FrmFieldsHelper::include_other_input(array('other_opt' => $other_opt, 'read_only' => $read_only, 'checked' => $checked, 'name' => $other_args['name'], 'value' => $other_args['value'], 'field' => $field, 'html_id' => $html_id, 'opt_key' => $opt_key)); unset($other_opt, $other_args); ?> </div> <?php } } } } else { if ($field['type'] == 'select') { include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-fields/front-end/dropdown-field.php'; } else { if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox') { $checked_values = $field['value']; $read_only = false; if (FrmField::is_read_only($field) && !FrmAppHelper::is_admin()) { $read_only = true; if ($checked_values) { foreach ((array) $checked_values as $checked_value) { ?> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo esc_attr($checked_value); ?> " name="<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?> []" /> <?php } } else { ?>
public static function is_read_only($field) { _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.0.9', 'FrmField::is_read_only'); return FrmField::is_read_only($field); }
public static function add_field_class($class, $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'scale' && FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'star')) { $class .= ' star'; } else { if ($field['type'] == 'date') { $class .= ' frm_date'; } else { if ($field['type'] == 'file' && FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple')) { $class .= ' frm_multiple_file'; } } } // Hide the "No files selected" text if files are selected if ($field['type'] == 'file' && !FrmField::is_option_empty($field, 'value')) { $class .= ' frm_transparent'; } if (!FrmAppHelper::is_admin() && FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'autocom') && ($field['type'] == 'select' || $field['type'] == 'data' && isset($field['data_type']) && $field['data_type'] == 'select') && !empty($field['options']) && !FrmField::is_read_only($field)) { global $frm_vars; $frm_vars['chosen_loaded'] = true; $class .= ' frm_chzn'; $style = FrmStylesController::get_form_style($field['form_id']); if ($style && 'rtl' == $style->post_content['direction']) { $class .= ' chosen-rtl'; } } return $class; }
<?php // Check if field is read only $disabled = FrmField::is_read_only($field) && !FrmAppHelper::is_admin() ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; // Dynamic Dropdowns if ($field['data_type'] == 'select') { if (!empty($field['options'])) { ?> <select <?php echo $disabled; ?> name="<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?> " id="<?php echo esc_attr($html_id); ?> " <?php do_action('frm_field_input_html', $field); ?> > <?php if ($field['options']) { foreach ($field['options'] as $opt_key => $opt) { $selected = $field['value'] == $opt_key || in_array($opt_key, (array) $field['value']) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?> <option value="<?php echo esc_attr($opt_key); ?> "<?php echo $selected;
width:<?php echo FrmStylesController::get_style_val('field_width'); } ?> " <?php do_action('frm_field_input_html', $field); ?> ><?php echo FrmAppHelper::esc_textarea($field['value']); ?> </textarea> <?php } } else { if ($field['type'] == 'file') { if (FrmField::is_read_only($field)) { // Read only file upload field shows the entry without an upload button foreach ((array) maybe_unserialize($field['value']) as $media_id) { if (!is_numeric($media_id)) { continue; } ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); if (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple')) { echo '[]'; } ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($media_id); ?>
<?php $read_only = false; if (isset($field['post_field']) && $field['post_field'] == 'post_category' && FrmAppHelper::pro_is_installed()) { echo FrmProPost::get_category_dropdown($field, array('location' => 'front', 'name' => $field_name, 'id' => $html_id)); } else { if (FrmAppHelper::pro_is_installed() && FrmField::is_read_only($field)) { $read_only = true; echo FrmProDropdownFieldsController::get_hidden_fields_with_readonly_values($field, $field_name, $html_id); ?> <select <?php do_action('frm_field_input_html', $field); ?> > <?php } else { ?> <select name="<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?> " id="<?php echo esc_attr($html_id); ?> " <?php do_action('frm_field_input_html', $field); ?> > <?php } $other_opt = $other_checked = false; foreach ($field['options'] as $opt_key => $opt) { $field_val = apply_filters('frm_field_value_saved', $opt, $opt_key, $field);