function exchangcard() { $this->checkmemberlogin(); $card = trim(IFilter::act(IReq::get('card'))); $password = trim(IFilter::act(IReq::get('password'))); if (empty($card)) { $this->message('充值卡号不能为空'); } if (empty($password)) { $this->message('充值卡密码不能为空'); } $checkinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "card where card ='" . $card . "' and card_password = '******' and uid =0 and status = 0"); if (empty($checkinfo)) { $this->message('充值卡不存在或者已使用'); } $arr['uid'] = $this->member['uid']; $arr['status'] = 1; $arr['username'] = $this->member['username']; $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'card', $arr, "card ='" . $card . "' and card_password = '******' and uid =0 and status = 0"); //`$key` $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'member', '`cost`=`cost`+' . $checkinfo['cost'], "uid ='" . $this->member['uid'] . "' "); $allcost = $this->member['cost'] + $checkinfo['cost']; $this->memberCls->addlog($this->member['uid'], 2, 1, $checkinfo['cost'], '充值卡充值', '使用充值卡' . $checkinfo['card'] . '充值' . $checkinfo['cost'] . '元', $allcost); $this->success('兑换成功'); }
/** * @brief theme和skin进行选择 */ public static function onCreateController() { $controller = func_num_args() > 0 && func_get_arg(0) ? func_get_arg(0) : IWeb::$app->controller; /** * 对于theme和skin的判断流程 * 1,直接从URL中获取是否已经设定了方案__theme,__skin * 2,从cookie获取数据 */ $urlTheme = IReq::get('__theme'); $urlSkin = IReq::get('__skin'); if ($urlTheme && $urlSkin && preg_match('|^\\w+$|', $urlTheme) && preg_match('|^\\w+$|', $urlSkin)) { ISafe::set('__theme', $theme = $urlTheme); ISafe::set('__skin', $skin = $urlSkin); } elseif (ISafe::get('__theme') && ISafe::get('__skin')) { $theme = ISafe::get('__theme'); $skin = ISafe::get('__skin'); } if (isset($theme) && isset($skin)) { $themePath = IWeb::$app->getViewPath() . $theme . "/" . IWeb::$app->controller->getId(); if (is_dir($themePath)) { $controller->theme = $theme; $controller->skin = $skin; } } }
function uploadFile() { //上传状态 $state = false; //规格索引值 $specIndex = IReq::get('specIndex'); if ($specIndex === null) { $message = '没有找到规格索引值'; } else { //本地上传方式 if (isset($_FILES['attach']) && $_FILES['attach']['name'][0] != '') { $photoInfo = $this->upload(); if ($photoInfo['flag'] == 1) { $fileName = $photoInfo['dir'] . $photoInfo['name']; $state = true; } } else { if ($fileName = IReq::get('outerSrc', 'post')) { $state = true; } else { if ($fileName = IReq::get('selectPhoto', 'post')) { $state = true; } } } } //根据状态值进行 if ($state == true) { $this->actJs($specIndex, $fileName); } else { $message = '添加图片失败'; $this->redirect('/block/pic', false); Util::showMessage($message); } }
function smarty_function_load_data($params, &$smarty) { (!isset($params['table']) || empty($params['table'])) && exit('`table` is empty!'); // $Mconfig = include(hopedir."config/hopeconfig.php"); // print_r($Mconfig); $type = isset($params['type']) ? $params['type'] : 'list'; //total 总数量 one list 3个分类 $fileds = isset($params['fileds']) ? $params['fileds'] : '*'; $where = isset($params['where']) ? $params['where'] : ''; $where = empty($where) ? '' : ' where ' . $where; $orderby = isset($params['orderby']) ? 'order by ' . $params['orderby'] : ''; $limit = isset($params['limit']) ? 'LIMIT 0,' . $params['limit'] : 'LIMIT 0,1'; if (!class_exists('mysql_class')) { include hopedir . "lib/core/extend/mysql_class.php"; //core\extend $mysql = new mysql_class(); } else { $mysql = new mysql_class(); } $page = intval(IFilter::act(IReq::get('page'))); $pagesize = intval(IFilter::act(IReq::get('pagesize'))); $pagesize = isset($params['pagesize']) ? $params['pagesize'] : $pagesize; $pagesize = empty($pagesize) ? 10 : $pagesize; // $db = $class::factory(array('table' => $params['table'])); //var_dump($params); if (!empty($params['assign'])) { //把数据赋值给变量$params['assign'],这样前端就可以使用这个变量了(例如可以结合foreach输出一个列表等) // $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $db->get_block_list(array($params['where']), $params['limit'])); if ($type == 'total') { $result = $mysql->counts("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . " " . $where . " " . $orderby . " " . $limit . ""); } elseif ($type == 'one') { $result = $mysql->select_one("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . " " . $where . " " . $orderby . " " . $limit . ""); } else { if (isset($params['showpage']) && $params['showpage'] == true) { if (!class_exists('page')) { include hopedir . "lib/core/extend/page.php"; //core\extend $pageclass = new page(); } else { $pageclass = new