public function widget($args, $instance)
     $this->instance = $instance;
     $order = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'order', hocwp_get_value_by_key($this->args, 'order'));
     $orders = explode(',', $order);
     $orders = array_map('trim', $orders);
     $orders = hocwp_sanitize_array($orders);
     $option_names = $this->args['option_names'];
     $options = hocwp_get_option('option_social');
     $icons = $this->args['icons'];
     $description = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'description');
     hocwp_widget_before($args, $instance);
     if (!empty($description)) {
         echo hocwp_wrap_tag(wpautop($description), 'div', 'description');
     if (hocwp_array_has_value($orders)) {
         foreach ($orders as $social) {
             $option_name = hocwp_get_value_by_key($option_names, $social);
             $item = hocwp_get_value_by_key($options, $option_name);
             if (!empty($item)) {
                 $icon = '<i class="fa ' . $icons[$social] . '"></i>';
                 $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
                 $a->set_class('social-item link-' . $social);
     $widget_html = ob_get_clean();
     $widget_html = apply_filters('hocwp_widget_social_html', $widget_html, $args, $instance, $this);
     echo $widget_html;
     hocwp_widget_after($args, $instance);
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     $this->instance = $instance;
     $title_text = isset($instance['title']) ? $instance['title'] : '';
     $first_char = hocwp_get_first_char($title_text);
     if ('!' === $first_char) {
         $title_text = ltrim($title_text, '!');
     $banner_image = isset($instance['banner_image']) ? $instance['banner_image'] : '';
     $banner_url = isset($instance['banner_url']) ? $instance['banner_url'] : '';
     $banner_image = hocwp_sanitize_media_value($banner_image);
     $banner_image = $banner_image['url'];
     if (!empty($banner_image)) {
         hocwp_widget_before($args, $instance);
         $img = new HOCWP_HTML('img');
         $html = $img->build();
         if (!empty($banner_url)) {
             $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
             $a->set_attribute('title', $title_text);
             $nofollow = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'nofollow', hocwp_get_value_by_key($this->args, 'nofollow'));
             if ((bool) $nofollow) {
                 $a->set_attribute('rel', 'nofollow');
             $html = $a->build();
         $widget_html = apply_filters('hocwp_widget_banner_html', $html, $args, $instance, $this);
         echo $widget_html;
         hocwp_widget_after($args, $instance);
예제 #3
function hocwp_show_ads($args = array())
    $ads = $args;
    $position = '';
    if (!is_object($args)) {
        if (!is_array($args)) {
            $args = array('position' => $args);
        $position = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'position');
        if (!empty($position)) {
            $random = (bool) hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'random');
            $current_datetime = date(hocwp_get_date_format());
            $current_datetime = strtotime($current_datetime);
            $query_args = array('post_type' => 'hocwp_ads', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'meta_query' => array('relation' => 'AND', array('relation' => 'OR', array('key' => 'expire', 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'), array('key' => 'expire', 'value' => '', 'compare' => '='), array('key' => 'expire', 'value' => 0, 'type' => 'numeric'), array('key' => 'expire', 'value' => $current_datetime, 'type' => 'numeric', 'compare' => '>=')), array('key' => 'active', 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'numeric')));
            if ($random) {
                $query_args['orderby'] = 'rand';
            $ads = hocwp_get_post_by_meta('position', $position, $query_args);
            if ($ads->have_posts()) {
                $posts = $ads->posts;
                $ads = array_shift($posts);
    if (hocwp_is_post($ads) && 'hocwp_ads' == $ads->post_type) {
        $code = hocwp_get_post_meta('code', $ads->ID);
        if (empty($code)) {
            $image = hocwp_get_post_meta('image', $ads->ID);
            $image = hocwp_sanitize_media_value($image);
            $image = $image['url'];
            if (!empty($image)) {
                $img = new HOCWP_HTML('img');
                $url = hocwp_get_post_meta('url', $ads->ID);
                if (!empty($url)) {
                    $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
                    $code = $a->build();
                } else {
                    $code = $img->build();
        if (!empty($code)) {
            $class = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'class');
            hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($class, 'hocwp-ads text-center ads');
            if (!empty($position)) {
                hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($class, 'position-' . $position);
