public function _openConnection($environment) { $config = new Garp_Deploy_Config(); $params = $config->getParams($environment); if (!$params) { Garp_Cli::errorOut('No settings found for environment ' . $environment); } if (empty($params['server'])) { Garp_Cli::errorOut("'server' is a required setting."); return false; } // To provide a bit of backward-compatibility, convert to array if (!is_array($params['server'])) { $params['server'] = array(array('server' => $params['server'], 'user' => $params['user'])); } if (count($params['server']) === 1) { $this->_executeSshCommand($params['server'][0]['server'], $params['server'][0]['user']); return true; } $choice = Garp_Cli::prompt("Choose a server to use: \n" . array_reduce($params['server'], function ($output, $server) { $number = count(explode("\n", $output)); $output .= "{$number}) {$server['server']}\n"; return $output; }, '')); if (!array_key_exists($choice - 1, $params['server'])) { Garp_Cli::errorOut('Invalid choice: ' . $choice); return false; } $this->_executeSshCommand($params['server'][$choice - 1]['server'], $params['server'][$choice - 1]['user']); }
/** * Fetches the deploy parameters for the environment which this storage instance runs on. */ public function getDeployParams() { $deployConfig = new Garp_Deploy_Config(); $deployParams = $deployConfig->getParams($this->getEnvironment()); return $deployParams; }
/** * Fetches the SSH deploy parameters for the environment which this storage instance runs on. * @return Array Deployment parameters containing values for 'server', 'user' and 'deploy_to' path. */ protected function _fetchDeployParams() { $deployConfig = new Garp_Deploy_Config(); $deployParams = $deployConfig->getParams($this->getEnvironment()); return $deployParams; }