protected function getHeader() { $header = new Header(); $header->title = $this->title; $header->meta("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8", true); $header->meta("description", $this->meta_desc, false); $header->meta("keywords", $this->meta_key, false); $header->meta("viewport", "width=device-width", false); $header->favicon = "/favicon.ico"; if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 8.0')) { $header->css = array("/styles/main.css", "/styles/prettify.css", "/styles/unite-gallery.css", "/styles/ie.css"); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Safari/525.29')) { $header->css = array("/styles/main.css", "/styles/prettify.css", "/styles/unite-gallery.css", "/styles/safari3.css"); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 7.0')) { $header->css = array("/styles/reject.css"); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 6.0')) { $header->css = array("/styles/reject.css"); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 5.5')) { $header->css = array("/styles/reject.css"); } else { $header->css = array("/styles/main.css", "/styles/prettify.css", "/styles/unite-gallery.css"); } if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 7.0')) { $header->js = array("/js/reject.min.js"); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 6.0')) { $header->js = array("/js/reject.min.js"); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 5.5')) { $header->js = array("/js/reject.min.js"); } else { $header->js = array("/js/jquery-11.0.min.js", "/js/functions.js", "/js/validator.js", "/js/prettify.js", "/js/unitegallery.min.js", "/js/ug-theme-compact.js"); } return $header; }
public function invokeHandler(Smarty $viewModel, Header $header, $f, $page) { $header->title('PayPic'); $header->import('jqgeeks/bootstrap_css', 'mypage'); $viewModel->assign("pname", "@RTPic"); return self::showLatest($viewModel); }
public function testToString() { $name = $this->readAttribute($this->object, 'name'); $value = $this->readAttribute($this->object, 'value'); $string = sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $value); $this->assertEquals($string, $this->object->toString()); }
public function getHandshake($buffer) { $header = new Header($buffer); $params = $header->getParams();; if (isset($params['Sec-WebSocket-Key'])) { $response = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"; $response .= "Upgrade: websocket\r\n"; $response .= "Connection: Upgrade\r\n"; $response .= "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: $acceptKey"; $response .= "\0"; } else { $pattern = '/[^\d]*/'; $replacement = ''; $numkey1 = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $params['Sec-WebSocket-Key1']); $numkey2 = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $params['Sec-WebSocket-Key2']); $pattern = '/[^ ]*/'; $replacement = ''; $spaces1 = strlen(preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $params['Sec-WebSocket-Key1'])); $spaces2 = strlen(preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $params['Sec-WebSocket-Key2'])); $hashData = md5( pack("N", $numkey1/$spaces1) . pack("N", $numkey2/$spaces2) . $header->getMessage(), true); $response = "HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake\r\n"; $response .= "Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n"; $response .= "Connection: Upgrade\r\n"; $response .= "Sec-WebSocket-Origin: " . $params['Origin'] . "\r\n"; $response .= "Sec-WebSocket-Location: ws://" . "{$this->address}:{$this->port}" . $header->getResource() . "\r\n"; $response .= "\r\n"; $response .= $hashData; $response .= "\0"; } return $response; }
/** * Clear the properties. */ public function flush() { $this->method = null; $this->uri = null; $this->payload = null; $this->header->flush(); }
function parseHeader() { if (!empty($this->header)) { return; } $this->header = new Header($this); $this->header->parse(); }
/** * Test the conversion of the header to an array */ public function testToArray() { $key = 'somekey'; $algorithm = 'H256'; $type = 'mytype'; $header = new Header($key, $algorithm, $type); $this->assertEquals($header->toArray(), array('typ' => $type, 'alg' => $algorithm)); }
