예제 #1
function smarty_function_load_data($params, &$smarty)
    (!isset($params['table']) || empty($params['table'])) && exit('`table` is empty!');
    // $Mconfig = include(hopedir."config/hopeconfig.php");
    // print_r($Mconfig);
    $type = isset($params['type']) ? $params['type'] : 'list';
    //total  总数量   one    list 3个分类
    $fileds = isset($params['fileds']) ? $params['fileds'] : '*';
    $where = isset($params['where']) ? $params['where'] : '';
    $where = empty($where) ? '' : ' where ' . $where;
    $orderby = isset($params['orderby']) ? 'order by ' . $params['orderby'] : '';
    $limit = isset($params['limit']) ? 'LIMIT 0,' . $params['limit'] : 'LIMIT 0,1';
    if (!class_exists('mysql_class')) {
        include hopedir . "lib/core/extend/mysql_class.php";
        $mysql = new mysql_class();
    } else {
        $mysql = new mysql_class();
    $page = intval(IFilter::act(IReq::get('page')));
    $pagesize = intval(IFilter::act(IReq::get('pagesize')));
    $pagesize = isset($params['pagesize']) ? $params['pagesize'] : $pagesize;
    $pagesize = empty($pagesize) ? 10 : $pagesize;
    // $db = $class::factory(array('table' => $params['table']));
    if (!empty($params['assign'])) {
        //  $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $db->get_block_list(array($params['where']), $params['limit']));
        if ($type == 'total') {
            $result = $mysql->counts("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . "  " . $where . " " . $orderby . " " . $limit . "");
        } elseif ($type == 'one') {
            $result = $mysql->select_one("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . "  " . $where . " " . $orderby . " " . $limit . "");
        } else {
            if (isset($params['showpage']) && $params['showpage'] == true) {
                if (!class_exists('page')) {
                    include hopedir . "lib/core/extend/page.php";
                    $pageclass = new page();
                } else {
                    $pageclass = new page();
                $pageclass->setpage($page, $pagesize);
                $result['list'] = $mysql->getarr("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . "  " . $where . "  " . $orderby . "  limit " . $pageclass->startnum() . ", " . $pageclass->getsize() . "");
                $shuliang = $mysql->counts("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . "  " . $where . " ");
                if (isset($params['pagetype'])) {
                    $result['pagecontent'] = $pageclass->ajaxbar($params['pagetype']);
                } else {
                    $result['pagecontent'] = $pageclass->getpagebar();
            } else {
                $result['list'] = $mysql->getarr("select " . $fileds . " from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . $params['table'] . "  " . $where . " " . $orderby . "  " . $limit . "");
            $result['list'] = array();
             $result['pagecontent'] = ''; */
        $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $result);
예제 #2
  * @see paymentplugin::getSendData()
 public function getSendData($payment)
     $defaultbank = IFilter::act(IReq::get('defaultbank'));
     $return = array();
     $return['service'] = 'create_direct_pay_by_user';
     $return['partner'] = $payment['M_PartnerId'];
     $return['seller_email'] = $payment['M_Email'];
     $return['_input_charset'] = 'utf-8';
     $return['payment_type'] = 1;
     $return['return_url'] = $this->callbackUrl;
     $return['notify_url'] = $this->serverCallbackUrl;
     $return['defaultbank'] = $defaultbank;
     $return['paymethod'] = 'bankPay';
     $return['subject'] = $payment['R_Name'];
     $return['out_trade_no'] = $payment['M_OrderNO'];
     $return['total_fee'] = number_format($payment['M_Amount'], 2, '.', '');
     $para_filter = $this->paraFilter($return);
     $para_sort = $this->argSort($para_filter);
     $mysign = $this->buildMysign($para_sort, $payment['M_PartnerKey']);
     $return['sign'] = $mysign;
     $return['sign_type'] = 'MD5';
     return $return;
예제 #3
 function savesingle()
     $id = IReq::get('uid');
     $data['addtime'] = strtotime(IReq::get('addtime') . ' 00:00:00');
     $data['title'] = IReq::get('title');
     $data['content'] = IReq::get('content');
     $data['code'] = IReq::get('code');
     $data['seo_key'] = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seo_key'));
     $data['seo_content'] = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seo_content'));
