  * Dispaly an appoitment as text
  * @param value $value
  * @return string
 public function showAppointment($value)
     if (!$value) {
         return $this->_('Unknown');
     if ($value instanceof \Gems_Agenda_Appointment) {
         $appointment = $value;
     } else {
         $appointment = $this->loader->getAgenda()->getAppointment($value);
     if ($appointment instanceof \Gems_Agenda_Appointment) {
         if (!$this->menu instanceof \Gems_Mail) {
             $this->menu = $this->loader->getMenu();
         $menuItem = $this->menu->findAllowedController('appointment', 'show');
         if ($menuItem) {
             if (!$this->request) {
                 $this->request = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
             $href = $menuItem->toHRefAttribute(array('gap_id_appointment' => $appointment->getId()), $this->request);
             if ($href) {
                 return \MUtil_Html::create('a', $href, $appointment->getDisplayString());
         return $appointment->getDisplayString();
     return $value;
  * Hook that loads the form data from $_POST or the model
  * Or from whatever other source you specify here.
 protected function loadFormData()
     $surveyId = $this->request->getParam(\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID);
     if (isset($this->formData['survey']) && $this->formData['survey'] && !$this->_survey instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Survey) {
         $this->_survey = $this->loader->getTracker()->getSurvey($this->formData['survey']);
     if ($this->_survey instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Survey) {
         // Add (optional) survey specific translators
         $extraTrans = $this->importLoader->getAnswerImporters($this->_survey);
         if ($extraTrans) {
             $this->importTranslators = $extraTrans + $this->importTranslators;
             $this->_translatorDescriptions = false;
             $this->importModel->set('trans', 'multiOptions', $this->getTranslatorDescriptions());
     if ($this->_survey instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Survey) {
         $this->targetModel = $this->_survey->getAnswerModel($this->locale->toString());
         $source = $this->menu->getParameterSource();
         $source->offsetSet('gsu_has_pdf', $this->_survey->hasPdf() ? 1 : 0);
         $source->offsetSet('gsu_active', $this->_survey->isActive() ? 1 : 0);
     // \MUtil_Echo::track($this->formData);
  * Set the route destination after the mail is sent
 protected function setAfterSendRoute()
     if ($this->routeAction && $this->request->getActionName() !== $this->routeAction) {
         $this->afterSendRouteUrl = array('action' => $this->routeAction);
         $keys = $this->model->getKeys();
         if (count($keys) == 1) {
             $key = reset($keys);
             if (isset($this->formData[$key])) {
                 $this->afterSendRouteUrl[\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID] = $this->formData[$key];
         } else {
             $i = 1;
             foreach ($keys as $key) {
                 if (isset($this->formData[$key])) {
                     $this->afterSendRouteUrl[\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID . $i] = $this->formData[$key];
         $this->afterSendRouteUrl['controller'] = $this->request->getControllerName();
         $find['action'] = $this->afterSendRouteUrl['action'];
         $find['controller'] = $this->afterSendRouteUrl['controller'];
         if (null == $this->menu->find($find)) {
             $this->afterSendRouteUrl['action'] = 'index';
             $this->resetRoute = true;
  * Action that switches the cron job lock on or off.
