public function setup() { global $wgOut, $wgExtensionAssetsPath, $IP, $wgResourceModules, $wgAutoloadClasses, $wgHooks, $wgParser, $wgJQUploadFileMagic; // If attachments allowed in this page, add the module into the page if ($title = array_key_exists('title', $_GET) ? Title::newFromText($_GET['title']) : false) { $this->id = $title->getArticleID(); } // Set up the #file parser-function $wgParser->setFunctionHook($wgJQUploadFileMagic, array($this, 'expandFile'), SFH_NO_HASH); // Allow overriding of the file ID Hooks::run('jQueryUploadSetId', array($title, &$this->id)); // If attachments allowed in this page, add the module into the page $attach = is_object($title) && $this->id && !$title->isRedirect() && !array_key_exists('action', $_REQUEST) && $title->getNamespace() != 6; if ($attach) { Hooks::run('jQueryUploadAddAttachLink', array($title, &$attach)); } if ($attach) { $this->head(); $wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = $this; } // Add the extensions own js $path = $wgExtensionAssetsPath . str_replace("{$IP}/extensions", '', dirname($wgAutoloadClasses[__CLASS__])); $wgResourceModules['ext.jqueryupload']['remoteExtPath'] = $path; $wgOut->addModules('ext.jqueryupload'); $wgOut->addStyle("{$path}/styles/jqueryupload.css"); }
/** * @since 1.16.3 * @throws MWException * @param string $collationName * @return Collation */ public static function factory($collationName) { switch ($collationName) { case 'uppercase': return new UppercaseCollation(); case 'identity': return new IdentityCollation(); case 'uca-default': return new IcuCollation('root'); case 'xx-uca-ckb': return new CollationCkb(); case 'xx-uca-et': return new CollationEt(); default: $match = []; if (preg_match('/^uca-([a-z@=-]+)$/', $collationName, $match)) { return new IcuCollation($match[1]); } # Provide a mechanism for extensions to hook in. $collationObject = null; Hooks::run('Collation::factory', [$collationName, &$collationObject]); if ($collationObject instanceof Collation) { return $collationObject; } // If all else fails... throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ": unknown collation type \"{$collationName}\""); } }
/** * @param array $params * @param Config $mainConfig * @return array */ public static function applyDefaultParameters(array $params, Config $mainConfig) { $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance('Mime'); $params += ['typeFile' => $mainConfig->get('MimeTypeFile'), 'infoFile' => $mainConfig->get('MimeInfoFile'), 'xmlTypes' => $mainConfig->get('XMLMimeTypes'), 'guessCallback' => function ($mimeAnalyzer, &$head, &$tail, $file, &$mime) use($logger) { // Also test DjVu $deja = new DjVuImage($file); if ($deja->isValid()) { $logger->info(__METHOD__ . ": detected {$file} as image/vnd.djvu\n"); $mime = 'image/vnd.djvu'; return; } // Some strings by reference for performance - assuming well-behaved hooks Hooks::run('MimeMagicGuessFromContent', [$mimeAnalyzer, &$head, &$tail, $file, &$mime]); }, 'extCallback' => function ($mimeAnalyzer, $ext, &$mime) { // Media handling extensions can improve the MIME detected Hooks::run('MimeMagicImproveFromExtension', [$mimeAnalyzer, $ext, &$mime]); }, 'initCallback' => function ($mimeAnalyzer) { // Allow media handling extensions adding MIME-types and MIME-info Hooks::run('MimeMagicInit', [$mimeAnalyzer]); }, 'logger' => $logger]; if ($params['infoFile'] === 'includes/') { $params['infoFile'] = __DIR__ . "/libs/mime/"; } if ($params['typeFile'] === 'includes/mime.types') { $params['typeFile'] = __DIR__ . "/libs/mime/mime.types"; } $detectorCmd = $mainConfig->get('MimeDetectorCommand'); if ($detectorCmd) { $params['detectCallback'] = function ($file) use($detectorCmd) { return wfShellExec("{$detectorCmd} " . wfEscapeShellArg($file)); }; } return $params; }
/** * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @return array */ protected function getConfigSettings($context) { $hash = $context->getHash(); if (isset($this->configVars[$hash])) { return $this->configVars[$hash]; } global $wgContLang; $mainPage = Title::newMainPage(); /** * Namespace related preparation * - wgNamespaceIds: Key-value pairs of all localized, canonical and aliases for namespaces. * - wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces: Array of namespaces that are case-sensitive. */ $namespaceIds = $wgContLang->getNamespaceIds(); $caseSensitiveNamespaces = array(); foreach (MWNamespace::getCanonicalNamespaces() as $index => $name) { $namespaceIds[$wgContLang->lc($name)] = $index; if (!MWNamespace::isCapitalized($index)) { $caseSensitiveNamespaces[] = $index; } } $conf = $this->getConfig(); // Build list of variables $vars = array('wgLoadScript' => wfScript('load'), 'debug' => $context->getDebug(), 'skin' => $context->getSkin(), 'stylepath' => $conf->get('StylePath'), 'wgUrlProtocols' => wfUrlProtocols(), 'wgArticlePath' => $conf->get('ArticlePath'), 'wgScriptPath' => $conf->get('ScriptPath'), 'wgScriptExtension' => '.php', 'wgScript' => wfScript(), 'wgSearchType' => $conf->get('SearchType'), 'wgVariantArticlePath' => $conf->get('VariantArticlePath'), 'wgActionPaths' => (object) $conf->get('ActionPaths'), 'wgServer' => $conf->get('Server'), 'wgServerName' => $conf->get('ServerName'), 'wgUserLanguage' => $context->getLanguage(), 'wgContentLanguage' => $wgContLang->getCode(), 'wgTranslateNumerals' => $conf->get('TranslateNumerals'), 'wgVersion' => $conf->get('Version'), 'wgEnableAPI' => $conf->get('EnableAPI'), 'wgEnableWriteAPI' => $conf->get('EnableWriteAPI'), 'wgMainPageTitle' => $mainPage->getPrefixedText(), 'wgFormattedNamespaces' => $wgContLang->getFormattedNamespaces(), 'wgNamespaceIds' => $namespaceIds, 'wgContentNamespaces' => MWNamespace::getContentNamespaces(), 'wgSiteName' => $conf->get('Sitename'), 'wgDBname' => $conf->get('DBname'), 'wgExtraSignatureNamespaces' => $conf->get('ExtraSignatureNamespaces'), 'wgAvailableSkins' => Skin::getSkinNames(), 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' => $conf->get('ExtensionAssetsPath'), 'wgCookiePrefix' => $conf->get('CookiePrefix'), 'wgCookieDomain' => $conf->get('CookieDomain'), 'wgCookiePath' => $conf->get('CookiePath'), 'wgCookieExpiration' => $conf->get('CookieExpiration'), 'wgResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength' => $conf->get('ResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength'), 'wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces' => $caseSensitiveNamespaces, 'wgLegalTitleChars' => Title::convertByteClassToUnicodeClass(Title::legalChars()), 'wgResourceLoaderStorageVersion' => $conf->get('ResourceLoaderStorageVersion'), 'wgResourceLoaderStorageEnabled' => $conf->get('ResourceLoaderStorageEnabled'), 'wgResourceLoaderLegacyModules' => self::getLegacyModules(), 'wgForeignUploadTargets' => $conf->get('ForeignUploadTargets'), 'wgEnableUploads' => $conf->get('EnableUploads')); Hooks::run('ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars', array(&$vars)); $this->configVars[$hash] = $vars; return $this->configVars[$hash]; }
public function execute() { if (!$this->getUser()->isLoggedIn()) { $this->dieUsage('Must be logged in to remove authentication data', 'notloggedin'); } $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); $manager = AuthManager::singleton(); // Check security-sensitive operation status ApiAuthManagerHelper::newForModule($this)->securitySensitiveOperation($this->operation); // Fetch the request. No need to load from the request, so don't use // ApiAuthManagerHelper's method. $blacklist = $this->authAction === AuthManager::ACTION_REMOVE ? array_flip($this->getConfig()->get('RemoveCredentialsBlacklist')) : []; $reqs = array_filter($manager->getAuthenticationRequests($this->authAction, $this->getUser()), function ($req) use($params, $blacklist) { return $req->getUniqueId() === $params['request'] && !isset($blacklist[get_class($req)]); }); if (count($reqs) !== 1) { $this->dieUsage('Failed to create change request', 'badrequest'); } $req = reset($reqs); // Perform the removal $status = $manager->allowsAuthenticationDataChange($req, true); Hooks::run('ChangeAuthenticationDataAudit', [$req, $status]); if (!$status->isGood()) { $this->dieStatus($status); } $manager->changeAuthenticationData($req); $this->getResult()->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), ['status' => 'success']); }
