//	header('location:ad.list.php');
// Folder in which we keep ad images.
$image_path = $milieu_list['directory']['value'] . '/assets/images/ads';
// List of status levels.
$priority_list = array('1' => 'High', '0' => 'Normal', '-1' => 'Hidden');
 * Updates
// Prepare to update the ad’s database record.
if ($_POST && $ad_id) {
    $data = array('code' => $code, 'title' => $title);
    $db->where('id', $ad_id);
    $success = $db->update('ad_reference', $data);
    if ($success == 1) {
        $alert_output = $message->success_dialog('Add info saved. ' . $link->paint('grlx_ad_list'));
if ($_POST && !$ad_id) {
    $data = array('title' => $title, 'code' => $code, 'date_created' => $db->NOW(), 'source_id' => '3');
    $ad_id = $db->insert('ad_reference', $data);
    if ($ad_id > 0) {
        $alert_output = $message->success_dialog('Add created. ' . $link->paint('grlx_ad_list'));
 * Display logic
if ($ad_id) {
    $ad_info = get_ad_info($ad_id, $db);
예제 #2
        $match_id = $_POST['match_id'];
        $data = array('active' => 1);
        $db->where('id', $match_id);
        $db->update('third_match', $data);
    // Widget
    if (is_numeric($_POST['widget_id']) && $_POST['widget_value']) {
        $widget_id = $_POST['widget_id'];
        $data = array('active' => 1, 'value' => $_POST['widget_value']);
        $db->where('id', $widget_id);
        $db->update('third_widget', $data);
    if ($affected_count == 0) {
        $alert_output = $message->alert_dialog('Edits to data were not saved.');
    } else {
        $alert_output = $message->success_dialog('Your user info has been saved.');
// Save comment info
if ($_POST['comment_info'] && is_numeric($_POST['service_id'])) {
    $service_id = $_POST['service_id'];
    $comment_info = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['comment_info']), ENT_COMPAT);
    // enter id into correct line of data table
    $data = array('user_info' => $comment_info);
    $db->where('id', $service_id);
    if ($db->update('third_service', $data)) {
        // turn on correct line in match table
        $data = array('active' => 1);
        $db->where('function_id', 3);
        $db->where('service_id', $service_id);
        $db->update('third_match', $data);
    // I made this optional so we don’t override a previously-
    // uploaded file’s record in the database.
    if ($check_these) {
        foreach ($check_these as $key => $val) {
            if ($upload_status[$key][0] == 'success') {
                $data[$key . '_image_url'] = $image_path . '/' . basename($_FILES[$key . '_image_url']['name']);
    // Updates, ho!
    $db->where('id', $ad_id);
    $success = $db->update('ad_reference', $data);
    $link = new GrlxLink('grlx ad list');
    if ($success == 1) {
        $alert = new GrlxAlert();
        $alert_output = $alert->success_dialog('Ad info saved. Make changes below or ' . $link->paint() . '.');
 * Display logic
if ($ad_id) {
    $promo_info = get_ad_info($ad_id, $db);
if ($ad_id && $msg == 'created') {
    $success_message = <<<EOL
Ad created.
\t<li>Make changes below</li>
\t<li><a href="ad.list.php">Add this ad to a slot in your site’s template</a></li>
\t<li><a href="ad.promo-create.php">Make another new ad</a></li>
예제 #4
    $current_group = 'panel-wonderful';
if ($_POST && (!$wonderful_id || $wonderful_id == 0)) {
    // Zero out the ID.
    $data = array('user_info' => '');
    $db->where('label', 'projectwonderful');
    $db->update('third_service', $data);
    // Set PW to inactive
    $sql = "UPDATE\n\tgrlx_third_match tm,\n\tgrlx_third_service ts\nSET\n\tactive = 0\nWHERE\n\ttm.service_id = ts.id\n\tAND ts.label = ?\n";
    $db->rawQuery($sql, array('projectwonderful'));
    $current_group = 'panel-wonderful';
if ($delete_ad_id) {
    $db->where('id', $delete_ad_id);
    if ($db->delete('ad_reference')) {
        $alert_output .= $message->success_dialog('Ad deleted. I’m sorry for your loss.');
// Let’s upload some artist-submitted graphics, shall we?
