예제 #1
 public static function getLoc(&$params)
     $catid = $params->get('catid');
     $fieldaddressid = $params->get('fieldaddressid');
     //var_dump ($catid);
     global $globalcats;
     //var_dump ($globalcats);
     $catlist = !empty($globalcats[$catid]->descendants) ? $globalcats[$catid]->descendants : $catid;
     $catids_join = 'JOIN #__flexicontent_cats_item_relations AS rel ON rel.itemid = a.id ';
     //var_dump ($catlist);
     $catids_where = ' rel.catid IN (' . $catlist . ') ';
     //var_dump ($catids_where);
     // recupere la connexion à la BD
     if (!empty($fieldaddressid)) {
         $count = $params->get('count');
         $forced_itemid = $params->get('forced_itemid', '');
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $queryLoc = 'SELECT a.id, a.title, b.field_id, b.value , a.catid FROM #__content  AS a LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS b ON a.id = b.item_id ' . $catids_join . ' WHERE b.field_id = ' . $fieldaddressid . ' AND ' . $catids_where . ' AND state = 1 ORDER BY title ' . $count;
         //var_dump ($queryLoc);
         $itemsLoc = $db->loadObjectList();
         //var_dump ($itemsLoc);
         foreach ($itemsLoc as &$itemLoc) {
             $id = $itemLoc->id;
             //$itemLoc->link = JRoute::_( FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($id, $catid ) );
             $itemLoc->link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($itemLoc->id, $itemLoc->catid, $forced_itemid, $itemLoc));
         return $itemsLoc;
     } else {
예제 #2
  * Method to get the associations for a given item
  * @param   integer  $id    Id of the item
  * @param   string   $view  Name of the view
  * @return  array   Array of associations for the item
  * @since  3.0
 public static function getAssociations($id = 0, $view = null)
     jimport('helper.route', JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE);
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $jinput = $app->input;
     $view = is_null($view) ? $jinput->get('view') : $view;
     $id = empty($id) ? $jinput->getInt('id') : $id;
     if ($view == 'item') {
         if ($id) {
             //$associations = JLanguageAssociations::getAssociations('com_content', '#__content', 'com_content.item', $id);
             $associations = FlexicontentHelperAssociation::getItemAssociations($id);
             $return = array();
             foreach ($associations as $tag => $item) {
                 $return[$tag] = FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->id, $item->catid, 0, $item);
             return $return;
     } else {
         if ($view == 'category') {
             $cid = $jinput->getInt('cid');
             if ($cid) {
                 $associations = FlexicontentHelperAssociation::getCatAssociations($cid);
                 $return = array();
                 foreach ($associations as $tag => $item) {
                     $return[$tag] = FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($item->catid, 0, array(), $item);
                 return $return;
     return array();
예제 #3
 function display($tpl = null)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     //initialise variables
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $bar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');
     $cparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent');
     //get vars
     $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid');
     //add css to document
     $document->addStyleSheetVersion(JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/flexicontentbackend.css', FLEXI_VERSION);
     $document->addStyleSheetVersion(JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/j3x.css', FLEXI_VERSION);
     // Add JS frameworks
     // Add js function to overload the joomla submitform validation
     // load default validation JS to make sure it is overriden
     $document->addScriptVersion(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/admin.js', FLEXI_VERSION);
     $document->addScriptVersion(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/validate.js', FLEXI_VERSION);
     //Get data from the model
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $row = $this->get('Tag');
     //create the toolbar
     if ($cid) {
         JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('FLEXI_EDIT_TAG'), 'tagedit');
         $base = str_replace('administrator/', '', JURI::base());
         $autologin = '';
         // $cparams->get('autoflogin', 1) ? '&fcu='.$user->username . '&fcp='.$user->password : '';
         // Add a preview button
         $previewlink = $base . JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getTagRoute($row->id)) . $autologin;