/** * Show a return link or redirect to it. * Extensions can change where the link should point or inject content into the page * (which will change it from redirect to link mode). * * @param string $type One of the following: * - error: display a return to link ignoring $wgRedirectOnLogin * - success: display a return to link using $wgRedirectOnLogin if needed * - successredirect: send an HTTP redirect using $wgRedirectOnLogin if needed * @param string $returnTo * @param array|string $returnToQuery * @param bool $stickHTTPS Keep redirect link on HTTPS */ public function showReturnToPage($type, $returnTo = '', $returnToQuery = '', $stickHTTPS = false) { global $wgRedirectOnLogin, $wgSecureLogin; if ($type !== 'error' && $wgRedirectOnLogin !== null) { $returnTo = $wgRedirectOnLogin; $returnToQuery = []; } elseif (is_string($returnToQuery)) { $returnToQuery = wfCgiToArray($returnToQuery); } // Allow modification of redirect behavior Hooks::run('PostLoginRedirect', [&$returnTo, &$returnToQuery, &$type]); $returnToTitle = Title::newFromText($returnTo) ?: Title::newMainPage(); if ($wgSecureLogin && !$stickHTTPS) { $options = ['http']; $proto = PROTO_HTTP; } elseif ($wgSecureLogin) { $options = ['https']; $proto = PROTO_HTTPS; } else { $options = []; $proto = PROTO_RELATIVE; } if ($type === 'successredirect') { $redirectUrl = $returnToTitle->getFullURL($returnToQuery, false, $proto); $this->getOutput()->redirect($redirectUrl); } else { $this->getOutput()->addReturnTo($returnToTitle, $returnToQuery, null, $options); } }
/** * Transforms content to be mobile friendly version. * Filters out various elements and runs the MobileFormatter. * @param OutputPage $out * @param string $mode mobile mode, i.e. stable or beta * * @return string */ public static function DOMParse(OutputPage $out, $text = null, $isBeta = false) { $html = $text ? $text : $out->getHTML(); $context = MobileContext::singleton(); $formatter = MobileFormatter::newFromContext($context, $html); Hooks::run('MobileFrontendBeforeDOM', array($context, $formatter)); $title = $out->getTitle(); $isSpecialPage = $title->isSpecialPage(); $formatter->enableExpandableSections($out->canUseWikiPage() && $out->getWikiPage()->getContentModel() == CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT && array_search($title->getNamespace(), $context->getMFConfig()->get('MFNamespacesWithoutCollapsibleSections')) === false && $context->getRequest()->getText('action', 'view') == 'view'); if ($context->getContentTransformations()) { // Remove images if they're disabled from special pages, but don't transform otherwise $formatter->filterContent(!$isSpecialPage); } $contentHtml = $formatter->getText(); // If the page is a user page which has not been created, then let the // user know about it with pretty graphics and different texts depending // on whether the user is the owner of the page or not. if ($isBeta && $title->inNamespace(NS_USER) && !$title->isSubpage()) { $pageUserId = User::idFromName($title->getText()); if ($pageUserId && !$title->exists()) { $pageUser = User::newFromId($pageUserId); $contentHtml = ExtMobileFrontend::getUserPageContent($out, $pageUser); } } return $contentHtml; }