/** * @return string */ public function format() { $lines = ''; foreach ($this->lines as $line) { $lines .= $line->format() . PHP_EOL; } return ($this->hasHeader() ? $this->header->format() . PHP_EOL : '') . trim($lines) . PHP_EOL; }
public function addHeadersStr($arr) { foreach ($arr as $key => $str) { $header = new Header(); $header->setContent($str); $this->addHeader($header); } }
/** * Runs the test. */ public function test() { $name = 'Organization'; $value = 'Jyxo'; // Email and name given $header = new Header($name, $value); $this->assertEquals($name, $header->getName()); $this->assertEquals($value, $header->getValue()); }
public function invokeHandler(Smarty $viewModel, Header $header, $f, $page, $aid) { $header->title('PayPic'); $header->import('picbootstrap', 'mypage'); $viewModel->assign("pname", "@RTPic"); $album = new Album($aid); $viewModel->assign("images", $album->getImges()); return "images"; }
public function invokeHandler(Smarty $viewModel, Header $header, $f, $page) { $header->title('PayPic'); $header->import('jqgeeks/bootstrap_css', 'mypage'); $viewModel->assign("pname", "@RTPic"); global $RDb; $imageAccess = $RDb->fetchAll("select * from file_access fa,files f,user u" . " where and u.uid=fa.uid"); $viewModel->assign("images", $imageAccess); return "imageAccess"; }
public function invokeHandler(Smarty $viewModel, Header $header, $f, $page, $pid) { $header->title('PayPic'); $header->import('jqgeeks/bootstrap_css', 'mypage'); $viewModel->assign("pname", "@RTPic"); global $RDb; $image = $RDb->fetch("select * from files where id=%d", $pid); $viewModel->assign("image", $image); return "image"; }
public function testBuildEntityArrayWithValueOnly() { $headerStr = ',,'; $header = new \Header('X-Forwarded-For', $headerStr, ','); $header->parseParams(); $this->assertEquals(3, $header->count()); $partsArray = $header->toArray(); $this->assertEquals('', $partsArray[0]); $entityArray = $header->buildEntityArray(); $this->assertEquals(3, count($entityArray[0])); }
public function invokeHandler(Smarty $viewModel, Header $header, User $user, $uname, $upass) { $header->title('PayPic'); $header->import('jqgeeks/bootstrap_css', 'google_login'); $viewModel->assign("pname", "@RTPic"); if ($user->auth($uname, $upass)) { include_once HANDLER_PATH . "/Images.php"; return Images::showlatest($viewModel); } else { return "login"; } }
private function saveHeader($domain, $title, $charset, $keywords, $description, $icon, $lang) { $model = new Header(); $model->domain = $domain; $model->title = $title; $model->charset = $charset; $model->keywords = $keywords; $model->description = $description; $model->icon = $icon; $model->lang = $lang; $model->save(false); }
public function renderPage() { print ' <link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="css/half-slider.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="css/morris.css" rel="stylesheet"> <title> - Home</title> '; require_once "/Classes/header.php"; $Header = new Header(); $Header->renderHeader(); }
/** * Parse binary data * * @param string $binaryData The binary data */ public function parseBinary($binaryData) { $unpackMask = "a" . TAC_PLUS_HDR_SIZE . "header/a*body"; $binData = unpack($unpackMask, $binaryData); $this->header->parseBinary($binData['header']); $pad = $this->header->getPseudoPad($this->secret); if ($this->header->isEncrypted()) { $binBody = $binData['body'] ^ $pad; } else { $binBody = $binData['body']; } $reply = $this->body->parseBinary($binBody); }
public function invokeHandler(Smarty $viewModel, Header $header, User $user, $page) { $header->title('PayPic'); $viewModel->assign("pname", "@RTPic"); if ($user->isValid()) { $header->import('jqgeeks/bootstrap_css', 'upload'); global $RDb; $images = $RDb->fetchAll("select * from files where uid=%d AND albumid=0", $user->getToken()); $viewModel->assign("images", $images); return "upload"; } else { $header->import('jqgeeks/bootstrap_css', 'google_login'); return "login"; } }
public function setHeader(Header $h) { // replace content if header already exists $replaced = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->headers) && !$replaced; $i++) { if ($this->headers[$i]->getKey() == $h->getKey()) { $this->headers[$i]->setValue($h->getValue()); $replaced = true; } } // no matches found, add new header if (!$replaced) { $this->headers[] = $h; } }
