private function renderClientPrivileges($path, $className, $privilegeList)
        $lastDot = strrpos($className, '.');
        $package = substr($className, 0, $lastDot);
        $class = substr($className, $lastDot + 1);
        $imports = '';
        if (!strpos($package, 'gpf')) {
            $imports = '
import com.qualityunit.gpf.client.model.Application;
import com.qualityunit.gpf.client.model.Permission;
        $permissionVariables = '';
        foreach ($privilegeList as $object => $privileges) {
            foreach ($privileges as $privilege) {
                $permissionVariables .= '  ' . strtoupper($object) . '_' . strtoupper($privilege) . "(\"{$object}|{$privilege}\"),\n";
        $permissionVariables = rtrim($permissionVariables, " ,'\n") . ';';
        $content = "/**\n * Copyright 2007 Quality Unit s.r.o.\n *\n * Licensed under the Quality Unit, s.r.o. Standard End User License Agreement,\n * Version 1.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance\n * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n *\n */\n\npackage {$package};\n{$imports}\npublic enum {$class} implements Permission {\n{$permissionVariables}\n\n  private String permission;\n\n  private {$class}(String permission) {\n    this.permission = permission;\n  }\n\n  public boolean isAllowed() {\n    return Application.hasPermission(permission);\n  }\n}";
        $file = new Gpf_Io_File($path . str_replace('.', '/', $className) . '.java');
예제 #2
 private function replaceTemplatesInDirectory($cacheZipFolderPath, $filetypes, Pap_Common_User $affiliate, Pap_Common_Banner $banner, $channelcode){
     $cacheZipFolder = new Gpf_Io_DirectoryIterator($cacheZipFolderPath, '', true);
     $typesArray = $this->getFileTypesArray($filetypes);
     foreach ($cacheZipFolder as $fullFileName => $fileName) {
         $file = new Gpf_Io_File($fullFileName);
         if ($file->matchPatterns($typesArray)){
             $content = $this->replaceVariables($affiliate, $banner, $channelcode, $file->getContents());