예제 #1
파일: graphs.php 프로젝트: nagyist/Tattle
    } catch (fNotFoundException $e) {
        fMessaging::create('error', $manage_url, 'The Graph requested, ' . fHTML::encode($graph_id) . ', could not be found');
    } catch (fExpectedException $e) {
        fMessaging::create('error', fURL::get(), $e->getMessage());
    include VIEW_PATH . '/add_edit_graph.php';
    // --------------------------------- //
} elseif ('add' == $action) {
    $graph = new Graph();
    $dashboard = new Dashboard($dashboard_id);
    if (fRequest::isPost()) {
        try {
            $graph->setStartsAtMidnight(isset($_POST['starts_at_midnight']) ? $_POST['starts_at_midnight'] : false);
            $graphs_in_dashboard = Graph::findAll($dashboard_id);
            fMessaging::create('affected', $manage_url, $graph->getName());
            fMessaging::create('success', $manage_url, 'The Graph ' . $graph->getName() . ' was successfully created');
            fURL::redirect(Graph::makeUrl('edit', $graph));
        } catch (fExpectedException $e) {
            fMessaging::create('error', fURL::get(), $e->getMessage());
    include VIEW_PATH . '/add_edit_graph.php';
} elseif ('delete' == $action) {
    $class_name = 'Graph';
    try {
예제 #2
파일: Graph.php 프로젝트: nagyist/Tattle
 public static function cloneGraph($graph_id, $dashboard_id = NULL)
     $graph_to_clone = new Graph($graph_id);
     if (empty($dashboard_id)) {
         $dashboard_id = $graph_to_clone->getDashboardId();
     $graph = new Graph();
     $clone_name = 'Clone of ' . $graph_to_clone->getName();
     // If it's too long, we truncate
     if (strlen($clone_name) > 255) {
         $clone_name = substr($clone_name, 0, 255);
     // Clone of the lines
     $lines = Line::findAll($graph_id);
     foreach ($lines as $line_to_clone) {
         Line::cloneLine($line_to_clone->getLineId(), TRUE, $graph->getGraphId());