     if (empty($id)) {
         $link = IUrl::creatUrl('adminpage/single/module/addsingle');
         if (empty($data['content'])) {
             $this->message('单页内容不能为空', $link);
         if (empty($data['title'])) {
             $this->message('单页标题不能为空', $link);
         $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'single', $data);
     } else {
         $link = IUrl::creatUrl('single/addsingle/id/' . $id);
         if (empty($data['content'])) {
             $this->message('单页内容不能为空', $link);
         if (empty($data['title'])) {
             $this->message('单页标题不能为空', $link);
         $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'single', $data, "id='" . $id . "'");
     $link = IUrl::creatUrl('adminpage/single/module/singlelist');
     $this->success('操作成功', $link);
예제 #4
 public function adminupload()
     $func = IFilter::act(IReq::get('func'));
     $obj = IReq::get('obj');
     $uploaddir = IFilter::act(IReq::get('dir'));
     if (is_array($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['imgFile'])) {
         $uploaddir = empty($uploaddir) ? 'goods' : $uploaddir;
         $json = new Services_JSON();
         $uploadpath = 'upload/' . $uploaddir . '/';
         $filepath = '/upload/' . $uploaddir . '/';
         $upload = new upload($uploadpath, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpge', 'doc', 'png'));
         //upload 自动生成压缩图片
         $file = $upload->getfile();
         if ($upload->errno != 15 && $upload->errno != 0) {
             echo "<script>parent." . $func . "(true,'" . $obj . "','" . json_encode($upload->errmsg()) . "');</script>";
         } else {
             echo "<script>parent." . $func . "(false,'" . $obj . "','" . $filepath . $file[0]['saveName'] . "');</script>";
     $data['obj'] = $obj;
     $data['uploaddir'] = $uploaddir;
     $data['func'] = $func;
예제 #5
  * @brief 商家登录动作
 public function login()
     $seller_name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('username'));
     $password = IReq::get('password');
     $message = '';
     if ($seller_name == '') {
         $message = '登录名不能为空';
     } else {
         if ($password == '') {
             $message = '密码不能为空';
         } else {
             $sellerObj = new IModel('seller');
             $sellerRow = $sellerObj->getObj('seller_name = "' . $seller_name . '" and is_del = 0 and is_lock = 0');
             if ($sellerRow && $sellerRow['password'] == md5($password)) {
                 $dataArray = array('login_time' => ITime::getDateTime());
                 $where = 'id = ' . $sellerRow["id"];
                 ISafe::set('seller_id', $sellerRow['id']);
                 ISafe::set('seller_name', $sellerRow['seller_name']);
                 ISafe::set('seller_pwd', $sellerRow['password']);
             } else {
                 $message = '用户名与密码不匹配';
     if ($message != '') {
         $this->redirect('index', false);
예제 #6
  * @brief 商品属性添加/修改
  * @param array $attribute 表字段 数组格式,如Array ([name] 		=> Array ( [0] => '' )
  *													[show_type] => Array ( [0] => '' )
  *													[value] 	=> Array ( [0] => '' )
  *													[is_seach] 	=> Array ( [0] => 1 ))
  * @param int $model_id 模型编号
 public function _attribute_update($attribute, $model_id)
     $attributeObj = new IModel('attribute');
     $len = count($attribute['name']);
     $ids = "";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
         if (IValidate::required($attribute['name'][$i]) && IValidate::required($attribute['value'][$i])) {
             $options = str_replace(',', ',', $attribute['value'][$i]);
             $type = isset($attribute['is_search'][$i]) ? $attribute['is_search'][$i] : 0;
             //设置商品模型扩展属性 字段赋值
             $filedData = array("model_id" => intval($model_id), "type" => IFilter::act($attribute['show_type'][$i]), "name" => IFilter::act($attribute['name'][$i]), "value" => rtrim(IFilter::act($options), ','), "search" => IFilter::act($type));
             $id = intval($attribute['id'][$i]);
             if ($id) {
                 $attributeObj->update("id = " . $id);
             } else {
                 $id = $attributeObj->add();
             $ids .= $id . ',';
     if ($ids) {
         $ids = trim($ids, ',');
         $where = "model_id = {$model_id}  and id not in (" . $ids . ") ";
예제 #7
  * @brief 保存品牌
 function brand_save()
     $brand_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('brand_id'), 'int');