         $bar->appendButton('Custom', '<a class="preview" href="' . $previewlink . '" target="_blank"><span title="' . JText::_('Preview') . '" class="icon-32-preview"></span>' . JText::_('Preview') . '</a>', 'preview');
     } else {
         JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('FLEXI_NEW_TAG'), 'tagadd');
     if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
         JToolBarHelper::custom('tags.saveandnew', 'savenew.png', 'savenew.png', 'FLEXI_SAVE_AND_NEW', false);
     } else {
         JToolBarHelper::custom('saveandnew', 'savenew.png', 'savenew.png', 'FLEXI_SAVE_AND_NEW', false);
     // fail if checked out not by 'me'
     if ($row->id) {
         if ($model->isCheckedOut($user->get('id'))) {
             JError::raiseWarning('SOME_ERROR_CODE', $row->name . ' ' . JText::_('FLEXI_EDITED_BY_ANOTHER_ADMIN'));
     //clean data
     JFilterOutput::objectHTMLSafe($row, ENT_QUOTES);
     //assign data to template
     $this->assignRef('row', $row);
 function getObjectLink($id)
     require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'route.php';
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = 'SELECT CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(i.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', i.id, i.alias) ELSE i.id END as slug,' . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', c.id, c.alias) ELSE c.id END as categoryslug' . ' FROM #__content AS i' . ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ON c.id = i.catid' . ' WHERE i.id = ' . $id;
     $row = $db->loadObject();
     $link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($row->slug, $row->categoryslug));
     return $link;
예제 #5
 function onDisplayFieldValue(&$field, $item, $values = null, $prop = 'display')
     if (!in_array($field->field_type, self::$field_types)) {
     static $author_links = array();
     if (!isset($author_links[$item->created_by])) {
         $author_links[$item->created_by] = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute(0, 0, array('layout' => 'author', 'authorid' => $item->created_by)));
     $field->{$prop} = '<a href="' . $author_links[$item->created_by] . '" itemprop="author">' . JText::_('FLEXI_FIELD_AI_MORE_ITEMS_BY_THIS_AUTHOR') . '</a>';
 function getObjectInfo($id, $language = null)
     $info = new JCommentsObjectInfo();
     $routerHelper = JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_flexicontent/helpers/route.php';
     if (is_file($routerHelper)) {
         require_once $routerHelper;
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $query = 'SELECT i.id, i.title, i.access, i.created_by ' . ' , CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(i.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', i.id, i.alias) ELSE i.id END as slug' . ' , CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', c.id, c.alias) ELSE c.id END as catslug' . ' FROM #__content AS i' . ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ON c.id = i.catid' . ' WHERE i.id = ' . $id;
         $row = $db->loadObject();
         if (!empty($row)) {
             $info->title = $row->title;
             $info->access = $row->access;
             $info->userid = $row->created_by;
             $info->link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($row->slug, $row->catslug));
     return $info;
예제 #7
 public function getLinks($args)
     $view = isset($args->view) ? $args->view : '';
     if (!($view = 'tags')) {
         return array();
     $items = array();
     require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'route.php';
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select('t.name, t.id, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(t.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', t.id, t.alias) ELSE t.id END as slug ');
     $query->from('#__flexicontent_tags AS t ');
     $query->where('t.published = 1 ');
     $query->order('t.name ASC');
     $tags = $db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $items[] = array('id' => FlexicontentHelperRoute::getTagRoute($tag->slug), 'name' => $tag->name, 'class' => 'fileflexitag');
     return $items;
  * Search method
  * The sql must return the following fields that are used in a common display routine:
  *   href, title, section, created, text, browsernav
  * @param string Target search string
  * @param string matching option, natural|natural_expanded|exact|any|all
  * @param string ordering option, newest|oldest|popular|alpha|category
  * @param mixed An array if restricted to areas, null if search all
 function onContentSearch($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $view = JRequest::getCMD('view');
     $app->setUserState('fc_view_total_' . $view, 0);
     $app->setUserState('fc_view_limit_max_' . $view, 0);
     // Check if not requested search areas, inside this search areas of this plugin
