private function showViewDialog() { global $AUTHORISATION; // Initialize map configuration $MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($this->name); // Read the map configuration file (Only global section!) $MAPCFG->readMapConfig(ONLY_GLOBAL); // Get all source parameters $opts = $MAPCFG->getSourceParams(); // Build index template $INDEX = new NagVisIndexView($this->CORE); // Need to load the custom stylesheet? $customStylesheet = $MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'stylesheet'); if ($customStylesheet !== '') { $INDEX->setCustomStylesheet(path('html', 'global', 'styles', $customStylesheet)); } // Need to parse the header menu by config or url value? if (isset($opts['header_menu']) && $opts['header_menu']) { // Parse the header menu $HEADER = new NagVisHeaderMenu($MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'header_template'), $MAPCFG); // Put rotation information to header menu if ($this->rotation != '') { $HEADER->setRotationEnabled(); } $INDEX->setHeaderMenu($HEADER->__toString()); } // Initialize map view $this->VIEW = new NagVisMapView($this->CORE, $this->name); $this->VIEW->setParams($opts); // The user is searching for an object $this->VIEW->setSearch($this->search); // Enable edit mode for all objects if ($this->sAction == 'edit') { $this->VIEW->setEditMode(); } // Maybe it is needed to handle the requested rotation if ($this->rotation != '') { // Only allow the rotation if the user is permitted to use it if ($AUTHORISATION->isPermitted('Rotation', 'view', $this->rotation)) { $ROTATION = new FrontendRotation($this->rotation); $ROTATION->setStep('map', $this->name, $this->rotationStep); $this->VIEW->setRotation($ROTATION->getRotationProperties()); } } $INDEX->setContent($this->VIEW->parse()); return $INDEX->parse(); }
private function parseMapJson($objectId, $mapName, $what) { global $AUTHORISATION; // Check if the user is permitted to view this if (!$AUTHORISATION->isPermitted('Map', 'view', $mapName)) { return null; } // If the parameter filterUser is set, filter the maps by the username // given in this parameter. This is a mechanism to be authed as generic // user but see the maps of another user. This feature is disabled by // default but could be enabled if you need it. if (cfg('global', 'user_filtering') && isset($_GET['filterUser']) && $_GET['filterUser'] != '') { $AUTHORISATION2 = new CoreAuthorisationHandler(); $AUTHORISATION2->parsePermissions($_GET['filterUser']); if (!$AUTHORISATION2->isPermitted('Map', 'view', $mapName)) { return null; } // Switch the auth cookie to this user global $SHANDLER; $SHANDLER->aquire(); $SHANDLER->set('authCredentials', array('user' => $_GET['filterUser'], 'password' => '')); $SHANDLER->set('authTrusted', true); $SHANDLER->commit(); } $map = array('object_id' => $objectId); $MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($mapName); $MAPCFG->checkMapConfigExists(true); $MAPCFG->readMapConfig(); // Only perform this check with a valid config if ($MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'show_in_lists') != 1) { return null; } $MAP = new NagVisMap($MAPCFG, GET_STATE, !IS_VIEW); // Apply overview related configuration to object $MAP->MAPOBJ->setConfiguration($this->getMapDefaultOpts($mapName, $MAPCFG->getAlias())); if ($MAP->MAPOBJ->checkMaintenance(0)) { $map['overview_url'] = $this->htmlBase . '/index.php?mod=Map&act=view&show=' . $mapName; $map['overview_class'] = ''; } else { $map['overview_class'] = 'disabled'; $map['overview_url'] = 'javascript:alert(\'' . l('The map is in maintenance mode. Please be patient.') . '\');'; $map['summary_output'] = l('The map is in maintenance mode. Please be patient.'); $MAP->MAPOBJ->clearMembers(); $MAP->MAPOBJ->setSummaryState('UNKNOWN'); $MAP->MAPOBJ->fetchIcon(); } if (cfg('index', 'showmapthumbs') == 1) { $map['overview_image'] = $this->renderMapThumb($MAPCFG); } return array($MAP->MAPOBJ, $map); }