public function get_index() { $view = View::instance(); try { if (isset($_SESSION['client_user'])) { $chat = $this->orm->chat[$_SESSION['client_user']['id_chat']]; if ($chat['closed']) { unset($_SESSION['client_user']); } elseif ($chat['id_support_user']) { Header::redirect(URL::baseUrl() . '/conversation'); } else { Header::redirect(URL::baseUrl() . '/client/wait'); } } $param = $this->orm->param(); $param->select('value'); $param->where('name', 'STATUS'); $supportStatus = $param->fetch(); $supportUser = $this->orm->support_user(); $supportUser->where('active', 1); $supportUser->and('online', 1); $supportOnlineCount = $supportUser->count('id_support_user'); if ($supportStatus['value'] == 1 && $supportOnlineCount > 0) { $view->render('form-client'); } else { $view->render('offline'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $view->render('offline'); } }
function ajaxCreate($server, $node, $id = false) { if (!$this->validateServerNode($server, $node)) { return; } $post = false; if ($id) { $pd = new \modl\PostnDAO(); $p = $pd->getItem($id); if ($p->isEditable()) { $post = $p; } } $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('to', $server); $view->assign('node', $node); $view->assign('item', $post); RPC::call('MovimTpl.fill', 'main section > div:nth-child(2)', $view->draw('_publish_create', true)); $pd = new \Modl\ItemDAO(); $item = $pd->getItem($server, $node); $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('server', $server); $view->assign('node', $node); $view->assign('post', $post); $view->assign('item', $item); Header::fill($view->draw('_publish_header', true)); if ($id) { RPC::call('Publish.initEdit'); } RPC::call('Publish.setEmbed'); }
public function render() { $layout = $this->content_for_template(); $body = $this->content_for_layout($layout); // Needed for testing if (CUPCAKE_ENV === "test") { $dispatcher = DispatcherTest::getInstance(); $dispatcher->__params = $this->view_params(); $dispatcher->__view_params = $this->view_params; $dispatcher->__template = $this->template; $dispatcher->__layout = $this->layout; # Action might be false positive and controller aswell. $dispatcher->__controller = $this->controller; $dispatcher->__action = $this->params["action"]; $dispatcher->__request_uri = $this->request_uri; $dispatcher->__body = $body; return; } if (!empty($this->content_type)) { Header::set("Content-Type", $this->content_type); Header::send(); } echo $body; exit; }
public function testHeaderWithSponsor() { $header = Header::create()->withTitle(H1::create()->appendText('Big Top Title ')->appendText(Bold::create()->appendText('in Bold')))->withSubTitle(H2::create()->appendText('Smaller SubTitle ')->appendText(Bold::create()->appendText('in Bold')))->withKicker(H3::create()->appendText('Kicker ')->appendText(Bold::create()->appendText('in Bold')))->withSponsor(Sponsor::create()->withPageUrl('')); $expected = '<header>' . '<h1>Big Top Title <b>in Bold</b></h1>' . '<h2>Smaller SubTitle <b>in Bold</b></h2>' . '<h3 class="op-kicker">Kicker <b>in Bold</b></h3>' . '<ul class="op-sponsors">' . '<li>' . '<a href="" rel="facebook"></a>' . '</li>' . '</ul>' . '</header>'; $rendered = $header->render(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $rendered); }
/** * Import handler for the endpoint's underlying data * * \seekat\Call will call this when the request will have finished. * * @param Response $response * @return API self * @throws UnexpectedValueException * @throws RequestException * @throws \Exception */ function import(Response $response) : API { $this->__log->info(__FUNCTION__ . ": " . $response->getInfo(), ["url" => (string) $this->__url]); if ($response->getResponseCode() >= 400) { $e = new RequestException($response); $this->__log->critical(__FUNCTION__ . ": " . $e->getMessage(), ["url" => (string) $this->__url]); throw $e; } if (!($type = $response->getHeader("Content-Type", Header::class))) { $e = new RequestException($response); $this->__log->error(__FUNCTION__ . ": Empty Content-Type -> " . $e->getMessage(), ["url" => (string) $this->__url]); throw $e; } try { $this->__type = new ContentType($type); $this->__data = $this->__type->parseBody($response->getBody()); if ($link = $response->getHeader("Link", Header::class)) { $this->__links = new Links($link); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->__log->error(__FUNCTION__ . ": " . $e->getMessage(), ["url" => (string) $this->__url]); throw $e; } return $this; }