                $position = hocwp_sanitize_html_class($position);
                $class = hocwp_add_more_class($class, $position);
            hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($class, $ads->post_name);
            $div = new HOCWP_HTML('div');
            $html = $div->build();
            $html = apply_filters('hocwp_ads_html', $html, $ads_or_args = $args);
            echo $html;
예제 #4
function hocwp_facebook_comment($args = array())
    $args = apply_filters('hocwp_facebook_comment_args', $args);
    $colorscheme = isset($args['colorscheme']) ? $args['colorscheme'] : 'light';
    $colorscheme = apply_filters('hocwp_facebook_comment_colorscheme', $colorscheme, $args);
    $href = isset($args['href']) ? $args['href'] : '';
    if (empty($href)) {
        if (is_single() || is_page() || is_singular()) {
            $href = get_the_permalink();
    if (empty($href)) {
        $href = $this->get_current_url();
    $href = apply_filters('hocwp_facebook_comment_href', $href, $args);
    $mobile = isset($args['mobile']) ? $args['mobile'] : '';
    $num_posts = isset($args['num_posts']) ? $args['num_posts'] : 10;
    $num_posts = apply_filters('hocwp_facebook_comment_num_posts', $num_posts, $args);
    $order_by = isset($args['order_by']) ? $args['order_by'] : 'social';
    $width = isset($args['width']) ? $args['width'] : '100%';
    $width = apply_filters('hocwp_facebook_comment_width', $width, $args);
    $loading_text = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'loading_text', __('Loading...', 'hocwp-theme'));
    $div = new HOCWP_HTML('div');
    $atts = array('data-colorscheme' => $colorscheme, 'data-href' => $href, 'data-mobile' => $mobile, 'data-numposts' => $num_posts, 'data-order-by' => $order_by, 'data-width' => $width);
    $atts = apply_filters('hocwp_facebook_comment_attributes', $atts, $args);
 public function set_page_title_action($action, $url, $text)
     $action = hocwp_sanitize($action, 'html_class');
     hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($action, 'page-title-action');
     $link = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
     $link->set_attribute('href', $url);
     $this->page_title_action = $link->build();
예제 #6
function hocwp_post_link_only(WP_Post $post, $list = false)
    if (hocwp_is_post($post)) {
        $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
        if ($list) {
            $li = new HOCWP_HTML('li');
            $li->set_class(get_post_class('', $post->ID));
        } else {
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        $this->instance = $instance;
        global $post;
        $title = hocwp_widget_title($args, $instance, false);
        $post_type = $this->get_post_type_from_instance($instance);
        $post_types = array();
        foreach ($post_type as $fvdata) {
            $ptvalue = isset($fvdata['value']) ? $fvdata['value'] : '';
            if (!empty($ptvalue)) {
                $post_types[] = $ptvalue;
        $number = isset($instance['number']) ? $instance['number'] : $this->args['number'];
        $by = isset($instance['by']) ? $instance['by'] : $this->args['by'];
        $category = isset($instance['category']) ? $instance['category'] : json_encode($this->args['category']);
        $category = hocwp_json_string_to_array($category);
        $excerpt_length = isset($instance['excerpt_length']) ? $instance['excerpt_length'] : $this->args['excerpt_length'];
        $content_class = 'widget-content';
        $slider = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'slider', hocwp_get_value_by_key($this->args, 'slider'));
        $title_length = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'title_length', hocwp_get_value_by_key($this->args, 'title_length'));
        $hide_thumbnail = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'hide_thumbnail', hocwp_get_value_by_key($this->args, 'hide_thumbnail'));
        $widget_title_link_category = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'widget_title_link_category', hocwp_get_value_by_key($this->args, 'widget_title_link_category'));
        $category_as_widget_title = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'category_as_widget_title', hocwp_get_value_by_key($this->args, 'category_as_widget_title'));
        if ((bool) $slider) {
            hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($content_class, 'post-slider');
        if ('category' == $by && (bool) $widget_title_link_category) {
            $cvalue = current($category);
            $term_id = isset($cvalue['value']) ? $cvalue['value'] : '';
            $term_id = absint($term_id);
            if ($term_id > 0) {
                $taxonomy = isset($cvalue['taxonomy']) ? $cvalue['taxonomy'] : '';
                $link = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
                $link->set_href(get_term_link($term_id, $taxonomy));
                if ((bool) $category_as_widget_title) {
                    $term = get_term($term_id, $taxonomy);
                    $title = $term->name;
                } else {
                    $title = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'title');