     if (is_array($areas) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onContentSearchAreas()))) {
         return array();
     // Initialize some variables
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $menu = $app->getMenu()->getActive();
     // Get the COMPONENT only parameters and merge current menu item parameters
     $params = clone JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent');
     if ($menu) {
     // some parameter shortcuts for SQL query
     $show_noauth = $params->get('show_noauth', 0);
     $orderby_override = $params->get('orderby_override', 1);
     // Compatibility text search (LIKE %word%) for language without spaces
     $filter_word_like_any = $params->get('filter_word_like_any', 0);
     // ************************************************
     // some parameter shortcuts common with search view
     // ************************************************
     $canseltypes = $params->get('canseltypes', 1);
     $txtmode = $params->get('txtmode', 0);
     // 0: BASIC Index, 1: ADVANCED Index without search fields user selection, 2: ADVANCED Index with search fields user selection
     // Get if text searching according to specific (single) content type
     $show_txtfields = $params->get('show_txtfields', 1);
     //0:hide, 1:according to content, 2:use custom configuration
     $show_txtfields = $txtmode ? 0 : $show_txtfields;
     // disable this flag if using BASIC index for text search
     // Get if filtering according to specific (single) content type
     $show_filters = $params->get('show_filters', 1);
     //0:hide, 1:according to content, 2:use custom configuration
     // Force single type selection and showing the content type selector
     $type_based_search = $show_filters == 1 || $show_txtfields == 1;
     $canseltypes = $type_based_search ? 1 : $canseltypes;
     // ********************************************************************
     // Get Content Types allowed for user selection in the Search Form
     // Also retrieve their configuration, plus the currently selected types
     // ********************************************************************
     // Get them from configuration
     $contenttypes = $params->get('contenttypes', array());
     // Sanitize them
     $contenttypes = !is_array($contenttypes) ? array($contenttypes) : $contenttypes;
     $contenttypes = array_unique(array_map('intval', $contenttypes));
     // Make sure these are integers since we will be using them UNQUOTED
     // Force hidden content type selection if only 1 content type was initially configured
     $canseltypes = count($contenttypes) == 1 ? 0 : $canseltypes;
     // Type data and configuration (parameters), if no content types specified then all will be retrieved
     $typeData = flexicontent_db::getTypeData(implode(",", $contenttypes));
     $contenttypes = array();
     foreach ($typeData as $tdata) {
         $contenttypes[] = $tdata->id;
     // Get Content Types to use either those currently selected in the Search Form, or those hard-configured in the search menu item
     if ($canseltypes) {
         $form_contenttypes = JRequest::getVar('contenttypes', array());
         // Sanitize them
         $form_contenttypes = !is_array($form_contenttypes) ? array($form_contenttypes) : $form_contenttypes;
         $form_contenttypes = array_unique(array_map('intval', $form_contenttypes));
         // Make sure these are integers since we will be using them UNQUOTED
         $_contenttypes = array_intersect($contenttypes, $form_contenttypes);
         if (!empty($_contenttypes)) {
             $contenttypes = $_contenttypes;
         // catch empty case: no content types were given or not-allowed content types were passed
     // Check for zero content type (can occur during sanitizing content ids to integers)
     if (!empty($contenttypes)) {
         foreach ($contenttypes as $i => $v) {
             if (!strlen($contenttypes[$i])) {
     // Type based seach, get a single content type (first one, if more than 1 were given ...)
     if ($type_based_search && !empty($contenttypes)) {
         $single_contenttype = reset($contenttypes);
         $contenttypes = array($single_contenttype);
     } else {
         $single_contenttype = false;
     // *************************************
     // Text Search Fields of the search form
     // *************************************
     if (!$txtmode) {
         $txtflds = array();
         $fields_text = array();
     } else {
         $txtflds = '';
         if ($show_txtfields) {
             if ($show_txtfields == 1) {
                 $txtflds = $single_contenttype ? $typeData[$single_contenttype]->params->get('searchable', '') : '';
             } else {
                 $txtflds = $params->get('txtflds', '');
