/** * Outputs the form. * * @param object HTML_QuickForm_Page the page being processed * @access public * @since 2.0.0RC1 */ function _renderForm(&$page) { $tab = ' '; $p = new HTML_Page2(array('lineend' => PHP_EOL, 'tab' => $tab, 'doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', 'language' => 'en', 'cache' => 'false')); $p->disableXmlProlog(); $p->setTitle('PEAR::HTML_Progress2 - Generator'); $p->setMetaData('author', 'Laurent Laville'); $formTemplate = "\n<form{attributes}>" . "\n<table class=\"maintable\">" . "\n<caption>HTML_Progress2 Generator</caption>" . "\n{content}" . "\n</table>" . "\n</form>"; $headerTemplate = "\n<tr>" . "\n\t<th colspan=\"2\">" . "\n\t\t{header}" . "\n\t</th>" . "\n</tr>"; $elementTemplate = "\n<tr valign=\"top\">" . "\n\t<td class=\"qfLabel\"> " . "<!-- BEGIN required --><span class=\"required\">*</span><!-- END required -->" . "{label}</td>" . "\n\t<td class=\"qfElement\">" . "\n{element}" . "<!-- BEGIN label_2 --> " . "<span class=\"qfLabel2\">{label_2}</span>" . "<!-- END label_2 -->" . "\n\t</td>" . "\n</tr>"; $groupTemplate = "\n\t\t<table class=\"group\">" . "\n\t\t<tr>" . "\n\t\t\t{content}" . "\n\t\t</tr>" . "\n\t\t</table>"; $groupElementTemplate = "<td>{element}" . "<!-- BEGIN label --><br/>" . "<span class=\"qfLabel\">{label}</span>" . "<!-- END label -->" . "</td>"; $renderer =& $page->defaultRenderer(); $renderer->setFormTemplate($formTemplate); $renderer->setHeaderTemplate($headerTemplate); $renderer->setElementTemplate($elementTemplate); $renderer->setGroupTemplate($groupTemplate, 'name'); $renderer->setGroupElementTemplate($groupElementTemplate, 'name'); $styles = $this->getStyleSheet(); $js = ''; // on preview tab, add progress bar javascript and stylesheet if ($page->getAttribute('id') == 'Preview') { $pb = $page->controller->createProgressBar(); $pb->setTab($tab); $styles .= $pb->getStyle(); $js = $pb->getScript(); $p->addStyleDeclaration($styles); $p->addScriptDeclaration($js); $pbElement =& $page->getElement('progressBar'); $pbElement->setText($pb->toHtml() . '<br /><br />'); } else { $p->addStyleDeclaration($styles); } $page->accept($renderer); $p->addBodyContent($renderer->toHtml()); $p->display(); }
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$form->addHtml("</fieldset>\n"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $formName = 'form8'; $form->addHtml("<fieldset>\n"); $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Other Info</div>'); $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">'); $form->addHtml($form->addHtml($summary_table)); $form->addData(${$formName}, $_POST); $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit')))); $form->addHtml('</div>'); $form->addHtml("</fieldset>\n"); $form->addHtml("</div>\n"); $onLoad .= 'showForm(' . $viewForm . ');self.focus;' . $source['onload'] . ';'; // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $additional_js = ' if (!previousID) { var previousID = "form' . $viewForm . '"; } function addFeature() { var status = document.testForm.status.options[document.testForm.status.options.selectedIndex].value; var featureId = document.testForm.featureId.options[document.testForm.featureId.options.selectedIndex].value; document.location.href = \'?do=feature_add&cli_id=' . $cli_id . '&status=\'+status+\'&featureId=\'+featureId+\'&return=' . urlencode($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '&viewForm=7\'; }
$stage = $_GET["stage"]; } if (!$_GET["dea_id"]) { echo "error, no dea_id"; } else { $dea_id = $_GET["dea_id"]; } if ($_POST["viewForm"]) { $viewForm = $_POST["viewForm"]; } elseif ($_GET["viewForm"]) { $viewForm = $_GET["viewForm"]; } else { $viewForm = "1"; } // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $tenants = array(); // improvement 06/10/06 - link table for multiple vendors on a single deal $sql = "SELECT\n\tdeal.*,\n\tproperty.*,\n\tCONCAT(pro_addr1,' ',pro_addr2,' ',pro_addr3,' ',pro_addr4,' ',pro_postcode) AS pro_addr,\n\tclient.cli_id,\n\tCONCAT(client.cli_salutation,' ',client.cli_fname,' ',client.cli_sname) AS cli_name,\n\n\ttenant.cli_id AS ten_id,\n\tCONCAT(tenant.cli_salutation,' ',tenant.cli_fname,' ',tenant.cli_sname) AS ten_name,\n\n\tCONCAT(use_fname,' ',use_sname) AS use_name,\n\tcli2dea.*,\n\tbranch.bra_id,branch.bra_title,\n\tT.pty_title AS ptype,\n\tST.pty_title AS psubtype,\n\tkeybook.*,\n\n\tfea_title\n\nFROM\n\tdeal\nLEFT JOIN cli2dea ON cli2dea.c2d_dea = deal.dea_id AND cli2dea.c2d_capacity = 'Owner'\nLEFT JOIN client ON cli2dea.c2d_cli = client.cli_id\nLEFT JOIN tel AS client_tel ON client_tel.tel_cli = client.cli_id AND client_tel.tel_ord = 1\n\nLEFT JOIN cli2dea AS ten2dea ON ten2dea.c2d_dea = deal.dea_id AND ten2dea.c2d_capacity = 'Tenant'\nLEFT JOIN client AS tenant ON ten2dea.c2d_cli = tenant.cli_id\nLEFT JOIN tel AS tenant_tel ON tenant_tel.tel_cli = tenant.cli_id AND tenant_tel.tel_ord = 1\n\nLEFT JOIN property ON deal.dea_prop = property.pro_id\n\nLEFT JOIN branch ON deal.dea_branch = branch.bra_id\nLEFT JOIN user ON deal.dea_neg = user.use_id\n\nLEFT JOIN ptype AS T ON deal.dea_ptype = T.pty_id\nLEFT JOIN ptype AS ST ON deal.dea_psubtype = ST.pty_id\n\nLEFT JOIN keybook ON deal.dea_id = keybook.key_deal\n\nLEFT JOIN fea2dea ON deal.dea_id = fea2dea.f2d_dea\nLEFT JOIN feature ON fea2dea.f2d_fea = feature.fea_id AND fea_type = 'Lettings'\n\nWHERE\ndeal.dea_id = {$dea_id}\n"; $q = $db->query($sql); if (DB::isError($q)) { die("db error: " . $q->getMessage()); } $numRows = $q->numRows(); if ($numRows == 0) { echo "select error"; exit; } else { while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) { if (trim($row["cli_name"])) { $vendors[$row["cli_id"]] = trim($row["cli_name"]);
