예제 #1
function edit()
    $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    $old = false;
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0), '', 'array');
    JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid, array(0));
    $id = $cid[0];
    $row = JTable::getInstance('formmaker', 'Table');
    // load the row from the db table
    $canEdit = $user->authorise('core.edit', 'com_formmaker');
    $canEditOwn = $user->authorise('core.edit.own', 'com_formmaker');
    if (!$canEdit) {
        if (!$canEditOwn || $row->created_by != $user->id) {
            $mainframe->redirect("index.php?option=com_formmaker", JText::_('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_EDIT_NOT_PERMITTED'), 'error');
    $labels2 = array();
    $label_id = array();
    $label_order_original = array();
    $label_type = array();
    $label_all = explode('#****#', $row->label_order);
    $label_all = array_slice($label_all, 0, count($label_all) - 1);
    foreach ($label_all as $key => $label_each) {
        $label_id_each = explode('#**id**#', $label_each);
        array_push($label_id, $label_id_each[0]);
        $label_oder_each = explode('#**label**#', $label_id_each[1]);
        array_push($label_order_original, addslashes($label_oder_each[0]));
        array_push($label_type, $label_oder_each[1]);
    $labels2['id'] = '"' . implode('","', $label_id) . '"';
    $labels2['label'] = '"' . implode('","', $label_order_original) . '"';
    $labels2['type'] = '"' . implode('","', $label_type) . '"';
    if (isset($row->form)) {
        $old = true;
    if ($old == false || $old == true && $row->form == '') {
        $ids = array();
        $types = array();
        $labels = array();
        $paramss = array();
        $fields = explode('*:*new_field*:*', $row->form_fields);
        $fields = array_slice($fields, 0, count($fields) - 1);
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            $temp = explode('*:*id*:*', $field);
            array_push($ids, $temp[0]);
            $temp = explode('*:*type*:*', $temp[1]);
            array_push($types, $temp[0]);
            $temp = explode('*:*w_field_label*:*', $temp[1]);
            array_push($labels, $temp[0]);
            array_push($paramss, $temp[1]);
        $form = $row->form_front;
        foreach ($ids as $ids_key => $id) {
            $label = $labels[$ids_key];
            $type = $types[$ids_key];
            $params = $paramss[$ids_key];
            if (strpos($form, '%' . $id . ' - ' . $label . '%') || strpos($form, '%' . $id . ' -' . $label . '%')) {
                $rep = '';
                $arrows = '';
                $param = array();
                $param['attributes'] = '';
                switch ($type) {
                    case 'type_section_break':
                        $arrows = $arrows . '<div id="wdform_arrows' . $id . '" class="wdform_arrows"><div id="X_' . $id . '" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/delete_el.png" title="Remove the field" onclick="remove_section_break(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div><div id="edit_' . $id . '" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/edit.png" title="Edit the field" onclick="edit(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"><span id="' . $id . '_element_labelform_id_temp" style="display: none;">custom_' . $id . '</span></div><div id="dublicate_' . $id . '" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/dublicate.png" title="Duplicate the field" onclick="dublicate(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div></div>';
                    case 'type_editor':
                        $arrows = $arrows . '<div id="wdform_arrows' . $id . '" class="wdform_arrows" type="type_editor" style=""><div id="X_' . $id . '" valign="middle" align="right" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/delete_el.png" title="Remove the field" onclick="remove_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;delete_el&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;delete_el&quot;)"></div><div id="left_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/left.png" title="Move the field to the left" onclick="left_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;left&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;left&quot;)"></div><div id="up_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/up.png" title="Move the field up" onclick="up_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;up&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;up&quot;)"></div><div id="down_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/down.png" title="Move the field down" onclick="down_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"  onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;down&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;down&quot;)"></div><div id="right_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/right.png" title="Move the field to the right" onclick="right_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;right&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;right&quot;)"></div><div id="edit_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/edit.png" title="Edit the field" onclick="edit(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;edit&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;edit&quot;)"></div><div id="dublicate_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/dublicate.png" title="Duplicate the field" onclick="dublicate(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"  onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;dublicate&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;dublicate&quot;)"></div><div id="page_up_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/page_up.png" title="Move the field to the upper page" onclick="page_up(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;page_up&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;page_up&quot;)"></div><div id="page_down_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/page_down.png" title="Move the field to the lower page" onclick="page_down(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;page_down&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;page_down&quot;)"></div></div>';