         // Sanitize them
         $txtflds = preg_replace("/[\"'\\\\]/u", "", $txtflds);
         $txtflds = array_unique(preg_split("/\\s*,\\s*/u", $txtflds));
         if (!strlen($txtflds[0])) {
         // Create a comma list of them
         $txtflds_list = count($txtflds) ? "'" . implode("','", $txtflds) . "'" : '';
         // Retrieve field properties/parameters, verifying the support to be used as Text Search Fields
         // This will return all supported fields if field limiting list is empty
         $fields_text = FlexicontentFields::getSearchFields($key = 'id', $indexer = 'advanced', $txtflds_list, $contenttypes, $load_params = true, 0, 'search');
         if (empty($fields_text)) {
             // all entries of field limiting list were invalid , get ALL
             if (!empty($contenttypes)) {
                 $fields_text = FlexicontentFields::getSearchFields($key = 'id', $indexer = 'advanced', null, $contenttypes, $load_params = true, 0, 'search');
             } else {
                 $fields_text = array();
     // ********************************
     // Filter Fields of the search form
     // ********************************
     // Get them from type configuration or from search menu item
     $filtflds = '';
     if ($show_filters) {
         if ($show_filters == 1) {
             $filtflds = $single_contenttype ? $typeData[$single_contenttype]->params->get('filters', '') : '';
         } else {
             $filtflds = $params->get('filtflds', '');
     // Sanitize them
     $filtflds = preg_replace("/[\"'\\\\]/u", "", $filtflds);
     $filtflds = array_unique(preg_split("/\\s*,\\s*/u", $filtflds));
     if (!strlen($filtflds[0])) {
     // Create a comma list of them
     $filtflds_list = count($filtflds) ? "'" . implode("','", $filtflds) . "'" : '';
     // Retrieve field properties/parameters, verifying the support to be used as Filter Fields
     // This will return all supported fields if field limiting list is empty
     if (count($filtflds)) {
         $filters_tmp = FlexicontentFields::getSearchFields($key = 'name', $indexer = 'advanced', $filtflds_list, $contenttypes, $load_params = true, 0, 'filter');
         // Use custom order
         $filters = array();
         if ($canseltypes && $show_filters) {
             foreach ($filtflds as $field_name) {
                 if (empty($filters_tmp[$field_name])) {
                 $filter_id = $filters_tmp[$field_name]->id;
                 $filters[$filter_id] = $filters_tmp[$field_name];
         } else {
             foreach ($filters_tmp as $filter) {
                 $filters[$filter->id] = $filter;
                 // index by filter_id in this case too (for consistency, although we do not use the array index ?)
     // If configured filters were not found/invalid for the current content type(s)
     // then retrieve all fields marked as filterable for the give content type(s) this is useful to list per content type filters automatically, even when not set or misconfigured
     if (empty($filters)) {
         if (!empty($contenttypes)) {
             $filters = FlexicontentFields::getSearchFields($key = 'id', $indexer = 'advanced', null, $contenttypes, $load_params = true, 0, 'filter');
         } else {
             $filters = array();
     // **********************
     // Load Plugin parameters
     // **********************
     $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('search', 'flexiadvsearch');
     $pluginParams = new JRegistry($plugin->params);
     // Shortcuts for plugin parameters
     $search_limit = $params->get('search_limit', $pluginParams->get('search_limit', 20));
     // Limits the returned results of this seach plugin
     $filter_lang = $params->get('filter_lang', $pluginParams->get('filter_lang', 1));
     // Language filtering enabled
     $search_archived = $params->get('search_archived', $pluginParams->get('search_archived', 1));
     // Include archive items into the search
     $browsernav = $params->get('browsernav', $pluginParams->get('browsernav', 2));
     // Open search in window (for value 1)
     // ***************************************************************************************************************
     // Varous other variable USED in the SQL query like (a) current frontend language and (b) -this- plugin specific ordering, (c) null / now dates, (d) etc
     // ***************************************************************************************************************
     // Get current frontend language (fronted user selected)
     $lang = flexicontent_html::getUserCurrentLang();
     // NULL and CURRENT dates,
     // NOTE: the current date needs to use built-in MYSQL function, otherwise filter caching can not work because the CURRENT DATETIME is continuously different !!!