public function execute() { if (!class_exists('CentralAuthUser')) { $this->error("CentralAuth isn't enabled on this wiki\n", 1); } $username = $this->getArg(0); $user = User::newFromName($username); if ($user === false) { $this->error("'{$username}' is an invalid username\n", 1); } // Normalize username $username = $user->getName(); if ($user->getId()) { $this->error("User '{$username}' already exists\n", 1); } else { global $wgAuth; $central = CentralAuthUser::getInstance($user); if (!$central->exists()) { $this->error("No such global user: '******'\n", 1); } $user->loadDefaults($username); $user->addToDatabase(); $wgAuth->initUser($user, true); $wgAuth->updateUser($user); # Notify hooks (e.g. Newuserlog) Hooks::run('AuthPluginAutoCreate', array($user)); # Update user count $ssUpdate = new SiteStatsUpdate(0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $ssUpdate->doUpdate(); $this->output("User '{$username}' created\n"); } }
/** * Format a line using the old system (aka without any javascript). * * @param RecentChange $rc Passed by reference * @param bool $watched (default false) * @param int $linenumber (default null) * * @return string|bool */ public function recentChangesLine(&$rc, $watched = false, $linenumber = null) { $classes = array(); // use mw-line-even/mw-line-odd class only if linenumber is given (feature from bug 14468) if ($linenumber) { if ($linenumber & 1) { $classes[] = 'mw-line-odd'; } else { $classes[] = 'mw-line-even'; } } // Indicate watched status on the line to allow for more // comprehensive styling. $classes[] = $watched && $rc->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] >= $watched ? 'mw-changeslist-line-watched' : 'mw-changeslist-line-not-watched'; $html = $this->formatChangeLine($rc, $classes, $watched); if ($this->watchlist) { $classes[] = Sanitizer::escapeClass('watchlist-' . $rc->mAttribs['rc_namespace'] . '-' . $rc->mAttribs['rc_title']); } if (!Hooks::run('OldChangesListRecentChangesLine', array(&$this, &$html, $rc, &$classes))) { return false; } $dateheader = ''; // $html now contains only <li>...</li>, for hooks' convenience. $this->insertDateHeader($dateheader, $rc->mAttribs['rc_timestamp']); return "{$dateheader}<li class=\"" . implode(' ', $classes) . "\">" . $html . "</li>\n"; }
public function execute($par) { $this->setHeaders(); $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles('mediawiki.special'); $this->edits = SiteStats::edits(); $this->good = SiteStats::articles(); $this->images = SiteStats::images(); $this->total = SiteStats::pages(); $this->users = SiteStats::users(); $this->activeUsers = SiteStats::activeUsers(); $this->hook = ''; $text = Xml::openElement('table', ['class' => 'wikitable mw-statistics-table']); # Statistic - pages $text .= $this->getPageStats(); # Statistic - edits $text .= $this->getEditStats(); # Statistic - users $text .= $this->getUserStats(); # Statistic - usergroups $text .= $this->getGroupStats(); # Statistic - other $extraStats = []; if (Hooks::run('SpecialStatsAddExtra', [&$extraStats, $this->getContext()])) { $text .= $this->getOtherStats($extraStats); } $text .= Xml::closeElement('table'); # Customizable footer $footer = $this->msg('statistics-footer'); if (!$footer->isBlank()) { $text .= "\n" . $footer->parse(); } $this->getOutput()->addHTML($text); }
/** * @param string|number|null|bool $sectionId * @param Content $with * @param string $sectionTitle * * @throws MWException * @return Content * * @see Content::replaceSection() */ public function replaceSection($sectionId, Content $with, $sectionTitle = '') { $myModelId = $this->getModel(); $sectionModelId = $with->getModel(); if ($sectionModelId != $myModelId) { throw new MWException("Incompatible content model for section: " . "document uses {$myModelId} but " . "section uses {$sectionModelId}."); } $oldtext = $this->getNativeData(); $text = $with->getNativeData(); if (strval($sectionId) === '') { return $with; # XXX: copy first? } if ($sectionId === 'new') { # Inserting a new section $subject = $sectionTitle ? wfMessage('newsectionheaderdefaultlevel')->rawParams($sectionTitle)->inContentLanguage()->text() . "\n\n" : ''; if (Hooks::run('PlaceNewSection', array($this, $oldtext, $subject, &$text))) { $text = strlen(trim($oldtext)) > 0 ? "{$oldtext}\n\n{$subject}{$text}" : "{$subject}{$text}"; } } else { # Replacing an existing section; roll out the big guns global $wgParser; $text = $wgParser->replaceSection($oldtext, $sectionId, $text); } $newContent = new static($text); return $newContent; }
