예제 #1
//echo json_encode($_POST);
// TODO: Analysis of Legacy code
$_POST['privacy'] = 8;
$_POST['client'] = "";
$_POST['cl_version'] = "";
	TODO: add  exahustive check for consistency and completness of the TR data 
	Requires discussion with tests on the TrGen client
if (isset($_POST['dest_ip']) && $_POST['dest_ip'] != "") {
    $tr_c_id = GatherTr::saveTrContribution($_POST);
    //echo "\ntr_c_id: ". $tr_c_id."\n";
    $b = GatherTr::saveTrContributionData($_POST, $tr_c_id);
    $trData = GatherTr::getTrContribution($tr_c_id);
    $trByHop = GatherTr::formatTrData($trData);
    if ($trByHop == 0) {
        // analyis of TR failed or not implemented yet
    } else {
        $trAnalyzed = GatherTr::analyzeTrData($trByHop);
        $trData['ip_analysis'] = $trAnalyzed;
        $trId = GatherTr::publishTraceroute($trData);
        $f = GatherTr::flagContribution($tr_c_id, $trId);
        $result = array("TRid" => $trId, "tr_c_id" => $tr_c_id);
        echo json_encode($result);