  * create the content of upcoming dates
  * @return string html-content
  * @global Options determine how many days before event should contact be shown?
 function innerCreate()
     global $options, $CONFIG_DATELIST_NAME_SPEC;
     $contacts = $this->contactList->getContacts();
     $dates = $this->contactList->getDates();
     $data = array();
     $time = getdate();
     if (!isset($CONFIG_DATELIST_NAME_SPEC)) {
         $spec = null;
     } else {
         $spec = $CONFIG_DATELIST_NAME_SPEC;
     foreach ($contacts as $k => $c) {
         $data[] = array('display_name' => $c->generateFullName('html', $spec), 'type' => $dates[$k]['type'], 'time' => date('M j', strtotime('1975-' . $dates[$k]['month'] . '-' . $dates[$k]['day'])) . ($dates[$k]['year'] != '0000' ? ', ' . $dates[$k]['year'] : ''), 'age' => intval($time['year'] - $dates[$k]['year']) . 'y', 'daysAway' => $dates[$k]['daysAway'] > 0 ? $dates[$k]['daysAway'] . 'd' : 'today');
     $tGen = new TableGenerator('changed-list');
     $cont = '<table class="changed-list">';
     $cont .= '<caption>Upcoming dates (Next ' . $options->getOption('bdayInterval') . ' days)</caption>';
     if (count($data) > 0) {
         $cont .= $tGen->generateBody($data, array('display_name', 'type', 'time', 'age', 'daysAway'));
     } else {
         $cont .= '<tr class="noentry"><td>Nothing upcoming</td></tr>';
     $cont .= '</table>';
     return HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('changed-list', $cont);
  * create the content of the options page
  * @return string html-content
  * @global ErrorHandler used for error handling
  * @uses createPasswordForm()
  * @uses createEmailForm()
  * @uses createOptionsForm()
 function innerCreate()
     global $errorHandler;
     $cont = '<div class="options">';
     $cont .= $this->nav->create();
     $box = '';
     $rightsManager = RightsManager::getSingleton();
     if (!$rightsManager->isSelf($this->user)) {
         $box .= '<div class="options-title">Edit the options of ' . $this->user->contact['lastname'] . ', ' . $this->user->contact['firstname'] . '</div>';
     } else {
         $box .= '<div class="options-title">Edit your options</div>';
     $box .= '<div class="options-box">';
     if ($rightsManager->currentUserIsAllowedTo('edit-options-password', $this->user)) {
         $box .= $this->createPasswordForm();
     if ($rightsManager->currentUserIsAllowedTo('edit-options-regemail', $this->user)) {
         $box .= $this->createEmailForm();
     if ($rightsManager->currentUserIsAllowedTo('edit-options-useroptions', $this->user)) {
         $box .= $this->createOptionsForm();
     $box .= '</div>';
     return $cont . HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('options-content', $box) . '</div>';
  * create the content of admin panel
  * @return string html-content
  * @global ErrorHandler used for error handling
  * @uses createPluginForm()
  * @uses createUserManagementForm()
  * @uses createOptionsForm()
  * @uses createBackupDatabaseForm()
 function innerCreate()
     $cont = '<div class="admin-panel">';
     $cont .= $this->nav->create();
     $box = '<div class="admin-content">';
     $box .= '<div class="admin-title">Administration Options</div>';
     $box .= '<div class="admin-box">';
     $box .= $this->createUserManagementForm();
     $box .= $this->createPluginForm();
     $box .= $this->createBackupDatabaseForm();
     $box .= $this->createOptionsForm();
     $box .= $this->createGroupTableEditor();
     $box .= '</div></div>';
     return $cont . HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('admin-content', $box) . '</div>';
  * creates list of contacts, or a no entries found page
  * @return string html-content
 function innerCreate()
     $cont = '<div class="options">';
     $cont .= $this->nav->create();
     $box = '<div class="options-title">Import</div>';
     $box .= '<form action="import.php" method="post">';
     $box .= '<div><label for="mails">Paste text data:</label></div>';
     $box .= '<div><textarea name="text" id="text" cols="60" rows="20"></textarea></div>';
     $box .= '<br><div>';
     $box .= HTMLHelper::createRadioButton('format', 'vCard(s)', 'vCard', true, null, false);