} // already have cliennt id, skip to offer page if ($_GET["cli_id"]) { header("Location:offer_submit.php?dea_id={$dea_id}&cli_id=" . $_GET["cli_id"]); } $destination = "offer"; $goto = "offer_submit.php"; $page_title = "Submit Offer"; $form_title = "Submit Offer"; $carry = urlencode($_GET["return"]); } if (!$cli_name_label) { $cli_name_label = 'Client Name'; } # start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); switch ($stage) { ########################################################### # stage 1 - basic client search ########################################################### case 1: $formData1 = array('cli_name' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => $cli_name_label, 'value' => $_GET["cli_name"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'addr')), 'cli_email' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Email', 'value' => $_GET["cli_email"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'addr'))); $form = new Form(); $form->addForm("", "get", $PHP_SELF); $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n"); $form->addField("hidden", "stage", "", "2"); $form->addField("hidden", "dest", "", $destination); $form->addField("hidden", "dea_id", "", $_GET["dea_id"]); $form->addField("hidden", "app_id", "", $_GET["app_id"]); $form->addField("hidden", "carry", "", $carry); $form->addHtml("<fieldset>\n");
$form->addLegend('Edit Entry'); $form->addData($formData1, $_POST); $form->addHtml("</fieldset>\n"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $form->addHtml("<fieldset>\n"); $form->addLegend('Address'); if (!$pro_pcid) { $form->ajaxPostcode("by_freetext", "pro"); } else { $form->addData($formData2, $_POST); $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", "", "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit')))); } $form->addHtml("</fieldset>\n"); $form->addHtml("</div>\n"); // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle("Directory > Edit"); $page->addStyleSheet(GLOBAL_URL . 'css/styles.css'); $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js'); $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/scriptaculous/prototype.js'); $page->addScriptDeclaration($source['js']); $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $source['onload'])); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">'); $page->addBodyContent($menu); $page->addBodyContent('<p><a href="image.php?dir_id=' . $dir_id . '">Images</a></p>'); $page->addBodyContent($form->renderForm()); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->display(); exit; } else { // if the form has been submitted
$stage = $_GET["stage"]; } elseif ($_POST["stage"]) { $stage = $_POST["stage"]; } else { // default to valuation_address $stage = "valuation_address"; } // this page cannot be used without a cli_id if (!$_GET["cli_id"]) { header("Location:client_lookup.php?dest=instruction"); exit; } else { $cli_id = $_GET["cli_id"]; } // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); switch ($stage) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // valuation_address // search deal+property and display any linked properties // else, enter property to be valued details ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case "valuation_address": if ($_GET["dea_id"]) { $sql = "SELECT dea_prop FROM deal WHERE dea_id = " . $_GET["dea_id"]; $q = $db->query($sql); if (DB::isError($q)) { die("db error: " . $q->getMessage() . $sql); } $numRows = $q->numRows(); while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
$msg = ' <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!-- function hideMsg(){ setTimeout("hideMsgDiv()",1500); } function hideMsgDiv() { new Effect.Fade("floating_message"); } --> </script><div id="notify"><div id="floating_message">' . urldecode($_GET["msg"]) . '</div></div>'; } $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $_GET["searchLink"]), 'search' => array('title' => 'Appointment Search', 'label' => 'Appointment Search', 'link' => 'appointment_search.php')); $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array); //replaceQueryStringArray($_GET["searchLink"],array('app_id')) $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle("Appointment"); $page->addStyleSheet(getDefaultCss()); $page->addScript('js/global.js'); $page->addScript('js/scriptaculous/prototype.js'); $page->addScript('js/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js'); $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $onLoad)); $page->addBodyContent($header_and_menu); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">'); $page->addBodyContent($navbar); $page->addBodyContent($form->renderForm()); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); if ($msg) { $page->addBodyContent($msg); } $page->display();