                    case 'type_send_copy':
                    case 'type_captcha':
                    case 'type_recaptcha':
                        $arrows = $arrows . '<div id="wdform_arrows' . $id . '" class="wdform_arrows"><div id="X_' . $id . '" valign="middle" align="right" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/delete_el.png" title="Remove the field" onclick="remove_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div><div id="left_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/left.png" title="Move the field to the left" onclick="left_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div><div id="up_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/up.png" title="Move the field up" onclick="up_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div><div id="down_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/down.png" title="Move the field down" onclick="down_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div><div id="right_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/right.png" title="Move the field to the right" onclick="right_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div><div id="edit_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/edit.png" title="Edit the field" onclick="edit(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div><div id="page_up_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"></div><div id="page_up_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/page_up.png" title="Move the field to the upper page" onclick="page_up(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div><div id="page_down_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/page_down.png" title="Move the field to the lower page" onclick="page_down(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"></div></div>';
                        $arrows = $arrows . '<div id="wdform_arrows' . $id . '" class="wdform_arrows"><div id="X_' . $id . '" valign="middle" align="right" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/delete_el.png" title="Remove the field" onclick="remove_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;delete_el&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;delete_el&quot;)"></div><div id="left_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/left.png" title="Move the field to the left" onclick="left_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;left&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;left&quot;)"></div><div id="up_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/up.png" title="Move the field up" onclick="up_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;up&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;up&quot;)"></div><div id="down_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/down.png" title="Move the field down" onclick="down_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"  onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;down&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;down&quot;)"></div><div id="right_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/right.png" title="Move the field to the right" onclick="right_row(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;right&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;right&quot;)"></div><div id="edit_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/edit.png" title="Edit the field" onclick="edit(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;edit&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;edit&quot;)"></div><div id="dublicate_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/dublicate.png" title="Duplicate the field" onclick="dublicate(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)"  onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;dublicate&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;dublicate&quot;)"></div><div id="page_up_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/page_up.png" title="Move the field to the upper page" onclick="page_up(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;page_up&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;page_up&quot;)"></div><div id="page_down_' . $id . '" valign="middle" class="element_toolbar"><img src="components/com_formmaker/images/page_down.png" title="Move the field to the lower page" onclick="page_down(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;)" onmouseover="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;page_down&quot;)" onmouseout="chnage_icons_src(this,&quot;page_down&quot;)"></div></div>';
                switch ($type) {
                    case 'type_section_break':
                        $params_names = array('w_editor');
                        $temp = $params;
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                            $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                            $temp = $temp[1];
                        $rep = '<div id="wdform_field' . $id . '" type="type_section_break" class="wdform_field_section_break">' . $arrows . '<div id="' . $id . '_element_sectionform_id_temp" align="left" class="wdform_section_break">' . $param['w_editor'] . '</div></div><div id="' . $id . '_element_labelform_id_temp" style="color:red;">custom_' . $id . '</div>';
                    case 'type_editor':
                        $params_names = array('w_editor');
                        $temp = $params;
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                            $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                            $temp = $temp[1];
