<?php // Include soap request class include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'request.php'; // Include view class include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'render' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'unit' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'default.php'; include 'extender.php'; class DetailExtender extends CommonExtender { function FormatLink($type, $dataItem, $catalog, $renderer) { return 'window.alert(' . CommonExtender::FormatLocalizedString('SelectedDetail', $dataItem->oem) . ')'; } } // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest($_GET['c'], $_GET['ssd'], Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request $request->appendGetUnitInfo($_GET['uid']); $request->appendListDetailByUnit($_GET['uid']); $request->appendListImageMapByUnit($_GET['uid']); // Execute request $data = $request->query(); // Check errors if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $unit = $data[0]->row; $imagemap = $data[2]; $details = $data[1]; echo '<h1>' . CommonExtender::FormatLocalizedString('UnitName', (string) $unit['name']) . '</h1>'; $renderer = new GuayaquilUnit(new DetailExtender());
include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'render' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'applicability' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'applicability.php'; include 'extender.php'; class CatalogExtender extends CommonExtender { function FormatLink($type, $dataItem, $catalog, $renderer) { if ($type == 'unit') { return 'unit.php?&uid=' . $dataItem['unitid'] . '&c=' . $catalog . '&ssd=' . $dataItem['ssd'] . '&oem=' . $renderer->oem; } return 'applicability.php?&oem=' . $dataItem['oem'] . '&brand=' . $dataItem['brand']; } } $brand = $_GET['brand']; $oem = $_GET['oem']; // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest('', '', Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request $request->appendFindDetailApplicability($oem, $brand); // Execute request $data = $request->query(); //echo '<pre>'; print_r($data); echo '</pre>'; // Check errors if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { // Create GuayaquilCatalogsList object. This class implements default catalogs list view $renderer = new GuayaquilApplicability(new CatalogExtender(), $oem); $renderer->columns = array('name', 'date', 'datefrom', 'dateto', 'model', 'framecolor', 'trimcolor', 'modification', 'grade', 'frame', 'engine', 'engineno', 'transmission', 'doors', 'manufactured', 'options', 'creationregion', 'destinationregion', 'description', 'remarks'); // Draw catalogs list echo $renderer->Draw($data[0]); }
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <?php // Include soap request class include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'request.php'; include 'extender.php'; // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest($_GET['c'], $_GET['ssd'], Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request $request->appendGetCatalogInfo(); if (@$_GET['spi'] == 't') { $request->appendGetWizard(); } if (@$_GET['spi2'] == 't') { $request->appendGetWizard2(); } // Execute request $data = $request->query(); // Check errors if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $cataloginfo = $data[0]->row; if (@$cataloginfo['supportvinsearch'] == 'true') { include 'vinsearch.php'; } if (@$cataloginfo['supportframesearch'] == 'true') {
// Include view class include 'extender.php'; class QuickGroupsExtender extends CommonExtender { function FormatLink($type, $dataItem, $catalog, $renderer) { if ($type == 'vehicle') { $link = 'vehicle.php?c=' . $catalog . '&vid=' . $renderer->vehicleid . '&ssd=' . $renderer->ssd; } else { $link = 'qdetails.php?c=' . $catalog . '&gid=' . $dataItem['quickgroupid'] . '&vid=' . $renderer->vehicleid . '&ssd=' . $renderer->ssd; } return $link; } } // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest($_GET['c'], $_GET['ssd'], Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request $request->appendGetVehicleInfo($_GET['vid']); $request->appendListQuickGroup($_GET['vid']); // Execute request $data = $request->query(); // Check errors if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $vehicle = $data[0]->row; $groups = $data[1]; echo '<h1>' . CommonExtender::FormatLocalizedString('CarName', $vehicle['name']) . '</h1>'; echo '<div id="pagecontent">'; $renderer = new GuayaquilQuickGroupsList(new QuickGroupsExtender()); echo $renderer->Draw($groups, $_GET['c'], $_GET['vid'], $_GET['ssd']);
class CatalogExtender extends CommonExtender { function FormatLink($type, $dataItem, $catalog, $renderer) { $link = 'catalog.php?&c=' . $dataItem['code'] . '&ssd=' . $dataItem['ssd']; if ($dataItem['supportparameteridentification'] == 'true') { $link .= '&spi=t'; } if ($dataItem['supportparameteridentification2'] == 'true') { $link .= '&spi2=t'; } return $link; } } // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest('', '', Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request $request->appendListCatalogs(); // Execute request $data = $request->query(); // Check errors if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { // Create GuayaquilCatalogsList object. This class implements default catalogs list view $renderer = new GuayaquilCatalogsList(new CatalogExtender()); // Configure columns $renderer->columns = array('icon', 'name', 'version'); // Draw catalogs list echo $renderer->Draw($data[0]); }