// set current appointment's column value, this is used in subsequent apps to determine positioning $divs[$div_id]["column"] = $column; if ($column > $max_column) { $max_column = $column; } // write the div $render .= ' <div id="app' . $div["id"] . '" class="calEntryDiv" style="position: absolute; height: ' . $div["app_height"] . 'px; left: ' . $left . 'px; top:' . $div["start_pixel"] . 'px; width:' . ($width - 3) . 'px; border: 1px solid #' . $div["colour"] . '; border-left: 10px solid #' . $div["colour"] . '; z-index:1; overflow: hidden; " onClick="javascript:document.location.href=\'appointment_edit.php?app_id=' . $div["id"] . '\'" onMouseOver="calEventOver(this,' . $div["app_height"] . ')" onMouseOut="calEventOut(this,' . $div["app_height"] . ')">' . "\n"; $render .= ' <strong>' . $div["type"] . '</strong> ' . $div["start"] . '<br>' . $div["client"] . '<!--<br><br>' . $div["addr"] . "-->\n" . ' </div>' . "\n"; } // the current appointment ends in this interval if ($div["end_stamp"] >= $interval && $div["end_stamp"] < $interval + $default_calendar_interval) { // remove column reference from master array unset($divs[$div_id]["column"]); } } } unset($left, $column); $counter++; } $js = "\n\nvar theDiv = null;\nvar theHeight = null;\n\nfunction calEventOver(lnk,newHeight) {\n\ttheDiv = lnk;\n\ttheHeight = newHeight;\n\twindow.setTimeout(\"calEventOver2()\", 1000);\n\t}\nfunction calEventOver2() {\n\ttheDiv.style.overflow = 'visible';\n\ttheDiv.style.zIndex = '1000';\n\ttheDiv.style.height = theHeight;\n\t}\n\n\n\t"; $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle('Calendar'); $page->addStyleSheet(getDefaultCss()); $page->addStyleSheet(GLOBAL_URL . 'css/balloons.css'); $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js'); $page->setBodyAttributes(array('style' => 'background-color: #' . $calendar_bg_colour . '; background-image: url(\'/images/sys/admin/calendar_bg.gif\');background-repeat: repeat')); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content_wide">'); $page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px; width:50px; position: absolute;">' . "\n" . $hourBar . '</div>' . "\n"); $page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px;">' . "\n" . $render . '</div>' . "\n"); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->display();
$id = $_GET["id"]; $title = trim(ucwords($_GET["title"])); $sql = "UPDATE category SET cat_title = '{$title}' WHERE cat_id = {$id}"; $result = mysql_query($sql); header("Location:tree.php"); } elseif ($_GET["action"] == "move") { $id = $_GET["id"]; $new_id = $_GET["new_id"]; $tree->moveAll($id, $new_id); header("Location:tree.php"); } elseif ($_GET["action"] == "delete") { // delete a node // do not allow top levels to be deleted if (!$_GET["node_id"]) { echo "error"; exit; } $tree->delete($_GET["node_id"]); header("Location:tree.php"); } // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle("Edit Directory Node"); $page->addStyleSheet(GLOBAL_URL . 'css/styles.css'); $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js'); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">'); $page->addBodyContent($menu); $page->addBodyContent($form->renderForm()); $page->addBodyContent($form2->renderForm()); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->display();
<td><a href="http://www.xteleurope.com" target="_blank">Xtel Europe</a> - 01342 335000</td> <td>Xtel now handle all billing and technical issues instead of BT </td> </tr> <tr valign="top" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <td colspan="3"><strong>Mobile Phones</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>o2</td> <td>Mike Rogerson - 01928 702 308<br> <a href="mailto:mike.rogerson@o2.com">mike.rogerson@o2.com</a> </td> <td>Lost or stolen phones must be cancelled. </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>T-Mobile</td> <td>Jonathon Weeks (3b Direct)<br> 0151 335 3600 </td> <td>Lost or stolen phones must be cancelled. </td> </tr> </table>'; $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $_GET["searchLink"]), 'search' => array('title' => 'Property Search', 'label' => 'Property Search', 'link' => '../property_search.php')); $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array); $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle("Technical Support Contacts"); $page->addStyleSheet('../css/styles.css'); $page->addScript('../js/global.js'); $page->addBodyContent($header_and_menu); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content_wide">'); $page->addBodyContent($navbar); $page->addBodyContent($render); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->display();