     //$now = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
     $_nowDate = 'UTC_TIMESTAMP()';
     $nullDate = $db->getNullDate();
     // Section name
     $searchFlexicontent = JText::_('FLEXICONTENT');
     // REMOVED / COMMENTED OUT this feature:
     // Require any OR all Filters ... this can be user selectable
     //$show_filtersop = $params->get('show_filtersop', 1);
     //$default_filtersop = $params->get('default_filtersop', 'all');
     //$FILTERSOP = !$show_filtersop ? $default_filtersop : JRequest::getVar('filtersop', $default_filtersop);
     // ****************************************
     // Create WHERE clause part for Text Search
     // ****************************************
     $si_tbl = !$txtmode ? 'flexicontent_items_ext' : 'flexicontent_advsearch_index';
     $search_prefix = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent')->get('add_search_prefix') ? 'vvv' : '';
     // SEARCH WORD Prefix
     $text = preg_replace('/(\\b[^\\s,\\.]+\\b)/u', $search_prefix . '$0', trim($text));
     if (strlen($text)) {
         $ts = !$txtmode ? 'ie' : 'ts';
         $escaped_text = $db->escape($text, true);
         $quoted_text = $db->Quote($escaped_text, false);
         switch ($phrase) {
             case 'natural':
                 if ($filter_word_like_any) {
                     $_text_match = ' LOWER (' . $ts . '.search_index) LIKE ' . $db->Quote('%' . $escaped_text . '%', false);
                 } else {
                     $_text_match = ' MATCH (' . $ts . '.search_index) AGAINST (' . $quoted_text . ') ';
             case 'natural_expanded':
                 $_text_match = ' MATCH (' . $ts . '.search_index) AGAINST (' . $quoted_text . ' WITH QUERY EXPANSION) ';
             case 'exact':
                 $words = preg_split('/\\s\\s*/u', $text);
                 $stopwords = array();
                 $shortwords = array();
                 if (!$search_prefix) {
                     $words = flexicontent_db::removeInvalidWords($words, $stopwords, $shortwords, $si_tbl, 'search_index', $isprefix = 0);
                 if (empty($words)) {
                     // All words are stop-words or too short, we could try to execute a query that only contains a LIKE %...% , but it would be too slow
                     JRequest::setVar('ignoredwords', implode(' ', $stopwords));
                     JRequest::setVar('shortwords', implode(' ', $shortwords));
                     $_text_match = ' 0=1 ';
                 } else {
                     // speed optimization ... 2-level searching: first require ALL words, then require exact text
                     $newtext = '+' . implode(' +', $words);
                     $quoted_text = $db->escape($newtext, true);
                     $quoted_text = $db->Quote($quoted_text, false);
                     $exact_text = $db->Quote('%' . $escaped_text . '%', false);
                     $_text_match = ' MATCH (' . $ts . '.search_index) AGAINST (' . $quoted_text . ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND ' . $ts . '.search_index LIKE ' . $exact_text;
             case 'all':
                 $words = preg_split('/\\s\\s*/u', $text);
                 $stopwords = array();
                 $shortwords = array();
                 if (!$search_prefix) {
                     $words = flexicontent_db::removeInvalidWords($words, $stopwords, $shortwords, $si_tbl, 'search_index', $isprefix = 1);
                 JRequest::setVar('ignoredwords', implode(' ', $stopwords));
                 JRequest::setVar('shortwords', implode(' ', $shortwords));
                 $newtext = '+' . implode('* +', $words) . '*';
                 $quoted_text = $db->escape($newtext, true);
                 $quoted_text = $db->Quote($quoted_text, false);
                 $_text_match = ' MATCH (' . $ts . '.search_index) AGAINST (' . $quoted_text . ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
             case 'any':
                 if ($filter_word_like_any) {
                     $_text_match = ' LOWER (' . $ts . '.search_index) LIKE ' . $db->Quote('%' . $escaped_text . '%', false);
                 } else {
                     $words = preg_split('/\\s\\s*/u', $text);
                     $stopwords = array();
                     $shortwords = array();
                     if (!$search_prefix) {
                         $words = flexicontent_db::removeInvalidWords($words, $stopwords, $shortwords, $si_tbl, 'search_index', $isprefix = 1);
                     JRequest::setVar('ignoredwords', implode(' ', $stopwords));
                     JRequest::setVar('shortwords', implode(' ', $shortwords));
                     $newtext = implode('* ', $words) . '*';
                     $quoted_text = $db->escape($newtext, true);
                     $quoted_text = $db->Quote($quoted_text, false);
                     $_text_match = ' MATCH (' . $ts . '.search_index) AGAINST (' . $quoted_text . ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
         // Construct TEXT SEARCH limitation SUB-QUERY (contained in a AND-WHERE clause)
         $text_where = ' AND ' . $_text_match;
     } else {