/** * Loads skin and user CSS files. * @param OutputPage $out */ function setupSkinUserCss(OutputPage $out) { parent::setupSkinUserCss($out); $styles = array('mediawiki.skinning.interface', 'skins.vector.styles'); Hooks::run('SkinVectorStyleModules', array($this, &$styles)); $out->addModuleStyles($styles); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $paths = []; // Autodiscover extension unit tests $registry = ExtensionRegistry::getInstance(); foreach ($registry->getAllThings() as $info) { $paths[] = dirname($info['path']) . '/tests/phpunit'; } // Extensions can return a list of files or directories Hooks::run('UnitTestsList', [&$paths]); foreach (array_unique($paths) as $path) { if (is_dir($path)) { // If the path is a directory, search for test cases. // @since 1.24 $suffixes = ['Test.php']; $fileIterator = new File_Iterator_Facade(); $matchingFiles = $fileIterator->getFilesAsArray($path, $suffixes); $this->addTestFiles($matchingFiles); } elseif (file_exists($path)) { // Add a single test case or suite class $this->addTestFile($path); } } if (!$paths) { $this->addTest(new DummyExtensionsTest('testNothing')); } }
function execute($par) { /** * Some satellite ISPs use broken precaching schemes that log people out straight after * they're logged in (bug 17790). Luckily, there's a way to detect such requests. */ if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&') !== false) { wfDebug("Special:Userlogout request {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']} looks suspicious, denying.\n"); throw new HttpError(400, $this->msg('suspicious-userlogout'), $this->msg('loginerror')); } $this->setHeaders(); $this->outputHeader(); // Make sure it's possible to log out $session = MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession(); if (!$session->canSetUser()) { throw new ErrorPageError('cannotlogoutnow-title', 'cannotlogoutnow-text', [$session->getProvider()->describe(RequestContext::getMain()->getLanguage())]); } $user = $this->getUser(); $oldName = $user->getName(); $user->logout(); $loginURL = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Userlogin')->getFullURL($this->getRequest()->getValues('returnto', 'returntoquery')); $out = $this->getOutput(); $out->addWikiMsg('logouttext', $loginURL); // Hook. $injected_html = ''; Hooks::run('UserLogoutComplete', [&$user, &$injected_html, $oldName]); $out->addHTML($injected_html); $out->returnToMain(); }
private function getTokenTypes() { // If we're in a mode that breaks the same-origin policy, no tokens can // be obtained if ($this->lacksSameOriginSecurity()) { return []; } static $types = null; if ($types) { return $types; } $types = ['patrol' => ['ApiQueryRecentChanges', 'getPatrolToken']]; $names = ['edit', 'delete', 'protect', 'move', 'block', 'unblock', 'email', 'import', 'watch', 'options']; foreach ($names as $name) { $types[$name] = ['ApiQueryInfo', 'get' . ucfirst($name) . 'Token']; } Hooks::run('ApiTokensGetTokenTypes', [&$types]); // For forwards-compat, copy any token types from ApiQueryTokens that // we don't already have something for. $user = $this->getUser(); $request = $this->getRequest(); foreach (ApiQueryTokens::getTokenTypeSalts() as $name => $salt) { if (!isset($types[$name])) { $types[$name] = function () use($salt, $user, $request) { return ApiQueryTokens::getToken($user, $request->getSession(), $salt)->toString(); }; } } ksort($types); return $types; }