page(); } $pageclass->setpage($page, $pagesize); $result['list'] = $mysql->getarr("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . " " . $where . " " . $orderby . " limit " . $pageclass->startnum() . ", " . $pageclass->getsize() . ""); $shuliang = $mysql->counts("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . " " . $where . " "); $pageclass->setnum($shuliang); if (isset($params['pagetype'])) { $result['pagecontent'] = $pageclass->ajaxbar($params['pagetype']); } else { $result['pagecontent'] = $pageclass->getpagebar(); } } else { $result['list'] = $mysql->getarr("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . " " . $where . " " . $orderby . " " . $limit . ""); } } /* $result['list'] = array(); $result['pagecontent'] = ''; */ $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $result); } }
/** * @see paymentplugin::getSendData() */ public function getSendData($payment) { $defaultbank = IFilter::act(IReq::get('defaultbank')); $return = array(); //基本参数 $return['service'] = 'create_direct_pay_by_user'; $return['partner'] = $payment['M_PartnerId']; $return['seller_email'] = $payment['M_Email']; $return['_input_charset'] = 'utf-8'; $return['payment_type'] = 1; $return['return_url'] = $this->callbackUrl; $return['notify_url'] = $this->serverCallbackUrl; $return['defaultbank'] = $defaultbank; $return['paymethod'] = 'bankPay'; //业务参数 $return['subject'] = $payment['R_Name']; $return['out_trade_no'] = $payment['M_OrderNO']; $return['total_fee'] = number_format($payment['M_Amount'], 2, '.', ''); //除去待签名参数数组中的空值和签名参数 $para_filter = $this->paraFilter($return); //对待签名参数数组排序 $para_sort = $this->argSort($para_filter); //生成签名结果 $mysign = $this->buildMysign($para_sort, $payment['M_PartnerKey']); //签名结果与签名方式加入请求提交参数组中 $return['sign'] = $mysign; $return['sign_type'] = 'MD5'; return $return; }
/** * @brief 商家登录动作 */ public function login() { $seller_name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('username')); $password = IReq::get('password'); $message = ''; if ($seller_name == '') { $message = '登录名不能为空'; } else { if ($password == '') { $message = '密码不能为空'; } else { $sellerObj = new IModel('seller'); $sellerRow = $sellerObj->getObj('seller_name = "' . $seller_name . '" and is_del = 0 and is_lock = 0'); if ($sellerRow && $sellerRow['password'] == md5($password)) { $dataArray = array('login_time' => ITime::getDateTime()); $sellerObj->setData($dataArray); $where = 'id = ' . $sellerRow["id"]; $sellerObj->update($where); //存入私密数据 ISafe::set('seller_id', $sellerRow['id']); ISafe::set('seller_name', $sellerRow['seller_name']); ISafe::set('seller_pwd', $sellerRow['password']); $this->redirect('/seller/index'); } else { $message = '用户名与密码不匹配'; } } } if ($message != '') { $this->redirect('index', false); Util::showMessage($message); } }
function ungift() { $this->checkmemberlogin(); $id = intval(IReq::get('id')); if (empty($id)) { $this->message('获取兑换记录失败'); } $info = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "giftlog where uid ='" . $this->member['uid'] . "' and id=" . $id . " "); if (empty($info)) { $this->message('获取兑换记录失败'); } if ($info['status'] != 0) { $this->message('兑换已处理不可取消'); } $lipininfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "gift where id ='" . $info['giftid'] . "' order by id asc "); $titles = isset($lipininfo['title']) ? $lipininfo['title'] : $info['id']; $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'giftlog', array('status' => '4'), "id='" . $id . "'"); $ndata['score'] = $this->member['score'] + $info['score']; //更新用户积分 $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'member', '`score` = `score`+' . $info['score'], "uid='" . $this->member['uid'] . "'"); //写消息 $this->memberCls->addlog($this->member['uid'], 1, 1, $info['score'], '取消兑换礼品', '取消兑换ID为:' . $id . '的礼品[' . $titles . '],帐号积分' . $ndata['score'], $ndata['score']); $lidata['stock'] = $lipininfo['stock'] + $info['count']; $lidata['sell_count'] = $lipininfo['sell_count'] - $info['count']; $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'gift', $lidata, "id='" . $info['giftid'] . "'"); $this->success('操作成功'); }
public function getNoticeList() { $page = IReq::get('page') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('page'), 'int') : 1; $query = new IQuery('announcement'); $query->order = 'id desc'; $query->page = $page; return $query; }
public function getHelpListByCatId($catId) { $page = IReq::get('page') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('page'), 'int') : 1; $query = new IQuery('help'); $query->where = "cat_id = " . $catId; $query->order = 'sort desc,id desc'; $query->page = $page; return $query; }