     $name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('name'));
     $sort = IFilter::act(IReq::get('sort'), 'int');
     $url = IFilter::act(IReq::get('url'));
     $description = IFilter::act(IReq::get('description'), 'text');
     $tb_brand = new IModel('brand');
     $brand = array('name' => $name, 'sort' => $sort, 'url' => $url, 'description' => $description);
     if (isset($_FILES['logo']['name']) && $_FILES['logo']['name'] != '') {
         $uploadObj = new PhotoUpload();
         $photoInfo = $uploadObj->run();
         if (isset($photoInfo['logo']['img']) && file_exists($photoInfo['logo']['img'])) {
             $brand['logo'] = $photoInfo['logo']['img'];
     if ($brand_id) {
         $where = "id=" . $brand_id;
     } else {
예제 #8
  * @brief 解析视图路径
  * @param string $viewPath 视图名称
 public function resolveView($viewPath)
     $viewPath = IFilter::act($viewPath, 'filename');
     $view = strtr($viewPath, '-', '/');
     $this->view = $this->basePath = $this->getController()->getViewFile($view);
예제 #9
 function exchangcard()
     $card = trim(IFilter::act(IReq::get('card')));
     $password = trim(IFilter::act(IReq::get('password')));
     if (empty($card)) {
     if (empty($password)) {
     $checkinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "card where card ='" . $card . "'  and card_password = '******' and uid =0 and status = 0");
     if (empty($checkinfo)) {
     $arr['uid'] = $this->member['uid'];
     $arr['status'] = 1;
     $arr['username'] = $this->member['username'];
     $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'card', $arr, "card ='" . $card . "'  and card_password = '******' and uid =0 and status = 0");
     $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'member', '`cost`=`cost`+' . $checkinfo['cost'], "uid ='" . $this->member['uid'] . "' ");
     $allcost = $this->member['cost'] + $checkinfo['cost'];
     $this->memberCls->addlog($this->member['uid'], 2, 1, $checkinfo['cost'], '充值卡充值', '使用充值卡' . $checkinfo['card'] . '充值' . $checkinfo['cost'] . '元', $allcost);
예제 #10
 public function getNoticeList()
     $page = IReq::get('page') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('page'), 'int') : 1;
     $query = new IQuery('announcement');
     $query->order = 'id desc';
     $query->page = $page;
     return $query;
예제 #11
파일: help.php 프로젝트: yongge666/sunupedu
 public function getHelpListByCatId($catId)
     $page = IReq::get('page') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('page'), 'int') : 1;
     $query = new IQuery('help');
     $query->where = "cat_id = " . $catId;
     $query->order = 'sort desc,id desc';
     $query->page = $page;
     return $query;
예제 #12
 public function getArticleListByCatid($category_id)
     $page = IReq::get('page') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('page'), 'int') : 1;
     $query = new IQuery('article');
     $query->where = 'category_id = ' . $category_id . ' and visibility = 1';
     $query->order = 'id desc';
     $query->page = $page;
     return $query;
예제 #13
 public function getSellerList()
     $page = IReq::get('page') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('page'), 'int') : 1;
     $query = new IQuery('seller');
     $query->where = 'is_del = 0';
     $query->order = 'id desc';
     $query->page = $page;
     return $query;
예제 #14
 * @brief form提交事件
 	* @param array 订单的详细信息
 	× @return array 返回支付需提交的详细信息
 function toSubmit($payment)
     $merId = $this->getConf($payment['M_Paymentid'], 'member_id');
     $pKey = $this->getConf($payment['M_Paymentid'], 'PrivateKey');
     $key = $pKey == '' ? 'afsvq2mqwc7j0i69uzvukqexrzd0jq6h' : $pKey;
     $amount = number_format($payment['M_Amount'], 2, ".", "");
     $shopName = IFilter::act($payment['R_Name']);
     $subject = $shopName . '订单';
     $return = array();
     $real_method = $this->getConf($payment['M_Paymentid'], 'real_method');
     switch ($real_method) {
         case '0':
             $return['service'] = 'trade_create_by_buyer';
         case '1':
             $return['service'] = 'create_direct_pay_by_user';
         case '2':
             $return['service'] = 'create_partner_trade_by_buyer';
     //付完款后跳转的页面 要用 http://格式的完整路径,不允许加?id=123这类自定义参数
     $return['return_url'] = $this->callbackUrl;
     //交易过程中服务器通知的页面 要用 http://格式的完整路径,不允许加?id=123这类自定义参数
     $return['notify_url'] = $this->serverCallbackUrl;
     $return['payment_type'] = 1;
