예제 #1
  * Filter provided HTML through htmlLawed and return the result.
  * @param string $html String of HTML to filter.
  * @return string Returns the filtered HTML.
 public function format($html)
     $attributes = c('Garden.Html.BlockedAttributes', 'on*');
     $config = ['anti_link_spam' => ['`.`', ''], 'balance' => 1, 'cdata' => 3, 'comment' => 1, 'css_expression' => 1, 'deny_attribute' => $attributes, 'direct_list_nest' => 1, 'elements' => '*-applet-form-input-textarea-iframe-script-style-embed-object-select-option-button-fieldset-optgroup-legend', 'keep_bad' => 0, 'schemes' => 'classid:clsid; href: aim, feed, file, ftp, gopher, http, https, irc, mailto, news, nntp, sftp, ssh, telnet; style: nil; *:file, http, https', 'unique_ids' => 1, 'valid_xhtml' => 0];
     // Turn embedded videos into simple links (legacy workaround)
     $html = Gdn_Format::unembedContent($html);
     // We check the flag within Gdn_Format to see
     // if htmLawed should place rel="nofollow" links
     // within output or not.
     // A plugin can set this flag (for example).
     // The default is to show rel="nofollow" on all links.
     if (Gdn_Format::$DisplayNoFollow) {
         // display rel="nofollow" on all links.
         $config['anti_link_spam'] = ['`.`', ''];
     } else {
         // never display rel="nofollow"
         $config['anti_link_spam'] = ['', ''];
     // Deny all class and style attributes.
     // A lot of damage can be done by hackers with these attributes.
     $config['deny_attribute'] .= ',style,class';
     // Block some IDs so you can't break Javascript
     $GLOBALS['hl_Ids'] = ['Bookmarks' => 1, 'CommentForm' => 1, 'Content' => 1, 'Definitions' => 1, 'DiscussionForm' => 1, 'Foot' => 1, 'Form_Comment' => 1, 'Form_User_Password' => 1, 'Form_User_SignIn' => 1, 'Head' => 1, 'HighlightColor' => 1, 'InformMessageStack' => 1, 'Menu' => 1, 'PagerMore' => 1, 'Panel' => 1, 'Status' => 1];
     $spec = 'object=-classid-type, -codebase; embed=type(oneof=application/x-shockwave-flash); ';
     // Define elements allowed to have a `class`.
     $spec .= implode(',', $this->classedElements);
     // Whitelist classes we allow.
     $spec .= '=class(oneof=' . implode('|', $this->allowedClasses) . '); ';
     return Htmlawed::filter($html, $config, $spec);
예제 #2
  * @param $string
  * @return mixed|string
 public function format($string)
     $string = str_replace(array('"', ''', ':', 'Â'), array('"', "'", ':', ''), $string);
     $string = str_replace('<#EMO_DIR#>', 'default', $string);
     $string = str_replace('<{POST_SNAPBACK}>', '<span class="SnapBack">»</span>', $string);
     // There is an issue with using uppercase code blocks, so they're forced to lowercase here
     $string = str_replace(array('[CODE]', '[/CODE]'), array('[code]', '[/code]'), $string);
      * IPB inserts line break markup tags at line breaks.  They need to be removed in code blocks.
      * The original newline/line break should be left intact, so whitespace will be preserved in the pre tag.
     $string = preg_replace_callback('/\\[code\\].*?\\[\\/code\\]/is', function ($codeBlocks) {
         return str_replace(array('<br />'), array(''), $codeBlocks[0]);
     }, $string);
      * IPB formats some quotes as HTML.  They're converted here for the sake of uniformity in presentation.
      * Attribute order seems to be standard.  Spacing between the opening of the tag and the first attribute is variable.
     $string = preg_replace_callback('#<blockquote\\s+(class="ipsBlockquote" )?data-author="([^"]+)" data-cid="(\\d+)" data-time="(\\d+)">(.*?)</blockquote>#is', function ($blockQuotes) {
         $author = $blockQuotes[2];
         $cid = $blockQuotes[3];
         $time = $blockQuotes[4];
         $quoteContent = $blockQuotes[5];
         // $Time will over as a timestamp. Convert it to a date string.
         $date = date('F j Y, g:i A', $time);
         return "[quote name=\"{$author}\" url=\"{$cid}\" date=\"{$date}\"]{$quoteContent}[/quote]";
     }, $string);
     // If there is a really long string, it could cause a stack overflow in the bbcode parser.
     // Not much we can do except try and chop the data down a touch.
     // 1. Remove html comments.
     $string = preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', '', $string);
     // 2. Split the string up into chunks.
     $strings = (array) $string;
     $result = '';
     foreach ($strings as $string) {
         $result .= $this->nbbc()->parse($string);
     // Linkify URLs in content
     $result = Gdn_Format::links($result);
     // Parsing mentions
     $result = Gdn_Format::mentions($result);
     // Handling emoji
     $result = Emoji::instance()->translateToHtml($result);
     // Make sure to clean filter the html in the end.
     $config = array('anti_link_spam' => array('`.`', ''), 'comment' => 1, 'cdata' => 3, 'css_expression' => 1, 'deny_attribute' => 'on*', 'elements' => '*-applet-form-input-textarea-iframe-script-style', 'keep_bad' => 0, 'schemes' => 'classid:clsid; href: aim, feed, file, ftp, gopher, http, https, irc, mailto, news, nntp, sftp, ssh, telnet; style: nil; *:file, http, https', 'valid_xml' => 2);
     $spec = 'object=-classid-type, -codebase; embed=type(oneof=application/x-shockwave-flash)';
     $result = Htmlawed::filter($result, $config, $spec);
     return $result;