#content table, #content tr, #content td { margin:0; padding:0; } #content td { margin:0; padding:5px; border-bottom:1px solid black; } #content h1 { margin:10px 0 5px 0; font-size:20px; color:#666666; } #content h2 { margin:20px 0 5px 0; font-size:16px; color:#999999; } #content hr { margin:20px 0 20px 0; } '; $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle("Stats"); $page->addStyleSheet(getDefaultCss()); $page->addStyleDeclaration($css); $page->addScript('js/global.js'); $page->addBodyContent($header_and_menu); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">'); $page->addBodyContent($render); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->display();
$jumpRight = '0'; } else { $jumpRight = $jumpRight - $width; } // scroll to active appointment (or current hour) minus 120 to show previous hour $onLoad .= ' window.print(); '; //window.focus(); $js_footer = '<script type="text/javascript"> // <!-- window.onLoad = ' . $onLoad . ' // --> </script>'; $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle('Calendar'); $page->addStyleSheet(GLOBAL_URL . 'css/styles_print.css'); $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js'); $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/overlib/overlibmws.js'); //$page->setBodyAttributes(array('style'=>'background-color: #'.$calendar_bg_colour.'; background-image: url(\'/images/sys/admin/calendar_bg.gif\');background-repeat: repeat')); //'onLoad'=>$onLoad, $page->addBodyContent('<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000"></div>'); #$page->addBodyContent('<div id="loading" style="width:100%; text-align:center; padding-top:200px"><h1><img src="/images/sys/admin/ajax-loader.gif" /> Loading</h1></div>'); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="calendar">'); //style="display: none;" $page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px; width:50px; position: absolute">' . "\n" . $hourBar . '</div>' . "\n"); $page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px;">' . "\n" . $render . '</div>' . "\n"); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->addBodyContent($js_footer); $page->display();
<?php require_once "inx/global.inc.php"; // printer friendly deal details if (!$_GET["dea_id"]) { die("no dea_id"); } if ($_GET["dea_id"]) { $stage = $_GET["dea_id"]; } else { $stage = $_POST["dea_id"]; } // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $sql = "SELECT\n\tdeal.*,DATE_FORMAT(deal.dea_available,'%D %M %Y') as date_available_formatted,\n\tmedia.*,\n\tarea.are_title,\n\tpro_addr3,LEFT(pro_postcode, 4) AS pro_postcode,\n\tpro_east,pro_north,pro_latitude,pro_longitude,\n\tCONCAT(use_fname,' ',use_sname) AS use_name,\n\tbranch.bra_id,branch.bra_title,\n\tT.pty_title AS ptype,\n\tST.pty_title AS psubtype,\n\tGROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(feature.fea_title) ORDER BY feature.fea_id ASC SEPARATOR '~') AS features\nFROM\n\tdeal\n\nLEFT JOIN property ON deal.dea_prop = property.pro_id\nLEFT JOIN area ON property.pro_area = area.are_id\nLEFT JOIN branch ON deal.dea_branch = branch.bra_id\nLEFT JOIN user ON deal.dea_neg = user.use_id\n\nLEFT JOIN ptype AS T ON deal.dea_ptype = T.pty_id\nLEFT JOIN ptype AS ST ON deal.dea_psubtype = ST.pty_id\n\nLEFT JOIN media ON deal.dea_id = media.med_row AND media.med_table = 'deal'\n\nLEFT JOIN link_instruction_to_feature ON dealId = deal.dea_id\nLEFT JOIN feature ON featureId = feature.fea_id\n\nWHERE\ndeal.dea_id = {$stage}\nGROUP BY med_id\nORDER BY media.med_order\n"; //echo $sql; $q = $db->query($sql); if (DB::isError($q)) { die("db error: " . $q->getMessage()); } $numRows = $q->numRows(); if ($numRows == 0) { echo "select error<br>{$sql}"; exit; } else { while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) { /** * @var $dea_id * @var $pro_addr3 * @var $dea_strapline * @var $dea_description
$form = new Form(); $form->addForm("app_form", "GET", $PHP_SELF); $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n"); $form->addField("hidden", "action", "", "update"); $form->addField("hidden", "app_id", "", $app_id); $form->addField("hidden", "app_type", "", $app_type); $form->addField("hidden", "searchLink", "", urlencode($searchLink)); $form->addHtml("<fieldset>\n"); $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Add ' . $app_type . '</div>'); $form->addData($formData1, $_GET); $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit')))); $form->addHtml('</div>'); $navbar_array = array('search' => array('title' => 'Appointment Search', 'label' => 'Appointment Search', 'link' => 'appointment_search.php')); $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array); //replaceQueryStringArray($_GET["searchLink"],array('app_id')) $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle("Appointment"); $page->addStyleSheet(getDefaultCss()); $page->addScript('js/global.js'); $page->addScript('js/scriptaculous/prototype.js'); $page->addScript('js/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js'); $page->addScript('js/CalendarPopup.js'); $page->addScriptDeclaration('document.write(getCalendarStyles());var popcalapp_date = new CalendarPopup("popCalDivapp_date");popcalapp_date.showYearNavigation(); '); $page->addBodyContent($header_and_menu); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">'); $page->addBodyContent($navbar); $page->addBodyContent($form->renderForm()); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->display(); exit; } else {