                $title = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'before_title') . $link->build() . hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'after_title');
        $query_args = array('posts_per_page' => $number, 'post_type' => $post_types);
        $w_query = new WP_Query();
        $get_by = false;
        switch ($by) {
            case 'recent':
                $get_by = true;
            case 'modified':
            case 'recent_modified':
                $get_by = true;
                $query_args['orderby'] = 'modified';
                $query_args['order'] = 'DESC';
            case 'rand':
            case 'random':
                $get_by = true;
                $query_args['orderby'] = 'rand';
            case 'most_comment':
            case 'comment_count':
            case 'comment':
                $get_by = true;
                $query_args['orderby'] = 'comment_count';
            case 'category':
                foreach ($category as $cvalue) {
                    $term_id = isset($cvalue['value']) ? $cvalue['value'] : '';
                    $term_id = absint($term_id);
                    if ($term_id > 0) {
                        $taxonomy = isset($cvalue['taxonomy']) ? $cvalue['taxonomy'] : '';
                        if (!empty($taxonomy)) {
                            $tax_item = array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'field' => 'term_id', 'terms' => $term_id);
                            $query_args = hocwp_query_sanitize_tax_query($tax_item, $query_args);
                            $get_by = true;
            case 'related':
                $get_by = true;
            case 'like':
                $get_by = true;
                $query_args['meta_key'] = 'likes';
                $query_args['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num';
            case 'view':
                $get_by = true;
                $query_args['meta_key'] = 'views';
                $query_args['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num';
            case 'featured':
                $get_by = true;
            case 'favorite':
            case 'rate':
        $get_by = apply_filters('hocwp_widget_post_get_by_check_status', $get_by, $args, $instance, $this);
        if ($get_by) {
            $query_args = apply_filters('hocwp_widget_post_query_args', $query_args, $args, $instance, $this);
            if ('related' == $by) {
                $w_query = hocwp_query_related_post($query_args);
            } else {
                $w_query = hocwp_query($query_args);
        $widget_html = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'before_widget') . $title;
        $widget_html .= '<div class="' . $content_class . '">';
        $widget_post_pre_html = apply_filters('hocwp_widget_post_pre_html', '', $args, $instance, $this);
        if (!empty($widget_post_pre_html)) {
            $widget_html .= $widget_post_pre_html;
        } else {
            if ($w_query->have_posts()) {
                $widget_html .= apply_filters('hocwp_widget_post_before_loop', '', $args, $instance, $this);
                if ((bool) $slider) {
                    $four_posts = array_slice($w_query->posts, 0, 4);
                    $next_posts = array_slice($w_query->posts, 4, absint($w_query->post_count - 4));
                    $widget_content = apply_filters('hocwp_widget_post_pre_slider_html', '', $args, $instance, $this);
                    if (empty($widget_content)) {
                        $carousel_id = $this->id;
                        $carousel_id = hocwp_sanitize_id($carousel_id);
                        $count = 0;
						<div id="<?php 
                        echo $carousel_id;
" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
							<div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">
                        foreach ($four_posts as $post) {
                            $class = 'item';
                            if (0 == $count) {
                                hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($class, 'active');
									<div class="<?php 
                            echo $class;
                            do_action('hocwp_widget_post_slider_before_post', $args, $instance, $this);
                            if (!(bool) $hide_thumbnail) {
                                if ('coupon' == $post->post_type) {
                                    $store = hocwp_get_coupon_store($post->ID);
                                    echo '<div class="text-center store-logo">';
                                    hocwp_term_the_thumbnail(array('term' => $store, 'width' => 180, 'height' => 110));
                                    echo '</div>';
                                } else {
                                    hocwp_post_thumbnail(array('width' => 300, 'height' => 200));
                            do_action('hocwp_widget_post_slider_before_post_title', $args, $instance, $this);
                            hocwp_post_title_link(array('title' => hocwp_substr(get_the_title(), $title_length)));
