예제 #1

$tbl = new HTML_Table('', 'data-table table table-striped table-bordered', array('data-title' => 'List of Users'));
$tbl->addCell("<a class='pull btn btn-success btn-md' href ='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?route=modules/users/add_user'>Add New User&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus'></span></a>");
$tbl->addCell('Login Name', '', 'header');
$tbl->addCell('Avatar', '', 'header');
$tbl->addCell('Full Name', '', 'header');
$tbl->addCell('Email', '', 'header');
$tbl->addCell('User Role', '', 'header');
$tbl->addCell('Status', '', 'header');
$tbl->addCell('Actions', '', 'header');
function get_user_role_name($role_id)
    $user_role_name = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT role_name from tams_user_roles WHERE role_id = {$role_id}");
    return $user_role_name;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tams_users WHERE user_status = "active"';
$get_users = DB::query($sql);
foreach ($get_users as $user) {
    $tbl->addCell($user['user_name'] . " (" . $user['user_id'] . ") ");
    $tbl->addCell('<img src="' . $user['user_avatar_url'] . '" alt="avatar" />');
    $tbl->addCell($user['user_title'] . " " . $user['first_name'] . " " . $user['last_name']);
    $tbl->addCell("<a href='mailto:" . $user['user_email'] . "' >" . $user['user_email'] . "</a>");
    $tbl->addCell("<a class='pull btn btn-danger btn-xs' href ='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?route=modules/users/edit_user&user_id=" . $user['user_id'] . "'>Edit User&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span></a>\n\t\t\t   ");
    public function mZ_mindbody_show_schedule($atts, $account = 0)
        require_once MZ_MINDBODY_SCHEDULE_DIR . '/lib/html_table.class.php';
        global $add_mz_ajax_script;
        $add_mz_ajax_script = true;
        // optionally pass in a type parameter. Defaults to week.
        $atts = shortcode_atts(array('type' => 'week', 'location' => '1', 'account' => '0', 'filter' => '0', 'grid' => '0', 'hide' => ''), $atts);
        $type = $atts['type'];
        $location = $atts['location'];
        $account = $atts['account'];
        $filter = $atts['filter'];
        $grid = $atts['grid'];
        if ($grid == 1 && $type == 'day') {
            return '<div style="color:red"><h2>' . __('Grid Calendar Incompatible with Single Day Mode!', 'mz_mndbody_api') . '</h2></div>';
        if ($grid == 0) {
            $mz_date = empty($_GET['mz_date']) ? date_i18n('Y-m-d') : mz_validate_date($_GET['mz_date']);
        } else {
            $hide = explode(', ', $atts['hide']);
            $mz_date = empty($_GET['mz_date']) ? date_i18n('Y-m-d', strtotime('last monday')) : mz_validate_date($_GET['mz_date']);
        if ($type == __('day', 'mz-mindbody-api')) {
            $mz_timeframe = array_slice(mz_getDateRange($mz_date, 1), 0, 1);
            $mz_schedule_cache = "mz_schedule_day_cache_" . mt_rand(1, 10);
        } else {
            $mz_timeframe = array_slice(mz_getDateRange($mz_date, 7), 0, 1);
            $mz_schedule_cache = "mz_schedule_week_cache_" . mt_rand(1, 10);
        //While we still need to support php 5.2 and can't use [0] on above
        $mz_timeframe = array_pop($mz_timeframe);
        // START caching
        $mz_cache_reset = isset($options['mz_mindbody_clear_cache']) ? "on" : "off";
        if ($mz_cache_reset == "on") {
        $mz_schedule_data = get_transient($mz_schedule_cache);
        mz_pr('' == $mz_schedule_data);
        if (isset($_GET['mz_date']) || '' == $mz_schedule_data) {
            //Send the timeframe to the GetClasses class, unless already cached
            $mb = instantiate_mbo_API();
            if ($account == 0) {
                $mz_schedule_data = $mb->GetClasses($mz_timeframe);
            } else {
                $mb->sourceCredentials['SiteIDs'][0] = $account;
                $mz_schedule_data = $mb->GetClasses($mz_timeframe);
            //Cache the mindbody call for 24 hours
            // TODO make cache timeout configurable.