public function getArticleListByCatid($category_id) { $page = IReq::get('page') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('page'), 'int') : 1; $query = new IQuery('article'); $query->where = 'category_id = ' . $category_id . ' and visibility = 1'; $query->order = 'id desc'; $query->page = $page; return $query; }
public function getSellerList() { $page = IReq::get('page') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('page'), 'int') : 1; $query = new IQuery('seller'); $query->where = 'is_del = 0'; $query->order = 'id desc'; $query->page = $page; return $query; }
/** * @brief 处理curd动作 * @return String */ public function curd() { $action = $this->id; $controller = $this->controller; $curdinfo = $this->initinfo(); if (is_array($curdinfo)) { $modelName = $curdinfo['model']; $key = $curdinfo['key']; $actions = $curdinfo['actions']; switch ($action) { case 'add': case 'upd': if (method_exists($controller, 'getValidate')) { $validate = $controller->getValidate(); } else { $validate = null; } if ($validate != null) { $formValidate = new IFormValidation($validate); $data = $formValidate->run(); } $model = new IModel($modelName); if (isset($data) && $data !== null) { $model->setData($data[$modelName]); if ($action = 'add') { $flag = $model->add(); } else { $flag = $model->upd("{$key} = '" . IReq::get($key) . "'"); } } if (isset($flag) && $flag) { $_GET['action'] = $actions['success']; } else { $_GET['action'] = $actions['fail']; } $controller->run(); return true; case 'del': $model = new IModel($modelName); $flag = $model->del("{$key} = '" . IReq::get($key) . "'"); if ($flag) { $_GET['action'] = $actions['success']; } else { $_GET['action'] = $actions['fail']; } $controller->run(); return true; case 'get': $model = new IModel($modelName); $rs = $model->getObj("{$key} = '" . IReq::get($key) . "'"); echo JSON::encode($rs); return false; } } }
/** * @param string $method form 表单提交方法,默认post方式提交 * @return array 表单验证后的信息 * @brief 表单元素验证 */ function run() { $lang = new ILanguage(); $lang->load("form_validation"); foreach ($this->fieldData as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { //获取要验证的数据 $this->fieldData[$key][$k]['postdate'] = IReq::get($this->fieldData[$key][$k]['name']); //发现有误不继续验证 if ($this->errorflag) { continue; } //获取验证规则 $rules = explode('|', $v['rules']); foreach ($rules as $rule) { //如果有数组带有错误信息,直接跳出 if ($this->fieldData[$key][$k]['error'] != '' || $this->errorflag) { break; } $param = FALSE; if (preg_match("/(.*?)\\[(.*?)\\]/", $rule, $match)) { $rule = $match[1]; $param = $match[2]; } //如果验证规则为空,则跳过不进行验证 if ($rule == '') { continue; } //如果验证函数不存在,则进行正则表达式验证 $result = true; if (method_exists($this, $rule)) { //如果表单没有值并且不是必填的时候,不需要进行验证 if ($this->fieldData[$key][$k]['postdate'] || !$this->fieldData[$key][$k]['postdate'] && $rule == 'required') { $result = $this->{$rule}($this->fieldData[$key][$k]['postdate'], $param); } } else { $result = $this->check($rule, $this->fieldData[$key][$k]['postdate']); } if (!$result) { //验证不通过,返回null,构建错误内容 $msg = $lang->g('fv_' . $rule); $this->validate[$this->fieldData[$key][$k]['name']] = array('value' => $this->fieldData[$key][$k]['postdate'], 'msg' => $this->fieldData[$key][$k]['label'] . $msg); $this->fieldData[$key][$k]['error'] = $this->fieldData[$key][$k]['label'] . $msg; $this->errorMsg = $this->fieldData[$key][$k]['label'] . $msg; $this->errorflag = true; } } } } if ($this->errorflag) { IWeb::$app->setRenderData(array('validate' => $this->validate)); } return $this->fieldData; }
function delsingle() { $uid = IReq::get('id'); $uid = is_array($uid) ? $uid : array($uid); $ids = join(',', $uid); if (empty($ids)) { $this->message('单页ID不能为空'); } $this->mysql->delete(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'single', "id in (" . $ids . ") "); $this->success('操作成功'); }
/** * @brief theme和skin进行选择 */ public static function onCreateController() { $controller = func_num_args() > 0 ? func_get_arg(0) : IWeb::$app->controller; //判断是否为后台管理控制器 if (in_array($controller->getId(), self::$syscontroller)) { defined("IWEB_SCENE") ? "" : define("IWEB_SCENE", self::SCENE_SYSDEFAULT); $controller->theme = self::$sysTheme; $controller->skin = self::$sysSkin; } elseif (in_array($controller->getId(), self::$sellercontroller)) { defined("IWEB_SCENE") ? "" : define("IWEB_SCENE", self::SCENE_SYSSELLER); $controller->theme = self::$sysSellerTheme; $controller->skin = self::$sysSellerSkin; } else { defined("IWEB_SCENE") ? "" : define("IWEB_SCENE", self::SCENE_SITE); /** * 对于theme和skin的判断流程 * 1,直接从URL中获取是否已经设定了方案__theme,__skin * 2,获取cookie中的方案名称 * 3,读取config配置中的默认方案 */ $urlTheme = IReq::get('__theme'); $urlSkin = IReq::get('__skin'); if ($urlTheme && $urlSkin && preg_match('|^\\w+$|', $urlTheme) && preg_match('|^\\w+$|', $urlSkin)) { ISafe::set('__theme', $controller->theme = $urlTheme); ISafe::set('__skin', $controller->skin = $urlSkin); } elseif (ISafe::get('__theme') && ISafe::get('__skin')) { $controller->theme = ISafe::get('__theme'); $controller->skin = ISafe::get('__skin'); } else { if (isset(IWeb::$app->config['theme'])) { //根据不同的客户端进行智能选择 if (is_array(IWeb::$app->config['theme'])) { $client = IClient::getDevice(); $controller->theme = isset(IWeb::$app->config['theme'][$client]) ? IWeb::$app->config['theme'][$client] : current(IWeb::$app->config['theme']); } else { $controller->theme = IWeb::$app->config['theme']; } } if (isset(IWeb::$app->config['skin'])) { //根据不同的客户端进行智能选择 if (is_array(IWeb::$app->config['skin'])) { $client = IClient::getDevice(); $controller->skin = isset(IWeb::$app->config['skin'][$client]) ? IWeb::$app->config['skin'][$client] : current(IWeb::$app->config['skin']); } else { $controller->skin = IWeb::$app->config['skin']; } } } } //修正runtime配置 IWeb::$app->runtimePath = IWeb::$app->getRuntimePath() . $controller->theme . '/'; IWeb::$app->webRunPath = IWeb::$app->getWebRunPath() . $controller->theme . '/'; }
function login_act() { $admin_name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('admin_name')); $password = IReq::get('password'); $captcha = IReq::get('captcha', 'post'); $message = ''; if ($admin_name == '') { $message = '登录名不能为空'; } else { if ($password == '') { $message = '密码不能为空'; } else { if ($captcha != ISafe::get('Captcha')) { $message = '验证码输入不正确'; } else { $adminObj = new IModel('admin'); $adminRow = $adminObj->getObj('admin_name = "' . $admin_name . '"'); if (!empty($adminRow) && $adminRow['password'] == md5($password) && $adminRow['is_del'] == 0) { $dataArray = array('last_ip' => IClient::getIp(), 'last_time' => ITime::getDateTime()); $adminObj->setData($dataArray); $where = 'id = ' . $adminRow["id"]; $adminObj->update($where); //根据角色分配权限 if ($adminRow['role_id'] == 0) { ISafe::set('admin_right', 'administrator'); ISafe::set('admin_role_name', '超级管理员'); } else { $roleObj = new IModel('admin_role'); $where = 'id = ' . $adminRow["role_id"] . ' and is_del = 0'; $roleRow = $roleObj->getObj($where); ISafe::set('admin_right', $roleRow['rights']); ISafe::set('admin_role_name', $roleRow['name']); } ISafe::set('admin_id', $adminRow['id']); ISafe::set('admin_name', $adminRow['admin_name']); ISafe::set('admin_pwd', $adminRow['password']); $this->redirect('/system/default'); } else { $message = '用户名与密码不匹配'; } } } } if ($message != '') { $this->admin_name = $admin_name; $this->redirect('index', false); Util::showMessage($message); } }
function user() { //店铺统计 $selecttype = intval(IFilter::act(IReq::get('selecttype'))); $tempselecttype = in_array($selecttype, array(0, 1, 2, 3)) ? $selecttype : 0; $wherearray = array('0' => '', '1' => ' where addtime > ' . strtotime('-1 month'), '2' => ' where addtime > ' . strtotime('-7 day'), '3' => ' where addtime > ' . strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time()))); $tempdata = $this->mysql->getarr("select count(id) as shuliang ,DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(`addtime`),'%k') as month from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "order " . $wherearray[$tempselecttype] . " group by month order by month desc limit 0,10"); $list = array(); if (is_array($tempdata)) { foreach ($tempdata as $key => $value) { $list[$value['month']] = $value['shuliang']; } } $data['list'] = $list; $data['selecttype'] = $selecttype; Mysite::$app->setdata($data); }
function saveadvtype() { $arrtypename = IReq::get('typename'); $arrtypeurl = IReq::get('typeurl'); $arrtypeorder = IReq::get('typeorder'); if (empty($arrtypename)) { $this->message('广告类型不能为空'); } if (is_array($arrtypename)) { $orderinfo = array(); foreach ($arrtypename as $key => $value) { if (isset($arrtypeorder[$key])) { $dokey = !empty($arrtypeorder[$key]) ? $arrtypeorder[$key] : 0; array_push($orderinfo, $dokey); } else { array_push($orderinfo, 0); } } $orderinfo = array_unique($orderinfo); sort($orderinfo); $newinfo = array(); foreach ($orderinfo as $key => $value) { foreach ($arrtypename as $k => $v) { if (isset($arrtypeorder[$k])) { $checkcode = !empty($arrtypeorder[$k]) ? $arrtypeorder[$k] : 0; } else { $checkcode = 0; } if ($checkcode == $value) { $data['typename'] = $v; $data['typeurl'] = isset($arrtypeurl[$k]) ? $arrtypeurl[$k] : ''; $data['typeorder'] = $checkcode; $newinfo[] = $data; } } } } else { $newinfo['typename'] = $arrtypename; $newinfo['typeurl'] = $arrtypeurl; $newinfo['typeorder'] = $arrtypeorder; } $siteinfo['advtype'] = serialize($newinfo); $config = new config('hopeconfig.php', hopedir); $config->write($siteinfo); $this->success('操作成功'); }
