예제 #1
        if ($slots[$i] & 2) {
            $inoffice = false;
        if (!$inoffice) {
            $slots[$i] |= 4;
            $prov[$i] = $i;
$ckavail = true;
// If the requested date is a holiday/closed date we need to alert the user about it and let him choose if he wants to proceed
$is_holiday = false;
$holidays_controller = new Holidays_Controller();
$holidays = $holidays_controller->get_holidays_by_date_range($sdate, $edate);
if (in_array($sdate, $holidays)) {
    $is_holiday = true;
    $ckavail = true;
// The cktime parameter is a number of minutes into the starting day of a
// tentative appointment that is to be checked.  If it is present then we are
// being asked to check if this indicated slot is available, and to submit
// the opener and go away quietly if it is.  If it's not then we have more
// work to do.
if (isset($_REQUEST['cktime'])) {
    $cktime = 0 + $_REQUEST['cktime'];
    $ckindex = (int) ($cktime * 60 / $slotsecs);
    for ($j = $ckindex; $j < $ckindex + $evslots; ++$j) {
        if ($slots[$j] >= 4) {