                            do_action('hocwp_widget_post_slider_after_post_title', $args, $instance, $this);
                            do_action('hocwp_widget_post_slider_after_post', $args, $instance, $this);
							<ol class="carousel-indicators list-inline list-unstyled">
                        $count = count($four_posts);
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                            $indicator_class = 'indicator-item';
                            if (0 == $i) {
                                hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($indicator_class, 'active');
									<li data-target="#<?php 
                            echo $carousel_id;
" data-slide-to="<?php 
                            echo $i;
                            echo $indicator_class;
                            echo $i + 1;
							<a class="left carousel-control" href="#<?php 
                        echo $carousel_id;
" role="button"
								<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></span>
								<span class="sr-only"><?php 
                        _e('Previous', 'hocwp-theme');
							<a class="right carousel-control" href="#<?php 
                        echo $carousel_id;
" role="button"
								<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span>
								<span class="sr-only"><?php 
                        _e('Next', 'hocwp-theme');
                        $widget_content = ob_get_clean();
                        if (hocwp_array_has_value($next_posts)) {
                            $w_query->posts = $next_posts;
                            $w_query->post_count = count($next_posts);
							<div class="more-posts">
                            $widget_content .= $this->list_post_html($args, $instance, $w_query);
                    $widget_content = apply_filters('hocwp_widget_post_slider_html', $widget_content, $args, $instance, $this);
                    $widget_html .= $widget_content;
                } else {
                    $widget_html .= $this->list_post_html($args, $instance, $w_query);
                $widget_html .= apply_filters('hocwp_widget_post_after_loop', '', $args, $instance, $this);
            } else {
                $widget_html .= '<p class="nothing-found">' . __('Nothing found!', 'hocwp-theme') . '</p>';
        $widget_html = apply_filters('hocwp_widget_post_html', $widget_html, $args, $instance, $this);
        $widget_html .= '</div>';
        $widget_html .= hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'after_widget');
        echo $widget_html;
예제 #8
function hocwp_lostpassword_form($args = array())
    $defaults = hocwp_account_form_default_args();
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    $data = hocwp_execute_lostpassword();
    $user_login = $data['user_login'];
    $error = $data['error'];
    $message = $data['message'];
    $redirect_to = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'redirect_to', hocwp_get_method_value('redirect_to', 'get'));
    $logo = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'logo', hocwp_get_login_logo_url());
	<div class="hocwp-login-box module">
		<div class="module-header text-center">
    if (!empty($logo)) {
        $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
        $img = new HOCWP_HTML('img');
    $slogan = new HOCWP_HTML('p');
    $slogan->set_text(sprintf($args['slogan'], hocwp_get_root_domain_name(home_url('/'))));
    if (isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['wp-submit'])) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['error']) || $error) {
            $message = hocwp_build_message($message, 'danger');
            echo $message;
        } else {
            if (!empty($message) && !$error || isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($message)) {
                $message = hocwp_build_message($message, 'success');
                echo $message;
		<div class="module-body">
			<h4 class="form-title"><?php 
    _e('Reset password', 'hocwp-theme');

			<form name="lostpasswordform" id="lostpasswordform" action="<?php 
    echo esc_url(wp_lostpassword_url());
    echo hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'label_username', __('Username or Email', 'hocwp-theme'));
						<input type="text" size="20" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($user_login);
" class="input"
						       id="user_login" name="user_login"></label>
				<input type="hidden" name="action" value="lostpassword">
				<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php 
    echo $redirect_to;

				<p class="submit">
					<input type="submit" name="wp-submit" id="wp-submit" class="button-primary"
					       value="Get New Password" tabindex="100"></p>
		<div class="module-footer">
			<div class="text-center">
				<p class="form-nav">
					<a href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(wp_login_url());
    echo hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'label_log_in', __('Login', 'hocwp-theme'));
					<span class="sep">|</span>
					<a href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(wp_lostpassword_url());