$check_these = array('large' => 'large_file');
if ($check_these && $_FILES) {
    foreach ($check_these as $key => $val) {
        // Got a new file upload? Then upload it.
        $upload_status[$key] = upload_specific_file($val, $image_path);
        $upload_sizes[$key] = getimagesize('..' . $image_path . '/' . basename($_FILES[$val]['name'][0]));
        $upload_sizes[$key]['url'] = '/assets/images/ads/' . basename($_FILES[$val]['name'][0]);
if ($upload_sizes) {
    $data = array();
    // reset
    $marker_type = new GrlxMarkerType($marker_type_id);
} else {
 * Updates
if ($marker_type_id && $new_title) {
    $success = $marker_type->saveMarkerType($marker_type_id, $new_title);
    $marker_type = new GrlxMarkerType($marker_type_id);
if ($success) {
    $link->tap('Return to the type list');
    $alert_output = $message->success_dialog('Marker type saved. ' . $link->paint() . '.');
 * Display logic
$view->page_title('Marker type: ' . $marker_type->markerTypeInfo['title']);
$view->headline('Marker type <span>' . $marker_type->markerTypeInfo['title'] . '</span>');
$content_output .= '<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="marker-type.edit.php" method="post">' . "\n";
$content_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="marker_type_id" value="' . $marker_type_id . '"/>' . "\n";
$content_output .= '<label for="marker_type_id">This marker type is called:</label>' . "\n";
$content_output .= '<input type="text" name="new_title" size="12" style="width:12rem" value="' . $marker_type->markerTypeInfo['title'] . '"/>' . "\n";
$content_output .= '<button class="btn primary save" name="submit" type="submit" value="save"><i></i>Save</button>' . "\n";
$content_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="marker_type_id" value="' . $marker_type_id . '"/>' . "\n";
$content_output .= '</form>' . "\n";
예제 #6
 * Updates
if ($publish_frequency && $start_month && $start_day && $start_year && $book_id) {
    $date_start = $start_year . '-' . $start_month . '-' . $start_day;
    $data = array('publish_frequency' => $publish_frequency, 'date_start' => $date_start, 'date_modified' => $db->NOW());
    $db->where('id', $book_id);
    $db->update('book', $data);
    $success = $db->count;
    set_book_dates($book_id, $publish_frequency, $db);
if ($book && $_POST) {
    $data = array('title' => $new_title, 'publish_frequency' => $publish_frequency, 'date_modified' => $db->NOW());
    $link->url('book.view.php?book_id=' . $book_id);
    $link->tap('Peruse this book’s pages');
    $alert_output .= $message->success_dialog('Book info saved. ' . $link->paint() . '.');
 * Display
if (!is_writable('../' . DIR_COMICS_IMG)) {
    $alert_output .= $message->alert_dialog('The comics images folder is not writable. Please set ' . DIR_COMICS_IMG . ' to 0777 so I can upload and manage images.');
if ($book_id) {
    $book = new GrlxComicBook($book_id);
} else {
    $book = new GrlxComicBook();
    $book_id = $book->bookID;
if ($frequency_list) {
    $publish_frequency_output .= '<select name="publish_frequency" style="width:8rem">' . "\n";
예제 #7
        $meta_output .= '<label><input type="checkbox" name="chapter[option][]"' . $check . ' value="' . $info . '"/>&emsp;' . $title . '</label>';
    $meta_output .= '</div>';
    $meta_output .= '<div>';
    $meta_output .= '<h5>Pages</h5>';
    foreach ($infoXML->archive['page']['option'] as $info) {
        $title = ucfirst($info);
        in_array($info, $xml->meta['page']) ? $check = ' checked="checked"' : ($check = null);
        $meta_output .= '<label><input type="checkbox" name="page[option][]"' . $check . ' value="' . $info . '"/>&emsp;' . $title . '</label>';
    $meta_output .= '</div>';
    $meta_output = $form->row_wrap($meta_output);
if ($xml->saveResult == 'success') {
    $message = new GrlxAlert();
    $alert_output = $message->success_dialog('Changes saved.');
if ($xml->saveResult == 'error') {
    $message = new GrlxAlert();
    $alert_output = $message->alert_dialog('Changes failed to save.');
/* ! Display * * * * * * * */
$view->headline('Comic archive editor');
$book_info = $form->paint();
$view->group_instruction('Select how you want readers to navigate through your archives.');
예제 #8
                        $new_assignment_id = $comic_image->assignImageToPage($new_image_id, $new_page_id);
                    $i += 0.0001;
                } elseif ($success !== false) {
                    $total_success = false;
                    $alert_output .= $message->alert_dialog('I couldn’t import images from ' . $folder . '.');
reset_page_order($book_id, $db);
if ($i > 1) {
    $link->tap('Check ’em out');
    $alert_output .= $message->success_dialog('Hooray! Images imported. ' . $link->paint() . '.');
 * Display
// Reset in case of form submission.