                        $rep = $arrows . '<div id="wdform_field' . $id . '" type="type_editor" class="wdform_field">' . $param['w_editor'] . '</div><span id="' . $id . '_element_labelform_id_temp" style="color: red;">custom_' . $id . '</span>';
                    case 'type_send_copy':
                        $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_first_val', 'w_required');
                        $temp = $params;
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                            $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                            $temp = $temp[1];
                        if ($temp) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                            $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                            foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                        $param['w_field_label_pos'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "table-cell" : "block";
                        $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == 'true' ? "checked='checked'" : "";
                        $required_sym = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? " *" : "";
                        $rep = '<div id="wdform_field' . $id . '" type="type_send_copy" class="wdform_field" style="display: table-cell;">' . $arrows . '<div align="left" id="' . $id . '_label_sectionform_id_temp" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span id="' . $id . '_element_labelform_id_temp" class="wd_form_label" style="vertical-align: top;">' . $label . '</span><span id="' . $id . '_required_elementform_id_temp" class="required" style="vertical-align: top;">' . $required_sym . '</span></div><div align="left" id="' . $id . '_element_sectionform_id_temp" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . '"><input type="hidden" value="type_send_copy" name="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_required'] . '" name="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" name="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" onclick="set_checked(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;form_id_temp&quot;)" ' . $input_active . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . ' disabled /></div></div>';
                    case 'type_text':
                        $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_unique');
                        $temp = $params;
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                            $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                            $temp = $temp[1];
                        if ($temp) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                            $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                            foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                        $param['w_field_label_pos'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "table-cell" : "block";
                        $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
                        $required_sym = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? " *" : "";
                        $rep = '<div id="wdform_field' . $id . '" type="type_text" class="wdform_field" style="display: table-cell;">' . $arrows . '<div align="left" id="' . $id . '_label_sectionform_id_temp" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span id="' . $id . '_element_labelform_id_temp" class="wd_form_label" style="vertical-align: top;">' . $label . '</span><span id="' . $id . '_required_elementform_id_temp" class="required" style="vertical-align: top;">' . $required_sym . '</span></div><div align="left" id="' . $id . '_element_sectionform_id_temp" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . '; vertical-align:top;"><input type="hidden" value="type_text" name="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_required'] . '" name="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_unique'] . '" name="' . $id . '_uniqueform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_uniqueform_id_temp"><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" name="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" value="' . $param['w_first_val'] . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '" onfocus="delete_value(&quot;' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp&quot;)" onblur="return_value(&quot;' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp&quot;)" onchange="change_value(&quot;' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp&quot;)" style="width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . ' disabled /></div></div>';
                    case 'type_number':
                        $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                        $temp = $params;
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                            $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                            $temp = $temp[1];
                        if ($temp) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                            $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                            foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                        $param['w_field_label_pos'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "table-cell" : "block";
                        $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
                        $required_sym = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? " *" : "";