    echo $args['title_lostpassword_link'];
    echo $args['text_lostpassword_link'];
예제 #9
function hocwp_icon_circle_ajax($post_id, $meta_key)
    $div = new HOCWP_HTML('div');
    $div->set_attribute('style', 'text-align: center');
    $span = new HOCWP_HTML('span');
    $circle_class = 'icon-circle';
    $result = get_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key, true);
    if (1 == $result) {
        $circle_class .= ' icon-circle-success';
    $span->set_attribute('data-id', $post_id);
    $span->set_attribute('data-value', $result);
    $span->set_attribute('data-key', $meta_key);
function hocwp_setup_theme_custom_footer()
    if (!wp_is_mobile()) {
        $options = get_option('hocwp_theme_custom');
        $background_music = hocwp_get_value_by_key($options, 'background_music');
        if (!empty($background_music)) {
            $play_on = hocwp_get_value_by_key($options, 'play_on');
            if (empty($play_on)) {
                $defaults = hocwp_option_defaults();
                $play_on = hocwp_get_value_by_key($defaults, array('theme_custom', 'background_music', 'play_on'));
            $play = false;
            if ('home' == $play_on && is_home()) {
                $play = true;
            } elseif ('single' == $play_on && is_single()) {
                $play = true;
            } elseif ('page' == $play_on && is_page()) {
                $play = true;
            } elseif ('archive' == $play_on && is_archive()) {
                $play = true;
            } elseif ('search' == $play_on && is_search()) {
                $play = true;
            } elseif ('all' == $play_on) {
                $play = true;
            $play = apply_filters('hocwp_play_background_music', $play);
            if ((bool) $play) {
                $div = new HOCWP_HTML('div');
                $div->set_class('hocwp-background-music hocwp-hidden');
                if (hocwp_url_valid($background_music)) {
예제 #11
function hocwp_setup_theme_more_user_profile($user)
    $user_id = $user->ID;
    _e('Social Accounts', 'hocwp-theme');
	<table class="form-table">
			<th><label for="facebook">Facebook</label></th>
    $facebook = get_the_author_meta('facebook', $user_id);
    $input = new HOCWP_HTML('input');
    $input->set_attribute('name', 'facebook');
    if (empty($facebook)) {
        $input->set_attribute('type', 'button');
        $input->set_text(__('Connect with Facebook account', 'hocwp-theme'));
        $input->set_class('button button-secondary hide-if-no-js hocwp-connect-facebook facebook');
        $input->set_attribute('onclick', 'hocwp_facebook_login();');
    } else {
        $facebook_data = get_the_author_meta('facebook_data', $user_id);
        $avatar = hocwp_get_value_by_key($facebook_data, array('picture', 'data', 'url'));
        $email = hocwp_get_value_by_key($facebook_data, 'email');
        if (!empty($avatar)) {
            $img = new HOCWP_HTML('img');
        $input->set_attribute('type', 'text');
        $input->set_attribute('readonly', 'readonly');
        $input->set_attribute('value', $facebook . ' - ' . $email);
        $input->set_class('regular-text hocwp-disconnect-social facebook');
        $input->set_attribute('data-user-id', $user_id);
        $input->set_attribute('data-social', 'facebook');
    if (empty($facebook) && 'profile.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow']) {
        if (empty($facebook)) {
            hocwp_facebook_login_script(array('connect' => true));
    } else {
        if (!empty($facebook)) {
        } else {
            _e('You can only connect to social account on profile page.', 'hocwp-theme');
			<th><label for="google">Google</label></th>
    $social = 'google';
    $social_id = get_the_author_meta($social, $user_id);
    $input = new HOCWP_HTML('input');
    $input->set_attribute('name', $social);
    if (empty($social_id)) {
        $input->set_attribute('type', 'button');
        $input->set_text(__('Connect with Google account', 'hocwp-theme'));
        $input->set_class('button button-secondary hide-if-no-js hocwp-connect-' . $social . ' ' . $social);
        $input->set_attribute('onclick', 'hocwp_google_login();');
    } else {
        $facebook_data = get_the_author_meta($social . '_data', $user_id);
        $avatar = hocwp_get_value_by_key($facebook_data, array('picture', 'data', 'url'));
        $email = hocwp_get_value_by_key($facebook_data, array('emails', 0, 'value'));
        if (!empty($avatar)) {
            $img = new HOCWP_HTML('img');
        $input->set_attribute('type', 'text');
        $input->set_attribute('readonly', 'readonly');
        $input->set_attribute('value', $social_id . ' - ' . $email);
        $input->set_class('regular-text hocwp-disconnect-social ' . $social);
        $input->set_attribute('data-user-id', $user_id);
        $input->set_attribute('data-social', $social);
    if (empty($social_id) && 'profile.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow']) {
        if (empty($social_id)) {
            hocwp_google_login_script(array('connect' => true));
    } else {
