예제 #1
파일: sql.php 프로젝트: mover5/imobackup
  * Write single entry to DB
  * @param	array	INTS
 public function getData($data = array())
     if (!$this->remoteDB) {
     /* Init */
     $topicData = $data['parentData'];
     $forumData = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->getForumById($topicData['forum_id']);
     $permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData();
     $first = $data['offset'];
     $end = $data['limit'];
     $fields = $this->getFields();
     /* Default - just see all visible posts */
     $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery('visible', 'archive_');
     /* Can we deal with hidden posts? */
     if ($this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts($topicData['forum_id'])) {
         if ($permissionData['softDeleteSee']) {
             /* See queued and soft deleted */
             $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible', 'hidden', 'sdeleted'), 'archive_');
         } else {
             /* Otherwise, see queued and approved */
             $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible', 'hidden'), 'archive_');
     } else {
         /* We cannot see hidden posts */
         if ($permissionData['softDeleteSee']) {
             /* See queued and soft deleted */
             $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('approved', 'sdeleted'), 'archive_');
     /* Set up */
     /* Ignored Users */
     $ignored_users = array();
     foreach ($this->member->ignored_users as $_i) {
         if ($_i['ignore_topics']) {
             $ignored_users[] = $_i['ignore_ignore_id'];
     /* Format */
     $this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData('adCodeSet', false);
     $this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData('ignoredUsers', $ignored_users);
     $posts = array();
     $cached = array();
     /* Get posts separately */
     if (IPSLib::isUsingRemoteArchiveDB()) {
         /* Get posts */
         $this->remoteDB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'forums_archive_posts', 'where' => 'archive_topic_id=' . $topicData['tid'] . $queued_query_bit, 'order' => $fields[$data['sortKey']] . ' ' . $data['sortOrder'], 'limit' => array($first, $end)));
         $ab = $this->remoteDB->execute();
         $mids = array();
         while ($p = $this->remoteDB->fetch($ab)) {
             $posts[$p['archive_id']] = $p;
             $mids[$p['archive_author_id']] = $p['archive_author_id'];
         if (count($posts)) {
             /* Get cached posts */
             $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'cache_content_id, cache_content', 'from' => 'content_cache_posts', 'where' => 'cache_content_id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($posts)) . ')'));
             while ($row = $this->DB->fetch()) {
                 $cached[$row['cache_content_id']] = $row['cache_content'];
             /* Get members */
             $members = IPSMember::load($mids, 'all');
             foreach ($posts as $pid => $pdata) {
                 $pdata['member_id'] = $pdata['archive_author_id'];
                 if ($data['goNative']) {
                     $pdata = $this->archiveToNativeFields($pdata);
                 if ($pdata['author_id']) {
                     $members[$pdata['author_id']]['cache_content_sig'] = $members[$pdata['author_id']]['cache_content'];
                     $posts[$pid] = array_merge($members[$pdata['author_id']], $pdata);
                 } else {
                     $posts[$pid] = $pdata;
                 /* Cached */
                 if (isset($cached[$pid])) {
                     $posts[$pid]['cache_content'] = $cached[$pid];
     } else {
         /* Joins */
         $_post_joins = array(array('select' => 'm.member_id as mid,m.name,m.member_group_id,m.email,m.joined,m.posts, m.last_visit, m.last_activity,m.login_anonymous,m.title as member_title, m.warn_level, m.warn_lastwarn, m.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name, m.has_gallery, m.has_blog, m.members_bitoptions,m.mgroup_others', 'from' => array('members' => 'm'), 'where' => 'm.member_id=a.archive_author_id', 'type' => 'left'), array('select' => 'pp.*', 'from' => array('profile_portal' => 'pp'), 'where' => 'm.member_id=pp.pp_member_id', 'type' => 'left'));
         /* Cache? */
         if (IPSContentCache::isEnabled()) {
             if (IPSContentCache::fetchSettingValue('post')) {
                 $_post_joins[] = IPSContentCache::join('post', 'a.archive_id');
             if (IPSContentCache::fetchSettingValue('sig')) {
                 $_post_joins[] = IPSContentCache::join('sig', 'm.member_id', 'ccb', 'left', 'ccb.cache_content as cache_content_sig, ccb.cache_updated as cache_updated_sig');
         /* Get posts */
         $this->remoteDB->build(array('select' => 'a.*', 'from' => array('forums_archive_posts' => 'a'), 'where' => 'archive_topic_id=' . $topicData['tid'] . $queued_query_bit, 'order' => $fields[$data['sortKey']] . ' ' . $data['sortOrder'], 'limit' => array($first, $end), 'add_join' => $_post_joins));
         $oq = $this->remoteDB->execute();
         while ($row = $this->remoteDB->fetch($oq)) {
             $row['member_id'] = $row['archive_author_id'];
             if ($data['goNative']) {
                 $row = $this->archiveToNativeFields($row);
             $posts[$row['pid']] = $row;
     /* Return */
     return $posts;