<?php require_once "inx/global.inc.php"; // list users $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); if ($_GET["stage"]) { $stage = $_GET["stage"]; } elseif ($_POST["stage"]) { $stage = $_POST["stage"]; } else { $stage = 1; } switch ($stage) { ########################################################### # stage 1 - list ########################################################### case 1: if ($_GET["orderby"]) { $orderby = $_GET["orderby"]; $return["orderby"] = $orderby; } else { $orderby = 'use_name'; } if ($_GET['direction']) { $direction = $_GET['direction']; } else { $direction = 'ASC'; } $searchLink = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . urlencode('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $sql = "SELECT\nCONCAT(use_fname,' ',use_sname) AS use_name,\nuser.*,\nbranch.bra_title\nFROM\nuser\nLEFT JOIN branch ON user.use_branch = branch.bra_id\nWHERE\nuse_status = 'Active'\n\nORDER BY {$orderby} {$direction}"; $q = $db->query($sql);
<td>' . preg_replace("/\\([a-z0-9\\ ]+\\)/", "", $row["pro_addr"]) . '</td> <td class="nowrap">' . $row["use_name"] . '</td> <td><a href="appointment_edit.php?app_id=' . $row["app_id"] . '&searchLink=' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '"><img src="/images/sys/admin/icons/edit-icon.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="View Appointment" /></a></td> <td><a href="/admin4/appointment/feedback/id/id=' . $row["d2a_id"] . '"><img src="/images/sys/admin/icons/comment_add.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Leave Feedback" /></a></td> </tr> '; $countLettings++; } } $feedback = ' <h1>Missing Feedback Sales (' . $countSales . ')</h1> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> ' . $feedback . '</table>'; $feedback2 = ' <h1>Missing Feedback Lettings (' . $countLettings . ')</h1> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> ' . $feedback2 . '</table>'; } $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle("Leave Feedback"); $page->addStyleSheet(getDefaultCss()); $page->addScriptDeclaration($js); $page->addScript('js/global.js'); $page->addBodyContent($header_and_menu); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="home"><table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr valign="top"><td width="50%">'); $page->addBodyContent($feedback); $page->addBodyContent('</td><td width="50%">'); $page->addBodyContent($feedback2); $page->addBodyContent('</td></tr></table>'); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->display();
// The initializing code can also be in in the form of an HTML // attr="value" string. // Possible attributes are: // - cache ("true" or "false") // - charset (e.g., "utf-8") // - doctype (e.g., "XHTML Basic 1.0") // - language (two letter designator: e.g., "en") // - lineend ("unix", "win", "mac", custom string) // - mime (e.g., "application/xhtml+xml") // - namespace (URI) // - profile (URI) // - tab (e.g., " ") // - disableProlog (bool) // All the above have defaults, so it is not necessary // to specify everything. For example, the proper namespace // is chosen by default. $page = new HTML_Page2(['lineend' => 'unix', 'doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', 'language' => 'en', 'cache' => 'false', 'tab' => ' ']); // Page title defaults to "New $doctypeString Compliant Page" $page->setTitle("HTML_Page2 Color Chart example"); $page->setMetaData("author", "Klaus Guenther"); // let's add a Content-Type meta tag $page->setMetaContentType(); // Objects with toHtml and toString are supported. $page->addBodyContent($table); $page->addBodyContent('<p>Copyright 2003 The PHP Group</p>'); // oops, forgot to add the header: $page->addBodyContent("<h1>Color Chart</h1>", HTML_PAGE2_PREPEND); // output to browser $page->display(); // or to a file //$page->toFile('example.html');
if (!$numRows) { $_GET["stage"] = 'client_address'; } unset($sql, $q, $numRows); } } if ($_GET["stage"]) { $stage = $_GET["stage"]; } elseif ($_POST["stage"]) { $stage = $_POST["stage"]; } else { // default to viewing_address, we no longer need to stages before this as it is all done by client_lookup.php $stage = "viewing_address"; } // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); switch ($stage) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // client_address // only appears if selected client has no address ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case "client_address": // see if we have client's old address on file and display $sql = "SELECT cli_oldaddr FROM client WHERE cli_id = {$cli_id}"; $cli_oldaddr = $db->getOne($sql); // we will only have a pro_pro_id in the GET when returning from error message // so build a form that is read-only populated with the data, and give button to change, which shows ajax screen again if ($_GET["pro_pro_id"]) { $sqlP = "SELECT * FROM property WHERE pro_id = " . $_GET["pro_pro_id"] . " LIMIT 1"; $qP = $db->query($sqlP); if (DB::isError($qP)) {