        if (!empty($social_id)) {
        } else {
            _e('You can only connect to social account on profile page.', 'hocwp-theme');
예제 #12
    function woocommerce_quantity_input($args = array(), $product = null, $echo = true)
        global $product;
        $defaults = array('input_name' => 'quantity', 'input_value' => '1', 'max_value' => apply_filters('woocommerce_quantity_input_max', '', $product), 'min_value' => apply_filters('woocommerce_quantity_input_min', '', $product), 'step' => apply_filters('woocommerce_quantity_input_step', 1, $product), 'style' => apply_filters('woocommerce_quantity_style', 'float:left; margin-right:10px;', $product), 'size' => apply_filters('woocommerce_quantity_input_size', 4, $product), 'label' => apply_filters('woocommerce_quantity_input_label', '', $product));
        $args = apply_filters('woocommerce_quantity_input_args', $args, $product);
        $args = apply_filters('hocwp_wc_quantity_input_args', $args, $product);
        $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
        $quantity_input = apply_filters('hocwp_wc_quantity_input_pre', '', $product, $args);
        if (empty($quantity_input)) {
            $input_name = $args['input_name'];
            $input_value = $args['input_value'];
            $label = $args['label'];
            $min = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'min', 1);
            $max = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'max', 20);
            $step = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'step', 1);
            $size = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'size', 4);
            $input = new HOCWP_HTML('input');
            $input->set_attribute('type', 'number');
            $input->set_attribute('size', $size);
            $input->set_class('input-text qty text input-number');
            $input->set_attribute('title', __('Qty', 'hocwp-theme'));
            $input->set_attribute('value', $input_value);
            $input->set_attribute('name', $input_name);
            $input->set_attribute('max', $max);
            $input->set_attribute('min', $min);
            $input->set_attribute('step', $step);
            $container_class = 'quantity hocwp-custom-quantity';
            if (!empty($label)) {
                hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($container_class, 'with-label has-label');
			<div class="<?php 
            echo $container_class;
            if (!empty($label)) {
                $lb = new HOCWP_HTML('label');
				<input type="button" class="minus qty-control btn-down number-down" value="-">
				<input type="button" class="plus qty-control btn-up number-up" value="+">
            $quantity_input = ob_get_clean();
        $quantity_input = apply_filters('hocwp_wc_quantity_input', $quantity_input, $product, $args);
        if ($echo) {
            echo $quantity_input;
        return $quantity_input;
예제 #13
function hocwp_field_remove_button($args = array())
    $class = isset($args['class']) ? $args['class'] : '';
    hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($class, 'btn button btn-remove');
    $button = new HOCWP_HTML('button');
    $button->set_text(__('Remove', 'hocwp-theme'));
예제 #14
function hocwp_the_social_list($args = array())
    $option_socials = hocwp_option_defaults();
    $option_socials = $option_socials['social'];
    $order = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'order', hocwp_get_value_by_key($option_socials, 'order'));
    $orders = explode(',', $order);
    $orders = array_map('trim', $orders);
    $orders = hocwp_sanitize_array($orders);
    $option_names = $option_socials['option_names'];
    $options = hocwp_get_option('option_social');
    $icons = $option_socials['icons'];
    $list = (bool) hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'list');
    if (hocwp_array_has_value($orders)) {
        if ($list) {
            echo '<ul class="list-socials list-unstyled list-inline">';
            foreach ($orders as $social) {
                $option_name = hocwp_get_value_by_key($option_names, $social);
                $item = hocwp_get_value_by_key($options, $option_name);
                if (!empty($item)) {
                    $icon = '<i class="fa ' . $icons[$social] . '"></i>';
                    $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
                    $a->set_class('social-item link-' . $social);
                    $li = new HOCWP_HTML('li');
            echo '</ul>';
        } else {
            foreach ($orders as $social) {
                $option_name = hocwp_get_value_by_key($option_names, $social);
                $item = hocwp_get_value_by_key($options, $option_name);
                if (!empty($item)) {
                    $icon = '<i class="fa ' . $icons[$social] . '"></i>';
                    $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
                    $a->set_class('social-item link-' . $social);
function hocwp_theme_translation_comments_list_callback($comment, $args, $depth)
    $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;