protected function setup($par) { // Options $opts = new FormOptions(); $this->opts = $opts; // bind $opts->add('hideliu', false); $opts->add('hidepatrolled', $this->getUser()->getBoolOption('newpageshidepatrolled')); $opts->add('hidebots', false); $opts->add('hideredirs', true); $opts->add('limit', $this->getUser()->getIntOption('rclimit')); $opts->add('offset', ''); $opts->add('namespace', '0'); $opts->add('username', ''); $opts->add('feed', ''); $opts->add('tagfilter', ''); $opts->add('invert', false); $this->customFilters = []; Hooks::run('SpecialNewPagesFilters', [$this, &$this->customFilters]); foreach ($this->customFilters as $key => $params) { $opts->add($key, $params['default']); } // Set values $opts->fetchValuesFromRequest($this->getRequest()); if ($par) { $this->parseParams($par); } // Validate $opts->validateIntBounds('limit', 0, 5000); }
function getQueryInfo() { $count = $this->getConfig()->get('WantedPagesThreshold') - 1; $query = ['tables' => ['pagelinks', 'pg1' => 'page', 'pg2' => 'page'], 'fields' => ['namespace' => 'pl_namespace', 'title' => 'pl_title', 'value' => 'COUNT(*)'], 'conds' => ['pg1.page_namespace IS NULL', "pl_namespace NOT IN ( '" . NS_USER . "', '" . NS_USER_TALK . "' )", "pg2.page_namespace != '" . NS_MEDIAWIKI . "'"], 'options' => ['HAVING' => ["COUNT(*) > {$count}", "COUNT(*) > SUM(pg2.page_is_redirect)"], 'GROUP BY' => ['pl_namespace', 'pl_title']], 'join_conds' => ['pg1' => ['LEFT JOIN', ['pg1.page_namespace = pl_namespace', 'pg1.page_title = pl_title']], 'pg2' => ['LEFT JOIN', 'pg2.page_id = pl_from']]]; // Replacement for the WantedPages::getSQL hook Hooks::run('WantedPages::getQueryInfo', [&$this, &$query]); return $query; }
public function execute() { $user = $this->getUser(); $oldName = $user->getName(); $user->logout(); // Give extensions to do something after user logout $injected_html = ''; Hooks::run('UserLogoutComplete', array(&$user, &$injected_html, $oldName)); }
function getQueryInfo() { $tables = ['page', 'pagelinks', 'templatelinks']; $conds = ['pl_namespace IS NULL', 'page_namespace' => MWNamespace::getContentNamespaces(), 'page_is_redirect' => 0, 'tl_namespace IS NULL']; $joinConds = ['pagelinks' => ['LEFT JOIN', ['pl_namespace = page_namespace', 'pl_title = page_title']], 'templatelinks' => ['LEFT JOIN', ['tl_namespace = page_namespace', 'tl_title = page_title']]]; // Allow extensions to modify the query Hooks::run('LonelyPagesQuery', [&$tables, &$conds, &$joinConds]); return ['tables' => $tables, 'fields' => ['namespace' => 'page_namespace', 'title' => 'page_title', 'value' => 'page_title'], 'conds' => $conds, 'join_conds' => $joinConds]; }
function getQueryInfo() { $tables = array('page', 'pagelinks', 'templatelinks'); $conds = array('pl_namespace IS NULL', 'page_namespace' => MWNamespace::getContentNamespaces(), 'page_is_redirect' => 0, 'tl_namespace IS NULL'); $joinConds = array('pagelinks' => array('LEFT JOIN', array('pl_namespace = page_namespace', 'pl_title = page_title')), 'templatelinks' => array('LEFT JOIN', array('tl_namespace = page_namespace', 'tl_title = page_title'))); // Allow extensions to modify the query Hooks::run('LonelyPagesQuery', array(&$tables, &$conds, &$joinConds)); return array('tables' => $tables, 'fields' => array('namespace' => 'page_namespace', 'title' => 'page_title', 'value' => 'page_title'), 'conds' => $conds, 'join_conds' => $joinConds); }
/** * Start render the page in template */ public function execute() { $title = $this->getSkin()->getTitle(); $this->isSpecialPage = $title->isSpecialPage(); $this->isSpecialMobileMenuPage = $this->isSpecialPage && $title->equals(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('MobileMenu')); $this->isMainPage = $title->isMainPage(); Hooks::run('MinervaPreRender', array($this)); $this->render($this->data); }
