public function index() { if (!empty($this->state->filter->group)) { $subselect = ItemGroupHandler::getChildren($this->state->filter->group, 'item'); $this->addConstraint('id IN (' . implode(',', $subselect) . ')'); } else { $subselect = array(); } $nav = $this->getPagination(); // get the subset (based on limits) of records $rows = SubscriptionPlanHandler::getFullPlanList($nav->limitstart, $nav->limit, $subselect, $this->state->sort, $this->state->search); $gcolors = array(); foreach ($rows as $n => $row) { $query = 'SELECT count(*)' . ' FROM #__acctexp_subscr' . ' WHERE plan = ' . $row->id . ' AND (status = \'Active\' OR status = \'Trial\')'; $this->db->setQuery($query); $rows[$n]->usercount = $this->db->loadResult(); if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) { echo $this->db->stderr(); return false; } $query = 'SELECT count(*)' . ' FROM #__acctexp_subscr' . ' WHERE plan = ' . $row->id . ' AND (status = \'Expired\')'; $this->db->setQuery($query); $rows[$n]->expiredcount = $this->db->loadResult(); if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) { echo $this->db->stderr(); return false; } $query = 'SELECT group_id' . ' FROM #__acctexp_itemxgroup' . ' WHERE type = \'item\'' . ' AND item_id = \'' . $rows[$n]->id . '\''; $this->db->setQuery($query); $groups = xJ::getDBArray($this->db); $rows[$n]->groups = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { if (empty($group)) { continue; } if (!isset($gcolors[$group])) { $gcolors[$group] = array(); $gcolors[$group]['color'] = ItemGroupHandler::groupColor($group); } $rows[$n]->groups[] = (object) array('id' => $group, 'color' => $gcolors[$group]['color']); } } $grouplist = ItemGroupHandler::getTree(); $glist = array(); $sel_groups = array(); $glist[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 0, '- - - - - -'); if (empty($this->state->filter->group)) { $sel_groups[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 0, '- - - - - -'); } foreach ($grouplist as $id => $glisti) { if (defined('JPATH_MANIFESTS')) { $glist[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $glisti[0], str_replace(' ', ' ', $glisti[1])); } else { $glist[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $glisti[0], $glisti[1]); } if (!empty($this->state->filter->group)) { if (in_array($glisti[0], $this->state->filter->group)) { $sel_groups[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $glisti[0], $glisti[1]); } } } $lists['filter_group'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $glist, 'group[]', 'size="4" multiple="multiple"', 'value', 'text', $sel_groups); $totals = array(); $query = 'SELECT count(*)' . ' FROM #__acctexp_subscr' . ' WHERE (status = \'Active\' OR status = \'Trial\')' . (empty($subselect) ? '' : ' AND plan IN (' . implode(',', $subselect) . ')'); $this->db->setQuery($query); $totals['active'] = $this->db->loadResult(); if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) { echo $this->db->stderr(); return false; } $query = 'SELECT count(*)' . ' FROM #__acctexp_subscr' . ' WHERE (status = \'Expired\')' . (empty($subselect) ? '' : ' AND plan IN (' . implode(',', $subselect) . ')'); $this->db->setQuery($query); $totals['expired'] = $this->db->loadResult(); if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) { echo $this->db->stderr(); return false; } foreach ($rows as $rid => $row) { $rows[$rid]->link = 'index.php?option=com_acctexp&task=index&entity=Membership&plan=' . $row->id . '&groups[]=all'; $rows[$rid]->link_active = 'index.php?option=com_acctexp&task=index&entity=Membership&plan=' . $row->id . '&groups[]=active'; $rows[$rid]->link_expired = 'index.php?option=com_acctexp&task=index&entity=Membership&plan=' . $row->id . '&groups[]=expired'; if ($totals['expired']) { $rows[$rid]->expired_percentage = $row->expiredcount / ($totals['expired'] / 100); } else { $rows[$rid]->expired_percentage = 0; } $rows[$rid]->expired_inner = false; if ($rows[$rid]->expired_percentage > 45) { $rows[$rid]->expired_inner = true; } if ($totals['active']) { $rows[$rid]->active_percentage = $row->usercount / ($totals['active'] / 100); } else { $rows[$rid]->active_percentage = 0; } $rows[$rid]->active_inner = false; if ($rows[$rid]->active_percentage > 45) { $rows[$rid]->active_inner = true; } if ($totals['active'] + $totals['expired']) { $rows[$rid]->total_percentage = ($row->expiredcount + $row->usercount) / (($totals['active'] + $totals['expired']) / 100); } else { $rows[$rid]->total_percentage = 0; } $rows[$rid]->total_inner = false; if ($rows[$rid]->total_percentage > 20) { $rows[$rid]->total_inner = true; } if (!empty($row->desc)) { $rows[$rid]->desc = stripslashes(strip_tags($row->desc)); if (strlen($rows[$rid]->desc) > 50) { $rows[$rid]->desc = substr($rows[$rid]->desc, 0, 50) . ' ...'; } } } HTML_AcctExp::listSubscriptionPlans($rows, $this->state, $lists, $nav); }