    $comment_id = $comment->comment_ID;
    $style = isset($args['style']) ? $args['style'] : 'ol';
    $avatar_size = isset($args['avatar_size']) ? absint($args['avatar_size']) : 64;
    $avatar_size = apply_filters('hocwp_comment_avatar_size', $avatar_size);
    $max_depth = isset($args['max_depth']) ? absint($args['max_depth']) : '';
    $comment_permalink = get_comment_link($comment);
    if ('div' == $style) {
        $tag = 'div';
        $add_below = 'comment';
    } else {
        $tag = 'li';
        $add_below = 'div-comment';
    $comment_date = get_comment_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $comment_id);
    $comment_author = '<div class="comment-author vcard">' . get_avatar($comment, $avatar_size) . '<b class="fn">' . get_comment_author_link() . '</b> <span class="says">nói:</span></div>';
    $comment_metadata = '<div class="comment-metadata"><a href="' . $comment_permalink . '"><time datetime="' . get_comment_time('c') . '">' . hocwp_human_time_diff_to_now($comment_date) . ' ' . 'trước' . '</time></a> <a class="comment-edit-link" href="' . get_edit_comment_link($comment_id) . '">(' . 'Sửa' . ')</a></div>';
    if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') {
        $comment_metadata .= '<p class="comment-awaiting-moderation">' . 'Bình luận của bạn đang được chờ để xét duyệt.' . '</p>';
    $footer = new HOCWP_HTML('footer');
    $footer->set_text($comment_author . $comment_metadata);
    $comment_text = get_comment_text($comment_id);
    $comment_text = apply_filters('comment_text', $comment_text, $comment);
    $comment_content = '<div class="comment-content">' . $comment_text . '</div>';
    $reply = '<div class="reply comment-tools">';
    $reply .= get_comment_reply_link(array_merge($args, array('add_below' => $add_below, 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $max_depth)));
    $comment_tools_enabled = apply_filters('hocwp_comment_tools_enabled', true);
    if ($comment_tools_enabled) {
        $class = 'comment-like comment-likes';
        $session_comment_liked_key = 'comment_' . $comment_id . '_likes';
        $liked = intval(isset($_SESSION[$session_comment_liked_key]) ? $_SESSION[$session_comment_liked_key] : '');
        if ($liked == 1) {
            hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($class, 'disabled');
        $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
        $a->set_attribute('href', 'javascript:;');
        $a->set_attribute('data-session-likes-key', $session_comment_liked_key);
        $likes = hocwp_get_comment_likes($comment_id);
        $a->set_attribute('data-likes', $likes);
        $a->set_text('<span class="text">' . 'Thích' . '</span> <i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"></i><span class="sep-dot">.</span> <span class="count">' . $likes . '</span>');
        $reply .= $a->build();
        $a->set_text('Báo cáo vi phạm' . '<i class="fa fa-flag"></i>');
        $reply .= $a->build();
        $share_text = '<span class="text">' . 'Chia sẻ' . '<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span>';
        $share_text .= '<span class="list-share">';
        $share_text .= '<i class="fa fa-facebook facebook" data-url="' . hocwp_get_social_share_url(array('social_name' => 'facebook', 'permalink' => $comment_permalink)) . '"></i>';
        $share_text .= '<i class="fa fa-google-plus google" data-url="' . hocwp_get_social_share_url(array('social_name' => 'googleplus', 'permalink' => $comment_permalink)) . '"></i>';
        $share_text .= '<i class="fa fa-twitter twitter" data-url="' . hocwp_get_social_share_url(array('social_name' => 'twitter', 'permalink' => $comment_permalink)) . '"></i>';
        $share_text .= '</span>';
        $reply .= $a->build();
    $reply .= '</div>';
    $article = new HOCWP_HTML('article');
    $article->set_attribute('id', 'div-comment-' . $comment_id);
    $article_text = $footer->build();
    $article_text .= $comment_content;
    $article_text .= $reply;
    $html = new HOCWP_HTML($tag);
    $comment_class = get_comment_class(empty($args['has_children']) ? '' : 'parent');
    $comment_class = implode(' ', $comment_class);
    $html_atts = array('class' => $comment_class, 'id' => 'comment-' . $comment_id, 'data-comment-id' => $comment_id);
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        $this->instance = $instance;
        $page_name = isset($instance['page_name']) ? $instance['page_name'] : '';
        $href = isset($instance['href']) ? $instance['href'] : '';
        $width = isset($instance['width']) ? $instance['width'] : $this->args['width'];
        $height = isset($instance['height']) ? $instance['height'] : $this->args['height'];
        $hide_cover = (bool) (isset($instance['hide_cover']) ? $instance['hide_cover'] : $this->args['hide_cover']);
        $show_facepile = (bool) (isset($instance['show_facepile']) ? $instance['show_facepile'] : $this->args['show_facepile']);
        $hide_cta = (bool) (isset($instance['hide_cta']) ? $instance['hide_cta'] : $this->args['hide_cta']);
        $small_header = (bool) (isset($instance['small_header']) ? $instance['small_header'] : $this->args['small_header']);