$link = 'vehicle.php?c=' . $catalog . '&vid=' . $renderer->vehicleid . '&cid=' . $dataItem['categoryid'] . '&ssd=' . $dataItem['ssd']; } elseif ($type == 'unit') { $coi = array(); foreach ($dataItem->Detail as $detail) { $i = (string) $detail['codeonimage']; $coi[$i] = $i; } $link = 'unit.php?c=' . $catalog . '&vid=' . $renderer->vehicle_id . '&uid=' . $dataItem['unitid'] . '&cid=' . $renderer->categoryid . '&ssd=' . $dataItem['ssd'] . '&coi=' . implode(',', $coi); } elseif ($type == 'detail') { $link = 'unit.php?c=' . $catalog . '&vid=' . $renderer->vehicle_id . '&uid=' . $renderer->currentunit['unitid'] . '&cid=' . $renderer->categoryid . '&coi=' . $dataItem['codeonimage'] . '&ssd=' . $dataItem['ssd']; } return $link; } } // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest($_GET['c'], $_GET['ssd'], Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request $request->appendGetVehicleInfo($_GET['vid']); $request->appendListCategories($_GET['vid'], isset($_GET['cid']) ? $_GET['cid'] : -1); $request->appendListQuickDetail($_GET['vid'], $_GET['gid'], 1); // Execute request $data = $request->query(); // Check errors if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $vehicle = $data[0]->row; $categories = $data[1]; $details = $data[2]; echo '<h1>' . CommonExtender::FormatLocalizedString('GroupDetails', $vehicle['name']) . '</h1>'; echo '<div id="pagecontent">';
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <?php include 'am_searchpanel.php'; // Include soap request class include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'requestAm.php'; $request = new GuayaquilRequest('en_US'); $request->appendListManufacturer(); $data = $request->query(); if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $data = simplexml_load_string($data); $rows = $data[0]->ListManufacturer->row; echo '<table>'; foreach ($rows as $row) { echo '<tr><td>' . $row['name'] . '</td><td>' . $row['alias'] . '</td><td>' . $row['searchurl'] . '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } ?> </body> </html>
if ($options) { $options = implode($options, ','); } $replacementtypes = @$_GET['replacementtypes']; $replacementtypes = implode($replacementtypes, ','); $request = new GuayaquilRequest('en_US'); $request->appendFindOEM($oem, $options, $brand, $replacementtypes); $data = $request->query(); if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { echo '<hr><div>'; $data = simplexml_load_string($data); $data = $data[0]->FindOEM->detail; if (!$data || !(string) $data['manufacturerid']) { $request = new GuayaquilRequest('en_US'); $request->appendFindOEMCorrection($oem); $data = $request->query(); $data = simplexml_load_string($data); $data = $data[0]->FindOEMCorrection->detail; if (!$data || !(string) $data['manufacturerid']) { echo "<p>Article {$oem} not found.</p>"; } else { echo "<p>Article {$oem} not found. Please select it from list</p>"; } } if ($data) { foreach ($data as $detail) { echo '<a href="am_manufacturerinfo.php?manufacturerid=' . $detail['manufacturerid'] . '">' . $detail['manufacturer'] . '</a> <a href="am_finddetail.php?detail_id=' . $detail['detailid'] . '&options=' . $options . '">' . $detail['formattedoem'] . '</a> ' . $detail['name']; //echo ' <a href="applicability.php?&oem='.$detail['oem'].'&brand='.$detail['manufacturer'].'">'.CommonExtender::FormatLocalizedString("applicability").'</a>'; echo '</div>';
// Include view class include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'render' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wizard2' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wizard.php'; include 'extender.php'; class WizardExtender extends CommonExtender { function FormatLink($type, $dataItem, $catalog, $renderer) { if ($type == 'vehicles') { return 'vehicles.php?ft=findByWizard2&c=' . $catalog . '&ssd=' . $renderer->wizard->row['ssd']; } else { return 'wizard2.php?c=' . $catalog . '&ssd=$ssd$'; } } } // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest($_GET['c'], $_GET['ssd'], Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request $request->appendGetCatalogInfo(); $request->appendGetWizard2($_GET['ssd']); // Execute request $data = $request->query(); // Check errors if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $wizard = $data[1]; $cataloginfo = $data[0]->row; echo '<h1>' . CommonExtender::LocalizeString('Search by wizard') . ' - ' . $cataloginfo['name'] . '</h1>'; $renderer = new GuayaquilWizard(new WizardExtender()); echo $renderer->Draw($_GET['c'], $wizard); }
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <?php include 'am_searchpanel.php'; // Include soap request class include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'requestAm.php'; $manufacturerid = $_GET['manufacturerid']; $request = new GuayaquilRequest('en_US'); $request->appendManufacturerInfo($manufacturerid); $data = $request->query(); if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $data = simplexml_load_string($data); $data = $data[0]->ManufacturerInfo->row; echo '<div> name: ' . $data['name'] . '</div>'; echo '<div> alias: ' . $data['alias'] . '</div>'; echo '<div> searchurl: ' . $data['searchurl'] . '</div>'; } ?> </body> </html>
