require ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { // handle ajax save request (do not show the interface) $ID = @$_REQUEST['ID']; // we posted . characters, but something converts them to _ (HTTP 1.1 standard) $r = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST as $i => $v) { $r[join('.', explode('_', $i))] = $v; //convert _ back to . } $sessies = array(); for ($i0 = 0; isset($r['0.' . $i0]); $i0++) { $sessies[$i0] = @$r['0.' . $i0 . '']; } $Gebruiker = new Gebruiker($ID, $sessies); if ($Gebruiker->save() !== false) { die('ok:' . serviceref($_REQUEST['content']) . '&Gebruiker=' . urlencode($Gebruiker->getId())); } else { die('Please fix errors!'); } exit; // do not show the interface } $buttons = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['new'])) { $new = true; } else { $new = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['edit']) || $new) { $edit = true;
public function createAccountAction() { // checks if a post is committed if ($this->request->isPost()) { // check for CSRF security if ($this->security->checkToken() == false) { $this->flash->error("invalid CSRF token "); $this->response->redirect('account/index'); } // saves input from form in a variable $email = $this->request->getPost('email'); $username = $this->request->getPost('username'); $voornaam = $this->request->getPost('voornaam'); $tussenvoegsel = $this->request->getPost('tussenvoegsel'); $achternaam = $this->request->getPost('achternaam'); $telefoonnummer = $this->request->getPost('telefoonnummer'); $password = $this->request->getPost('password'); $confirm_password = $this->request->getPost('confirm_password'); // checks if both password fields are equal if ($password != $confirm_password) { $this->flash->warning('de ingevulde wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk'); $this->response->redirect('account/register'); } // initiate model $gebruiker = new Gebruiker(); // assign post input to a field form the table $gebruiker->rol = "user"; $gebruiker->email = $email; $gebruiker->username = $username; $gebruiker->tussenvoegsel = $tussenvoegsel; $gebruiker->voornaam = $voornaam; $gebruiker->achternaam = $achternaam; $gebruiker->telefoonnummer = $telefoonnummer; $gebruiker->password = $password; // save the inputs in the table $result = $gebruiker->save(); // checks if any invalid values are past if (!$result) { $output = []; foreach ($gebruiker->getMessages() as $message) { $output[] = $message; } $output = implode("<br><br>", $output); // displays incorrect input $this->flash->error($output); $this->response->redirect('account/register'); return; } $this->registerSession($gebruiker); $this->response->redirect('afspraak/index'); } }