     //$box .= HTMLHelper::createRadioButton('format','vCard(s)','csv',true,null,false);
     $box .= '</div>';
     $box .= '<br><div>';
     $box .= HTMLHelper::createRadioButton('continue', 'More input', 'interface', true, null, false);
     $box .= HTMLHelper::createRadioButton('continue', 'Review last card', 'card', false, null, false);
     $box .= '</div>';
     $box .= '<br><div><input type="submit"/></div>';
     $box .= '</form>';
     return $cont . HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('options-content', $box) . '</div>';
  * create the content of admin panel
  * @return string html-content
  * @global ErrorHandler used for error handling
  * @global PluginManager used for plugin handling (i.e. additional editable fields)
  * @uses createNameFieldset()
  * @uses createAddressFieldset()
  * @uses createProperties()
  * @uses createMugshotFieldset()
  * @uses createNotesFieldset()
  * @uses createGroupsFieldset()
 function innerCreate()
     global $errorHandler, $pluginManager;
     $outer = '<div class="edit-container">';
     $outer .= $this->menu->create();
     $outer .= '<div class="clear-both"></div>';
     if ($this->add) {
         $cont = '<div class="edit-title">Add new entry</div>';
     } else {
         $cont = '<div class="edit-title">Edit entry for ' . $this->contact->contact['firstname'] . ' ' . $this->contact->contact['lastname'] . '</div>';
     $cont .= '<div class="edit-box">';
     $cont .= '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" name="editEntry" method="post" action="?mode=save">';
     if (!$this->add) {
         $cont .= '<input type="hidden" name="contact[id]" value="' . $this->contact->contact['id'] . '" />';
     // ========== NAME AND ADDRESS ==========
     $cont .= $this->createNameFieldset();
     $cont .= $this->createAddressFieldset();
     // ========== Preload Data from Contact ==========
     $this->valueGroups['phone'] = $this->contact->getValueGroup('phone');
     $this->valueGroups['email'] = $this->contact->getValueGroup('email');
     $this->valueGroups['chat'] = $this->contact->getValueGroup('chat');
     $this->valueGroups['www'] = $this->contact->getValueGroup('www');
     $this->valueGroups['other'] = $this->contact->getValueGroup('other');
     //================ MANDATORY ================
     // EXAMPLE for ADDING MANDATORY/SUGGESTED fields: uncomment the following code block
     // I suggest you put the class into MyPageContactEdit.class.php and replace this class (see config.php)
     $cont .= '<fieldset class="edit-additionals">';
     $cont .= '<legend>Contact</legend>';
     $cont .= $this->createFixedPropertyInput('phone', 'Tel', 'visible');
     $cont .= $this->createFixedPropertyInput('phone', 'Mobile', 'visible');
     $cont .= $this->createFixedPropertyInput('other', 'Fax', 'visible');
     $cont .= $this->createFixedPropertyInput('email', 'E-Mail', 'visible');
     $cont .= '</fieldset>';
     $cont .= '<fieldset class="edit-additionals">';
     $cont .= '<legend>Job</legend>';
     $cont .= $this->createFixedPropertyInput('other', 'Job Title', 'visible');
     $cont .= $this->createFixedPropertyInput('other', 'Superior', 'visible');
     $cont .= $this->createFixedPropertyInput('other', 'Prof. qualification', 'visible');
     $cont .= $this->createFixedPropertyInput('other', 'Prof. qualification', 'visible');
     $cont .= '</fieldset>';
     // ========== Communications ==========
     $cont .= '<fieldset class="edit-additionals">';
     $cont .= '<legend>Communications</legend>';
     $cont .= $this->editHint();
     $opt = array('email' => 'email', 'phone' => 'phone', 'chat' => 'chat', ' ' => 'delete');
     $cont .= $this->createNormalProperties($opt, 'email');
     $cont .= $this->createNormalProperties($opt, 'phone');
     $cont .= $this->createNormalProperties($opt, 'chat');
     $cont .= $this->createNormalProperties($opt, 'blank');
     $cont .= '</fieldset>';
     // ========== Information ==========
     $cont .= '<fieldset class="edit-additionals">';
     $cont .= '<legend>Information</legend>';
     $cont .= $this->editHint();
     $opt = array('other' => 'other', 'www' => 'url', ' ' => 'delete');
     $cont .= $this->createNormalProperties($opt, 'www', 90, 310);
