예제 #1
#    in case of failure
# Engine configuration
#  - first we enable error display
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
#  - next we ensure that all errors are displayed
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
# include the object oriented version of the library itself
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/oophp-iban.php';
# display registry contents
# init
$errors = 0;
# Try to validate an invalid IBAN
$iban = "(@#(*@*ZV-This is NOT an IBAN!";
$myIban = new IBAN($iban);
if ($myIban->verify()) {
    print "ERROR: An invalid IBAN was validated!\n";
print "Hooray! - Invalid IBAN successfully rejected.\n\n";
# Broken IIBAN
$broken_iiban = 'VG96VPVG00000L2345678901';
$myIban = new IBAN($broken_iiban);
$suggestions = $myIban->MistranscriptionSuggestions();
if (count($suggestions)) {
    print "Hooray!  Successfully derived '" . implode(',', $suggestions) . "' as likely transcription error source suggestion(s) for the incorrect IBAN {$broken_iiban}.\n";
} else {
    print "ERROR: Not able to ascertain suggested transcription error source(s) for {$broken_iiban}.\n";
print "\n";