 public function cronLockAction()
     // Switch lock
     // Redirect
     $request = $this->getRequest();
  * Creates a reset button for the search form
  * @return \Zend_Form_Element_Html or null
 protected function getAutoSearchReset()
     if ($menuItem = $this->menu->getCurrent()) {
         $link = $menuItem->toActionLink($this->request, array('reset' => 1), $this->_('Reset search'));
         $element = new \MUtil_Form_Element_Html('reset');
         return $element;
  * Create the snippets content
  * This is a stub function either override getHtmlOutput() or override render()
  * @param \Zend_View_Abstract $view Just in case it is needed here
  * @return \MUtil_Html_HtmlInterface Something that can be rendered
 public function getHtmlOutput(\Zend_View_Abstract $view)
     $menuList = $this->menu->getMenuList();
     $menuList->addParameterSources($this->request, $this->menu->getParameterSource());
     // \MUtil_Echo::track($this->request->getParams(), $this->menu->getParameterSource()->getArrayCopy());
     if ($menuList->render($view)) {
         return \MUtil_Html::create('div', array('class' => 'buttons', 'renderClosingTag' => true), $menuList);
  * Finds a specific active menu item
  * @param string $defaultController
  * @param string|array $actions
  * @return array of \Gems_Menu_SubMenuItem
 protected function findMenuItems($defaultController, $actions = array('index'))
     $output = array();
     foreach ((array) $actions as $key => $action) {
         $controller = is_int($key) ? $defaultController : $key;
         $item = $this->menu->find(array('controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action, 'allowed' => true));
         if ($item) {
             $output[] = $item;
     return $output;
  * Set the footer of the browse table.
  * Overrule this function to set the header differently, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_VerticalTableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @return void
 protected function setShowTableFooter(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_VerticalTableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     if ($this->displayMenu) {
         if (!$this->menuList) {
             $this->menuList = $this->menu->getCurrentMenuList($this->request, $this->_('Cancel'));
         if ($this->menuList instanceof \Gems_Menu_MenuList) {
         $bridge->tfrow($this->menuList, array('class' => 'centerAlign'));
  * overrule to add your own buttons.
  * @return \Gems_Menu_MenuList
 protected function getMenuList()
     $links = $this->menu->getMenuList();
     $links->addParameterSources($this->request, $this->menu->getParameterSource());
     if ($this->menuShowSiblings) {
     if ($this->menuShowChildren) {
     return $links;
  * overrule to add your own buttons.
  * @return \Gems_Menu_MenuList
 protected function getMenuList()
     $links = $this->menu->getMenuList();
     $links->addParameterSources($this->request, $this->menu->getParameterSource());
     $source = new \Gems_Menu_ParameterSource(array('gro_id_track' => $this->trackId, 'gro_id_round' => $this->trackEngine->getPreviousRoundId($this->roundId)));
     $links->append($this->menu->getCurrent()->toActionLink(true, \MUtil_Html::raw($this->_('< Previous')), $source));
     $source->offsetSet('gro_id_round', $this->trackEngine->getNextRoundId($this->roundId));
     $links->append($this->menu->getCurrent()->toActionLink(true, \MUtil_Html::raw($this->_('Next >')), $source));
     return $links;
 public function getHtmlOutput(\Zend_View_Abstract $view)
     $html = $this->getHtmlSequence();
     $request = $this->request;
     $html->hr(array('class' => 'noprint'));
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $state = $params;
     // Use current state for pdf export
     if (isset($params['fullanswers'])) {
     } else {
         $params['fullanswers'] = 1;
     $url = array('controller' => $request->getControllerName(), 'action' => $request->getActionName(), 'routereset' => true) + $params;
     $html->actionLink($url, $this->_('Toggle'));
     // Now add the menulist all buttons under answer
     $menuList = $this->menu->getMenuList();
     $html[] = $menuList;
     $html->hr(array('class' => 'noprint'));
     return $html;
  * Returns the current html/head/title for this page.
  * If the title is an array the seperator concatenates the parts.
