public function index() { $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $data = $model->select('movie'); $this->assign('allmovie', $data); $this->assign('movieurl', U('Movie/index')); //var_dump($data[1]); $this->assign('searchurl', U('Search/index')); $this->display(); }
public function index() { $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $result = $model->searchMovie(I('post.word')); $allmovie = $model->select('movie'); $this->assign('allmovie', $allmovie); $this->assign('searchurl', U('Search/index')); $this->assign('result', $result); $this->assign('movieurl', U('Movie/index')); $this->display(); }
public function index() { // $this->show('<style type="text/css">*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; } div{ padding: 4px 48px;} body{ background: #fff; font-family: "微软雅黑"; color: #333;font-size:24px} h1{ font-size: 100px; font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 12px; } p{ line-height: 1.8em; font-size: 36px } a,a:hover{color:blue;}</style><div style="padding: 24px 48px;"> <h1>:)</h1><p>欢迎使用 <b>ThinkPHP</b>!</p><br/>版本 V{$Think.version}</div><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><thinkad id="ad_55e75dfae343f5a1"></thinkad><script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="UTF-8"></script>','utf-8'); $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $data = $model->select('movie'); $this->assign('allmovie', $data); //var_dump($data); $this->assign('movieurl', U('Movie/index')); // $this->assign('movieurl',U('Movie/index')); // var_dump($data[1]); $this->assign('searchurl', U('Search/index')); $this->display(); }
public function index() { $id = I('get.cinema_id'); $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $result = $model->selectOne('cinema', 'cinema_id=' . $id); //var_dump($result); $this->assign('searchurl', U('Search/index')); $allMovie = $model->select('movie', '', '0,9'); $this->assign('cinema', $result[0]); $this->assign('allmovie', $allMovie); $this->assign('movieurl', U('Movie/index')); $this->display(); }
public function index() { $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $result = $model->getContentByType('cinema', 3, 'cinema_id'); //var_dump($result['list'][0]); $data = $model->select('movie'); $this->assign('allmovie', $data); $this->assign('movieurl', U('Movie/index')); $this->assign('result', $result); $this->assign('url', U('Cinema/index')); $this->assign('front', U('CinemaList/index?start=' . $result['pageFront'])); $this->assign('next', U('CinemaList/index?start=' . $result['pageNextStart'])); $this->assign('searchurl', U('Search/index')); $this->display(); }
public function select() { $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $where = ''; include ''; if (I('get.address')) { $where = " address ='" . I('get.address') . "' and "; } if (I('')) { $where = " name ='" . I('') . "' and " . $where; } $where = $where . ' 1=1 '; $limit = I('get.pageInde') * I('get.limit'); $result = $model->select('cinema', $where, I('get.start') . ',' . $limit); $this->selectData($result, 'Cinema'); }
public function index() { $id = I('get.movie_id'); $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $result = $model->selectOne('movie', 'movie_id=' . $id); $join = [' join movie on movie.movie_id=schedule.movie_id ', ' join hall on schedule.hall_id=hall.hall_id ']; $where = ' schedule.movie_id=' . $id . ' '; $dom = $model->select('schedule', $where, '', $join); foreach ($dom as &$movie) { $movie['cinema'] = $model->selectOne('cinema', ' cinema_id=' . $movie['cinema_id']); $movie['cinema'] = $movie['cinema'][0]; } // var_dump($dom); // $ticketUrl = ; $join = ['join hall on hall.hall_id=schedule.hall_id', 'join cinema on hall.cinema_id=cinema.cinema_id']; $allSchedule = $model->select('schedule', 'movie_id=' . $id, '', $join); $allComments = $model->select('comment', 'movie_id=' . $id, '', ' user on user.user_id=comment.user_id'); $allMovie = $model->select('movie'); //var_dump($allSchedule); $this->assign('allSchedule', $allSchedule); $this->assign('movieurl', U('Movie/index')); $this->assign('dom', $dom); $this->assign('ticketUrl', U('ticket/index')); $this->assign('movie', $result[0]); $this->assign('allmovie', $allMovie); $this->assign('allComments', $allComments); $this->assign('searchurl', U('Search/index')); // var_dump($allComments ); //$this->assign('allmovie',$allMovie); $this->display(); }