                        $rep = '<div id="wdform_field' . $id . '" type="type_number" class="wdform_field" style="display: table-cell;">' . $arrows . '<div align="left" id="' . $id . '_label_sectionform_id_temp"  class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span id="' . $id . '_element_labelform_id_temp" class="wd_form_label" style="vertical-align: top;">' . $label . '</span><span id="' . $id . '_required_elementform_id_temp" class="required" style="vertical-align: top;">' . $required_sym . '</span></div><div align="left" id="' . $id . '_element_sectionform_id_temp" class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . '"><input type="hidden" value="type_number" name="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_required'] . '" name="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_unique'] . '" name="' . $id . '_uniqueform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_uniqueform_id_temp"><input type="text" class="' . $input_active . '" id="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" name="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" value="' . $param['w_first_val'] . '" title="' . $param['w_title'] . '" onkeypress="return check_isnum(event)" onfocus="delete_value(&quot;' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp&quot;)" onblur="return_value(&quot;' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp&quot;)" onchange="change_value(&quot;' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp&quot;)" style="width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . ' disabled /></div></div>';
                    case 'type_password':
                        $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                        $temp = $params;
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                            $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                            $temp = $temp[1];
                        if ($temp) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                            $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                            foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                        $param['w_field_label_pos'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "table-cell" : "block";
                        $required_sym = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? " *" : "";
                        $rep = '<div id="wdform_field' . $id . '" type="type_password" class="wdform_field" style="display: table-cell;">' . $arrows . '<div align="left" id="' . $id . '_label_sectionform_id_temp"  class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span id="' . $id . '_element_labelform_id_temp" class="wd_form_label" style="vertical-align: top;">' . $label . '</span><span id="' . $id . '_required_elementform_id_temp" class="required" style="vertical-align: top;">' . $required_sym . '</span></div><div align="left" id="' . $id . '_element_sectionform_id_temp" class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . '; vertical-align:top;"><input type="hidden" value="type_password" name="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_required'] . '" name="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_unique'] . '" name="' . $id . '_uniqueform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_uniqueform_id_temp"><input type="password" id="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" name="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" style="width: ' . $param['w_size'] . 'px;" ' . $param['attributes'] . ' disabled /></div></div>';
                    case 'type_textarea':
                        $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_size_w', 'w_size_h', 'w_first_val', 'w_title', 'w_required', 'w_unique', 'w_class');
                        $temp = $params;
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                            $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                            $temp = $temp[1];
                        if ($temp) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*w_attr_name*:*', $temp);
                            $attrs = array_slice($temp, 0, count($temp) - 1);
                            foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
                                $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                        $param['w_field_label_pos'] = $param['w_field_label_pos'] == "left" ? "table-cell" : "block";
                        $input_active = $param['w_first_val'] == $param['w_title'] ? "input_deactive" : "input_active";
                        $required_sym = $param['w_required'] == "yes" ? " *" : "";
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                    case 'type_phone':
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' disabled><option value=""></option><option value="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</option><option value="Albania">Albania</option><option value="Algeria">Algeria</option><option value="Andorra">Andorra</option><option value="Angola">Angola</option><option value="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua and Barbuda</option><option value="Argentina">Argentina</option><option value="Armenia">Armenia</option><option value="Australia">Australia</option><option value="Austria">Austria</option><option value="Azerbaijan">Azerbaijan</option><option value="Bahamas">Bahamas</option><option value="Bahrain">Bahrain</option><option value="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</option><option value="Barbados">Barbados</option><option value="Belarus">Belarus</option><option value="Belgium">Belgium</option><option value="Belize">Belize</option><option value="Benin">Benin</option><option value="Bhutan">Bhutan</option><option value="Bolivia">Bolivia</option><option value="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option><option value="Botswana">Botswana</option><option value="Brazil">Brazil</option><option value="Brunei">Brunei</option><option value="Bulgaria">Bulgaria</option><option value="Burkina Faso">Burkina Faso</option><option value="Burundi">Burundi</option><option value="Cambodia">Cambodia</option><option value="Cameroon">Cameroon</option><option