     $return['partner'] = $merId;
     $return['subject'] = $subject;
     $return['body'] = '网店订单';
     $return['out_trade_no'] = $payment['M_OrderNO'];
     $return['total_fee'] = $amount;
     $return['seller_id'] = $merId;
     $return['_input_charset'] = 'utf-8';
     $mac = "";
     foreach ($return as $k => $v) {
         $mac .= '&' . $k . '=' . $v;
     $mac = substr($mac, 1);
     $return['sign'] = md5($mac . $key);
     $return['sign_type'] = 'MD5';
     return $return;
예제 #15
 public static function help_del($id)
     if (!is_array($id)) {
         $id = array($id);
     $id = IFilter::act($id, 'int');
     $id = implode(",", $id);
     $tb_help = new IModel("help");
     $tb_help->del("id IN ({$id})");
     return array('flag' => true, 'data' => 'success');
예제 #16
 function delask()
     $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'));
     if (empty($id)) {
     $ids = is_array($id) ? join(',', $id) : $id;
     $adminuid = ICookie::get('adminuid');
     $where = " id in({$ids})";
     $this->mysql->delete(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'ask', $where);
예제 #17
 function login_act()
     $admin_name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('admin_name'));
     $password = IReq::get('password');
     $captcha = IReq::get('captcha', 'post');
     $message = '';
     if ($admin_name == '') {
         $message = '登录名不能为空';
     } else {
         if ($password == '') {
             $message = '密码不能为空';
         } else {
             if ($captcha != ISafe::get('Captcha')) {
                 $message = '验证码输入不正确';
             } else {
                 $adminObj = new IModel('admin');
                 $adminRow = $adminObj->getObj('admin_name = "' . $admin_name . '"');
                 if (!empty($adminRow) && $adminRow['password'] == md5($password) && $adminRow['is_del'] == 0) {
                     $dataArray = array('last_ip' => IClient::getIp(), 'last_time' => ITime::getDateTime());
                     $where = 'id = ' . $adminRow["id"];
                     if ($adminRow['role_id'] == 0) {
                         ISafe::set('admin_right', 'administrator');
                         ISafe::set('admin_role_name', '超级管理员');
                     } else {
                         $roleObj = new IModel('admin_role');
                         $where = 'id = ' . $adminRow["role_id"] . ' and is_del = 0';
                         $roleRow = $roleObj->getObj($where);
                         ISafe::set('admin_right', $roleRow['rights']);
                         ISafe::set('admin_role_name', $roleRow['name']);
                     ISafe::set('admin_id', $adminRow['id']);
                     ISafe::set('admin_name', $adminRow['admin_name']);
                     ISafe::set('admin_pwd', $adminRow['password']);
                 } else {
                     $message = '用户名与密码不匹配';
     if ($message != '') {
         $this->admin_name = $admin_name;
         $this->redirect('index', false);
예제 #18
  * @brief  校验用户的合法性
  * @param  string $login_info 用户名或者email
  * @param  string $password   用户名的md5密码
  * @return false or array 如果合法则返回用户数据;不合法返回false
 public static function isValidUser($login_info, $password)
     $login_info = IFilter::act($login_info);
     $password = IFilter::act($password);
     $userObj = new IModel('user as u,member as m');
     $where = 'u.username = "******" and m.status = 1 and u.id = m.user_id';
     $userRow = $userObj->getObj($where);
     if (empty($userRow)) {
         $where = 'email = "' . $login_info . '" and m.status = 1 and u.id = m.user_id';
         $userRow = $userObj->getObj($where);
     if (empty($userRow) || $userRow['password'] != $password) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return $userRow;
예제 #19
 function user()
     $selecttype = intval(IFilter::act(IReq::get('selecttype')));
     $tempselecttype = in_array($selecttype, array(0, 1, 2, 3)) ? $selecttype : 0;
     $wherearray = array('0' => '', '1' => ' where addtime > ' . strtotime('-1 month'), '2' => ' where addtime > ' . strtotime('-7 day'), '3' => ' where addtime > ' . strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time())));
     $tempdata = $this->mysql->getarr("select count(id) as shuliang ,DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(`addtime`),'%k') as month from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "order  " . $wherearray[$tempselecttype] . " group by month    order by month desc  limit 0,10");
