//getQ($id=0,$offset=0,$limit=0,$nl_id=0,$grp_id=0,$status=0) $qc = count($Q); for ($qcc = 0; $qcc < $qc; $qcc++) { $AG = $ADDRESS->getGroup($Q[$qcc]['grp_id']); $showadrgURLPara->addParam("adr_grp_id", $AG[0]['id']); $showadrgURLPara_ = $showadrgURLPara->getAllParams(); $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . "<br> " . sprintf(___("Versand an Gruppe %s"), "<a href=\"" . $tm_URL . "/" . $showadrgURLPara_ . "\"><b>" . display($AG[0]['name']) . "</b> (" . tm_icon("chart_pie.png", ___("Statistik anzeigen")) . ")</a>"); $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= ": " . tm_icon($STATUS['q']['statimg'][$Q[$qcc]['status']], display($STATUS['q']['status'][$Q[$qcc]['status']])) . " " . display($STATUS['q']['status'][$Q[$qcc]['status']]) . " (" . display($STATUS['q']['descr'][$Q[$qcc]['status']]) . ")"; $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br><img alt=\"Chart\" src=\"" . $tm_URL_FE . "/" . $tm_reportdir . "/nl_" . $N[0]['id'] . "_adrgrp_" . $AG[0]['id'] . "_" . $Q[$qcc]['id'] . ".png\"><br>"; $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= " " . sprintf(___("Erstellt am: %s von %s"), "<b>" . $Q[$qcc]['created'] . "</b>", "<b>" . $Q[$qcc]['author'] . "</b>"); $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br> " . sprintf(___("Versand gestartet: %s"), "<b>" . $Q[$qcc]['send_at'] . "</b>"); $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br> " . sprintf(___("Versand abgeschlossen: %s"), "<b>" . $Q[$qcc]['sent'] . "</b>"); //countH($q_id=0,$nl_id=0,$grp_id=0,$adr_id=0,$status=0) $hsc = count($STATUS['h']['status']); //prepare graph $chart = new HorizontalChart(640, 200); $chart->setLogo(TM_IMGPATH . "/blank.png"); //tellmatic_logo_256.png $hc = $QUEUE->countH($Q[$qcc]['id'], $Q[$qcc]['nl_id'], $AG[0]['id']); //add total value to graph $chart->addPoint(new Point(___("Summe", 0) . " (100%)", $hc)); for ($hscc = 1; $hscc <= $hsc; $hscc++) { $hcs = $QUEUE->countH($Q[$qcc]['id'], $Q[$qcc]['nl_id'], $AG[0]['id'], 0, $hscc); if ($hcs > 0) { $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . " " . $hcs . " " . tm_icon($STATUS['h']['statimg'][$hscc], display($STATUS['h']['status'][$hscc])) . " " . display($STATUS['h']['status'][$hscc]) . " (" . display($STATUS['h']['descr'][$hscc]) . ")"; //add values to chart $qc_pc = $hcs / ($hc / 100); //anteil in prozent $chart->addPoint(new Point($STATUS['h']['status'][$hscc] . " (" . number_format($qc_pc, 2, ',', '') . "%)", $hcs)); } }
$chart->setTitle(___("Adressen", 0) . " " . TM_TODAY); $chart->render($tm_reportpath . "/status_adr_total_" . TM_TODAY . ".png"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "</td></tr><tr><td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000000\">"; // width=50% //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Newsletter Queue: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //prepare chart #$chart = new PieChart(640,480); $chart = new HorizontalChart(640, 360); $chart->setLogo(TM_IMGPATH . "/blank.png"); //tellmatic_logo_256.png $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br><img alt=\"Chart\" src=\"" . $tm_URL_FE . "/" . $tm_reportdir . "/status_q_total_" . TM_TODAY . ".png\"><br>"; $NG = $NEWSLETTER->getGroup(); $nlgc = count($NG); $N = $NEWSLETTER->getNLID(); //$group $nlc = count($N); $hc = $QUEUE->countH(); //add total value to graph $chart->addPoint(new Point(___("Summe", 0) . " (100%)", $hc)); $shownlURLPara->addParam("act", "nl_list"); $shownlURLPara->addParam("set", ""); $shownlURLPara->delParam("nl_id", ""); $shownlURLPara_ = $shownlURLPara->getAllParams();
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ /** * Vertical bars demonstration * */ include "../libchart.php"; $chart = new HorizontalChart(600, 170); $chart->addPoint(new Point("/wiki/Instant_messenger", 50)); $chart->addPoint(new Point("/wiki/Web_Browser", 75)); $chart->addPoint(new Point("/wiki/World_Wide_Web", 122)); $chart->setTitle("Most visited pages for www.example.com"); $chart->render("generated/demo2.png"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Libcharts horizontal bars demonstration</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15" /> </head> <body> <img alt="Horizontal bars chart" src="generated/demo2.png" style="border: 1px solid gray;"/> </body>
$author = $ADR[0]['author']; $editor = $ADR[0]['editor']; if (is_numeric($author)) { $author = "Form_" . $author; } if (is_numeric($editor)) { $editor = "Form_" . $editor; } $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= " " . ___("Status:") . " " . tm_icon($STATUS['adr']['statimg'][$ADR[0]['status']], display($STATUS['adr']['status'][$ADR[0]['status']])) . display($STATUS['adr']['status'][$ADR[0]['status']]); $nlc = $QUEUE->countH(0, 0, 0, $ADR[0]['id'], 0); $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>CODE: " . $ADR[0]['code'] . " " . "<br>" . sprintf(___("erstellt am: %s von: %s"), $created_date, $author) . "<br>" . sprintf(___("bearbeitet am: %s von %s"), $updated_date, $editor) . "<br>" . sprintf(___("Newsletter Aktuell: %s"), $nlc) . "<br>" . sprintf(___("Newsletter Gesamt: %s"), $ADR[0]['newsletter']) . "<br>" . sprintf(___("Views: %s"), $ADR[0]['views']) . "<br>" . sprintf(___("Clicks: %s"), $ADR[0]['clicks']) . "<br>" . sprintf(___("Sendefehler: %s"), $ADR[0]['errors']) . " "; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //H Status //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //prepare graph $chart = new HorizontalChart(640, 200); $chart->setLogo(TM_IMGPATH . "/blank.png"); //tellmatic_logo_256.png // function countH($q_id=0,$nl_id=0,$grp_id=0,$adr_id=0,$status=0) { //countH($nl_id=0,$grp_id=0,$status=0) $hc = $QUEUE->countH(0, 0, 0, $adr_id, 0); //add total value to graph $chart->addPoint(new Point(___("Summe", 0) . " (100%)", $hc)); $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<b>{$hc}</b> " . ___("Sendeaufträge insgesamt:"); $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br><img alt=\"Chart\" src=\"" . $tm_URL_FE . "/" . $tm_reportdir . "/adr_" . $adr_id . ".png\"><br>"; $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . ___("Auftragsstatus:") . ""; $hsc = count($STATUS['h']['status']); //countQ($nl_id=0,$grp_id=0,$status=0) for ($hscc = 1; $hscc <= $hsc; $hscc++) { $hcs = $QUEUE->countH(0, 0, 0, $adr_id, $hscc); if ($hcs > 0) { $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "\t " . $hcs . " " . tm_icon($STATUS['h']['statimg'][$hscc], display($STATUS['h']['status'][$hscc])) . " " . display($STATUS['h']['status'][$hscc]) . " (" . display($STATUS['h']['descr'][$hscc]) . ")<br>";