/** * @brief 删除品牌 */ function brand_del() { $brand_id = (int) IReq::get('bid'); if ($brand_id) { $tb_brand = new IModel('brand'); $where = "id=" . $brand_id; if ($tb_brand->del($where)) { $this->brand_list(); } else { $this->brand_list(); $msg = "没有找到相关分类记录!"; Util::showMessage($msg); } } else { $this->brand_list(); $msg = "没有找到相关品牌记录!"; Util::showMessage($msg); } }
function goodsupload() { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('member/login'); if ($this->member['uid'] == 0 && $this->admin['uid'] == 0) { $this->message('未登陆', $link); } $type = IReq::get('type'); $goodsid = intval(IReq::get('goodsid')); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if ($shopid < 0) { echo '无权限操作'; exit; } if (is_array($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['imgFile'])) { $json = new Services_JSON(); $uploadpath = 'upload/shop/'; $filepath = '/upload/shop/'; $upload = new upload($uploadpath, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpge', 'doc', 'png')); //upload $file = $upload->getfile(); if ($upload->errno != 15 && $upload->errno != 0) { echo "<script>parent.uploaderror('" . json_encode($upload->errmsg()) . "');</script>"; } else { if ($goodsid > 0 && $shopid > 0) { $data['img'] = $filepath . $file[0]['saveName']; $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'goods', $data, "id='" . $goodsid . "' and shopid='" . $shopid . "'"); } echo "<script>parent.uploadsucess('" . $filepath . $file[0]['saveName'] . "');</script>"; } exit; } $imgurl = ''; if ($goodsid > 0 && $type == 'goods') { $temp = $this->mysql->select_one("select img from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "goods where id='" . $goodsid . "' and shopid='" . $shopid . "'"); $imgurl = $temp['img']; } Mysite::$app->setdata(array('type' => $type, 'goodsid' => $goodsid, 'imgurl' => $imgurl)); }
</dl> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php echo IFilter::stripSlash($siteConfig->site_footer_code); ?> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> $(function() { <?php $word = IReq::get('word') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('word'), 'text') : '输入关键字...'; ?> $('input:text[name="word"]').val("<?php echo isset($word) ? $word : ""; ?> "); $('input:text[name="word"]').bind({ keyup:function(){autoComplete('<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/site/autoComplete"); ?> ','<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/site/search_list/word/@word@"); ?> ','<?php echo isset($siteConfig->auto_finish) ? $siteConfig->auto_finish : "";
?> </span> </div> <div id="admin_left"> <ul class="submenu"></ul> <div id="copyright"></div> </div> <div id="admin_right"> <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/my97date/wdatepicker.js"></script> <?php $search = IReq::get('search') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('search'), 'strict') : array(); ?> <div class="headbar"> <div class="position"><span>统计</span><span>></span><span>商户数据统计</span><span>></span><span>货款结算列表</span></div> <div class="operating"> <div class="search f_l"> <form name="searchBill" action="<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/"); ?> " method="get"> <input type='hidden' name='controller' value='market' /> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='bill_list' /> <span> 申请时间
/** * @brief 商品检索,可以直接读取 $_GET 全局变量:attr,order,brand,min_price,max_price * 在检索商品过程中计算商品结果中的进一步属性和规格的筛选 * @param mixed $defaultWhere string(条件) or array('search' => '模糊查找','category_extend' => '商品分类ID','字段' => 对应数据) * @param int $limit 读取数量 * @param bool $isCondition 是否筛选出商品的属性,价格等数据 * @return IQuery */ public static function find($defaultWhere = '', $limit = 21, $isCondition = true) { //获取配置信息 $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config"); $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo(); $orderArray = array(); //排序 //开始查询 $goodsObj = new IQuery("goods as go"); $goodsObj->page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $goodsObj->fields = ' go.