value="Canada">Canada</option><option value="Cape Verde">Cape Verde</option><option value="Central African Republic">Central African Republic</option><option value="Chad">Chad</option><option value="Chile">Chile</option><option value="China">China</option><option value="Colombi">Colombi</option><option value="Comoros">Comoros</option><option value="Congo (Brazzaville)">Congo (Brazzaville)</option><option value="Congo">Congo</option><option value="Costa Rica">Costa Rica</option><option value="Cote d\'Ivoire">Cote d\'Ivoire</option><option value="Croatia">Croatia</option><option value="Cuba">Cuba</option><option value="Cyprus">Cyprus</option><option value="Czech Republic">Czech Republic</option><option value="Denmark">Denmark</option><option value="Djibouti">Djibouti</option><option value="Dominica">Dominica</option><option value="Dominican Republic">Dominican Republic</option><option value="East Timor (Timor Timur)">East Timor (Timor Timur)</option><option value="Ecuador">Ecuador</option><option value="Egypt">Egypt</option><option value="El Salvador">El Salvador</option><option value="Equatorial Guinea">Equatorial Guinea</option><option value="Eritrea">Eritrea</option><option value="Estonia">Estonia</option><option value="Ethiopia">Ethiopia</option><option value="Fiji">Fiji</option><option value="Finland">Finland</option><option value="France">France</option><option value="Gabon">Gabon</option><option value="Gambia, The">Gambia, The</option><option value="Georgia">Georgia</option><option value="Germany">Germany</option><option value="Ghana">Ghana</option><option value="Greece">Greece</option><option value="Grenada">Grenada</option><option value="Guatemala">Guatemala</option><option value="Guinea">Guinea</option><option value="Guinea-Bissau">Guinea-Bissau</option><option value="Guyana">Guyana</option><option value="Haiti">Haiti</option><option value="Honduras">Honduras</option><option value="Hungary">Hungary</option><option value="Iceland">Iceland</option><option value="India">India</option><option value="Indonesia">Indonesia</option><option value="Iran">Iran</option><option value="Iraq">Iraq</option><option value="Ireland">Ireland</option><option value="Israel">Israel</option><option value="Italy">Italy</option><option value="Jamaica">Jamaica</option><option value="Japan">Japan</option><option value="Jordan">Jordan</option><option value="Kazakhstan">Kazakhstan</option><option value="Kenya">Kenya</option><option value="Kiribati">Kiribati</option><option value="Korea, North">Korea, North</option><option value="Korea, South">Korea, South</option><option value="Kuwait">Kuwait</option><option value="Kyrgyzstan">Kyrgyzstan</option><option value="Laos">Laos</option><option value="Latvia">Latvia</option><option value="Lebanon">Lebanon</option><option value="Lesotho">Lesotho</option><option value="Liberia">Liberia</option><option value="Libya">Libya</option><option value="Liechtenstein">Liechtenstein</option><option value="Lithuania">Lithuania</option><option value="Luxembourg">Luxembourg</option><option value="Macedonia">Macedonia</option><option value="Madagascar">Madagascar</option><option value="Malawi">Malawi</option><option value="Malaysia">Malaysia</option><option value="Maldives">Maldives</option><option value="Mali">Mali</option><option value="Malta">Malta</option><option value="Marshall Islands">Marshall Islands</option><option value="Mauritania">Mauritania</option><option value="Mauritius">Mauritius</option><option value="Mexico">Mexico</option><option value="Micronesia">Micronesia</option><option value="Moldova">Moldova</option><option value="Monaco">Monaco</option><option value="Mongolia">Mongolia</option><option value="Morocco">Morocco</option><option value="Mozambique">Mozambique</option><option value="Myanmar">Myanmar</option><option value="Namibia">Namibia</option><option value="Nauru">Nauru</option><option value="Nepa">Nepa</option><option value="Netherlands">Netherlands</option><option value="New Zealand">New Zealand</option><option value="Nicaragua">Nicaragua</option><option value="Niger">Niger</option><option value="Nigeria">Nigeria</option><option value="Norway">Norway</option><option value="Oman">Oman</option><option value="Pakistan">Pakistan</option><option value="Palau">Palau</option><option value="Panama">Panama</option><option value="Papua New Guinea">Papua New Guinea</option><option value="Paraguay">Paraguay</option><option value="Peru">Peru</option><option value="Philippines">Philippines</option><option value="Poland">Poland</option><option value="Portugal">Portugal</option><option value="Qatar">Qatar</option><option value="Romania">Romania</option><option value="Russia">Russia</option><option value="Rwanda">Rwanda</option><option value="Saint Kitts and Nevis">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option><option value="Saint Lucia">Saint Lucia</option><option value="Saint Vincent">Saint Vincent</option><option value="Samoa">Samoa</option><option value="San Marino">San Marino</option><option value="Sao Tome and Principe">Sao Tome and Principe</option><option value="Saudi Arabia">Saudi Arabia</option><option value="Senegal">Senegal</option><option value="Serbia and Montenegro">Serbia and Montenegro</option><option value="Seychelles">Seychelles</option><option value="Sierra Leone">Sierra Leone</option><option value="Singapore">Singapore</option><option value="Slovakia">Slovakia</option><option value="Slovenia">Slovenia</option><option value="Solomon Islands">Solomon Islands</option><option value="Somalia">Somalia</option><option value="South Africa">South Africa</option><option value="Spain">Spain</option><option value="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</option><option value="Sudan">Sudan</option><option value="Suriname">Suriname</option><option value="Swaziland">Swaziland</option><option value="Sweden">Sweden</option><option value="Switzerland">Switzerland</option><option value="Syria">Syria</option><option