public static function isDestroyed(\PDO $pdo_db, string $lang, Reg $tkireg, array $langvars, Smarty $template, array $playerinfo) : bool { // Check for destroyed ship if ($playerinfo['ship_destroyed'] === 'Y') { // if the player has an escapepod, set the player up with a new ship if ($playerinfo['dev_escapepod'] === 'Y') { $sql = "UPDATE ::prefix::ships SET hull=0, engines=0, power=0," . "computer=0, sensors=0, beams=0, torp_launchers=0, torps=0, armor=0, " . "armor_pts=100, cloak=0, shields=0, sector=1, ship_ore=0, " . "ship_organics=0, ship_energy=1000, ship_colonists=0, ship_goods=0, " . "ship_fighters=100, ship_damage=0, on_planet='N', dev_warpedit=0, " . "dev_genesis=0, dev_beacon=0, dev_emerwarp=0, dev_escapepod='N', " . "dev_fuelscoop='N', dev_minedeflector=0, ship_destroyed='N', " . "dev_lssd='N' WHERE email=:email"; $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':email', $_SESSION['username']); $stmt->execute(); Db::logDbErrors($pdo_db, $sql, __LINE__, __FILE__); // $error_status = str_replace('[here]', "<a href='main.php'>" . $langvars['l_here'] . '</a>', $langvars['l_login_died']); Error status is not used anywhere } else { // if the player doesn't have an escapepod - they're dead, delete them. // But we can't delete them yet. (This prevents the self-distruct inherit bug) $error_status = str_replace('[here]', "<a href='log.php'>" . ucfirst($langvars['l_here']) . '</a>', $langvars['l_global_died']) . '<br><br>' . $langvars['l_global_died2']; $error_status .= str_replace('[logout]', "<a href='logout.php'>" . $langvars['l_logout'] . '</a>', $langvars['l_die_please']); $title = $langvars['l_error']; Header::display($pdo_db, $lang, $template, $title); echo $error_status; Footer::display($pdo_db, $lang, $tkireg, $template); die; } } else { return false; } }
public function testIsRTLEnabled() { $article = InstantArticle::create()->withCanonicalURL('')->enableAutomaticAdPlacement()->enableRTL()->withHeader(Header::create()->withTitle(H1::create()->appendText('Peace on <b>earth</b>'))->addAuthor(Author::create()->withName('bill'))->withPublishTime(Time::create(Time::PUBLISHED)->withDatetime(\DateTime::createFromFormat('j-M-Y G:i:s', '14-Aug-1984 19:30:00'))))->addChild(Paragraph::create()->appendText('Yes, peace is good for everybody!')->appendText(LineBreak::create())->appendText(' Man kind.')); $result = $article->render(); $expected = '<!doctype html>' . '<html dir="rtl">' . '<head>' . '<link rel="canonical" href=""/>' . '<meta charset="utf-8"/>' . '<meta property="op:generator" content="facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php"/>' . '<meta property="op:generator:version" content="1.5.2"/>' . '<meta property="op:markup_version" content="v1.0"/>' . '</head>' . '<body>' . '<article>' . '<header>' . '<h1>Peace on <b>earth</b></h1>' . '<time class="op-published" datetime="1984-08-14T19:30:00+00:00">August 14th, 7:30pm</time>' . '<address>' . '<a>bill</a>' . '</address>' . '</header>' . '<p>Yes, peace is good for everybody!<br/> Man kind.</p>' . '</article>' . '</body>' . '</html>'; $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); }
static function &getInstance() { if (self::$instance === false) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
function ajaxHeader() { $id = new \modl\ItemDAO(); $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('servers', $id->getGroupServers()); $header = $view->draw('_groups_header', true); Header::fill($header); }
/** * @return String */ public function getString() { $line_outputs = []; if ($this->fileHeader) { $line_outputs[] = $this->fileHeader->getString(); } if ($this->batchHeader) { $line_outputs[] = $this->batchHeader->getString(); } foreach ($this->beneficiaryLines as $beneficiary_line) { $line_outputs[] = $beneficiary_line->getString(); } if ($this->batchTrailer) { $line_outputs[] = $this->batchTrailer->getString(); } return implode($this->lineBreak, $line_outputs); }