function validate()
     // make sure that the user is uploading a file
     $this->_files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     $this->_templateId = $this->_request->getValue("templateId");
     $this->_subFolderId = $this->_request->getValue("subFolderId");
     // check if there's any file to upload
     if (count($this->_files) != 1) {
         if (empty($this->_subFolderId)) {
             $this->_view = new PluginBlogTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo, $this->_templateId);
         } else {
             $this->_view = new PluginBlogTemplateSubFolderListView($this->_blogInfo, $this->_templateId, $this->_subFolderId);
         $this->_view->setErrorMessage($this->_locale - tr("error_must_upload_file"));
         return false;
     if (!$this->isValidExtension($this->_files['resourceFile']['name'])) {
         if (empty($this->_subFolderId)) {
             $this->_view = new PluginBlogTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo, $this->_templateId);
         } else {
             $this->_view = new PluginBlogTemplateSubFolderListView($this->_blogInfo, $this->_templateId, $this->_subFolderId);
         return false;
     return true;
  * Carries out the specified action
 function perform()
     // fetch the information coming from the resource
     $this->_description = Textfilter::filterAllHTML($this->_request->getValue("resourceDescription"));
     $this->_albumId = $this->_request->getValue("albumId");
     $this->_resource = $this->_request->getValue("resourceFile");
     // check if there is any file uploaded
     $files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     // we probably need to rearrange the $files array a bit better...
     $this->_files = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if ($file["error"] == 0 && $file["size"] > 0 && $file["name"] != "") {
             $this->_files[] = $file;
     // let the gallery library do its work...
     $resources = new GalleryResources();
     $this->_view = new AdminResourcesListView($this->_blogInfo, array("albumId" => $this->_albumId));
     $successMessage = "";
     $errorMessage = "";
     foreach ($this->_files as $file) {
         // create a new FileUpload object based on the file
         $upload = new FileUpload($file);
         // add the resource to the db
         $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_PRE_RESOURCE_ADD, array("upload" => &$upload));
         $res = $resources->addResource($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $this->_albumId, $this->_description, $upload);
         // check if everything went fine and if not, show an error message
         if ($res > 0) {
             $successMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("resource_added_ok", $file["name"]) . "<br/>";
             // try to fetch the resource so that we can send it in the event
             $resource = $resources->getResource($res, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
             $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_POST_RESOURCE_ADD, array("resource" => &$resource));
         } else {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("error_resource_forbidden_extension", $file["name"]) . "<br/>";
             } elseif ($res == GALLERY_ERROR_RESOURCE_TOO_BIG) {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("error_resource_too_big", $file["name"]) . "<br/>";
             } elseif ($res == GALLERY_ERROR_UPLOADS_NOT_ENABLED) {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->tr("error_uploads_disabled") . "<br/>";
             } elseif ($res == GALLERY_ERROR_QUOTA_EXCEEDED) {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->tr("error_quota_exceeded") . "<br/>";
             } else {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("error_adding_resource", $file["name"]) . "<br/>";
     // clear the cache no matter what happened... we should only clear it if there was at least one
     // file uploaded but this way is not that bad after all...