value="Taiwan">Taiwan</option><option value="Tajikistan">Tajikistan</option><option value="Tanzania">Tanzania</option><option value="Thailand">Thailand</option><option value="Togo">Togo</option><option value="Tonga">Tonga</option><option value="Trinidad and Tobago">Trinidad and Tobago</option><option value="Tunisia">Tunisia</option><option value="Turkey">Turkey</option><option value="Turkmenistan">Turkmenistan</option><option value="Tuvalu">Tuvalu</option><option value="Uganda">Uganda</option><option value="Ukraine">Ukraine</option><option value="United Arab Emirates">United Arab Emirates</option><option value="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</option><option value="United States">United States</option><option value="Uruguay">Uruguay</option><option value="Uzbekistan">Uzbekistan</option><option value="Vanuatu">Vanuatu</option><option value="Vatican City">Vatican City</option><option value="Venezuela">Venezuela</option><option value="Vietnam">Vietnam</option><option value="Yemen">Yemen</option><option value="Zambia">Zambia</option><option value="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</option></select><label class="mini_label" style="display: block;" id="' . $id . 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                                $rep .= '</div>';
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                                                $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l]);
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                                                $choise_value = $param['w_choices'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l];
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                                    $l = count($param['w_choices']) - count($param['w_choices']) % $param['w_rowcol'] + $k;
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                                        $where = '';
                                        $order_by = '';
                                        $db_info = '';
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                                            $choise_value = $param['w_choices'][$l];
                                        if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][$l]) {
                                            $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][$l]);
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                    case 'type_radio':
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                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
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                            $param['w_choices_value'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_value']);
                            $param['w_choices_params'] = explode('***', $param['w_choices_params']);
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                                $param['w_choices_checked'][$key] = 'checked="checked"';
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                                    if ($param['w_allow_other'] == "yes" && $param['w_allow_other_num'] == (int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l) {
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                                        $where = '';
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                                        $db_info = '';
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                                        } else {
                                            $where = '';
                                            $order_by = '';
                                            $db_info = '';
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                                                $choise_value = $param['w_choices_value'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l];
                                            } else {
                                                $choise_value = $param['w_choices'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l];
                                            if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l]) {
                                                $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l]);
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                                } else {
                                    for ($l = 0; $l < count($param['w_choices']); $l++) {
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                                            $rep .= '<div valign="top" id="' . $id . '_td_little' . ((int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l) . '" idi="' . ((int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l) . '" style="display: table-cell;"><input type="radio" value="' . $param['w_choices'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l] . '" id="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp' . ((int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l) . '" name="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" other="1" onclick="set_default(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;,&quot;' . ((int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l) . '&quot;,&quot;form_id_temp&quot;); show_other_input(&quot;' . $id . '&quot;,&quot;form_id_temp&quot;);" ' . $param['w_choices_checked'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l] . ' ' . $param['attributes'] . ' ' . ($param['w_field_option_pos'] == 'right' ? 'style="float:left !important;"' : "") . ' disabled /><label id="' . $id . '_label_element' . ((int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l) . '" class="ch-rad-label" for="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp' . ((int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l) . '">' . $param['w_choices'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l] . '</label></div>';