     $cont .= $this->createNormalProperties($opt, 'other', 90, 310);
     $cont .= $this->createNormalProperties($opt, 'blank', 90, 310);
     $cont .= '</fieldset>';
     // ========== Dates ==========
     $cont .= '<fieldset class="edit-additionals">';
     $cont .= '<legend>Dates</legend>';
     $cont .= $this->editHint('date');
     $opt = array('yearly' => 'yearly', 'monthly' => 'monthly', 'weekly' => 'weekly', 'once' => 'once', 'autoremove' => 'autoremove', ' ' => 'delete');
     $cont .= $this->createDates($opt, 'date', 18, array(10, 10));
     $cont .= $this->createDates($opt, 'blank_date', 18, array(10, 10));
     $cont .= '</fieldset>';
     $cont .= '<fieldset class="edit-additionals">';
     $cont .= '<legend>Plugins</legend>';
     $cont .= '<div class="edit-line">';
     $cont .= $pluginManager->editContactInterface($this->contact, 'otherInfo');
     $cont .= '</div>';
     $cont .= '</fieldset>';
     $cont .= $pluginManager->editContactInterface($this->contact, 'ownFieldset');
     $cont .= $this->createMugshotFieldset();
     $cont .= $this->createNotesFieldset();
     $cont .= $this->createGroupsFieldset();
     $cont .= '</form>';
     $cont .= $this->menu->create('edit-menu');
     $cont .= '<br></div>';
     if (isset($this->contact->contact['lastUpdate'])) {
         $cont .= '<div class="update">This entry was last updated on ' . $this->contact->contact['lastUpdate'] . '</div>';
     return $outer . HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('edit-content', $cont) . '</div>';
  * creates the traditional output of TAB
 function createNormalContact()
     global $pluginManager, $CONFIG_CONTACT_NAME_SPEC;
     if (!isset($CONFIG_CONTACT_NAME_SPEC)) {
         $CONFIG_CONTACT_NAME_SPEC = array(array('namePrefix', ' '), array('firstname', ' '), array('middlename', ' '), 'lastname', array(', ', 'nameSuffix'));
     $title = HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('card-title', $this->contact->groups() . $this->contact->generateFullName('html', $CONFIG_CONTACT_NAME_SPEC));
     $top = '<div class="card-top">';
     $top .= $this->image->html('card-picture');
     $top .= $this->contact->addresses();
     // Output emphomess
     $top .= '<div class="card-emphomess">';
     $top .= $this->contact->emails(NULL, NULL);
     // return not address associated emails
     $top .= $this->contact->phones(NULL, NULL);
     $top .= $this->contact->messaging(NULL, NULL);
     $top .= '</div></div>';
     $bot = '<div class="card-bottom">';
     $bot .= $this->contact->additionals(NULL, NULL);
     $bot .= $this->contact->dates(NULL, NULL);
     $bot .= $this->contact->webs(NULL, NULL);
     $bot .= $pluginManager->contactOutput($this->contact, 'beforeNotes');
     $bot .= $this->createUserInfo();
     $bot .= $this->contact->notes();
     $bot .= '</div>';
     $box = $title . HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('card-box', $top . $bot);
     $link = '';
     if (isset($this->contact->contact['whoModified'])) {
         $who = new User(intval($this->contact->contact['whoModified']));
         if (isset($who->contact['id'])) {
             $link = ' by <a class="update" href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $who->contact['id'] . '">' . $who->contact['lastname'] . ', ' . $who->contact['firstname'] . '</a>';
         } else {
     $footer = '<div class="update"><span>This entry was last updated on</span> ' . $this->contact->contact['lastUpdate'] . $link . '</div></div>';
     return '<div class="vcard">' . $box . '</div>' . $footer;
  * create the content of admin panel
  * @return string html-content
  * @global ErrorHandler used for error handling
  * @global PluginManager used for plugin handling (i.e. additional editable fields)
  * @uses createXSLTContact()
  * @uses createMandatoryPropertyFields()
  * @uses createNameFieldset()
  * @uses createAddressFieldset()
  * @uses createProperties()
  * @uses createMugshotFieldset()
  * @uses createNotesFieldset()
  * @uses createGroupsFieldset()
 function innerCreate()
     global $errorHandler;
     $outer = '<div class="edit-container">';
     $outer .= $this->menu->create();
     $outer .= '<div class="clear-both"></div>';
     // is there a XSLT stylesheet to display the contact?