  * @param string $separator
  * @return string
 public function getTitle($separator = null)
     if ($title_set = parent::getTitle($separator)) {
         return $title_set;
     $title = array();
     foreach ($this->menu->getActivePath($this->getRequest()) as $menuItem) {
         $title[] = $menuItem->get('label');
     if ($id = $this->getInstanceId()) {
         $title[] = $id;
     return implode($separator, $title);
 public function indexAction()
     $this->html->h2($this->_('Project information'));
     $data = $this->_getData();
     $lock = $this->util->getMaintenanceLock();
     if ($lock->isLocked()) {
         $label = $this->_('Turn Maintenance Mode OFF');
     } else {
         $label = $this->_('Turn Maintenance Mode ON');
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $buttonList = $this->menu->getMenuList();
     $buttonList->addParameterSources($request)->addByController($request->getControllerName(), 'maintenance', $label)->addByController($request->getControllerName(), 'cacheclean');
     // $this->html->buttonDiv($buttonList);
     $this->_showTable($this->_('Version information'), $data);
 public function indexAction()
     $this->html->h2($this->_('Project information'));
     $versions = $this->loader->getVersions();
     $data[$this->_('Project name')] = $this->project->name;
     $data[$this->_('Project version')] = $versions->getProjectVersion();
     $data[$this->_('Gems version')] = $versions->getGemsVersion();
     $data[$this->_('Gems build')] = $versions->getBuild();
     $data[$this->_('Gems project')] = GEMS_PROJECT_NAME;
     $data[$this->_('Gems web directory')] = $this->getDirInfo(GEMS_WEB_DIR);
     $data[$this->_('Gems root directory')] = $this->getDirInfo(GEMS_ROOT_DIR);
     $data[$this->_('Gems code directory')] = $this->getDirInfo(GEMS_LIBRARY_DIR);
     $data[$this->_('Gems variable directory')] = $this->getDirInfo(GEMS_ROOT_DIR . '/var');
     $data[$this->_('MUtil version')] = \MUtil_Version::get();
     $data[$this->_('Zend version')] = \Zend_Version::VERSION;
     $data[$this->_('Application environment')] = APPLICATION_ENV;
     $data[$this->_('Application baseuri')] = $this->loader->getUtil()->getCurrentURI();
     $data[$this->_('Application directory')] = $this->getDirInfo(APPLICATION_PATH);
     $data[$this->_('Application encoding')] = APPLICATION_ENCODING;
     $data[$this->_('PHP version')] = phpversion();
     $data[$this->_('Server Hostname')] = php_uname('n');
     $data[$this->_('Server OS')] = php_uname('s');
     $data[$this->_('Time on server')] = date('r');
     $driveVars = array($this->_('Session directory') => \Zend_Session::getOptions('save_path'), $this->_('Temporary files directory') => realpath(getenv('TMP')));
     if ($system = getenv('SystemDrive')) {
         $driveVars[$this->_('System Drive')] = realpath($system);
     foreach ($driveVars as $name => $drive) {
         $data[$name] = $this->getDirInfo($drive);
     $lock = $this->util->getMaintenanceLock();
     if ($lock->isLocked()) {
         $label = $this->_('Turn Maintenance Mode OFF');
     } else {
         $label = $this->_('Turn Maintenance Mode ON');
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $buttonList = $this->menu->getMenuList();
     $buttonList->addParameterSources($request)->addByController($request->getControllerName(), 'maintenance', $label)->addByController($request->getControllerName(), 'cacheclean');
     // $this->html->buttonDiv($buttonList);
     $this->_showTable($this->_('Version information'), $data);
예제 #15
  * Adds the siblings (= other children of the parent) of the current menu item to this list
  * @param boolean $anyParameters When false, siblings must have the same parameter set as the current menu item
  * @return \Gems_Menu_MenuList (continuation pattern)
 public function addCurrentSiblings($anyParameters = false, $includeCurrent = false)
     if ($current = $this->menu->getCurrent()) {
         if ($parent = $current->getParent()) {
             $parameters = $current->getParameters();
             if ($includeCurrent) {
                 $current = null;
             foreach ($parent->getChildren() as $menuItem) {
                 // Add any menu item that is not the current menu item
                 // and that has the same parameters, unless $anyParameters is true.
