reason_include_once('classes/head_items.php'); /** * Enforce secure connection and ensure reason user has upgrade privileges. */ force_secure_if_available(); $user_netID = reason_require_authentication(); $reason_user_id = get_user_id($user_netID); $mode = $str = ''; if (empty($reason_user_id)) { die('Valid Reason user required.'); } if (!reason_user_has_privs($reason_user_id, 'upgrade')) { die('You must have upgrade privileges to upgrade Reason.'); } $upgrade_steps = array('4.5_to_4.6' => 'Reason 4.5 to 4.6', '4.4_to_4.5' => 'Reason 4.4 to 4.5', '4.3_to_4.4' => 'Reason 4.3 to 4.4', '4.2_to_4.3' => 'Reason 4.2 to 4.3', '4.1_to_4.2' => 'Reason 4.1 to 4.2', '4.0_to_4.1' => 'Reason 4.0 to 4.1'); $head_items = new HeadItems(); $head_items->add_head_item('title', array(), 'Upgrade Reason', true); $head_items->add_head_item('meta', array('http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', 'content' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')); $head_items->add_stylesheet(REASON_HTTP_BASE_PATH . 'css/reason_setupgrade/reason_setupgrade.css'); if (!empty($_GET['upgrade_step']) && isset($upgrade_steps[$_GET['upgrade_step']])) { $step = $_GET['upgrade_step']; $requested_upgrader = !empty($_GET['upgrader']) ? $_GET['upgrader'] : NULL; $rua = new reasonUpgradeAssistant(); $active_upgraders = $rua->get_active_upgraders($step, $requested_upgrader); $str = '<h2>' . htmlspecialchars($upgrade_steps[$step]) . '</h2>' . "\n"; if (!empty($active_upgraders)) { $str .= $rua->get_upgrader_output($active_upgraders, $reason_user_id, $head_items); $standalone_upgraders = $rua->get_standalone_upgraders($step); if (!empty($standalone_upgraders) && count($active_upgraders) > 1) { $str .= '<h4>Note: There are upgrades that must be run by themselves. Please test and run these separately.</h4>' . "\n"; $str .= '<ul>' . "\n";
* Returns a cache id according to the type_id, search_term, and type fields */ function _get_cache_id() { $type_id = $this->get_type_id(); $search_term = $this->get_search_term(); $type_fields = $this->get_type_fields(); if ($type_id && $search_term && $type_fields) { $type_fields_str = implode("-", $type_fields); $cache_id = md5($type_id . '_' . $search_term . '_' . $type_fields_str); } return isset($cache_id) ? $cache_id : false; } } // instantiate relevant classes $head_items = new HeadItems(); $frwh = new FindReplaceWizardHelper(); // add needed head items $head_items->add_head_item('meta', array('http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', 'content' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')); $head_items->add_head_item('title', array(), 'Find / Replace Wizard', true); $head_items->add_stylesheet(REASON_HTTP_BASE_PATH . 'css/forms/form_data.css'); $html = '<!DOCTYPE html>' . "\n"; $html .= '<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">' . "\n"; $html .= '<head>' . "\n"; $html .= $head_items->get_head_item_markup(); $html .= '</head>' . "\n"; $html .= '<body>' . "\n"; reason_require_authentication(); if (!reason_check_privs('db_maintenance')) { $html .= '<h3>Unauthorized</h3><p>You must have database maintenance privileges to use this tool.</p>'; } else {
function get_head_markup() { $head_items = new HeadItems(); // add needed head items $head_items->add_head_item('title', array(), 'Publication Migration Wizard', true); $head_items->add_stylesheet('//' . REASON_HOST . REASON_HTTP_BASE_PATH . 'css/publication_migrator/publication_migrator.css'); $html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">' . "\n"; $html .= '<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">' . "\n"; $html .= '<head>' . "\n"; $html .= $head_items->get_head_item_markup(); $html .= '</head>' . "\n"; $html .= '<body>' . "\n"; return $html; }