     CacheControl::resetBlogCache($this->_blogInfo->getId(), false);
     if ($successMessage != "") {
     if ($errorMessage != "") {
     return true;
  * installs an uploaded template
 function _performUploadTemplate()
     // handle the uploaded file
     $files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     $uploads = new FileUploads($files);
     if (count($files) == 0 || $files["templateFile"]["name"] == "") {
         $this->_view = new AdminTemplatedView($this->_blogInfo, "newglobaltemplate");
         $this->_view->setValue("templateFolder", TemplateSetStorage::getBaseTemplateFolder());
         return false;
     $config =& Config::getConfig();
     $tmpFolder = $config->getValue('temp_folder');
     // move it to the temporary folder
     $result = $uploads->process($tmpFolder);
     // and from there, unpack it
     $upload = new FileUpload($files['templateFile']);
     $templateSandbox = new TemplateSandbox();
     $valid = $templateSandbox->checkTemplateSet($upload->getFileName(), $tmpFolder . '/');
     if ($valid < 0) {
         $this->_view = new AdminSiteTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo);
         return false;
     // the template was ok, so then we can proceed and move it to the main
     // template folder, add it to our array of templates
     // :KLUDGE:
     // maybe we should simply move the files rather than unpacking the whole
     // thing again, but this indeed makes things easier! ;)
     $unpacker = new Unpacker();
     $templateFolder = $config->getValue('template_folder');
     $fileToUnpack = $tmpFolder . '/' . $upload->getFileName();
     if (!$unpacker->unpack($fileToUnpack, $templateFolder)) {
         $this->_view = new AdminSiteTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo);
         $tf = new Textfilter();
         $this->_view->setErrorMessage($this->_locale->pr('error_installing_template', $tf->filterAllHtml($upload->getFileName())));
         return false;
     // if the template set was installed ok in the template folder, we can record
     // it as a valid set
     $ts = new TemplateSetStorage();
     $fileParts = explode(".", $upload->getFileName());
     $templateName = $fileParts[0];
     $this->_view = new AdminSiteTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo);
     $this->_view->setSuccessMessage($this->_locale->pr('template_installed_ok', $templateName));
     return true;
 function _performUploadLocale()
     // since we are here, the file name was validated to be ok, so we can
     // continue with the operation
     $files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     $uploads = new FileUploads($files);
     $this->_view = new AdminSiteLocalesListView($this->_blogInfo);
     // we can first of all move the file to the destionation folder
     $result = $uploads->process($this->_config->getValue("locale_folder"));
     // the only thing that can happen is that the file was not correctly saved
     if ($result[0]->getError() != 0) {
         return false;
     // and once it's there, we can do as if we were adding a locale code
     $upload = new FileUpload($files["localeFile"]);
     $res = preg_match(REGEXP_VALID_LOCALE, $upload->getFileName(), $matches);
     $localeCode = $matches[1];
     // add the file to the list of locales
     $locales = new Locales();
     $this->_view->setSuccessMessage($this->_locale->pr("locale_added_ok", $localeCode));
     return true;
 function _performUploadTemplate()
     // get the temporary folder
     $config =& Config::getConfig();
     $tmpFolder = $config->getValue("temp_folder");
     // move it to the temporary folder
     $files = HttpVars::getFiles();
     if (count($files) == 0 || $files["templateFile"]["name"] == "") {
         $this->_view = new AdminTemplatedView($this->_blogInfo, "newblogtemplate");
         $this->_view->setValue("templateFolder", TemplateSetStorage::getBlogBaseTemplateFolder($this->_blogInfo->getId()));
         return false;
     $uploads = new FileUploads($files);
     $result = $uploads->process($tmpFolder);
     if ($result < 0) {
         $this->_view = new AdminBlogTemplateSetsListView($this->_blogInfo);
         return false;
     $upload = new FileUpload($files["templateFile"]);
     // and make it go through the template sandbox to check if
     // we're dealing with a 'healthy' file
     $templateSandbox = new TemplateSandbox();
     $valid = $templateSandbox->checkTemplateSet($upload->getFileName(), $tmpFolder . "/");
     if ($valid < 0) {
         $this->_view = new AdminBlogTemplateSetsListView($this->_blogInfo);
         return false;
     // :KLUDGE:
     // maybe we should simply move the files rather than unpacking the whole
     // thing again, but this indeed makes things easier! ;)
     // since it is a local template, the path has to be $template_folder/blog_x/$templateName
     $ts = new TemplateSetStorage();
     $blogTemplateFolder = $ts->createBlogTemplateFolder($this->_blogInfo->getId());
     // it should be there now... we can continue
     $destFolder = $blogTemplateFolder . "/";
     $unpacker = new Unpacker();
     if (!$unpacker->unpack($tmpFolder . "/" . $upload->getFileName(), $destFolder)) {
         $this->_view = new AdminBlogTemplateSetsListView($this->_blogInfo);
         // remove the file before returning!
         File::delete($tmpFolder . "/" . $upload->getFileName());
         return false;
     // if the template set was installed ok in the template folder, we can record
     // it as a valid set
     $fileParts = explode(".", $upload->getFileName());
     $templateName = $fileParts[0];
     $ts->addTemplate($templateName, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
     // remove the file
     File::delete($tmpFolder . "/" . $upload->getFileName());
     $this->_view = new AdminBlogTemplateSetsListView($this->_blogInfo);
     $this->_view->setSuccessMessage($this->_locale->pr("template_installed_ok", $templateName));
     return true;