* '; $goodsObj->pagesize = $limit; /*where条件拼接*/ //(1),当前产品分类 $where = ' go.is_del = 0 '; //(2),商品属性,规格筛选 $attrCond = array(); $childSql = ''; $attrArray = IReq::get('attr') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('attr')) : array(); foreach ($attrArray as $key => $val) { if ($key && $val) { $attrCond[] = ' attribute_id = ' . intval($key) . ' and FIND_IN_SET("' . $val . '",attribute_value)'; } } //合并规格与属性的值,并且生成SQL查询语句 $GoodsId = null; if ($attrCond) { $tempArray = array(); foreach ($attrCond as $key => $cond) { $tempArray[] = '(' . $cond . ')'; } $childSql = join(' or ', $tempArray); $goodsAttrObj = new IQuery('goods_attribute'); $goodsAttrObj->fields = 'goods_id'; $goodsAttrObj->where = $childSql; $goodsAttrObj->group = 'goods_id'; $goodsAttrObj->having = 'count(goods_id) >= ' . count($attrCond); //每个子条件都有一条记录,则存在几个count(条件)必须包含count(goods_id)条数量 $goodsIdArray = $goodsAttrObj->find(); $goodsIds = array(); foreach ($goodsIdArray as $key => $val) { $goodsIds[] = $val['goods_id']; } $GoodsId = $GoodsId === null ? array_unique($goodsIds) : array_unique(array_intersect($goodsIds, $GoodsId)); } //(3),处理defaultWhere条件 goods, category_extend if ($defaultWhere) { //兼容array 和 string 数据类型的goods条件筛选 $goodsCondArray = array(); if (is_string($defaultWhere)) { $goodsCondArray[] = $defaultWhere; } else { if (is_array($defaultWhere)) { foreach ($defaultWhere as $key => $val) { if (!$val) { continue; } //商品分类检索 if ($key == 'category_extend') { $currentCatGoods = array(); $categoryExtendObj = new IModel('category_extend'); $categoryExtendList = $categoryExtendObj->query("category_id in (" . $val . ")", 'goods_id', 'id', 'desc'); foreach ($categoryExtendList as $key => $val) { $currentCatGoods[] = $val['goods_id']; } $GoodsId = $GoodsId === null ? array_unique($currentCatGoods) : array_unique(array_intersect($currentCatGoods, $GoodsId)); } else { if ($key == 'search') { $wordWhere = array(); $wordLikeOrder = array(); //检查输入的内容是否为分词形式 if (preg_match("#\\s+#", $defaultWhere['search']) == false) { $wordWhere[] = ' name like "%' . $defaultWhere['search'] . '%" or find_in_set("' . $defaultWhere['search'] . '",search_words) '; $wordLikeOrder[] = $defaultWhere['search']; } //进行分词 if (IString::getStrLen($defaultWhere['search']) >= 4 || IString::getStrLen($defaultWhere['search']) <= 100) { $wordData = words_facade::run($defaultWhere['search']); if (isset($wordData['data']) && count($wordData['data']) >= 2) { foreach ($wordData['data'] as $word) { $wordWhere[] = ' name like "%' . $word . '%" '; $wordLikeOrder[] = $word; } } } //分词排序 if (count($wordLikeOrder) > 1) { $orderTempArray = array(); foreach ($wordLikeOrder as $key => $val) { $orderTempArray[] = "(CASE WHEN name LIKE '%" . $val . "%' THEN " . $key . " ELSE 100 END)"; } $orderArray[] = " (" . join('+', $orderTempArray) . ") asc "; } $goodsCondArray[] = join(' or ', $wordWhere); } else { $goodsCondArray[] = $key . ' = "' . $val . '"'; } } } } } //goods 条件 if ($goodsCondArray) { $goodsDB = new IModel('goods as go'); $goodsCondData = $goodsDB->query(join(" and ", $goodsCondArray), "id"); $goodsCondId = array(); foreach ($goodsCondData as $key => $val) { $goodsCondId[] = $val['id']; } $GoodsId = $GoodsId === null ? array_unique($goodsCondId) : array_unique(array_intersect($goodsCondId, $GoodsId)); } } //过滤商品ID被删除的情况 if ($GoodsId) { if (!isset($goodsDB)) { $goodsDB = new IModel("goods as go"); } $goodsCondData = $goodsDB->query(" in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ") and go.is_del = 0 ", "id"); $GoodsId = array(); foreach ($goodsCondData as $key => $val) { $GoodsId[] = $val['id']; } } $GoodsId = $GoodsId === array() || $GoodsId === null ? array(0) : array_unique($GoodsId); //存在商品ID数据 if ($GoodsId) { $GoodsId = array_slice($GoodsId, 0, search_goods::MAX_GOODSID); $where .= " and in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ") "; //商品属性进行检索 if ($isCondition == true) { /******属性 开始******/ $attrTemp = array(); $goodsAttrDB = new IModel('goods_attribute'); $attrData = $goodsAttrDB->query("goods_id in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ")"); foreach ($attrData as $key => $val) { //属性 if ($val['attribute_id']) { if (!isset($attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']])) { $attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']] = array(); } $checkSelectedArray = explode(",", $val['attribute_value']); foreach ($checkSelectedArray as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($v, $attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']])) { $attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']][] = $v; } } } } //属性的数据拼接 if ($attrTemp) { $attrDB = new IModel('attribute'); $attrData = $attrDB->query("id in (" . join(',', array_keys($attrTemp)) . ") and search = 1", "*", "id", "asc", 8); foreach ($attrData as $key => $val) { self::$attrSearch[] = array('id' => $val['id'], 'name' => $val['name'], 'value' => $attrTemp[$val['id']]); } } /******属性 结束******/ /******品牌 开始******/ $brandQuery = new IModel('brand as b,goods as go'); self::$brandSearch = $brandQuery->query("go.brand_id = and in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ")", "distinct,", "b.sort", "asc", 10); /******品牌 结束******/ /******价格 开始******/ self::$priceSearch = goods_class::getGoodsPrice(join(',', $GoodsId)); /******价格 结束******/ } } //(4),商品价格 $where .