                 if ($menuItem !== $current && ($anyParameters || $menuItem->getParameters() == $parameters)) {
     return $this;
  * Create the snippets content
  * This is a stub function either override getHtmlOutput() or override render()
  * @param \Zend_View_Abstract $view Just in case it is needed here
  * @return \MUtil_Html_HtmlInterface Something that can be rendered
 public function getHtmlOutput(\Zend_View_Abstract $view)
     $div = \MUtil_Html::create('div');
     if ($this->surveyId && $this->data) {
         $div->h3(sprintf($this->_('Questions in survey %s'), $this->survey->getName()));
     } else {
         $this->addMessage($this->_('Survey not found'));
         if ($this->surveyId) {
             $div->pInfo(sprintf($this->_('Survey %s does not exist.'), $this->surveyId));
         } else {
             $div->pInfo($this->_('Survey not specified.'));
     $item = $this->menu->getCurrentParent();
     if ($item) {
         $div->append($item->toActionLink($this->_('Cancel'), $this->request));
     return $div;
  * If menu item does not exist or is not allowed, redirect to index
  * @return \Gems_Snippets_ModelFormSnippetAbstract
 protected function setAfterSaveRoute()
     if (is_array($this->afterSaveRouteUrl)) {
         // Make sure controller is set
         if (!array_key_exists('controller', $this->afterSaveRouteUrl)) {
             $this->afterSaveRouteUrl['controller'] = $this->request->getControllerName();
         // Search array for menu item
         $find['controller'] = $this->afterSaveRouteUrl['controller'];
         $find['action'] = $this->afterSaveRouteUrl['action'];
         // If not allowed, redirect to index
         if (null == $this->menu->find($find)) {
             $this->afterSaveRouteUrl['action'] = 'index';
             $this->resetRoute = true;
     // \MUtil_Echo::track($this->routeAction, $this->resetRoute);
     return $this;
  * Show the upgrades and level for a certain context
  * Usage: show/context/<context>
 public function showAction()
     $context = $this->_getParam('id', 'gems');
     if ($info = $this->_upgrades->getUpgradesInfo($context)) {
         $this->html->table(array('class' => 'browser'))->tr()->th($this->_('Context'))->td($info['context'])->tr()->th($this->_('Level'))->td($info['level']);
         $data = $this->_upgrades->getUpgrades();
         foreach ($data as $level => $row) {
             foreach ($this->menu->getCurrent()->getChildren() as $menuItem) {
                 if ($menuItem->is('allowed', true)) {
                     $show = true;
                     if ($level <= $info['level'] && $menuItem->is('action', 'execute-to')) {
                         //When this level is < current level don't allow to execute from current level to this one
                         $show = false;
                     if ($level <= $info['level'] && $menuItem->is('action', 'execute-from')) {
                         //When this level is < current level don't allow to execute from current level to this one
                         $show = false;
                     if ($show) {
                         $row['action'][] = $menuItem->toActionLinkLower($this->getRequest(), $row, array('from' => $level, 'to' => $level));
             $row['level'] = $level;
             $data[$level] = $row;
         $displayColumns = array('level' => $this->_('Level'), 'info' => $this->_('Description'), 'action' => $this->_('Action'));
         $this->addSnippet('SelectiveTableSnippet', 'data', $data, 'class', 'browser', 'columns', $displayColumns);
     } else {
         $this->html[] = sprintf($this->_('Context %s not found!'), $context);
     if ($parentItem = $this->menu->getCurrent()->getParent()) {
         $this->html[] = $parentItem->toActionLink($this->getRequest(), $this->_('Cancel'));
  * Renders the entire report (including layout)
  * @param array|string[] $respondentId
  * @param boolean $group Group same surveys or not
  * @param string $format html|pdf, the output format to use
 public function render($respondents, $group = true, $format = 'html')
     $this->_group = $group;
     $respondentCount = count($respondents);
     $respondentIdx = 0;
     foreach ($respondents as $respondentId) {
         if ($respondentIdx < $respondentCount) {
             // Add some whitespace between patients
             $this->html->div('', array('style' => 'height: 100px'));