     $list = array();
     if (is_array($tempdata)) {
         foreach ($tempdata as $key => $value) {
             $list[$value['month']] = $value['shuliang'];
     $data['list'] = $list;
     $data['selecttype'] = $selecttype;
예제 #20
 public static function count($word)
     if (empty($word)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if (is_array($word)) {
             $wordArray = $word;
         } else {
             $wordArray = explode(',', $word);
         $keywordObj = new IModel('keyword');
         $goodsObj = new IModel('goods');
         $result = array();
         foreach ($wordArray as $val) {
             $val_sql = IFilter::act($val);
             $countNum = $goodsObj->getObj('name like "%' . $val_sql . '%" AND is_del=0 ', 'count(*) as num');
             $result[$val] = $countNum['num'];
         return $result;
예제 #21
 public function userupload()
     $link = IUrl::creatUrl('member/login');
     if ($this->member['uid'] == 0 && $this->admin['uid'] == 0) {
         $this->message('未登陆', $link);
     $_FILES['imgFile'] = $_FILES['head'];
     $type = IFilter::act(IReq::get('type'));
     if (empty($type)) {
     $json = new Services_JSON();
     $uploadpath = 'upload/user/';
     $filepath = '/upload/user/';
     $upload = new upload($uploadpath, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpge', 'png'));
     $file = $upload->getfile();
     if ($upload->errno != 15 && $upload->errno != 0) {
     } else {
         if ($type == 'userlogo') {
             $arr['logo'] = $filepath . $file[0]['saveName'];
             $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'member', $arr, 'uid = ' . $this->member['uid'] . ' ');
         } elseif ($type == 'goods') {
             $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid');
             $gid = intval(IFilter::act(IReq::get('gid')));
             $data['img'] = $filepath . $file[0]['saveName'];
             $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'goods', $data, "id='" . $gid . "' and shopid='" . $shopid . "'");
         } elseif ($type == 'shoplogo') {
             $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid');
             if (!empty($shopid)) {
                 $data['shoplogo'] = $filepath . $file[0]['saveName'];
                 $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'shop', $data, "id='" . $shopid . "'");
         $this->success($filepath . $file[0]['saveName']);
예제 #22
 public function savesingle()
     $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid');
     if ($shopid <= 0) {
     $id = IReq::get('uid');
     $data['addtime'] = strtotime(IReq::get('addtime') . ' 00:00:00');
     $data['title'] = IReq::get('title');
     $data['content'] = IReq::get('content');
     $data['code'] = IReq::get('code');
     $data['seo_key'] = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seo_key'));
     $data['seo_content'] = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seo_content'));
     $data['shop_id'] = $shopid;
     if (empty($id)) {
         $link = IUrl::creatUrl('single/addsingle');
         if (empty($data['content'])) {
             $this->message('单页内容不能为空', $link);
         if (empty($data['title'])) {
             $this->message('单页标题不能为空', $link);
         $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'shop_single', $data);
     } else {
         $link = IUrl::creatUrl('single/addsingle/id/' . $id);
         if (empty($data['content'])) {
             $this->message('单页内容不能为空', $link);
         if (empty($data['title'])) {
             $this->message('单页标题不能为空', $link);
         $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'shop_single', $data, "single_id='" . $id . "' and shop_id={$shopid}");
     $link = IUrl::creatUrl('single/singlelist');
     $this->success('操作成功', $link);
예제 #23
 function goods_list()
     $show_num = IFilter::act(IReq::get('show_num', 'post'), 'int');
     $keywords = IFilter::act(IReq::get('keywords', 'post'));
     $cat_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('category_id', 'post'), 'int');
     $min_price = IFilter::act(IReq::get('min_price', 'post'), 'float');
     $max_price = IFilter::act(IReq::get('max_price', 'post'), 'float');
     $where = 'go.is_del = 0';
     if ($cat_id) {
         $table_name = 'goods as go,category_extend as ca';
         $where .= " and ca.category_id = {$cat_id} and go.id = ca.goods_id ";
     } else {