public function index() { islogin(); $this->assign('searchurl', U('Search/index')); $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $account = M('account'); $user_id = getUserId(); //var_dump($user_id); $join = ['left join schedule on schedule.schedule_id=account.schedule_id', 'left join movie on movie.movie_id=schedule.movie_id']; $userinfo = $model->select('user', 'user_id=' . $user_id); $where = 'account.user_id=' . $user_id; $filed = 'account_id,user_id,buy_time,schedule.schedule_id,name,schedule.movie_id,date,price'; $records = $account->join($join)->where($where)->field($filed)->select(); //var_dump($userinfo); $this->assign('records', $records); $this->assign('userinfo', $userinfo[0]); $this->display(); }
/** * @return string */ public function select() { $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $where = ''; include ''; if (I('')) { $where = " showtime >='" . I('') . "' and "; } if (I('get.endtime')) { $where = " endtime <='" . I('get.endtime') . "' and " . $where; } if (I('')) { $where = " name='" . I('') . "' and " . $where; } $where = $where . ' 1=1 '; $limit = I('get.pageInde') * I('get.limit'); $result = $model->select('movie', $where, I('get.start') . ',' . $limit); $this->selectData($result, 'Movie'); }
public function select() { $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $where = ''; if (I('get.user_id')) { $where = " user.user_id ='" . I('get.user_id') . "' and " . $where; } if (I('get.account_id')) { $where = " account_id ='" . I('get.account_id') . "' and " . $where; } if (I('get.startDate')) { $where = " buy_time>='" . I('get.startDate') . "' and " . $where; } if (I('get.end')) { $where = " buy_time<='" . I('get.end') . "' and " . $where; } $where = $where . ' 1=1 '; $limit = I('get.pageInde') * I('get.limit'); $result = $model->select($this->tableName, $where, I('get.start') . ',' . $limit, ' user on user.user_id=account.user_id'); $this->selectData($result, $this->util); }
public function buy() { // var_dump($_POST); // $lockModel = new \Think\Model(); // 实例化一个model对象 没有对应任何数据表 $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $schedule_id = I('post.schedule_id'); $tickets = I('post.seats'); $user_id = getUserId(); // $account = M('account'); //$lockModel = M(); M()->startTrans(); //$lockModel->lockTable('account',1); $seats = $model->select('account', '', '', '', true); $tflag = true; foreach ($tickets as $ticket) { $flag = true; foreach ($seats as $seat) { if ($seat['col'] == $ticket['col'] && $seat['row'] == $ticket['row']) { $flag = false; break; } } if ($flag) { $data = ['buy_time' => date('Y-m-d h-i-s'), 'col' => $ticket['col'], 'row' => $ticket['row'], 'user_id' => $user_id, 'schedule_id' => $schedule_id]; //var_dump($data); $model->addData('account', $data); } else { M()->rollback(); echo '{"success":0}'; $tflag = false; break; } } if ($tflag) { M()->commit(); echo '{"success":1}'; // echo '{"success":1}'; } }
public function check() { //var_dump($_GET); $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $result = $model->selectOne('user', " email='" . I('') . "' "); $result = $result[0]; if ($result) { if ($result['password'] == I('get.password')) { $this->setToken($result); $this->redirect('Home/Index/index', array('cate_id' => 2), 1, '<script>alert("success")</script>'); } else { $this->redirect('Home/Sign/index', array('cate_id' => 2), 1, '<script>alert("password error")</script>'); } } else { $data = ['email' => I(''), 'password' => I('get.password'), 'phone' => '-', 'nickname' => md5(date('Y-m-d h-i-s')), 'headurl' => 'headicon.jpg']; $user = M('user'); $user->add($data); $data['user_id'] = $user->getLastInsID(); $this->setToken($data); $this->redirect('Home/Index/index', array('cate_id' => 2), 1, '<script>alert("register success")</script>'); } }
public function select() { $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $where = ''; if (I('get.startDate')) { $where = " addDate >='" . I('get.startDate') . "' and "; } if (I('get.endDate')) { $where = " addDate <='" . I('get.endDate') . "' and " . $where; } if (I('get.user_id')) { $where = " user.user_id=" . I('get.user_id') . " and " . $where; } if (I('get.comment_id')) { $where = " comment_id=" . I('get.comment_id') . " and " . $where; } $where = $where . ' 1=1 '; $join = ['LEFT JOIN user ON user.user_id=comment.user_id', 'LEFT JOIN movie ON movie.movie_id=comment.movie_id']; $limit = I('get.pageInde') * I('get.limit'); $result = $model->select('comment', $where, I('get.start') . ',' . $limit, $join); //var_dump($result); $this->selectData($result, 'Discuss'); }