     $this->html->snippet($this->_reportFooter, 'respondents', $respondents);
     if ($this->escort instanceof \Gems_Project_Layout_MultiLayoutInterface) {
     $this->view->layout()->content = $this->html->render($this->view);
     $content = $this->view->layout->render();
     if ($format == 'pdf') {
         if (is_array($respondentId) && isset($respondentId['gr2o_id_organization'])) {
             $respondentId = $respondentId['gr2o_patient_nr'];
         $filename = 'respondent-export-' . strtolower($respondentId) . '.pdf';
         $content = $this->_pdf->convertFromHtml($content);
         $this->_pdf->echoPdfContent($content, $filename, true);
     } else {
         echo $content;
 protected function _getTracks($trackType, $pageRef, $trackTypeDescription)
     switch ($trackType) {
         case 'tracks':
             $action = 'create';
         case 'respondents':
         case 'staff':
             $action = 'insert';
     $orgId = intval($this->request->getParam(\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID2));
     $cacheId = strtr(__CLASS__ . '_' . $trackType . '_' . $orgId, '\\/', '__');
     $tracks = $this->cache->load($cacheId);
     if (!$tracks) {
         switch ($trackType) {
             case 'tracks':
                 $sql = "SELECT gtr_id_track, gtr_track_name\n                        FROM gems__tracks\n                        WHERE gtr_date_start < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND\n                            (gtr_date_until IS NULL OR gtr_date_until > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AND\n                            gtr_active = 1 AND\n                            gtr_organizations LIKE '%|{$orgId}|%'\n                         ORDER BY gtr_track_name";
             case 'respondents':
                 $sql = "SELECT gsu_id_survey, gsu_survey_name\n                        FROM gems__surveys INNER JOIN gems__groups ON gsu_id_primary_group = ggp_id_group\n                        WHERE gsu_surveyor_active = 1 AND\n                            gsu_active = 1 AND\n                            ggp_group_active = 1 AND\n                            ggp_respondent_members = 1 AND\n                            gsu_insertable = 1 AND\n                            gsu_insert_organizations LIKE '%|{$orgId}|%'\n                        ORDER BY gsu_survey_name";
             case 'staff':
                 $sql = "SELECT gsu_id_survey, gsu_survey_name\n                        FROM gems__surveys INNER JOIN gems__groups ON gsu_id_primary_group = ggp_id_group\n                        WHERE gsu_surveyor_active = 1 AND\n                            gsu_active = 1 AND\n                            ggp_group_active = 1 AND\n                            ggp_staff_members = 1 AND\n                            gsu_insertable = 1 AND\n                            gsu_insert_organizations LIKE '%|{$orgId}|%'\n                        ORDER BY gsu_survey_name";
         $tracks = $this->db->fetchPairs($sql);
         $this->cache->save($tracks, $cacheId, array('surveys', 'tracks'));
     $div = \MUtil_Html::create()->div(array('class' => 'toolbox btn-group'));
     $menuIndex = $this->menu->findController('track', 'index');
     if ($tracks) {
         $menuCreate = $this->menu->findController('track', $action);
         if (!$menuCreate->isAllowed()) {
             return null;
         if (\MUtil_Bootstrap::enabled()) {
             $div->button($trackTypeDescription, array('class' => 'toolanchor btn', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown', 'type' => 'button'));
             $dropdownButton = $div->button(array('class' => 'btn dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown', 'type' => 'button'));
             $dropdownButton->span(array('class' => 'caret', 'renderClosingTag' => true));
         } else {
             $div->a($menuIndex->toHRefAttribute($this->request), $trackTypeDescription, array('class' => 'toolanchor'));
         $data = new \MUtil_Lazy_RepeatableByKeyValue($tracks);
         if ($trackType == 'tracks') {
             $menuView = $this->menu->findController('track', 'view');
             $params = array('gtr_id_track' => $data->key);
         } else {
             $menuView = $this->menu->findController('track', 'view-survey');
             $params = array('gsu_id_survey' => $data->key);
         if (\MUtil_Bootstrap::enabled()) {
             if (count($tracks) > $this->scrollTreshold) {
