예제 #1
$title = my_("Display Audit Log");
$w = myheading($p, $title);
// explicitly cast variables as security measure against SQL injection
list($descrip, $block, $expr) = myRegister("S:descrip I:block S:expr");
$ds = new IPplanDbf() or myError($w, $p, my_("Could not connect to database"));
// display opening text
insert($w, heading(3, "{$title}."));
$srch = new mySearch($w, $_GET, $descrip, "descrip");
//$srch->legend=my_("Refine Search on Domain");
$srch->expr = $expr;
$srch->expr_disp = TRUE;
// draw the sucker!
// what is the additional search SQL?
$where = $ds->mySearchSql("action", $expr, $descrip, FALSE);
if ($where) {
    $where = "WHERE " . $where;
$sqllastmod = $ds->ds->SQLDate("M d Y H:i:s", 'dt');
$result =& $ds->ds->Execute("SELECT action, dt, {$sqllastmod} AS newdt\n        FROM auditlog\n        {$where}\n        ORDER BY dt DESC");
insert($w, textbr());
$totcnt = 0;
$vars = "";
// fastforward till first record if not first block of data
while ($block and $totcnt < $block * MAXTABLESIZE and $row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    $vars = DisplayBlock($w, $row, $totcnt, "&descrip=" . urlencode($descrip), "dt");
// create a table
insert($w, $t = table(array("cols" => "2", "class" => "outputtable")));
예제 #2
$grps = $auth->authenticate();
// set language
isset($_COOKIE["ipplanLanguage"]) && myLanguage($_COOKIE['ipplanLanguage']);
$title = my_("Display customer/autonomous system information");
$w = myheading($p, $title, true);
// explicitly cast variables as security measure against SQL injection
list($search, $expr, $block, $ipplanParanoid) = myRegister("S:search S:expr I:block I:ipplanParanoid");
// basic sequence is connect, search, interpret search
// result, close connection
$ds = new IPplanDbf() or myError($w, $p, my_("Could not connect to database"));
// what is the additional search SQL?
$sql = $ds->mySearchSql("custdescrip", $expr, $search, FALSE);
$result = $ds->GetCustomer($sql);
insert($w, heading(3, my_("All customer/autonomous system info")));
// draw the search box
$srch = new mySearch($w, array(), $search, "search");
$srch->legend = my_("Refine Search on Description");
$srch->expr = $expr;
$srch->expr_disp = TRUE;
// draw the sucker!
$totcnt = 0;
$vars = "";
// fastforward till first record if not first block of data
while ($block and $totcnt < $block * MAXTABLESIZE and $row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    $vars = DisplayBlock($w, $row, $totcnt, "&expr={$expr}&search=" . urlencode($search), "custdescrip");