         $table_name = 'goods as go';
     $where .= $keywords ? ' and go.name like "%' . $keywords . '%"' : '';
     $where .= $min_price ? ' and go.sell_price  >= ' . $min_price : '';
     $where .= $max_price ? ' and go.sell_price  <= ' . $max_price : '';
     $obj = new IModel($table_name);
     $this->data = $obj->query($where, 'go.id,go.name,go.list_img', 'go.id', 'desc', $show_num);
     $this->type = IReq::get('type', 'get');
예제 #24
echo IFilter::stripSlash($siteConfig->site_footer_code);

<script type='text/javascript'>
$word = IReq::get('word') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('word'), 'text') : '输入关键字...';
echo isset($word) ? $word : "";

echo IUrl::creatUrl("/site/autoComplete");
echo IUrl::creatUrl("/site/search_list/word/@word@");
echo isset($siteConfig->auto_finish) ? $siteConfig->auto_finish : "";
예제 #25

		<div id="admin_left">
			<ul class="submenu"></ul>
			<div id="copyright"></div>

		<div id="admin_right">
			<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php 
echo BASE_URL;
$search = IReq::get('search') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('search'), 'strict') : array();

<div class="headbar">
	<div class="position"><span>统计</span><span>></span><span>商户数据统计</span><span>></span><span>货款结算列表</span></div>
	<div class="operating">
		<div class="search f_l">
			<form name="searchBill" action="<?php 
echo IUrl::creatUrl("/");
" method="get">
				<input type='hidden' name='controller' value='market' />
				<input type='hidden' name='action' value='bill_list' />

예제 #26
  * @brief 商品检索,可以直接读取 $_GET 全局变量:attr,order,brand,min_price,max_price
  *        在检索商品过程中计算商品结果中的进一步属性和规格的筛选
  * @param mixed $defaultWhere string(条件) or array('search' => '模糊查找','category_extend' => '商品分类ID','字段' => 对应数据)
  * @param int $limit 读取数量
  * @param bool $isCondition 是否筛选出商品的属性,价格等数据
  * @return IQuery
 public static function find($defaultWhere = '', $limit = 21, $isCondition = true)
     $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config");
     $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo();
     $orderArray = array();
     $goodsObj = new IQuery("goods as go");
     $goodsObj->page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;
     $goodsObj->fields = ' go.* ';
     $goodsObj->pagesize = $limit;
     $where = ' go.is_del = 0 ';
     $attrCond = array();
     $childSql = '';
     $attrArray = IReq::get('attr') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('attr')) : array();
     foreach ($attrArray as $key => $val) {
         if ($key && $val) {
             $attrCond[] = ' attribute_id = ' . intval($key) . ' and FIND_IN_SET("' . $val . '",attribute_value)';
     $GoodsId = null;
     if ($attrCond) {
         $tempArray = array();
         foreach ($attrCond as $key => $cond) {
             $tempArray[] = '(' . $cond . ')';
         $childSql = join(' or ', $tempArray);
         $goodsAttrObj = new IQuery('goods_attribute');
         $goodsAttrObj->fields = 'goods_id';
         $goodsAttrObj->where = $childSql;
         $goodsAttrObj->group = 'goods_id';
         $goodsAttrObj->having = 'count(goods_id) >= ' . count($attrCond);
         $goodsIdArray = $goodsAttrObj->find();
         $goodsIds = array();
         foreach ($goodsIdArray as $key => $val) {
             $goodsIds[] = $val['goods_id'];
         $GoodsId = $GoodsId === null ? array_unique($goodsIds) : array_unique(array_intersect($goodsIds, $GoodsId));
     //(3),处理defaultWhere条件 goods, category_extend
     if ($defaultWhere) {
         //兼容array 和 string 数据类型的goods条件筛选
         $goodsCondArray = array();
         if (is_string($defaultWhere)) {
             $goodsCondArray[] = $defaultWhere;
         } else {
             if (is_array($defaultWhere)) {
                 foreach ($defaultWhere as $key => $val) {
                     if (!$val) {
                     if ($key == 'category_extend') {
                         $currentCatGoods = array();
                         $categoryExtendObj = new IModel('category_extend');
                         $categoryExtendList = $categoryExtendObj->query("category_id in (" . $val . ")", 'goods_id', 'id', 'desc');
                         foreach ($categoryExtendList as $key => $val) {
                             $currentCatGoods[] = $val['goods_id'];
                         $GoodsId = $GoodsId === null ? array_unique($currentCatGoods) : array_unique(array_intersect($currentCatGoods, $GoodsId));
