public static function edit_entry_ajax() { $id = FrmAppHelper::get_param('id'); $entry_id = FrmAppHelper::get_param('entry_id', false); $post_id = FrmAppHelper::get_param('post_id', false); global $frm_vars; $frm_vars['ajax_edit'] = $entry_id ? $entry_id : true; $_GET['entry'] = $entry_id; if ($post_id and is_numeric($post_id)) { global $post; if (!$post) { $post = get_post($post_id); } } FrmAppHelper::load_scripts(array('formidable')); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n/*<![CDATA[*/\njQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n\$('#frm_form_" . $id . "_container .frm-show-form').submit(window.frmOnSubmit);\n});\n/*]]>*/\n</script>"; echo FrmFormsController::get_form_shortcode(compact('id', 'entry_id')); $frm_vars['ajax_edit'] = false; //if(!isset($_POST) or (!isset($_POST['action']) and !isset($_POST['frm_action]))) // echo FrmProEntriesController::footer_js(); die; }
public static function input_html($field, $echo = true) { global $frm_settings, $frm_vars; $class = ''; //$field['type']; if (is_admin() && (!isset($frm_vars['preview']) || !$frm_vars['preview']) && !in_array($field['type'], array('scale', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'data'))) { $class .= 'dyn_default_value'; } $add_html = ''; if (isset($field['size']) and $field['size'] > 0) { if (!in_array($field['type'], array('textarea', 'select', 'data', 'time', 'hidden'))) { $add_html .= ' size="' . $field['size'] . '"'; } $class .= " auto_width"; } if (isset($field['max']) && !in_array($field['type'], array('textarea', 'rte', 'hidden')) && !empty($field['max']) && (!is_admin() || !isset($_GET) || !isset($_GET['page']) || $_GET['page'] != 'formidable')) { $add_html .= ' maxlength="' . $field['max'] . '"'; } if (!is_admin() or defined('DOING_AJAX') or !isset($_GET) or !isset($_GET['page']) or $_GET['page'] == 'formidable-entries') { /*if(isset($field['required']) and $field['required']){ $action = isset($_REQUEST['frm_action']) ? 'frm_action' : 'action'; $action = FrmAppHelper::get_param($action); //if($field['type'] != 'checkbox') // $add_html .= ' required="required"'; if($field['type'] == 'file' and $action == 'edit'){ //don't add the required class if this is a file upload when editing }else{ $class .= " required"; } unset($action); }*/ if (isset($field['clear_on_focus']) and $field['clear_on_focus'] and !empty($field['default_value'])) { if ($frm_settings->use_html and !in_array($field['type'], array('select', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'hidden'))) { $add_html .= ' placeholder="' . esc_attr($field['default_value']) . '"'; FrmAppHelper::load_scripts('jquery-placeholder'); } else { if (!$frm_settings->use_html) { $val = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), '\\r', addslashes(str_replace(''', "'", esc_attr($field['default_value'])))); $add_html .= ' onfocus="frmClearDefault(' . "'" . $val . "'" . ',this)" onblur="frmReplaceDefault(' . "'" . $val . "'" . ',this)"'; if ($field['value'] == $field['default_value']) { $class .= ' frm_default'; } } } } } if (isset($field['input_class']) and !empty($field['input_class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $field['input_class']; } $class = apply_filters('frm_field_classes', $class, $field); if (!empty($class)) { $add_html .= ' class="' . trim($class) . '"'; } if (isset($field['shortcodes']) && !empty($field['shortcodes'])) { foreach ($field['shortcodes'] as $k => $v) { if ('opt' === $k || !is_numeric($k) && strpos($add_html, " {$k}=")) { continue; } if (is_numeric($k) && strpos($v, '=')) { $add_html .= ' ' . $v; } else { $add_html .= ' ' . $k . '="' . $v . '"'; } unset($k, $v); } } if ($echo) { echo $add_html; } return $add_html; }
public static function footer_js($location = 'footer') { global $frm_settings, $frm_vars; if ($frm_vars['load_css'] and (!is_admin() or defined('DOING_AJAX')) and $frm_settings->load_style != 'none') { if (isset($frm_vars['css_loaded']) && $frm_vars['css_loaded']) { $css = apply_filters('get_frm_stylesheet', array()); } else { $css = apply_filters('get_frm_stylesheet', array('frm-forms' => FrmAppHelper::plugin_url() . '/css/frm_display.css')); } if (!empty($css)) { echo "\n" . '<script type="text/javascript">'; foreach ((array) $css as $css_key => $file) { echo 'jQuery("head").append(unescape("%3Clink rel=\'stylesheet\' id=\'' . ($css_key + (isset($frm_vars['css_loaded']) ? $frm_vars['css_loaded'] : false)) . '-css\' href=\'' . $file . '\' type=\'text/css\' media=\'all\' /%3E"));'; //wp_enqueue_style($css_key); unset($css_key); unset($file); } unset($css); echo '</script>' . "\n"; } } if ((!is_admin() or defined('DOING_AJAX')) and $location != 'header' and !empty($frm_vars['forms_loaded'])) { //load formidable js FrmAppHelper::load_scripts(array('formidable')); } }