public static function init($init_language = true) { if (isset($_GET['plain'])) { self::plaintext(); } else { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); } if ($init_language) { GWF_Language::init(); } GWF_HTML::init(); self::$xhtml = (self::isHTML() ? '>' : ' />') . "\n\t"; self::addLink(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'favicon.ico', 'img/x-icon', 'shortcut icon'); self::addMeta(array('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8', 1)); }
<?php chdir('../../'); apache_setenv('no-gzip', 1); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0); //ini_set('implicit_flush', 1); #ob_implicit_flush(); require_once 'gwf3.class.php'; GWF3::onLoadConfig(GWF_CONFIG_PATH); # Get the modules. $modules = GWF_Module::loadModulesDB(); # Start session if (false === GWF_Session::start(false)) { GWF3::LogDie('Session error. GWF not installed?'); } # Init core templates and stuff GWF_Language::init(); GWF_HTML::initCronjob(); # Yay, a http stream \o/ GWF_Javascript::streamHeader(); # Call Chat::AjaxStream if (false === ($module = GWF_Module::getModule('Chat'))) { GWF3::logDie('MISSING MODULE'); } $module->onLoadLanguage(); $module->onInclude(); $module->requestMethodB('AjaxStream');