$stage = "valuation_address"; } // this page cannot be used without a cli_id if (!$_GET["cli_id"]) { header("Location:client_lookup.php?dest=import"); exit; } else { $cli_id = $_GET["cli_id"]; } if ($_SESSION["auth"]["default_scope"] == 'Lettings') { $owner = 'Landlord'; } else { $owner = 'Vendor'; } // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); switch ($stage) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // valuation_address // search deal+property and display any linked properties // else, enter property to be valued details ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case "valuation_address": if ($_GET["dea_id"]) { $sql = "SELECT dea_prop FROM deal WHERE dea_id = " . $_GET["dea_id"]; $q = $db->query($sql); if (DB::isError($q)) { die("db error: " . $q->getMessage() . $sql); } $numRows = $q->numRows(); while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
if (now - lastEvent > threshold){ window.location.reload(true); } } document.body.onmousemove=function(){ lastEvent = (new Date()).getTime(); }; window.setInterval(doReload, ' . $calendar_reload_delay . '); window.onLoad = ' . $onLoad . ' // --> </script>'; $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle('Calendar'); $page->addStyleSheet(getDefaultCss()); $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/global.js'); $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/overlib/overlibmws.js'); $page->setBodyAttributes(array('style' => 'background-color: #' . $calendar_bg_colour . '; background-image: url(\'/images/sys/admin/calendar_bg.gif\');background-repeat: repeat')); //'onLoad'=>$onLoad, $page->addBodyContent('<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000"></div>'); #$page->addBodyContent('<div id="loading" style="width:100%; text-align:center; padding-top:200px"><h1><img src="/images/sys/admin/ajax-loader.gif" /> Loading</h1></div>'); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="calendar">'); //style="display: none;" $page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px; width:50px; position: absolute">' . "\n" . $hourBar . '</div>' . "\n"); $page->addBodyContent('<div style="height:' . ($default_workingday_end - $default_workingday_start + 1) * (60 * $zoom) . 'px;">' . "\n" . $render . '</div>' . "\n"); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->addBodyContent($js_footer); $page->display();
<?php require_once "inx/global.inc.php"; if (!$_GET["stage"]) { $stage = 1; } else { $stage = $_GET["stage"]; } // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); switch ($stage) { ########################################################### # stage 1 - applicant details ########################################################### case 1: // must have cli_id, obtained from client_lookup.php if (!$_GET["cli_id"]) { header("Location:client_lookup.php"); exit; } // default scope if (!$_GET["cli_sales"] && $_SESSION["auth"]["default_scope"] == 'Sales') { $_GET["cli_sales"] = 'Yes'; } if (!$_GET["cli_lettings"] && $_SESSION["auth"]["default_scope"] == 'Lettings') { $_GET["cli_lettings"] = 'Yes'; } foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { ${$key} = trim($val); } // returns an array for the multi-dropdown source fields
$form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Address</div>'); $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">'); // show old address from import if ($con_oldaddr && !$render_addresses) { $form->addHtml($form->addRow('textarea', 'con_oldaddr', 'Old Address', $con_oldaddr, array('style' => 'width:400px', 'readonly' => 'readonly'), '', 'Please re-enter this address into the form below')); } // add address table $form->addHtml($render_addresses); // add new address $form->addRow('radio', 'p2c_type', 'Type', 'Home', '', db_enum("pro2con", "p2c_type", "array")); $form->ajaxPostcode("by_freetext", "pro"); $form->addHtml("</div>\n"); $form->addHtml("</fieldset>\n"); $onLoad .= 'showForm(' . $viewForm . ');self.focus; '; // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $additional_js = ' if (!previousID) { var previousID = "form' . $viewForm . '"; } '; if ($_GET["msg"]) { $onLoad .= 'javascript:hideMsg();'; $msg = ' <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!-- function hideMsg(){ setTimeout("hideMsgDiv()",1500); } function hideMsgDiv() {
</div> '; $results = ' <table> <tr> ' . columnHeader(array(array('title' => 'Name', 'column' => 'cli_name', 'colspan' => '2'), array('title' => 'Email', 'column' => 'cli_email'), array('title' => 'Address', 'column' => 'cli_addr'), array('title' => 'Telephone', 'column' => 'tel_number'), array('title' => 'First Reg\'d', 'column' => 'cli_created'), array('title' => 'Last Updated', 'column' => 'cli_timestamp'), array('title' => ' ')), $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) . ' </tr>'; foreach ($data as $output) { $results .= $output; } $results .= '</table> '; } else { $results = ' No pending clients found'; } $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $form = new Form(); $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n"); $form->addForm("", "get", "client_contact.php"); $form->addHtml("<fieldset>\n"); $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Pending Lettings</div>'); $form->addHtml('<div id="results_table">'); $form->addHtml($header); $form->addHtml($results); $form->addHtml($footer); $form->addHtml('</div>'); $form->addHtml("</fieldset>\n"); $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $returnLink), 'search' => array('title' => 'Client Search', 'label' => 'Client Search', 'link' => 'client_search.php')); $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array); $page->setTitle("Client > New Pending Clients"); $page->addStyleSheet(getDefaultCss());