            set_transient($mz_schedule_cache, $mz_schedule_data, 60 * 60 * 24);
        $return = '';
        if (!empty($mz_schedule_data['GetClassesResult']['Classes']['Class'])) {
            $mz_days = $this->makeNumericArray($mz_schedule_data['GetClassesResult']['Classes']['Class']);
            if ($grid == 0) {
                $mz_days = sortClassesByDate($mz_days, $this->time_format, $location);
            } else {
                $mz_days = sortClassesByTimeThenDay($mz_days, $this->time_format, $location);
            $return .= '<div id="mz_mbo_schedule" class="mz_mbo_schedule">';
            if ($type == __('week', 'mz-mindbody-api')) {
                $return .= mz_mbo_schedule_nav($mz_date, __('Week', 'mz-mindbody-api'));
            if ($filter == 1) {
                $tbl = new HTML_Table('', 'mz-schedule-filter');
            } else {
                $tbl = new HTML_Table('', 'mz-schedule-table');
            if ($grid == 0) {
                foreach ($mz_days as $classDate => $mz_classes) {
                    // arguments: cell content, class, type (default is 'data' for td, pass 'header' for th)
                    // can include associative array of optional additional attributes
                    $tbl->addCell(date_i18n($this->mz_date_display, strtotime($classDate)), '', 'header', array('scope' => 'header'));
                    $tbl->addCell(__('Class Name', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header', array('scope' => 'header'));
                    $tbl->addCell(__('Instructor', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header', array('scope' => 'header'));
                    $tbl->addCell(__('Class Type', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header', array('scope' => 'header'));
                    foreach ($mz_classes as $class) {
                        // mz_pr($class);
                        $sDate = date_i18n('m/d/Y', strtotime($class['StartDateTime']));
                        $sLoc = $class['Location']['ID'];
                        $sTG = $class['ClassDescription']['Program']['ID'];
                        $studioid = $class['Location']['SiteID'];
                        $sclassid = $class['ClassScheduleID'];
                        $sclassidID = $class['ID'];
                        $classDescription = $class['ClassDescription']['Description'];
                        $sType = -7;
                        $showCancelled = $class['IsCanceled'] == 1 ? '<div class="mz_cancelled_class">' . __('Cancelled', 'mz-mindbody-api') . '</div>' : '';
                        $className = $class['ClassDescription']['Name'];
                        $startDateTime = date_i18n('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($class['StartDateTime']));
                        $endDateTime = date_i18n('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($class['EndDateTime']));
                        $staffName = $class['Staff']['Name'];
                        $sessionType = $class['ClassDescription']['SessionType']['Name'];
                        $isAvailable = $class['IsAvailable'];
                        $linkURL = "https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?sDate={$sDate}&amp;sLoc={$sLoc}&amp;sTG={$sTG}&amp;sType={$sType}&amp;sclassid={$sclassid}&amp;studioid={$studioid}";
                        if (date_i18n('H', strtotime($startDateTime)) < 12) {
                            $time_of_day = __('morning', 'mz-mindbody-api');
                        } else {
                            if (date_i18n('H', strtotime($startDateTime)) > 16) {
                                $time_of_day = __('evening', 'mz-mindbody-api');
                            } else {
                                $time_of_day = __('afternoon', 'mz-mindbody-api');
                        // start building table rows
                        $tbl->addCell($time_of_day, 'hidden', 'data');
                        if (isset($isAvailable) && $isAvailable != 0) {
                            $tbl->addCell(date_i18n($this->time_format, strtotime($startDateTime)) . ' - ' . date_i18n($this->time_format, strtotime($endDateTime)) . '<br/><a class="btn" href="' . $linkURL . '" target="_blank">' . __('Sign-Up', 'mz-mindbody-api') . '</a>');
                        } else {
                            $tbl->addCell(date_i18n($this->time_format, strtotime($startDateTime)) . ' - ' . date_i18n($this->time_format, strtotime($endDateTime)));
                        $tbl->addCell('<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#mzModal" href="' . MZ_MINDBODY_SCHEDULE_URL . 'inc/modal_descriptions.php?classDescription=' . urlencode(substr($classDescription, 0, 1000)) . '&amp;className=' . urlencode(substr($className, 0, 1000)) . '">' . $className . '</a>' . '<br/><div id="visitMBO" class="btn visitMBO" style="display:none">' . '<a href="' . $linkURL . '" target="_blank">' . __('Manage on MindBody Site', ' mz-mindbody-api') . '</a></div>' . $showCancelled);
                    // EOF foreach class
                // EOF foreach day
                $tbl->addCell('', '', '', array('colspan' => 4));
                $return .= $tbl->display();
            } else {
                //Display grid
                $week_starting = date_i18n($this->date_format, strtotime($mz_date));
                $return .= '<h4 class="mz_grid_date">';
                $return .= sprintf(__('Week of %1$s', 'mz-mindbody-api'), $week_starting);
                $return .= '</h4>';
                // arguments: cell content, class, type (default is 'data' for td, pass 'header' for th)
                // can include associative array of optional additional attributes
                $tbl->addCell('', '', 'header');
                $tbl->addCell(__('Monday', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header');
                $tbl->addCell(__('Tuesday', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header');
                $tbl->addCell(__('Wednesday', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header');
                $tbl->addCell(__('Thursday', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header');
                $tbl->addCell(__('Friday', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header');