        $adapt_container_width = (bool) (isset($instance['adapt_container_width']) ? $instance['adapt_container_width'] : $this->args['adapt_container_width']);
        $fixed = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'fixed', $this->args['fixed']);
        $only_link = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'only_link', $this->args['only_link']);
        $button_text = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'button_text', $this->args['button_text']);
        $before_widget = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'before_widget');
        $widget_class = '';
        if ($fixed) {
            hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($widget_class, 'fixed');
            $position = hocwp_get_value_by_key($instance, 'position', $this->args['position']);
            hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($widget_class, hocwp_sanitize_html_class($position));
        $before_widget = hocwp_add_class_to_string('', $before_widget, $widget_class);
        $args['before_widget'] = $before_widget;
        $img = new HOCWP_HTML('img');
        hocwp_widget_before($args, $instance);
        if ($only_link) {
            if (!hocwp_is_url($href)) {
                $href = '' . $href;
            $span = new HOCWP_HTML('span');
            $link_text = $img->build();
            $link_text .= $span->build();
            $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
            $a->add_class('button btn btn-facebook-messenger');
            $widget_html = $a->build();
        } else {
            $app_id = hocwp_get_wpseo_social_facebook_app_id();
            if (empty($app_id)) {
                hocwp_debug_log(__('Please set your Facebook APP ID first.', 'hocwp-theme'));
            add_filter('hocwp_use_facebook_javascript_sdk', '__return_true');
			<script type="text/javascript">
				window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
						appId: '<?php 
            echo $app_id;
						cookie: true,
						xfbml: true,
						version: 'v<?php 
            $fanpage_args = array('page_name' => $page_name, 'href' => $href, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'tabs' => 'messages', 'hide_cover' => $hide_cover, 'show_facepile' => $show_facepile, 'hide_cta' => $hide_cta, 'small_header' => $small_header, 'adapt_container_width' => $adapt_container_width);
            if ($fixed) {
                $fanpage_args['width'] = 300;
				<div class="messenger-box module">
					<div class="module-header heading btn-facebook-messenger" title="<?php 
                echo $button_text;
                echo $button_text;
                if ('left' == $position || 'right' == $position) {
                    echo '<i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
                    $span = new HOCWP_HTML('span');
                } else {
                    echo '<i class="fa fa-angle-up" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
					<div class="module-body">
            } else {
            $widget_html = ob_get_clean();
        $widget_html = apply_filters('hocwp_widget_facebook_messenger_html', $widget_html, $args, $instance, $this);
        echo $widget_html;
        hocwp_widget_after($args, $instance);
예제 #17
function hocwp_term_get_thumbnail_html($args = array())
    $thumb_url = hocwp_term_get_thumbnail_url($args);
    $result = '';
    $term = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'term');
    if (!empty($thumb_url)) {
        $taxonomy = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'taxonomy');
        if (!is_a($term, 'WP_Term')) {
            $term_id = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'term_id');
            if (hocwp_id_number_valid($term_id) && !empty($taxonomy)) {
                $term = get_term($term_id, $taxonomy);
        if (is_a($term, 'WP_Term')) {
            $taxonomy = $term->taxonomy;
            $size = hocwp_sanitize_size($args);
            $link = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'link', true);
            $show_name = hocwp_get_value_by_key($args, 'show_name');
            $img = new HOCWP_HTML('img');
            if ($size[0] > 0) {
                $img->set_attribute('width', $size[0]);
            if ($size[1] > 0) {
                $img->set_attribute('height', $size[1]);
            $class = 'img-responsive wp-term-image';
            $slug = $term->taxonomy;
            hocwp_add_string_with_space_before($class, hocwp_sanitize_html_class($slug) . '-thumb');
            $link_text = $img->build();
            if ((bool) $show_name) {
                $link_text .= '<span class="term-name">' . $term->name . '</span>';
            $a = new HOCWP_HTML('a');
            $a->set_class('term-link ' . hocwp_sanitize_html_class($taxonomy));
            $a->set_attribute('title', $term->name);
            if (!(bool) $link) {
                $result = $img->build();
            } else {
                $result = $a->build();
    return apply_filters('hocwp_term_thumbnail_html', $result, $term);