예제 #1
if (!is_array($msgs)) {
    settype($msgs, 'array');
if (isset($_REQUEST['msgmove'])) {
    $msgmove = $_REQUEST['msgmove'];
$mail = new GetMail(array('Username' => $atmail->username, 'Pop3host' => $atmail->pop3host, 'Password' => $auth->password, 'Type' => $atmail->MailType, 'Mode' => $atmail->Mode));
$status = $mail->login();
// We have an error while logging in. Tell the user
if ($status) {
    print $atmail->parse("html/{$atmail->Language}/auth_misc.html", array('status' => "Remote mail-server not responding - Check connection - {$status}"));
// Receive the list of mailbox folders
$folders = GetMail::_sort_folders($mail->listfolders());
// Make sure the requested folder exists (help avoid XSS etc)
if (!empty($var['folder']) && !in_array($var['folder'], $folders)) {
    die("requested folder does not exist");
$fol = array();
// Create the select box for moving messages to another folder
$var['folderbox'] = $mail->folder_select($var['folder'], $folders);
$var['folderbox'] = $mail->folder_select_lang($var['folderbox'], $atmail->Language);
// By default, we want to move to Trash
$var['folderbox'] = str_replace("value=\"Trash\"", "value=\"Trash\" selected", $var['folderbox']);
// If the user has set the messages to another flag; update the UIDL database.
if ($var['flag'] && $msgs[0]) {
    $c = 0;
    foreach ($msgs as $id) {
        $folder = urldecode($_REQUEST['folders'][$c]);
예제 #2
                if (strtotime("+ 180 seconds") > fileatime($file_name)) {
    // If we have expunge on logout ( e.g PDMF IMAP server)
    if ($pref['expunge_logout'] == '1') {
        $atmail->status = $auth->getuser($atmail->SessionID);
        require_once 'GetMail.php';
        $mail = new GetMail(array('Username' => $atmail->username, 'Pop3host' => $atmail->pop3host, 'Password' => $auth->password, 'Mode' => $atmail->Mode, 'Type' => $atmail->MailType));
        if ($atmail->MailType == 'imap') {
            $folders = $mail->listfolders();
            // Create a new folder-tree element
            // Loop through each of the folders
            foreach ($folders as $folder) {
$var['Ajax'] = '1';
$var['error'] = $_REQUEST['error'];
$atmail->LoginType = "simple";
$atmail->Ajax = '1';
$atmail->Language = 'english';