                                        } else {
                                            $where = '';
                                            $order_by = '';
                                            $db_info = '';
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                                                $choise_value = $param['w_choices_value'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l];
                                            } else {
                                                $choise_value = $param['w_choices'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l];
                                            if (isset($param['w_choices_params']) && $param['w_choices_params'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l]) {
                                                $w_choices_params = explode('[where_order_by]', $param['w_choices_params'][(int) $param['w_rowcol'] * $i + $l]);
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                                                $order_by = "order_by='" . $w_choices_params[0] . "'";
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                    case 'type_recaptcha':
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                    case 'type_hidden':
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                    case 'type_mark_map':
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                    case 'type_map':
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                    case 'type_paypal_select':
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                                $rep .= '
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                                $param['w_property_values'][$key] = array_slice($param['w_property_values'][$key], 1, count($param['w_property_values'][$key]));
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                                    $rep .= '<option id="' . $id . '_' . $key . '_option' . $subkey . '" value="' . $property_value . '">' . $property_value . '</option>';
                                $rep .= '</select></span>';
                        $rep .= '</div></div></div>';
                    case 'type_paypal_checkbox':
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                        $temp = $params;
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                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_option_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_choices_params', 'w_class', 'w_property', 'w_property_values', 'w_quantity', 'w_quantity_value');
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
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                            $temp = $temp[1];
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                            $rep .= '</div>';
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                        $rep .= '</div></div>';
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                                $rep .= '
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                                $param['w_property_values'][$key] = array_slice($param['w_property_values'][$key], 1, count($param['w_property_values'][$key]));
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                                    $rep .= '<option id="' . $id . '_' . $key . '_option' . $subkey . '" value="' . $property_value . '">' . $property_value . '</option>';
                                $rep .= '</select></span>';
                        $rep .= '</div></div></div>';
                    case 'type_paypal_radio':
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                        $temp = $params;
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                            $params_names = array('w_field_label_size', 'w_field_label_pos', 'w_field_option_pos', 'w_flow', 'w_choices', 'w_choices_price', 'w_choices_checked', 'w_required', 'w_randomize', 'w_allow_other', 'w_allow_other_num', 'w_choices_params', 'w_class', 'w_property', 'w_property_values', 'w_quantity', 'w_quantity_value');
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
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                            $rep .= '</div>';
                        } else {
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                                $where = '';
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                                $db_info = '';
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                                $rep .= '
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                                $rep .= '</select></span>';
                        $rep .= '</div></div></div>';
                    case 'type_paypal_shipping':
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                        $temp = $params;
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                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
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                        $temp = $params;
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                    case 'type_matrix':
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                            $temp = $temp[1];
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                        $rows_columns = '';
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                            $rows_columns .= '<div id="' . $id . '_element_tr' . $i . '" style="display: table-row;"><div id="' . $id . '_element_td' . $i . '_0" class="matrix_" style="display: table-cell;"><label id="' . $id . '_label_elementform_id_temp' . $i . '_0" class="ch-rad-label" for="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp' . $i . '" value="' . $w_rows[$i] . '">' . $w_rows[$i] . '</label></div>';