$folder_list = array();
$file_list = array();
// What’s in the import folder?
$import_top_list = $fileops->get_dir_list($import_path);
if ($import_top_list) {
    foreach ($import_top_list as $key => $val) {
        if (is_dir($import_path . '/' . $val)) {
            $folder_list[$val] = $import_path . '/' . $val;
        } else {
            $file_list[$val] = $import_path . '/' . $val;
예제 #9
} else {
// ! Updates
if ($marker_id && $new_title) {
    $success = $marker->saveMarker($marker_id, $new_title, $edit_marker_type);
    $marker = new GrlxMarker($marker_id);
    // reset
if ($success) {
    $link1->url('marker.view.php?marker_id=' . $marker_id);
    $link1->tap('for this marker');
    $link2->tap('the whole book');
    $alert_output = $message->success_dialog('Marker saved. Return to the page list ' . $link1->paint() . ' or ' . $link2->paint() . '.');
} elseif ($_POST) {
    $link1->url('marker.view.php?marker_id=' . $marker_id);
    $link1->tap('Return to the page list');
    $alert_output = $message->alert_dialog('Something went wrong, sorry. ' . $link1->paint() . '.');
// Is this trip really necessary?
$marker-> getPageRange();
$range_output = floor($marker-> startPage).'–'.$marker-> endPage;
// ! Get the marker types
// so we can let artists change this marker to a different kind.
$db->orderBy('rank', 'ASC');
$marker_type_list = $db->get('marker_type', null, 'id,title,rank');
$marker_type_list = rekey_array($marker_type_list, 'id');
예제 #10
// No ad selected? Send ’em back to the list.
if (!$slot_id || !is_numeric($slot_id)) {
// List of status levels.
$priority_list = array('1' => 'High', '0' => 'Normal', '-1' => 'Hidden');
 * Updates
if ($label && $title && $slot_id) {
    $data = array('label' => $label, 'title' => $title);
    $db->where('id', $slot_id);
    $db->update('theme_slot', $data);
    $alert_output = $message->success_dialog('Slot data saved.');
if ($change_from && $slot_id) {
    $change_made = false;
    foreach ($change_from as $key => $this_from) {
        $this_to = $change_to[$key];
        if ($this_from == 'off' && $this_to == 'on') {
            $data = array('ad_reference_id' => $key, 'slot_id' => $slot_id, 'priority' => '1');
            $id = $db->insert('ad_slot_match', $data);
            $change_made = true;
        if ($this_from == 'on' && !$this_to) {
            $db->where('ad_reference_id', $key);
            $db->where('slot_id', $slot_id);
            $db->delete('ad_slot_match', null);
            $change_made = true;
예제 #11
            $title = $title[0];
            if (strpos($title, '/')) {
                $title = explode('/', $title);
                $title = $title[1];
            $new_page_id = $comic_image->createPageRecord($title, $new_order - 1 + $i, $book_id);
            //			$first_page_id ? null : $first_page_id = $new_page_id;
            // Assign the image to the page.