function _renderForm(&$page) { $pageName = $page->getAttribute('name'); $tabPreview = array_slice($page->controller->_tabs, -2, 1); $tab = ' '; $p = new HTML_Page2(array('lineend' => PHP_EOL, 'tab' => $tab, 'doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', 'language' => 'en', 'cache' => 'false')); $p->disableXmlProlog(); $p->setTitle('PEAR::HTML_Progress2 - Generator'); $p->setMetaData('author', 'Laurent Laville'); $styles = ' body { background-color: #7B7B88; font-family: Verdana, Arial, helvetica; font-size: 10pt; } h1 { color: #FFC; text-align: center; } .maintable { width: 100%; border-width: 0; border-style: thin dashed; border-color: #D0D0D0; background-color: #EEE; cellspacing: 2; cellspadding: 3; } th { text-align: center; color: #FFC; background-color: #AAA; white-space: nowrap; } input { font-family: Verdana, Arial, helvetica; } input.flat { border-style: solid; border-width: 2px 2px 0 2px; border-color: #996; } '; // on preview tab, add progress bar javascript and stylesheet if ($pageName == $tabPreview[0][0]) { $pb = $page->controller->createProgressBar(); $pb->setTab($tab); $p->addStyleDeclaration($styles . $pb->getStyle()); $p->addScriptDeclaration($pb->getScript()); $pbElement =& $page->getElement('progressBar'); $pbElement->setText($pb->toHtml() . '<br /><br />'); } else { $p->addStyleDeclaration($styles); } $formTemplate = "\n<form{attributes}>" . "\n<table style=\"font-size: 8pt;\" class=\"maintable\">" . "\n{content}" . "\n</table>" . "\n</form>"; $headerTemplate = "\n<tr>" . "\n\t<th colspan=\"2\">" . "\n\t\t{header}" . "\n\t</th>" . "\n</tr>"; $elementTemplate = "\n\t<tr>" . "\n\t\t<td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\" width=\"30%\">" . "<!-- BEGIN required --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">*</span><!-- END required -->" . "<b>{label}</b></td>" . "\n\t\t<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">" . "<!-- BEGIN error --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->" . "\t{element}</td>" . "\n\t</tr>"; $groupTemplate = "<table><tr>{content}</tr></table>"; $groupElementTemplate = "<td>{element}<br />" . "<span style=\"font-size:10px;\">" . "<span class=\"label\">{label}</span>" . "</span></td>"; $renderer =& $page->defaultRenderer(); $renderer->setFormTemplate($formTemplate); $renderer->setHeaderTemplate($headerTemplate); $renderer->setElementTemplate($elementTemplate); $renderer->setGroupTemplate($groupTemplate, 'name'); $renderer->setGroupElementTemplate($groupElementTemplate, 'name'); $page->accept($renderer); $p->addBodyContent($renderer->toHtml()); $p->display(); }
</tr> <tr> <td><a href="appointment_search.php?action=advanced_search&status=Active&branch=' . $to_pass["branch"] . '&date_from=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&date_to=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&searchLink=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . urlencode('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '">Active: ' . $countActive . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="appointment_search.php?action=advanced_search&status=Cancelled&branch=' . $to_pass["branch"] . '&date_from=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&date_to=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&searchLink=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . urlencode('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '">Cancelled: ' . $countCancelled . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="appointment_search.php?action=advanced_search&status=Deleted&branch=' . $to_pass["branch"] . '&date_from=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&date_to=' . date('d/m/Y') . '&searchLink=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . urlencode('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '">Deleted: ' . $countDeleted . '</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> '; $render .= '</td> </tr> </table>'; $onLoad = 'writeCalHeight(\'cal_iframe\',\'' . $allDayDivHeight . '\');'; $onResize = 'writeCalHeight(\'cal_iframe\',\'' . $allDayDivHeight . '\');'; $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle("Calendar"); $page->addStyleSheet(getDefaultCss()); $page->addScript('js/global.js'); $page->addScript(GLOBAL_URL . 'js/overlib/overlibmws.js'); $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onResize' => $onResize)); //'onLoad'=>$onLoad, $page->addBodyContent($header_and_menu); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content_cal">'); $page->addBodyContent($render); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->addBodyContent('<script type="text/javascript"> window.onLoad = ' . $onLoad . ' </script>'); $page->display();
