if ($input['name'] !== null) { if (!($post = GBPost::findByName($input['name'], $input['version']))) { gb_admin::error_rsp('Post ' . r($input['name']) . ' not found'); } } else { $post = new GBPost(); $created = true; } # set post state $modified_state = array(); foreach ($state_fields as $k => $discard) { $v = $input[$k]; if ($v !== null && $post->{$k} !== $v) { if ($k === 'body') { $post->setRawBody($v); $modified_state[$k] = $post->rawBody(); } else { $post->{$k} = $v; $v = $post->{$k}; if ($v instanceof GBDateTime || $v instanceof GBAuthor) { $v = strval($v); } $modified_state[$k] = $v; } } } # post-process checks before saving if ($modified_state) { $post->modified = new GBDateTime(); if (!$post->title && !$post->slug) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Both title and slug can not both be empty. Please choose a title for this post.');
/> <input type="button" id="publish-button" class="commit publish" value="Publish" title="Make this post appear on your site (after the time specified by 'Publish date')." <?php echo $post->isTracked() ? 'style="display:none"' : ''; ?> /> </p> </div> <div class="breaker"></div> </div> <!-- body --> <div class="section body"> <div class="component body"> <textarea name="body" class="dep-save"><?php echo h($post->rawBody()); ?> </textarea> </div> <div class="breaker"></div> </div> <!-- tags and categories --> <div class="section"> <div class="component tags c2a"> <h4>Tags <small>(comma separated)</small></h4> <p> <input type="text" class="dep-save transform-csv" name="tags" value="<?php echo implode(', ', array_map('h', $post->tags)); ?> " /> </p>