public function parse() { global $CORE, $_BACKEND, $AUTH; ob_start(); $map = req('map'); if (!$map || count($CORE->getAvailableMaps('/^' . $map . '$/')) == 0) { throw new NagVisException(l('Please provide a valid map name.')); } $object_id = req('object_id'); if (!$object_id || !preg_match(MATCH_OBJECTID, $object_id)) { throw new NagVisException(l('Please provide a valid object id.')); } $MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($map); $MAPCFG->skipSourceErrors(); $MAPCFG->readMapConfig(); if (!$MAPCFG->objExists($object_id)) { throw new NagVisException(l('The object does not exist.')); } $backendIds = $MAPCFG->getValue($object_id, 'backend_id'); foreach ($backendIds as $backendId) { if (!$_BACKEND->checkBackendFeature($backendId, 'actionAcknowledge', false)) { return '<div class=err>' . l('The requested feature is not available for this backend. ' . 'The MKLivestatus backend supports this feature.') . '</div>'; } } if (is_action()) { try { $type = $MAPCFG->getValue($object_id, 'type'); if ($type == 'host') { $spec = $MAPCFG->getValue($object_id, 'host_name'); } else { $spec = $MAPCFG->getValue($object_id, 'host_name') . ';' . $MAPCFG->getValue($object_id, 'service_description'); } $comment = post('comment'); if (!$comment) { throw new FieldInputError('comment', l('You need to provide a comment.')); } $sticky = get_checkbox('sticky'); $notify = get_checkbox('notify'); $persist = get_checkbox('persist'); // Now send the acknowledgement foreach ($backendIds as $backendId) { $BACKEND = $_BACKEND->getBackend($backendId); $BACKEND->actionAcknowledge($type, $spec, $comment, $sticky, $notify, $persist, $AUTH->getUser()); } success(l('The problem has been acknowledged.')); js('window.setTimeout(function() {' . 'popupWindowClose(); refreshMapObject(null, \'' . $object_id . '\');}, 2000);'); } catch (FieldInputError $e) { form_error($e->field, $e->msg); } catch (NagVisException $e) { form_error(null, $e->message()); } catch (Exception $e) { if (isset($e->msg)) { form_error(null, $e->msg); } else { throw $e; } } } echo $this->error; js_form_start('acknowledge'); echo '<label>' . l('Comment'); input('comment'); echo '</label>'; echo '<label>'; checkbox('sticky', cfg('global', 'dialog_ack_sticky')); echo l('Sticky') . '</label>'; echo '<label>'; checkbox('notify', cfg('global', 'dialog_ack_notify')); echo l('Notify contacts') . '</label>'; echo '<label>'; checkbox('persist', cfg('global', 'dialog_ack_persist')); echo l('Persist comment') . '</label>'; submit(l('Acknowledge')); form_end(); focus('comment'); return ob_get_clean(); }
private function getMaps($maps) { global $_BACKEND, $AUTHORISATION; $aObjs = array(); foreach ($maps as $object_id => $mapName) { $MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($mapName); $config_error = null; $error = null; try { $MAPCFG->readMapConfig(); } catch (MapCfgInvalid $e) { $config_error = $e->getMessage(); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); } if ($MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'show_in_lists') != 1 || $MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'show_in_multisite') != 1) { continue; } $MAP = new NagVisMap($MAPCFG, GET_STATE, !IS_VIEW); // Apply mulitsite snapin related configuration to object $objConf = array('type' => 'map', 'map_name' => $MAPCFG->getName(), 'object_id' => $object_id, 'hover_menu' => 0, 'hover_childs_show' => 0, 'hover_template' => 'default', 'parent_map' => $MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'parent_map')); $MAP->MAPOBJ->setConfiguration($objConf); if ($config_error !== null) { $MAP->MAPOBJ->clearMembers(); $MAP->MAPOBJ->setState(array(ERROR, l('Map Configuration Error: ') . $config_error, null, null, null)); $MAP->MAPOBJ->fetchIcon(); } elseif ($error !== null) { $MAP->MAPOBJ->clearMembers(); $MAP->MAPOBJ->setState(array(ERROR, l('Error: ') . $error, null, null, null)); $MAP->MAPOBJ->fetchIcon(); } elseif ($MAP->MAPOBJ->checkMaintenance(0)) { $MAP->MAPOBJ->fetchIcon(); } else { $MAP->MAPOBJ->clearMembers(); $MAP->MAPOBJ->setState(array(UNKNOWN, l('mapInMaintenance'), null, null, null)); $MAP->MAPOBJ->fetchIcon(); } $MAP->MAPOBJ->queueState(GET_STATE, GET_SINGLE_MEMBER_STATES); $aObjs[] = $MAP->MAPOBJ; } $_BACKEND->execute(); $aMaps = array(); foreach ($aObjs as $MAP) { $MAP->applyState(); $MAP->fetchIcon(); $aMaps[] = $MAP->getObjectInformation(); } usort($aMaps, array('GlobalCore', 'cmpAlias')); return $aMaps; }