                            for ($k = 1; $k < count($w_columns); $k++) {
                                if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'radio') {
                                    $rows_columns .= '<div id="' . $id . '_element_td' . $i . '_' . $k . '" style="text-align: center; display: table-cell;  padding: 5px 0 0 5px;"><input id="' . $id . '_input_elementform_id_temp' . $i . '_' . $k . '" align="center" size="14" type="radio" name="' . $id . '_input_elementform_id_temp' . $i . '" value="' . $i . '_' . $k . '" disabled/></div>';
                                } else {
                                    if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'checkbox') {
                                        $rows_columns .= '<div id="' . $id . '_element_td' . $i . '_' . $k . '" style="text-align: center; display: table-cell;  padding: 5px 0 0 5px;"><input id="' . $id . '_input_elementform_id_temp' . $i . '_' . $k . '" align="center" size="14" type="checkbox" name="' . $id . '_input_elementform_id_temp' . $i . '_' . $k . '" value="1" disabled/></div>';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'text') {
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                                        } else {
                                            if ($param['w_field_input_type'] == 'select') {
                                                $rows_columns .= '<div id="' . $id . '_element_td' . $i . '_' . $k . '" style="text-align: center; display: table-cell; padding: 5px 0 0 5px;"><select id="' . $id . '_select_yes_noform_id_temp' . $i . '_' . $k . '" name="' . $id . '_select_yes_noform_id_temp' . $i . '_' . $k . '" style="width:80px" disabled><option value=""> </option><option value="yes">Yes</option><option value="no">No</option></select></div>';
                            $rows_columns .= '</div>';
                        $rep = '<div id="wdform_field' . $id . '" type="type_matrix" class="wdform_field" style="display: table-cell;">' . $arrows . '<div align="left" id="' . $id . '_label_sectionform_id_temp" class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . '; width: ' . $param['w_field_label_size'] . 'px;"><span id="' . $id . '_element_labelform_id_temp" class="wd_form_label">' . $label . '</span><span id="' . $id . '_required_elementform_id_temp" class="required">' . $required_sym . '</span></div><div align="left" id="' . $id . '_element_sectionform_id_temp" class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: ' . $param['w_field_label_pos'] . ';"><input type="hidden" value="type_matrix" name="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_required'] . '" name="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_requiredform_id_temp"><input type="hidden" value="' . $param['w_field_input_type'] . '" name="' . $id . '_input_typeform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_input_typeform_id_temp"><div id="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp" style="display: table;" ' . $param['attributes'] . '><div id="' . $id . '_table_little" style="display: table-row-group;"><div id="' . $id . '_element_tr0" style="display: table-row;"><div id="' . $id . '_element_td0_0" style="display: table-cell;"></div>' . $column_labels . '</div>' . $rows_columns . '</div></div></div></div>';
                    case 'type_submit_reset':
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                        $temp = $params;
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                            $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                            $temp = $temp[1];
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                                $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
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                    case 'type_button':
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                        $temp = $params;
                        foreach ($params_names as $params_name) {
                            $temp = explode('*:*' . $params_name . '*:*', $temp);
                            $param[$params_name] = $temp[0];
                            $temp = $temp[1];
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                                $param['attributes'] = $param['attributes'] . ' add_' . $attr;
                        $param['w_title'] = explode('***', $param['w_title']);
                        $param['w_func'] = explode('***', $param['w_func']);
                        $rep .= '<div id="wdform_field' . $id . '" type="type_button" class="wdform_field" style="display: table-cell;">' . $arrows . '<div align="left" id="' . $id . '_label_sectionform_id_temp" class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: table-cell;"><span id="' . $id . '_element_labelform_id_temp" style="display: none;">button_' . $id . '</span></div><div align="left" id="' . $id . '_element_sectionform_id_temp" class="' . $param['w_class'] . '" style="display: table-cell;"><input type="hidden" value="type_button" name="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp" id="' . $id . '_typeform_id_temp">';
                        foreach ($param['w_title'] as $key => $title) {
                            $rep .= '<button type="button" id="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp' . $key . '" name="' . $id . '_elementform_id_temp' . $key . '" value="' . $title . '" onclick="' . $param['w_func'][$key] . '" ' . $param['attributes'] . '>' . $title . '</button>';
                        $rep .= '</div></div>';
                $form = str_replace('%' . $id . ' - ' . $labels[$ids_key] . '%', $rep, $form);
                $form = str_replace('%' . $id . ' -' . $labels[$ids_key] . '%', $rep, $form);
        $row->form_front = $form;
        HTML_contact::edit($row, $labels2);
    } else {
        HTML_contact::edit_old($row, $labels2);