= floatval(IReq::get('min_price')) ? ' and go.sell_price >= ' . floatval(IReq::get('min_price')) : ''; $where .= floatval(IReq::get('max_price')) ? ' and go.sell_price <= ' . floatval(IReq::get('max_price')) : ''; //(5),商品品牌 $where .= intval(IReq::get('brand')) ? ' and go.brand_id = ' . intval(IReq::get('brand')) : ''; //排序类别 $order = IFilter::act(IReq::get('order'), 'url'); if ($order == null) { $order = isset($site_config['order_by']) ? $site_config['order_by'] : 'new'; $asc = isset($site_config['order_type']) ? $site_config['order_type'] : 'desc'; } else { if (stripos($order, '_toggle')) { $order = str_replace('_toggle', '', $order); $asc = 'asc'; } else { $asc = 'desc'; } } switch ($order) { //销售量 case "sale": $orderArray[] = ' ' . $asc; break; //评分 //评分 case "cpoint": $orderArray[] = ' go.grade ' . $asc; break; //最新上架 //最新上架 case "new": $orderArray[] = ' ' . $asc; break; //价格 //价格 case "price": $orderArray[] = ' go.sell_price ' . $asc; break; //根据排序字段 //根据排序字段 default: $orderArray[] = ' go.sort asc '; } //设置IQuery类的各个属性 $goodsObj->where = $where; $goodsObj->order = join(',', $orderArray); return $goodsObj; }
<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/artdialog/artDialog.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/artdialog/plugins/iframeTools.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/artdialog/skins/default.css" /> </head> <body style='width:420px;min-height:120px;'> <div class="pop_win"> <div class="content"> <form action="<?php echo IFilter::act(IReq::get('callback'), 'url'); ?> " method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> <table class='form_table'> <colgroup> <col width="120px" /> <col /> </colgroup> <tr> <td class="t_r">选择图片文件:</td> <td><input type='file' class='file' name='attach' /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div>
/** * 快递单 * */ function exdelivry() { $id = IReq::get('id'); $tb_delivery_doc = new IQuery('delivery_doc as dd'); $tb_delivery_doc->fields = ',dd.delivery_code,fc.freight_name'; $tb_delivery_doc->where = 'order_id=' . $id; $tb_delivery_doc->join = 'left join delivery as d on left join freight_company as fc on'; $delivery_info = $tb_delivery_doc->find(); $get_content = '暂无相关信息!'; if (count($delivery_info) > 0) { //获得用户申请的id $config = new Config("site_config"); $config_info = $config->getInfo(); $express_key = isset($config_info['express_key']) ? $config_info['express_key'] : ''; if ($express_key) { //获得物流名称和物流单号 $delivery_code = $delivery_info[0]['delivery_code']; $name = $delivery_info[0]['freight_name']; $get_content = '物流公司或者货运单号错误'; $type = '1'; if ($delivery_code != '' && $name != '') { $name = str_replace(' ', '', $name); $delivery_code = str_replace(' ', '', $delivery_code); $sUrl = $this->module->getBasePath(); include $sUrl . 'plugins/freight/company.php'; $company = new Company(); $name = $company->getCompany($name); $AppKey = $express_key; $url = '' . $AppKey . '&com=' . $name . '&nu=' . $delivery_code . '&show=2&muti=1&order=asc'; //请勿删除变量$powered 的信息,否者本站将不再为你提供快递接口服务。 $powered = '查询数据由:<a href="" target="_blank">KuaiDi100.Com (快递100)</a> 网站提供 '; //优先使用curl模式发送数据 if (function_exists('curl_init') == 1) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); $get_content = curl_exec($curl); $type = '2'; curl_close($curl); } else { include $sUrl . 'plugins/freight/snoopy.php'; $snoopy = new snoopy(); $snoopy->referer = ''; //伪装来源 $snoopy->fetch($url); $get_content = $snoopy->results; $type = '2'; } } } else { $get_content = '您还没有申请ID,请到<a href="" target="_blank">KuaiDi100.Com (快递100)</a>申请!'; } } $this->setRenderData(array('conent' => $get_content, 'type' => $type)); $this->redirect('exdelivry'); }