                $tbl->addCell(__('Saturday', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header');
                $tbl->addCell(__('Sunday', 'mz-mindbody-api'), '', 'header');
                foreach ($mz_days as $classDate => $mz_classes) {
                    if ($classDate < 12) {
                        $time_of_day = __('morning', 'mz-mindbody-api');
                    } else {
                        if ($classDate > 16) {
                            $time_of_day = __('evening', 'mz-mindbody-api');
                        } else {
                            $time_of_day = __('afternoon', 'mz-mindbody-api');
                    $tbl->addCell($time_of_day, 'hidden', 'data');
                    foreach ($mz_classes['classes'] as $key => $classes) {
                        if (empty($classes) || null === $classes[0]['ClassDescription']['Name']) {
                            $class_details = '';
                            $num_classes_min_one = 50;
                            //Set to a number that won't match key
                        } else {
                            $class_details = '';
                            $num_classes_min_one = count($classes) - 1;
                            foreach ($classes as $key => $class) {
                                $className = $class['ClassDescription']['Name'];
                                if (!in_array('teacher', $hide)) {
                                    $teacher = __('with', 'mz-mindbody-api') . '&nbsp;' . $class['Staff']['Name'] . '<br/>';
                                } else {
                                    $teacher = '';
                                $showCancelled = $class['IsCanceled'] == 1 ? '<div class="mz_cancelled_class">' . __('Cancelled') . '</div>' : '';
                                $classDescription = $class['ClassDescription']['Description'];
                                $sessionTypeName = $class['ClassDescription']['SessionType']['Name'];
                                $showCancelled = $class['IsCanceled'] == 1 ? '<div class="mz_cancelled_class">' . __('Cancelled') . '</div>' : '';
                                if (!in_array('duration', $hide) && $class['IsCanceled'] != 1) {
                                    $classStartTime = new DateTime($class['StartDateTime']);
                                    $classEndTime = new DateTime($class['EndDateTime']);
                                    if (phpversion() >= 5.3) {
                                        $classLength = $classEndTime->diff($classStartTime);
                                        $classLength = __('Duration:', 'mz-mindbody-api') . '<br/>&nbsp;' . $classLength->format('%H:%I');
                                    } else {
                                        $classLength = round($classEndTime->format('U') - $classStartTime->format('U'));
                                        $classLength = __('Duration:', 'mz-mindbody-api') . '<br/>&nbsp;' . gmdate("H:i", $classLength);
                                } else {
                                    $classLength = '';
                                // Initialize $signupButton
                                $signupButton = '';
                                // Variables for class URL
                                $sDate = date_i18n('m/d/Y', strtotime($class['StartDateTime']));
                                $sLoc = $class['Location']['ID'];
                                $sTG = $class['ClassDescription']['Program']['ID'];
                                $studioid = $class['Location']['SiteID'];
                                $sclassid = $class['ClassScheduleID'];
                                $sclassidID = $class['ID'];
                                $sType = -7;
                                $isAvailable = $class['IsAvailable'];
                                $class_separator = $key == $num_classes_min_one ? '' : '<hr/>';
                                $linkURL = "https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?sDate={$sDate}&amp;sLoc={$sLoc}&amp;sTG={$sTG}&amp;sType={$sType}&amp;sclassid={$sclassid}&amp;studioid={$studioid}";
                                if (!in_array('signup', $hide)) {
                                    $signupButton = '&nbsp;<a href="' . $linkURL . '" target="_blank" title="' . __('Sign-Up', 'mz-mindbody-api') . '"><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i></a><br/>';
                                } else {
                                    $signupButton = '';
                                $class_details .= '<div class="' . 'mz_' . sanitize_html_class($sessionTypeName, 'mz_session_type') . '">' . '<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#mzModal" href="' . MZ_MINDBODY_SCHEDULE_URL . 'inc/modal_descriptions.php?classDescription=' . urlencode(substr($classDescription, 0, 1000)) . '&amp;className=' . urlencode(substr($className, 0, 1000)) . '">' . $className . '</a>' . '<br/>' . $teacher . $signupButton . $classLength . $showCancelled . '</div>' . $class_separator;
                        $tbl->addCell($class_details, 'mz_description_holder');
                    //end foreach mz_classes
                //end foreach mz_days
                $return .= $tbl->display();
            //End if grid
            if ($type == 'week') {
                // schedule navigation
                $return .= mz_mbo_schedule_nav($mz_date, __('Week', 'mz-mindbody-api'));
            $return .= '<div id="mzModal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mzSmallModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
					 <div class="modal-content">

            $return .= '</div>';
        } else {
            if (!empty($mz_schedule_data['GetClassesResult']['Message'])) {
                $return = $mz_schedule_data['GetClassesResult']['Message'];
            } else {
                $return = __('Error getting classes. Try re-loading the page.', ' mz-mindbody-api') . '<br />';
                $return .= '<pre>' . print_r($mz_schedule_data, 1) . '</pre>';
        //EOF If Result / Else
        $mz_schedule_display = 'mz_schedule_display_' . mt_rand(1, 1000000);
        set_transient($mz_schedule_display, $return, 60 * 60 * 24);
        return get_transient($mz_schedule_display);