     if ($this->enableXSLTProcessing && !empty($this->contact->contact['xsltDisplayType'])) {
         $transformationFile = 'lib/xslt/' . $this->contact->contact['xsltDisplayType'] . '-edit.xsl';
         if (file_exists($transformationFile)) {
             $cont = $this->createXSLTEditPage($transformationFile);
         } else {
             $errorHandler->warning('File not found: ' . $transformationFile, basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
     if (!isset($cont)) {
         $cont = $this->createNormalEditPage();
     return $outer . HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('edit-content', $cont) . '</div><script type="text/javascript">widgInit();</script>';
     // manual init; fails in FF if onload is already set
  * creates html from currently saved links
  * creates a navigation based on nested &lt;ul&gt;'s. Formatting has to be done with css
  * @param string $class css class for the top-level &lt;ul&gt;
  * @return string html for the navigation
 function create()
     if (empty($this->content) || count($this->content) <= 0) {
         return '';
     $classhtml = $this->cssclass ? ' class="' . $this->cssclass . '"' : '';
     $cont = "<ul {$classhtml}>\n";
     foreach ($this->content as $id => $v) {
         $cont .= '<li' . ($this->opening ? ' onmouseover="einblenden(this);" onmouseout="ausblenden(this);"' : '') . '><a id="' . $id . '" href="' . $v['href'] . '" ' . $v['extraAttributes'] . '>' . $v['caption'] . "</a>\n";
         if (isset($v[0])) {
             $cont .= "<ul>\n";
             $i = 0;
             while (isset($v[$i])) {
                 $cont .= '<li><a href="' . $v[$i]['href'] . '" ' . $v[$i]['extraAttributes'] . '>' . $v[$i]['caption'] . "</a></li>\n";
             $cont .= "</ul>\n";
         $cont .= "</li>\n";
     $cont .= "</ul>\n";
     return HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel($this->cssclass, $cont);
  * create the table containing the contacts
  * @uses Contact
  * @return string html-content
  * @global GroupNormalizer used to modify the contact names, in order to get them correctly grouped
  * @uses TableGenerator
 function createTable()
     global $groupNormalizer;
     // create big table
     $contacts = $this->contactList->getContacts();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($contacts as $c) {
         if ($this->expand) {
             $p = Page::newPage('PageContact', $c);
             $data[] = array('cont' => $p->innerCreate(), 'css_class' => 'list-expanded-card', 'group_n' => $groupNormalizer->normalize(mb_substr($c->contact['lastname'], 0, 1)));
         $data[] = $c->generateListRowArray();
     $tGen = new TableGenerator('contact-list');
     $cont = '<table class="contact-list">';
     $cont .= '<caption>' . $this->contactList->getGroupCaption() . '</caption>';
     if (count($data) > 0) {
         if ($this->expand) {
             $cont .= $tGen->generateBody($data, array('cont'), 'css_class', 'group_n');
         } else {
             $cont .= $tGen->generateBody($data, range(0, count($data[0]) - 3), 'css_class', 'group_n');
     } else {
         $cont .= '<tr class="noentry"><td>No Entries.</td></tr>';
     $cont .= '</table>';
     return HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('contact-list', $cont);
  * create the content of recently changed
  * @return string html-content
  * @param boolean $compact whether list should be displayed with imported link and user who changed contact
  * @global Options determine how many days after change the contact should still be shown
 function innerCreate()
     global $options, $CONFIG_CHANGEDLIST_NAME_SPEC;
     $contacts = $this->contactList->getContacts();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($contacts as $c) {
         $who = new User(intval($c->contact['whoModified']));
         if (!isset($CONFIG_CHANGEDLIST_NAME_SPEC)) {
             $spec = null;
         } else {
             $spec = $CONFIG_CHANGEDLIST_NAME_SPEC;
         $data[] = array('display_name' => $c->generateFullName('html', $spec), 'chdate' => date('F j', strtotime($c->contact['lastUpdate'])), 'change' => $c->contact['lastModification'], 'reset' => '<a href="../admin/saveadmin.php?id=' . $c->contact['id'] . '&amp;mode=imported">imported</a>', 'who' => isset($who->contact['id']) ? '<a href="../contact/contact.php?id=' . $who->contact['id'] . '">' . $who->contact['lastname'] . (!empty($who->contact['firstname']) ? ', ' . $who->contact['firstname'] : '') . '</a>' : 'null');
     $tGen = new TableGenerator('changed-list');
     $cont = '<table class="changed-list">';
     $cont .= '<caption>Recently changed (past ' . $options->getOption('bdayInterval') . ' days)';
     if (!$this->expanded) {
         $cont .= '&nbsp;<a href="../contact/changedlist.php">expand</a>';
     $cont .= '</caption>';
     if (count($data) > 0) {
         if ($_SESSION['user']->isAtLeast('admin') && $this->expanded) {
             $cont .= $tGen->generateBody($data, array('display_name', 'chdate', 'change', 'reset', 'who'));
         } else {
             $cont .= $tGen->generateBody($data, array('display_name', 'chdate', 'change'));
     } else {
         $cont .= '<tr class="noentry"><td>Nothing changed</td></tr>';
     $cont .= '</table>';
     if ($this->expanded) {
         $cont .= '<div><a href="' . Navigation::previousPageUrl() . '">return</a></div><br>';
     return HTMLHelper::createNestedDivBoxModel('changed-list', $cont);