public function getQueryInfo() { $tables = ['page']; $conds = ['page_namespace' => MWNamespace::getContentNamespaces(), 'page_is_redirect' => 0]; $joinConds = []; $options = ['USE INDEX' => ['page' => 'page_redirect_namespace_len']]; // Allow extensions to modify the query Hooks::run('ShortPagesQuery', [&$tables, &$conds, &$joinConds, &$options]); return ['tables' => $tables, 'fields' => ['namespace' => 'page_namespace', 'title' => 'page_title', 'value' => 'page_len'], 'conds' => $conds, 'join_conds' => $joinConds, 'options' => $options]; }
/** * @param int $trials * @return string */ private function benchHooks($trials = 10) { $start = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < $trials; $i++) { Hooks::run('Test'); } $delta = microtime(true) - $start; $pertrial = $delta / $trials; return sprintf("Took %6.3fms", $pertrial * 1000); }
public function getData() { $translation = null; $title = $this->handle->getTitle(); $translation = TranslateUtils::getMessageContent($this->handle->getKey(), $this->handle->getCode(), $title->getNamespace()); Hooks::run('TranslatePrefillTranslation', array(&$translation, $this->handle)); $fuzzy = MessageHandle::hasFuzzyString($translation) || $this->handle->isFuzzy(); $translation = str_replace(TRANSLATE_FUZZY, '', $translation); return array('language' => $this->handle->getCode(), 'fuzzy' => $fuzzy, 'value' => $translation); }
/** * Get a list of query page classes and their associated special pages, * for periodic updates. * * DO NOT CHANGE THIS LIST without testing that * maintenance/updateSpecialPages.php still works. * @return array */ public static function getPages() { static $qp = null; if ($qp === null) { // QueryPage subclass, Special page name $qp = array(array('AncientPagesPage', 'Ancientpages'), array('BrokenRedirectsPage', 'BrokenRedirects'), array('DeadendPagesPage', 'Deadendpages'), array('DoubleRedirectsPage', 'DoubleRedirects'), array('FileDuplicateSearchPage', 'FileDuplicateSearch'), array('ListDuplicatedFilesPage', 'ListDuplicatedFiles'), array('LinkSearchPage', 'LinkSearch'), array('ListredirectsPage', 'Listredirects'), array('LonelyPagesPage', 'Lonelypages'), array('LongPagesPage', 'Longpages'), array('MediaStatisticsPage', 'MediaStatistics'), array('MIMEsearchPage', 'MIMEsearch'), array('MostcategoriesPage', 'Mostcategories'), array('MostimagesPage', 'Mostimages'), array('MostinterwikisPage', 'Mostinterwikis'), array('MostlinkedCategoriesPage', 'Mostlinkedcategories'), array('MostlinkedTemplatesPage', 'Mostlinkedtemplates'), array('MostlinkedPage', 'Mostlinked'), array('MostrevisionsPage', 'Mostrevisions'), array('FewestrevisionsPage', 'Fewestrevisions'), array('ShortPagesPage', 'Shortpages'), array('UncategorizedCategoriesPage', 'Uncategorizedcategories'), array('UncategorizedPagesPage', 'Uncategorizedpages'), array('UncategorizedImagesPage', 'Uncategorizedimages'), array('UncategorizedTemplatesPage', 'Uncategorizedtemplates'), array('UnusedCategoriesPage', 'Unusedcategories'), array('UnusedimagesPage', 'Unusedimages'), array('WantedCategoriesPage', 'Wantedcategories'), array('WantedFilesPage', 'Wantedfiles'), array('WantedPagesPage', 'Wantedpages'), array('WantedTemplatesPage', 'Wantedtemplates'), array('UnwatchedpagesPage', 'Unwatchedpages'), array('UnusedtemplatesPage', 'Unusedtemplates'), array('WithoutInterwikiPage', 'Withoutinterwiki')); Hooks::run('wgQueryPages', array(&$qp)); } return $qp; }
public function getQueryInfo() { $tables = array('page'); $conds = array('page_namespace' => MWNamespace::getContentNamespaces(), 'page_is_redirect' => 0); $joinConds = array(); $options = array('USE INDEX' => array('page' => 'page_redirect_namespace_len')); // Allow extensions to modify the query Hooks::run('ShortPagesQuery', array(&$tables, &$conds, &$joinConds, &$options)); return array('tables' => $tables, 'fields' => array('namespace' => 'page_namespace', 'title' => 'page_title', 'value' => 'page_len'), 'conds' => $conds, 'join_conds' => $joinConds, 'options' => $options); }
