useragent` NOT LIKE '%Mac%' AND `useragent` NOT LIKE '%Android%'")->group($time)->queryAll() as $row) {
                 $data_temp['Другие'][] = [strtotime($row['date']) * 1000, (int) $row['count']];
             foreach ($data_temp as $chart_name => $data) {
                 $series[] = ['name' => $chart_name, 'data' => $data];
         case 'all':
             $data = [];
             foreach (Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select($time . " as 'date', count(*) as `count`")->from(IcsAnalytics::model()->tableName())->group($time)->queryAll() as $row) {
                 $data[] = [strtotime($row['date']) * 1000, (int) $row['count']];
             $series[] = ['name' => 'Всего', 'data' => $data];
     $this->render('chart', ['series' => $series, 'interval' => $interval, 'group' => $group]);
예제 #3
 public function actionIndex()
     /** @var Semesters $semester */
     $semester = Semesters::model()->actual();
     $this->render('index', ['group_count' => Group::model()->filled()->count(), 'replace_count' => GroupReplace::model()->count('date >= :start_semester AND date <= :end_semester', [':start_semester' => $semester->start_date, ':end_semester' => $semester->end_date]), 'ics_count' => IcsAnalytics::model()->count('time LIKE :date', [':date' => date('Y-m-d') . '%'])]);
예제 #4
 public function actionGroup($id)
     if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         throw new CHttpException(403, 'У вас нет useragent, поэтому сюда вам нельзя');
     /** @var Semesters $semester */
     if (!($semester = Semesters::model()->with(['call_list', 'call_list_short'])->actual())) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'Сейчас нет семестра :-(');
     // Аналитика
     if (!($unique_ics_id = Yii::app()->session->get('unique_ics_id', false))) {
         $unique_ics_id = uniqid();
         Yii::app()->session->add('unique_ics_id', $unique_ics_id);
     $analytics = new IcsAnalytics();
     $analytics->setAttributes(['useragent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'group' => $id, 'time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'ip' => get_client_ip(), 'unique_id' => $unique_ics_id]);
     // Даты
     $count_days = 24;
     $current_date = date('Y-m-d');
     $period_interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
     $period_start = new DateTime($current_date);
     $period_start->modify('-' . floor($count_days / 2) . ' days');
     $period_end = new DateTime($current_date);
     $period_end->modify('+' . floor($count_days / 2) . ' days');
     $period = new DatePeriod($period_start, $period_interval, $period_end);
     $period_dates = [];
     $semester_start = new DateTime($semester->start_date);
     $semester_end = new DateTime($semester->end_date);
     /** @var DateTime $period_date */
     foreach ($period as $period_date) {
         $period_dates[] = $period_date->format('Y-m-d');
     // Загрузка группы с расписанием и заменами за нужный период
     /** @var Group $group */
     if (!($group = Group::model()->filled()->with(['schedule_elements' => ['with' => ['teacher' => ['alias' => 's_teacher'], 'classroom' => ['alias' => 's_classroom'], 'subject' => ['alias' => 's_subject']], 'condition' => 'semester_id = :semester_id', 'params' => [':semester_id' => $semester->id]], 'replaces' => ['together' => false, 'with' => ['teacher' => ['alias' => 'r_teacher'], 'classroom' => ['alias' => 'r_classroom'], 'subject' => ['alias' => 'r_subject']], 'condition' => 'date >= :start_date AND date <= :end_date', 'params' => [':start_date' => $period_start->format('Y-m-d'), ':end_date' => $period_end->format('Y-m-d')]]])->findByAttributes(['number' => $id]))) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'Группа не найдена или незаполнена');
     // Преобразование массивов
     /** @var CallListsElements[] $call_list */
     $call_list = CHtml::listData($semester->call_list()->elements, 'number', function ($model) {
         return $model;
     /** @var CallListsElements[] $call_list_short */
     $call_list_short = CHtml::listData($semester->call_list_short()->elements, 'number', function ($model) {
         return $model;
     $schedule_elements = [];
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
         for ($j = 1; $j <= 6; $j++) {
             $schedule_elements[$i][$j] = CHtml::listData(array_filter($group->schedule_elements, function ($model) use(&$i, &$j) {
                 return $model->week_number == $i && $model->week_day == $j;
             }), 'number', function ($model) {
                 return $model;
             ksort($schedule_elements[$i][$j], SORT_NUMERIC);
         ksort($schedule_elements[$i], SORT_NUMERIC);
     $replaces = [];
     foreach ($group->replaces as $replace) {
         $replaces[$replace->date][$replace->number] = $replace;
     $calendar = new Calendar();
     $calendar->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Moscow'));
     $calendar->setCustomHeaders(['X-PUBLISHED-TTL' => 'PT1H', 'REFRESH-INTERVAL' => 'VALUE=DURATION:PT1H']);
     $holidays = CHtml::listData(Holiday::model()->findAllByAttributes(['date' => $period_dates]), 'date', 'name');
     $short_days = CHtml::listData(ShortDay::model()->findAllByAttributes(['date' => $period_dates]), 'date', 'name');
     /** @var DateTime $period_element */
     foreach ($period as $period_element) {
         $week_day = $period_element->format('N');
         $date_formatted = $period_element->format('Y-m-d');
         if ($period_element < $semester_start || $week_day == 7 || array_key_exists($date_formatted, $holidays)) {
         if ($period_element > $semester_end) {
         if ($week_day == 6 || array_key_exists($date_formatted, $short_days)) {
             $current_call_list = $call_list_short;
         } else {
             $current_call_list = $call_list;
         $week_number = ($semester->week_number + ($period_element->format('W') - $semester_start->format('W'))) % 2 ? 1 : 2;
         /** @var ScheduleElement $schedule_element */
         foreach ((isset($replaces[$date_formatted]) ? $replaces[$date_formatted] : []) + $schedule_elements[$week_number][$week_day] as $schedule_element) {
             if (isset($schedule_element->cancel) && $schedule_element->cancel) {
             $event = new CalendarEvent();
             $start_time = clone $period_element;
             $call_list_start = explode(':', $current_call_list[$schedule_element->number]->start_time);
             $call_list_end = explode(':', $current_call_list[$schedule_element->number]->end_time);
             $start_time->setTime($call_list_start[0], $call_list_start[1]);
             $end_time = clone $period_element;
             $end_time->setTime($call_list_end[0], $call_list_end[1]);
             $event->setUid(md5($date_formatted . ' ' . $current_call_list[$schedule_element->number]->start_time));
             if ($schedule_element->classroom_id || $schedule_element->teacher_id) {
                 $location = new Location();
                 $desc = [];
                 if ($schedule_element->teacher_id) {
                     $desc[] = $schedule_element->teacher->lastname . ' ' . mb_substr($schedule_element->teacher->firstname, 0, 1, "UTF-8") . '.' . mb_substr($schedule_element->teacher->middlename, 0, 1, "UTF-8") . '.';
                 if ($schedule_element->classroom_id) {
                     $desc[] = $schedule_element->classroom->name;
                 $location->setName(implode(' | ', $desc));
             if ($schedule_element instanceof GroupReplace && strlen($schedule_element->comment)) {
     $calendarExport = new CalendarExport(new CalendarStream(), new Formatter());
     //header('Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8');
     echo $calendarExport->getStream();