/** * @brief 获取url参数 * @param String url 需要分析的url,默认为当前url */ public static function beginUrl($url = '') { //四种 //native: /index.php?controller=blog&action=read&id=100 //pathinfo:/blog/read/id/100 //native-pathinfo:/index.php/blog/read/id/100 //diy:/blog-100.html $obj = IServerVars::factory($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']); $url = !empty($url) ? $url : $obj->realUri(); preg_match('/\\.php(.*)/', $url, $phpurl); if (!isset($phpurl[1]) || !$phpurl[1]) { if ($url != "") { //强行赋值 //todo:检测是否有bug $phpurl = array(1 => "?"); } else { return; } } $url = $phpurl[1]; $urlArray = array(); $rewriteRule = isset(IWeb::$app->config['rewriteRule']) ? IWeb::$app->config['rewriteRule'] : 'native'; if ($rewriteRule != 'native') { $urlArray = self::decodeRouteUrl($url); } if ($urlArray == array()) { if ($url[0] == '?') { $urlArray = $_GET; } else { $urlArray = self::pathinfoToArray($url); } } if (isset($urlArray[self::UrlCtrlName])) { $tmp = explode('-', $urlArray[self::UrlCtrlName]); if (count($tmp) == 2) { IReq::set('module', $tmp[0]); IReq::set(self::UrlCtrlName, $tmp[1]); } else { IReq::set(self::UrlCtrlName, $urlArray[self::UrlCtrlName]); } } if (isset($urlArray[self::UrlActionName])) { IReq::set(self::UrlActionName, $urlArray[self::UrlActionName]); if (IReq::get('action') == 'run') { IReq::set('action', null); } } unset($urlArray[self::UrlActionName], $urlArray[self::UrlActionName], $urlArray[self::Anchor]); foreach ($urlArray as $key => $value) { IReq::set($key, $value); } }
/** * 查询删除 */ function search_del() { $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); //生成search对象 $tb_search = new IModel('search'); if (!empty($id)) { if (is_array($id) && isset($id[0]) && $id[0] != '') { $id_str = join(',', $id); $where = ' id in (' . $id_str . ')'; } else { $where = 'id = ' . $id; } $tb_search->del($where); } else { Util::showMessage('请选择要删除的数据'); } $this->redirect("search_list"); }
<?php $siteConfig = new Config("site_config"); $callback = IReq::get('callback') ? urlencode(IFilter::act(IReq::get('callback'), 'url')) : ''; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo $siteConfig->name; ?> </title> <link type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" rel="icon"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("") . "views/" . $this->theme . "/skin/" . $this->skin . "/css/index.css"; ?> " /> <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/jquery/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/jquery/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/autovalidate/validate.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo BASE_URL;
">网站首页>></a></p> <p class="mt_40 f_r"><a class="next_step" href="javascript:next_step();">下一步</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> <?php $callback = IReq::get('callback') ? IFilter::clearUrl(IReq::get('callback')) : IUrl::getRefRoute(); ?> //DOM加载结束 $(function(){ //回调地址设置 $('input[name="callback"]').val("<?php echo isset($callback) ? $callback : ""; ?> "); $('.reg_btn').attr('href',"<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/simple/reg?callback=" . $callback . ""); ?> "); $(".form_table input").focus(function(){$(this).addClass('current');}).blur(function(){$(this).removeClass('current');})
function goods_copy() { $idArray = explode(',', IReq::get('id')); $idArray = IFilter::act($idArray, 'int'); $goodsDB = new IModel('goods'); $goodsAttrDB = new IModel('goods_attribute'); $goodsPhotoRelationDB = new IModel('goods_photo_relation'); $productsDB = new IModel('products'); $goodsData = $goodsDB->query('id in (' . join(',', $idArray) . ') and is_share = 1 and is_del = 0 and seller_id = 0', '*'); if ($goodsData) { foreach ($goodsData as $key => $val) { //判断是否重复 if ($goodsDB->getObj('seller_id = ' . $this->seller['seller_id'] . ' and name = "' . $val['name'] . '"')) { die('商品不能重复复制'); } $oldId = $val['id']; //商品数据 unset($val['id'], $val['visit'], $val['favorite'], $val['sort'], $val['comments'], $val['sale'], $val['grade'], $val['is_share']); $val['seller_id'] = $this->seller['seller_id']; $val['goods_no'] .= '-' . $this->seller['seller_id']; $goodsDB->setData($val); $goods_id = $goodsDB->add(); //商品属性 $attrData = $goodsAttrDB->query('goods_id = ' . $oldId); if ($attrData) { foreach ($attrData as $k => $v) { unset($v['id']); $v['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $goodsAttrDB->setData($v); $goodsAttrDB->add(); } } //商品图片 $photoData = $goodsPhotoRelationDB->query('goods_id = ' . $oldId); if ($photoData) { foreach ($photoData as $k => $v) { unset($v['id']); $v['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $goodsPhotoRelationDB->setData($v); $goodsPhotoRelationDB->add(); } } //货品 $productsData = $productsDB->query('goods_id = ' . $oldId); if ($productsData) { foreach ($productsData as $k => $v) { unset($v['id']); $v['products_no'] .= '-' . $this->seller['seller_id']; $v['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $productsDB->setData($v); $productsDB->add(); } } } die('success'); } else { die('复制的商品不存在'); } }