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'search') {
                             $wordWhere = array();
                             $wordLikeOrder = array();
                             if (preg_match("#\\s+#", $defaultWhere['search']) == false) {
                                 $wordWhere[] = ' name like "%' . $defaultWhere['search'] . '%" or find_in_set("' . $defaultWhere['search'] . '",search_words) ';
                                 $wordLikeOrder[] = $defaultWhere['search'];
                             if (IString::getStrLen($defaultWhere['search']) >= 4 || IString::getStrLen($defaultWhere['search']) <= 100) {
                                 $wordData = words_facade::run($defaultWhere['search']);
                                 if (isset($wordData['data']) && count($wordData['data']) >= 2) {
                                     foreach ($wordData['data'] as $word) {
                                         $wordWhere[] = ' name like "%' . $word . '%" ';
                                         $wordLikeOrder[] = $word;
                             if (count($wordLikeOrder) > 1) {
                                 $orderTempArray = array();
                                 foreach ($wordLikeOrder as $key => $val) {
                                     $orderTempArray[] = "(CASE WHEN name LIKE '%" . $val . "%' THEN " . $key . " ELSE 100 END)";
                                 $orderArray[] = " (" . join('+', $orderTempArray) . ") asc ";
                             $goodsCondArray[] = join(' or ', $wordWhere);
                         } else {
                             $goodsCondArray[] = $key . ' = "' . $val . '"';
         //goods 条件
         if ($goodsCondArray) {
             $goodsDB = new IModel('goods as go');
             $goodsCondData = $goodsDB->query(join(" and ", $goodsCondArray), "id");
             $goodsCondId = array();
             foreach ($goodsCondData as $key => $val) {
                 $goodsCondId[] = $val['id'];
             $GoodsId = $GoodsId === null ? array_unique($goodsCondId) : array_unique(array_intersect($goodsCondId, $GoodsId));
     if ($GoodsId) {
         if (!isset($goodsDB)) {
             $goodsDB = new IModel("goods as go");
         $goodsCondData = $goodsDB->query("go.id in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ") and go.is_del = 0 ", "id");
         $GoodsId = array();
         foreach ($goodsCondData as $key => $val) {
             $GoodsId[] = $val['id'];
     $GoodsId = $GoodsId === array() || $GoodsId === null ? array(0) : array_unique($GoodsId);
     if ($GoodsId) {
         $GoodsId = array_slice($GoodsId, 0, search_goods::MAX_GOODSID);
         $where .= " and go.id in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ") ";
         if ($isCondition == true) {
             /******属性 开始******/
             $attrTemp = array();
             $goodsAttrDB = new IModel('goods_attribute');
             $attrData = $goodsAttrDB->query("goods_id in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ")");
             foreach ($attrData as $key => $val) {
                 if ($val['attribute_id']) {
                     if (!isset($attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']])) {
                         $attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']] = array();
                     $checkSelectedArray = explode(",", $val['attribute_value']);
                     foreach ($checkSelectedArray as $k => $v) {
                         if (!in_array($v, $attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']])) {
                             $attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']][] = $v;
             if ($attrTemp) {
                 $attrDB = new IModel('attribute');
                 $attrData = $attrDB->query("id in (" . join(',', array_keys($attrTemp)) . ") and search = 1", "*", "id", "asc", 8);
                 foreach ($attrData as $key => $val) {
                     self::$attrSearch[] = array('id' => $val['id'], 'name' => $val['name'], 'value' => $attrTemp[$val['id']]);
             /******属性 结束******/
             /******品牌 开始******/
             $brandQuery = new IModel('brand as b,goods as go');
             self::$brandSearch = $brandQuery->query("go.brand_id = b.id and go.id in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ")", "distinct b.id,b.name", "b.sort", "asc", 10);
             /******品牌 结束******/
             /******价格 开始******/