/** * Returns a list of maps for the header menus macro list * * return Array * @author Lars Michelsen <*****@*****.**> */ private function getMapList() { global $_MAINCFG, $CORE, $AUTHORISATION; // Get all the maps global content and use only those which are needed $filename = cfg('paths', 'var') . 'maplist-full-global.cfg-' . CONST_VERSION . '-cache'; $cfgFiles = $CORE->getAvailableMaps(); $path = $CORE->getMainCfg()->getValue('paths', 'mapcfg'); foreach ($cfgFiles as $name) { $cfgFiles[$name] = $path . $name . ".cfg"; } $CACHE = new GlobalFileCache($cfgFiles, cfg('paths', 'var') . 'maplist-full-global.cfg-' . CONST_VERSION . '-cache'); if ($CACHE->isCached() !== -1 && $_MAINCFG->isCached() !== -1 && $CACHE->isCached() >= $_MAINCFG->isCached()) { // Read the whole list from the cache $list = $CACHE->getCache(); } else { // Get all the maps global config sections and cache them $list = array(); foreach ($CORE->getAvailableMaps() as $mapName) { $MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($mapName); try { $MAPCFG->readMapConfig(ONLY_GLOBAL); } catch (MapCfgInvalid $e) { $map['configError'] = true; } catch (NagVisException $e) { $map['configError'] = true; } // Only show maps which should be shown if ($MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'show_in_lists') != 1) { continue; } $list[$mapName] = array('mapName' => $MAPCFG->getName(), 'mapAlias' => $MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'alias'), 'childs' => array(), 'class' => '', 'parent' => $MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'parent_map')); } // Save the list as cache $CACHE->writeCache($list, 1); } $permEditAnyMap = false; $aMaps = array(); $childMaps = array(); // Perform user specific filtering on the cached data foreach ($list as $map) { // Remove unpermitted maps if (!$AUTHORISATION->isPermitted('Map', 'view', $map['mapName'])) { unset($list[$map['mapName']]); continue; } // Change permission to edit $map['permittedEdit'] = $AUTHORISATION->isPermitted('Map', 'edit', $map['mapName']); $permEditAnyMap |= $map['permittedEdit']; if ($map['parent'] === '') { $aMaps[$map['mapName']] = $map; } else { if (!isset($childMaps[$map['parent']])) { $childMaps[$map['parent']] = array(); } $childMaps[$map['parent']][$map['mapName']] = $map; } } // auto select current map and apply map specific options to the header menu if ($this->OBJ !== null && $this->aMacros['mod'] == 'Map' && isset($list[$this->OBJ->getName()])) { $list[$this->OBJ->getName()]['selected'] = True; } return array($this->mapListToTree($aMaps, $childMaps), $permEditAnyMap); }
public function getListMaps() { $list = array(); $maps = $this->getPermittedMaps(); foreach ($maps as $mapName) { $MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($mapName); $MAPCFG->checkMapConfigExists(true); try { $MAPCFG->readMapConfig(ONLY_GLOBAL); } catch (MapCfgInvalid $e) { continue; // skip configs with broken global sections } catch (NagVisException $e) { continue; // skip e.g. not read config files } if ($MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'show_in_lists') == 1) { $list[$mapName] = $MAPCFG->getAlias(); } } natcasesort($list); return array_keys($list); }
private function deleteForm() { global $CORE; echo '<h2>' . l('Delete Background') . '</h2>'; if (is_action() && post('mode') == 'delete') { try { $name = post('name'); if (!$name) { throw new FieldInputError('name', l('Please choose a background')); } if (count($CORE->getAvailableBackgroundImages('/^' . preg_quote($name) . '$/')) == 0) { throw new FieldInputError('name', l('The background does not exist.')); } // Check whether or not the backgroun is in use $using = array(); foreach ($CORE->getAvailableMaps() as $map) { $MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($map); try { $MAPCFG->readMapConfig(ONLY_GLOBAL); } catch (Exception $e) { continue; // don't fail on broken map configs } $bg = $MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'map_image'); if (isset($bg) && $bg == $name) { $using[] = $MAPCFG->getName(); } } if ($using) { throw new FieldInputError('name', l('Unable to delete this background, because it is ' . 'currently used by these maps: [M].', array('M' => implode(',', $using)))); } $BACKGROUND = new GlobalBackground($name); $BACKGROUND->deleteImage(); success(l('The background has been deleted.')); //reload(null, 1); } catch (FieldInputError $e) { form_error($e->field, $e->msg); } catch (Exception $e) { if (isset($e->msg)) { form_error(null, $e->msg); } else { throw $e; } } } echo $this->error; js_form_start('delete'); hidden('mode', 'delete'); echo '<table class="mytable">'; echo '<tr><td class="tdlabel">' . l('Background') . '</td>'; echo '<td class="tdfield">'; $images = array('' => l('Choose a background')); foreach ($CORE->getAvailableBackgroundImages() as $name) { $images[$name] = $name; } select('name', $images); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; submit(l('Delete')); form_end(); }