            if ($new_image_id && $new_page_id) {
                $new_assignment_id = $comic_image->assignImageToPage($new_image_id, $new_page_id);
            $i += 0.001;
        reset_page_order($book_id, $db);
        if (count($files_uploaded) == 1) {
            $alert_output .= $message->success_dialog('One image added. Make changes below or <a href="book.view.php">check out all the pages</a>.');
        if (count($files_uploaded) > 1) {
            $alert_output .= $message->success_dialog(count($files_uploaded) . ' images added. Make changes below or <a href="book.view.php">check out all the pages</a>.');
    if (!$files_uploaded) {
        //		$alert_output .= $message->alert_dialog('No images added.');
 * Display logic
if (!is_writable('../' . DIR_COMICS_IMG)) {
    $alert_output .= $message->alert_dialog('The comics images folder is not writable.');
    $next_id = $db->getOne('book_page', 'id');
    $link1->url('book.page-edit.php?page_id=' . $next_id['id']);
    $link1->tap('Go to the next page');
    $go_next_link = $link1->paint();
    if ($success == 1) {
        $success_message = <<<EOL
Changes to <b>{$new_page_name}</b> were saved.
\t<li>Make more changes below</li>

        if ($success || $success1) {
            $alert_output .= $message->success_dialog($success_message);
    } else {
        $alert_output .= $message->alert_dialog('Unable to save <b>' . $new_page_name . '</b> change.');
if ($page_id && $_POST) {
    $blog_post = htmLawed($blog_post);
    $transcript = htmLawed($transcript);
    $data = array('blog_title' => $blog_headline, 'blog_post' => $blog_post, 'transcript' => $transcript, 'date_publish' => $pub_year . '-' . $pub_month . '-' . $pub_day, 'date_modified' => $db->NOW());
    $db->where('id', $page_id);
    $db->update('book_page', $data);
if ($page_id && $remove_id) {
    $db->where('id', $remove_id);
예제 #13
            if ($db->update('user', $data)) {
                $alert_output = $message->success_dialog('Changes were saved.');
            } else {
                $alert_output = $message->alert_dialog('Changes failed to save.');
    foreach ($_POST['password'] as $key => $val) {
        if ($val != '') {
            $val_hash = password_hash($val, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
            if (password_verify($val, $val_hash)) {
                $data = array('password' => $val_hash, 'date_modified' => $db->now());
                $db->where('serial', $_SESSION['admin']);
                $message = new GrlxAlert();
                if ($db->update('user', $data)) {
                    $alert_output = $message->success_dialog('New password saved.');
                } else {
                    $alert_output = $message->alert_dialog('New password failed to save.');
 * Display logic
$db->where('serial', $_SESSION['admin']);
$user_list = $db->get('user', null, 'username,email,id');
if ($user_list) {
    foreach ($user_list as $key => $val) {
예제 #14
$form = new GrlxForm();
$fileops = new GrlxFileOps();
$sl = new GrlxSelectList();
// Make sure the image folder exists and is accessible.
$alert_output .= $fileops->check_or_make_dir('../' . DIR_STATIC_IMG);
 * ! Updates
// This comes from sttc.xml-new.php.
if ($msg == 'created') {
    $link1 = new GrlxLinkStyle();
    $link1->tap('Create another new page');
    $link->tap('Add this page to the site’s menu');
    $alert_output .= $message->success_dialog('Page created. <ul><li>Make changes below</li><li>' . $link->paint() . '</li><li>' . $link1->paint() . '</li>');
// ! Upload images
// If the static images’ folder exists (that’s $folder_check),
// then loop through the artist-submitted files (if any).
if (!$alert_output && $_FILES && $_FILES['item']['name']) {
    foreach ($_FILES['item']['name'] as $key => $image_file_name) {
        // Get the image’s official filename.
        $image_file_name = $image_file_name['image'];
        // Get the image’s temporary serialized name.
        $tmp_name = $_FILES['item']['tmp_name'][$key]['image'];
        // What size and kind of image is this?
        $type = $_FILES['item']['type'][$key]['image'];
        // Really oughta check against valid image types.
        $size = $_FILES['item']['size'][$key]['image'];
        // Really oughta check against gigantic, multi-meg files.