include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'render' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vehicles' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vehicletable.php'; include 'extender.php'; class VehiclesExtender extends CommonExtender { function FormatLink($type, $dataItem, $catalog, $renderer) { if (!$catalog) { $catalog = $dataItem['catalog']; } $link = ($renderer->qg ? 'qgroups' : 'vehicle') . '.php?c=' . $catalog . '&vid=' . $dataItem['vehicleid'] . '&ssd=' . $dataItem['ssd'] . '&path_data=' . urlencode(base64_encode(substr($dataItem['vehicle_info'], 0, 300))); return $link; //return 'vehicle.php?c='.$catalog.'&vid='.$dataItem['vehicleid'].'&ssd='.$dataItem['ssd']; } } // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest($_GET['c'], $_GET['ssd'], Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request if ($_GET['ft'] == 'findByVIN') { $request->appendFindVehicleByVIN($_GET['vin']); } else { if ($_GET['ft'] == 'findByFrame') { $request->appendFindVehicleByFrame($_GET['frame'], $_GET['frameNo']); } else { if ($_GET['ft'] == 'findByWizard') { $request->appendFindVehicleByWizard($_GET['wid']); } else { if ($_GET['ft'] == 'findByWizard2') { $request->appendFindVehicleByWizard2($_GET['ssd']); } } }
} } class UnitExtender extends CommonExtender { function FormatLink($type, $dataItem, $catalog, $renderer) { /*if ($type == 'filter') $link = 'unitfilter.php?c=' . $catalog . '&vid=' . $renderer->vehicle_id . '&uid=' . $dataItem['unitid'] . '&cid=' . $renderer->categoryid . '&ssd=' . $dataItem['ssd'] . '&path_id=' . $renderer->path_id . '&f=' . urlencode($dataItem['filter']); else*/ $link = 'unit.php?c=' . $catalog . '&vid=' . $renderer->vehicle_id . '&uid=' . $dataItem['unitid'] . '&cid=' . $renderer->categoryid . '&ssd=' . $dataItem['ssd'] . '&path_id=' . $renderer->path_id; return $link; //return 'unit.php?c='.$catalog.'&uid='.$dataItem['unitid'].'&ssd='.$dataItem['ssd']; } } // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest($_GET['c'], $_GET['ssd'], Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request $request->appendGetCatalogInfo(); $request->appendGetVehicleInfo($_GET['vid']); $request->appendListCategories($_GET['vid'], isset($_GET['cid']) ? $_GET['cid'] : -1); $request->appendListUnits($_GET['vid'], isset($_GET['cid']) ? $_GET['cid'] : -1); // Execute request $data = $request->query(); // Check errors if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $catalogInfo = $data[0]->row; $vehicle = $data[1]->row; $categories = $data[2]; $units = $data[3];
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <?php include 'am_searchpanel.php'; // Include soap request class include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'requestAm.php'; $detail_id = $_GET['detail_id']; $options = $_GET['options']; $request = new GuayaquilRequest('en_US'); $request->appendFindDetail($detail_id, $options); $data = $request->query(); if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $data = simplexml_load_string($data); $data = $data[0]->FindDetails->detail; foreach ($data as $detail) { echo '<hr>'; echo '<div><a href="am_manufacturerinfo.php?manufacturerid=' . $detail['manufacturerid'] . '">' . $detail['manufacturer'] . '</a> <a href="am_finddetail.php?detail_id=' . $detail['detailid'] . '">' . $detail['formattedoem'] . '</a> ' . $detail['name'] . '</div>'; $weight = (double) $detail['weight']; if ($weight) { echo '<div>Weight ' . $weight . '</div>'; } $volume = (double) $detail['volume']; if ($volume) { echo '<div>Volume ' . $volume . '</div>'; }
// Include view class include 'guayaquillib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'render' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wizard' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wizard.php'; include 'extender.php'; class WizardExtender extends CommonExtender { function FormatLink($type, $dataItem, $catalog, $renderer) { if ($type == 'vehicles') { return 'vehicles.php?ft=findByWizard&c=' . $catalog . '&wid=' . $renderer->wizard->row['wizardid'] . '&ssd=' . $renderer->wizard->row['ssd']; } else { return 'wizard.php?c=' . $catalog . '&wizardid=' . $renderer->wizard->row['wizardid'] . '&valueid=$valueid$&ssd=' . $renderer->wizard->row['ssd']; } } } // Create request object $request = new GuayaquilRequest($_GET['c'], $_GET['ssd'], Config::$catalog_data); // Append commands to request $request->appendGetCatalogInfo(); $request->appendGetWizard($_GET['wizardid'], $_GET['valueid']); // Execute request $data = $request->query(); // Check errors if ($request->error != '') { echo $request->error; } else { $wizard = $data[1]; $cataloginfo = $data[0]->row; echo '<h1>' . CommonExtender::LocalizeString('Search by wizard') . ' - ' . $cataloginfo['name'] . '</h1>'; $renderer = new GuayaquilWizard(new WizardExtender()); echo $renderer->Draw($_GET['c'], $wizard); }