/** * Get the salts for known token types * @return (string|array)[] Returning a string will use that as the salt * for User::getEditTokenObject() to fetch the token, which will give a * LoggedOutEditToken (always "+\\") for anonymous users. Returning an * array will use it as parameters to MediaWiki\\Session\\Session::getToken(), * which will always return a full token even for anonymous users. */ public static function getTokenTypeSalts() { static $salts = null; if (!$salts) { $salts = array('csrf' => '', 'watch' => 'watch', 'patrol' => 'patrol', 'rollback' => 'rollback', 'userrights' => 'userrights', 'login' => array('', 'login'), 'createaccount' => array('', 'createaccount')); Hooks::run('ApiQueryTokensRegisterTypes', array(&$salts)); ksort($salts); } return $salts; }
function getQueryInfo() { $conds = []; $conds['rc_new'] = 1; $namespace = $this->opts->getValue('namespace'); $namespace = $namespace === 'all' ? false : intval($namespace); $username = $this->opts->getValue('username'); $user = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_USER, $username); $size = abs(intval($this->opts->getValue('size'))); if ($size > 0) { if ($this->opts->getValue('size-mode') === 'max') { $conds[] = 'page_len <= ' . $size; } else { $conds[] = 'page_len >= ' . $size; } } $rcIndexes = []; if ($namespace !== false) { if ($this->opts->getValue('invert')) { $conds[] = 'rc_namespace != ' . $this->mDb->addQuotes($namespace); } else { $conds['rc_namespace'] = $namespace; } } if ($user) { $conds['rc_user_text'] = $user->getText(); $rcIndexes = 'rc_user_text'; } elseif (User::groupHasPermission('*', 'createpage') && $this->opts->getValue('hideliu')) { # If anons cannot make new pages, don't "exclude logged in users"! $conds['rc_user'] = 0; } # If this user cannot see patrolled edits or they are off, don't do dumb queries! if ($this->opts->getValue('hidepatrolled') && $this->getUser()->useNPPatrol()) { $conds['rc_patrolled'] = 0; } if ($this->opts->getValue('hidebots')) { $conds['rc_bot'] = 0; } if ($this->opts->getValue('hideredirs')) { $conds['page_is_redirect'] = 0; } // Allow changes to the New Pages query $tables = ['recentchanges', 'page']; $fields = ['rc_namespace', 'rc_title', 'rc_cur_id', 'rc_user', 'rc_user_text', 'rc_comment', 'rc_timestamp', 'rc_patrolled', 'rc_id', 'rc_deleted', 'length' => 'page_len', 'rev_id' => 'page_latest', 'rc_this_oldid', 'page_namespace', 'page_title']; $join_conds = ['page' => ['INNER JOIN', 'page_id=rc_cur_id']]; Hooks::run('SpecialNewpagesConditions', [&$this, $this->opts, &$conds, &$tables, &$fields, &$join_conds]); $options = []; if ($rcIndexes) { $options = ['USE INDEX' => ['recentchanges' => $rcIndexes]]; } $info = ['tables' => $tables, 'fields' => $fields, 'conds' => $conds, 'options' => $options, 'join_conds' => $join_conds]; // Modify query for tags ChangeTags::modifyDisplayQuery($info['tables'], $info['fields'], $info['conds'], $info['join_conds'], $info['options'], $this->opts['tagfilter']); return $info; }
/** * Make a list of searchable namespaces and their canonical names. * @return array Namespace ID => name */ public function searchableNamespaces() { $arr = []; foreach ($this->language->getNamespaces() as $ns => $name) { if ($ns >= NS_MAIN) { $arr[$ns] = $name; } } Hooks::run('SearchableNamespaces', [&$arr]); return $arr; }
/** * @param ResultWrapper $res A SQL result including at least page_namespace and * page_title -- also can have page_id, page_len, page_is_redirect, * page_latest (if those will be used). See Title::newFromRow. * @return TitleArrayFromResult */ static function newFromResult($res) { $array = null; if (!Hooks::run('TitleArrayFromResult', array(&$array, $res))) { return null; } if ($array === null) { $array = self::newFromResult_internal($res); } return $array; }