                 // Add a header and scroll class so we keep rounded corners
                 $top = $div->ul(array('class' => 'dropdown-menu', 'role' => 'menu'));
                 $link = $top->li(array('class' => 'disabled'))->a('#');
                 $link->i(array('class' => 'fa fa-chevron-down fa-fw pull-left', 'renderClosingTag' => true));
                 $link->i(array('class' => 'fa fa-chevron-down fa-fw pull-right', 'renderClosingTag' => true));
                 // Add extra scroll-menu class
                 $li = $top->li()->ul(array('class' => 'dropdown-menu scroll-menu', 'role' => 'menu'), $data)->li();
             } else {
                 $li = $div->ul(array('class' => 'dropdown-menu', 'role' => 'menu'), $data)->li();
             $link = $li->a($menuView->toHRefAttribute($this->request, $params), array('class' => 'rightFloat info'));
             $link->i(array('class' => 'fa fa-info-circle'))->raw('&nbsp;');
             if (count($tracks) > $this->scrollTreshold) {
                 // Add a footer so we keep rounded corners
                 $link = $top->li(array('class' => 'disabled'))->a('#');
                 $link->i(array('class' => 'fa fa-chevron-up fa-fw pull-left', 'renderClosingTag' => true));
                 $link->i(array('class' => 'fa fa-chevron-up fa-fw pull-right', 'renderClosingTag' => true));
         } else {
             $li = $div->ul($data)->li();
             $li->a($menuView->toHRefAttribute($this->request, $params), array('class' => 'rightFloat'))->img(array('src' => 'info.png', 'width' => 12, 'height' => 12, 'alt' => $this->_('info')));
         $toolboxRowAttributes = array('class' => 'add');
         $li->a($menuCreate->toHRefAttribute($this->request, $params), $data->value, $toolboxRowAttributes);
     } else {
         if (\MUtil_Bootstrap::enabled()) {
             $div->button($trackTypeDescription, array('class' => 'toolanchor btn disabled', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown', 'type' => 'button'));
             $dropdownButton = $div->button(array('class' => 'disabled btn dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown', 'type' => 'button'));
             $dropdownButton->span(array('class' => 'caret', 'renderClosingTag' => true));
             $options = array('class' => 'dropdown-menu disabled', 'role' => 'menu');
         } else {
             $div->a($menuIndex->toHRefAttribute($this->request), $trackTypeDescription, array('class' => 'toolanchor disabled'));
             $options = array('class' => 'disabled');
         $div->ul($this->_('None available'), $options);
     return $div;
  * Finds a specific active menu item
  * @param string $controller
  * @param string $action
  * @return \Gems_Menu_SubMenuItem
 protected function findMenuItem($controller, $action = 'index')
     return $this->menu->find(array('controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action, 'allowed' => true));
예제 #22
  * Redirects the user to his/her start page.
  * @param \Gems_Menu $menu
  * @param \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
  * @return \Gems_Menu_SubMenuItem
 public function gotoStartPage(\Gems_Menu $menu, \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     if ($this->isPasswordResetRequired()) {
         // Set menu OFF
         $menuItem = $menu->findController('option', 'change-password');
         // This may not yet be true, but is needed for the redirect.
         $menuItem->set('allowed', true);
         $menuItem->set('visible', true);
     } else {
         $menuItem = $menu->findFirst(array('allowed' => true, 'visible' => true));
     if ($menuItem) {
         // Prevent redirecting to the current page.
         if (!($menuItem->is('controller', $request->getControllerName()) && $menuItem->is('action', $request->getActionName()))) {
             if (!$menuItem->has('controller')) {
                 //This is a container, try to find first active child
                 $item = $menuItem;
                 foreach ($item->sortByOrder()->getChildren() as $menuItem) {
                     if ($menuItem->isAllowed() && $menuItem->has('controller')) {
                     $menuItem = null;
             if ($menuItem) {
                 $redirector = \Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
                 $redirector->gotoRoute($menuItem->toRouteUrl($request), null, true);
     return $menuItem;