예제 #1
if (!class_exists('GavernWP')) {
    // include the framework base class
    require gavern_file('gavern/base.php');
// load and parse template JSON file.
$config_language = 'en_US';
if (get_locale() != '' && is_dir(get_template_directory() . '/gavern/config/' . get_locale()) && is_dir(get_template_directory() . '/gavern/options/' . get_locale())) {
    $config_language = get_locale();
$json_data = json_decode(file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/gavern/config/' . $config_language . '/template.json'));
$tpl_name = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $json_data->template->name));
// define constant to use with all __(), _e(), _n(), _x() and _xe() usage
define('GKTPLNAME', $tpl_name);
// create the framework object
$tpl = new GavernWP();
// Including file with helper functions
require_once gavern_file('gavern/helpers/helpers.base.php');
// Including file with template hooks
require_once gavern_file('gavern/hooks.php');
// Including file with template functions
require_once gavern_file('gavern/functions.php');
require_once gavern_file('gavern/user.functions.php');
// Including file with template filters
require_once gavern_file('gavern/filters.php');
// Including file with template widgets
require_once gavern_file('gavern/widgets.comments.php');
require_once gavern_file('gavern/widgets.nsp.php');
require_once gavern_file('gavern/widgets.social.php');
require_once gavern_file('gavern/widgets.tabs.php');
// Including file with template admin features
예제 #2
if (!class_exists('GavernWP')) {
    // include the framework base class
    require gavern_file('gavern/base.php');
// load and parse template JSON file.
$config_language = 'en_US';
if (get_locale() != '' && is_dir(get_template_directory() . '/gavern/config/' . get_locale()) && is_dir(get_template_directory() . '/gavern/options/' . get_locale())) {
    $config_language = get_locale();
$json_data = json_decode(file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/gavern/config/' . $config_language . '/template.json'));
$gk_tpl_name = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $json_data->template->name));
// define constant to use with all __(), _e(), _n(), _x() and _xe() usage
define('GKTPLNAME', $gk_tpl_name);
// create the framework object
$gk_tpl = new GavernWP();
// Including file with helper functions
require_once gavern_file('gavern/helpers/helpers.base.php');
// Including file with template hooks
require_once gavern_file('gavern/hooks.php');
// Including file with template functions
require_once gavern_file('gavern/functions.php');
require_once gavern_file('gavern/user.functions.php');
// Including file with woocommerce functions
if (isset($woocommerce)) {
    require_once gavern_file('gavern/wc-functions.php');
// Including file with template filters
require_once gavern_file('gavern/filters.php');
// Including file with template widgets
require_once gavern_file('gavern/widgets.comments.php');