map : map, position : latlng }); google.maps.event.addListener(map, "click", function (event) { marker.setPosition(event.latLng); document.getElementById("pro_latitude").value = event.latLng.lat(); document.getElementById("pro_longitude").value = event.latLng.lng(); }); } </script>'); $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $searchLink), 'search' => array('title' => 'Client Search', 'label' => 'Client Search', 'link' => 'client_search.php')); $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array); $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $page->setTitle("Edit Address"); $page->addStyleSheet('../css/styles.css'); $page->addScript('../js/global.js'); $page->addBodyContent($header_and_menu); $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content_wide">'); $page->addBodyContent($navbar); $page->addBodyContent($form->renderForm()); $page->addBodyContent('</div>'); $page->display(); } else { // update // if making a change to a property record, we should remove pcid and dump data as it will be incorrect $result = new Validate(); $results = $result->process($formData1, $_GET); $db_data = $results['Results'];
<?php require_once "inx/global.inc.php"; // only accesible to SuperAdmin and Administrator pageAccess($_SESSION["auth"]["roles"], array('SuperAdmin', 'Administrator')); $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $sql = "SELECT use_id,use_fname,use_sname FROM user"; $q = $db->query($sql); if (DB::isError($q)) { die("db error: " . $q->getMessage()); } while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) { $users[$row["use_id"]] = $row["use_fname"] . ' ' . $row["use_sname"]; } $formData1 = array('use_id' => array('type' => 'select', 'label' => 'User', 'value' => $use_id, 'options' => $users, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'addr'), 'required' => 2), 'use_password' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Password', 'value' => $use_password, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'addr'), 'required' => 2, 'tooltip' => 'Passwords must be at least 8 characters, and contain at least one number and one UPPER CASE letter')); if (!$_GET["action"]) { $form = new Form(); $form->addForm("", "get", $PHP_SELF); $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n"); $form->addField("hidden", "action", "", "reset"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $form->addHtml("<fieldset>\n"); $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Reset Password</div>'); $form->addData($formData1, $_GET); $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", "", "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit')))); $form->addHtml("</fieldset>\n"); $form->addHtml('<pre>'); for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; ++$i) { $form->addHtml(random_string(16, 'safe') . "\n"); } $form->addHtml('</pre>');
$form->addHtml('<div class="block-header"><u>A</u>ddress</div>'); $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">'); // show old address from import if ($con_oldaddr && !$render_addresses) { $form->addHtml($form->addRow('textarea', 'con_oldaddr', 'Old Address', $con_oldaddr, array('style' => 'width:400px', 'readonly' => 'readonly'), '', 'Please re-enter this address into the form below')); } // add address table $form->addHtml($render_addresses); // add new address $form->addRow('radio', 'p2c_type', 'Type', 'Home', '', db_enum("pro2con", "p2c_type", "array")); $form->ajaxPostcode("by_freetext", "pro"); $form->addHtml("</div>\n"); $form->addHtml("</fieldset>\n"); $onLoad .= 'showForm(' . $viewForm . ');self.focus; '; // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); $additional_js = ' if (!previousID) { var previousID = "form' . $viewForm . '"; } '; if ($_GET["msg"]) { $onLoad .= 'javascript:hideMsg();'; $msg = ' <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!-- function hideMsg(){ setTimeout("hideMsgDiv()",1500); } function hideMsgDiv() {
<?php require_once "inx/global.inc.php"; if (!$_GET["stage"]) { $stage = 1; } else { $stage = $_GET["stage"]; } # go to client add form if client is NOT found $goto_notfound = "client_add.php"; # go to client add form if client is found $goto_found = "client_edit.php"; // start a new page $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults); switch ($stage) { ########################################################### # stage 1 - detailed search ########################################################### case 1: # advanced client search # detailed search of client database if (!$_GET["action"]) { if (!$_GET["scope"]) { $_GET["scope"] = $_SESSION["auth"]["default_scope"]; } // disable term (pw/pcm) unless term == let if ($_GET["scope"] == "Lettings") { $term_attributes = array(); } else { $term_attributes = array('disabled' => 'disabled'); }