             self::$priceSearch = goods_class::getGoodsPrice(join(',', $GoodsId));
             /******价格 结束******/
     $where .= floatval(IReq::get('min_price')) ? ' and go.sell_price >= ' . floatval(IReq::get('min_price')) : '';
     $where .= floatval(IReq::get('max_price')) ? ' and go.sell_price <= ' . floatval(IReq::get('max_price')) : '';
     $where .= intval(IReq::get('brand')) ? ' and go.brand_id = ' . intval(IReq::get('brand')) : '';
     $order = IFilter::act(IReq::get('order'), 'url');
     if ($order == null) {
         $order = isset($site_config['order_by']) ? $site_config['order_by'] : 'new';
         $asc = isset($site_config['order_type']) ? $site_config['order_type'] : 'desc';
     } else {
         if (stripos($order, '_toggle')) {
             $order = str_replace('_toggle', '', $order);
             $asc = 'asc';
         } else {
             $asc = 'desc';
     switch ($order) {
         case "sale":
             $orderArray[] = ' go.sale ' . $asc;
         case "cpoint":
             $orderArray[] = ' go.grade ' . $asc;
         case "new":
             $orderArray[] = ' go.id ' . $asc;
         case "price":
             $orderArray[] = ' go.sell_price ' . $asc;
             $orderArray[] = ' go.sort asc ';
     $goodsObj->where = $where;
     $goodsObj->order = join(',', $orderArray);
     return $goodsObj;
예제 #27
<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php 
echo BASE_URL;
/runtime/_systemjs/artdialog/artDialog.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php 
echo BASE_URL;
/runtime/_systemjs/artdialog/plugins/iframeTools.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
echo BASE_URL;
/runtime/_systemjs/artdialog/skins/default.css" />
<body style='width:420px;min-height:120px;'>
<div class="pop_win">
	<div class="content">
		<form action="<?php 
echo IFilter::act(IReq::get('callback'), 'url');
" method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
			<table class='form_table'>
					<col width="120px" />
					<col />

					<td class="t_r">选择图片文件:</td>
					<td><input type='file' class='file' name='attach' /></td>
예제 #28
 function add_download_ticket()
     $isError = true;
     $ticket_num = IFilter::act(IReq::get('ticket_num'));
     $ticket_pwd = IFilter::act(IReq::get('ticket_pwd'));
     $propObj = new IModel('prop');
     $propRow = $propObj->getObj('card_name = "' . $ticket_num . '" and card_pwd = "' . $ticket_pwd . '" and type = 0 and is_userd = 0 and is_send = 1 and is_close = 0 and NOW() between start_time and end_time');
     if (empty($propRow)) {
         $message = '代金券不可用,请确认代金券的卡号密码并且此代金券从未被使用过';
     } else {
         if ($this->user['user_id']) {
             $memberObj = new IModel('member');
             $memberRow = $memberObj->getObj('user_id = ' . $this->user['user_id'], 'prop');
             if (stripos($memberRow['prop'], ',' . $propRow['id'] . ',') !== false) {
                 $message = '代金券已经存在,不能重复添加';
             } else {
                 $isError = false;
                 $message = '添加成功';
                 if ($memberRow['prop'] == '') {
                     $propUpdate = ',' . $propRow['id'] . ',';
                 } else {
                     $propUpdate = $memberRow['prop'] . $propRow['id'] . ',';
                 $dataArray = array('prop' => $propUpdate);
                 $memberObj->update('user_id = ' . $this->user['user_id']);
         } else {
             $isError = false;
             $message = '添加成功';
             ISafe::set("ticket_" . $propRow['id'], $propRow['id']);
     $result = array('isError' => $isError, 'data' => $propRow, 'message' => $message);
     echo JSON::encode($result);
예제 #29
  * 查询删除
 function search_del()
     $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int');
     $tb_search = new IModel('search');
     if (!empty($id)) {
         if (is_array($id) && isset($id[0]) && $id[0] != '') {
             $id_str = join(',', $id);
             $where = ' id in (' . $id_str . ')';
         } else {
             $where = 'id = ' . $id;
     } else {
예제 #30

$siteConfig = new Config("site_config");
$callback = IReq::get('callback') ? urlencode(IFilter::act(IReq::get('callback'), 'url')) : '';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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echo IUrl::creatUrl("") . "views/" . $this->theme . "/skin/" . $this->skin . "/css/index.css";
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