         $text_where = '';
     // *******************
     // Create ORDER clause
     // *******************
     // FLEXIcontent search view, use FLEXIcontent ordering
     $orderby_join = '';
     $orderby_col = '';
     if (JRequest::getVar('option') == 'com_flexicontent') {
         $order = '';
         $orderby = flexicontent_db::buildItemOrderBy($params, $order, $_request_var = 'orderby', $_config_param = 'orderby', $_item_tbl_alias = 'i', $_relcat_tbl_alias = 'rel', $_default_order = '', $_default_order_dir = '', $sfx = '', $support_2nd_lvl = false);
         // Create JOIN for ordering items by a custom field (Level 1)
         if ('field' == $order[1]) {
             $orderbycustomfieldid = (int) $params->get('orderbycustomfieldid', 0);
             $orderby_join .= ' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS f ON f.item_id = i.id AND f.field_id=' . $orderbycustomfieldid;
         // Create JOIN for ordering items by a custom field (Level 2)
         if ('field' == $order[2]) {
             $orderbycustomfieldid_2nd = (int) $params->get('orderbycustomfieldid' . '_2nd', 0);
             $orderby_join .= ' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS f2 ON f2.item_id = i.id AND f2.field_id=' . $orderbycustomfieldid_2nd;
         // Create JOIN for ordering items by author's name
         if (in_array('author', $order) || in_array('rauthor', $order)) {
             $orderby_col = '';
             $orderby_join .= ' LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id = i.created_by';
         // Create JOIN for ordering items by a most commented
         if (in_array('commented', $order)) {
             $orderby_col = ', count(com.object_id) AS comments_total';
             $orderby_join .= ' LEFT JOIN #__jcomments AS com ON com.object_id = i.id';
         // Create JOIN for ordering items by a most rated
         if (in_array('rated', $order)) {
             $orderby_col = ', (cr.rating_sum / cr.rating_count) * 20 AS votes';
             $orderby_join .= ' LEFT JOIN #__content_rating AS cr ON cr.content_id = i.id';
         // Create JOIN for ordering items by their ordering attribute (in item's main category)
         if (in_array('order', $order)) {
             $orderby_join .= ' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_cats_item_relations AS rel ON rel.itemid = i.id AND rel.catid = i.catid';
     } else {
         switch ($ordering) {
             //case 'relevance': $orderby = ' ORDER BY score DESC, i.title ASC'; break;
             case 'oldest':
                 $orderby = 'i.created ASC';
             case 'popular':
                 $orderby = 'i.hits DESC';
             case 'alpha':
                 $orderby = 'i.title ASC';
             case 'category':
                 $orderby = 'c.title ASC, i.title ASC';
             case 'newest':
                 $orderby = 'i.created DESC';
                 $orderby = 'i.created DESC';
         $orderby = ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby;
     // ****************************************************************************************
     // Create JOIN clause and WHERE clause part for filtering by current (viewing) access level
     // ****************************************************************************************
     $joinaccess = '';
     $andaccess = '';
     $select_access = '';
     // Extra access columns for main category and content type (item access will be added as 'access')
     $select_access .= ',  c.access as category_access, ty.access as type_access';
     if (!$show_noauth) {
         // User not allowed to LIST unauthorized items
         $aid_arr = JAccess::getAuthorisedViewLevels($user->id);
         $aid_list = implode(",", $aid_arr);
         $andaccess .= ' AND ty.access IN (0,' . $aid_list . ')';
         $andaccess .= ' AND  c.access IN (0,' . $aid_list . ')';
         $andaccess .= ' AND  i.access IN (0,' . $aid_list . ')';
         $select_access .= ', 1 AS has_access';
     } else {
         // Access Flags for: content type, main category, item
         $aid_arr = JAccess::getAuthorisedViewLevels($user->id);
         $aid_list = implode(",", $aid_arr);
         $select_access .= ', ' . ' CASE WHEN ' . '  ty.access IN (' . $aid_list . ') AND ' . '   c.access IN (' . $aid_list . ') AND ' . '   i.access IN (' . $aid_list . ') ' . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS has_access';
     // **********************************************************************************************************************************************************
     // Create WHERE clause part for filtering by current active language, and current selected contend types ( !! although this is possible via a filter too ...)
     // **********************************************************************************************************************************************************
     $andlang = '';
     if ($app->isSite() && (FLEXI_FISH || FLEXI_J16GE && $app->getLanguageFilter()) && $filter_lang) {
         $andlang .= ' AND ( ie.language LIKE ' . $db->Quote($lang . '%') . (FLEXI_J16GE ? ' OR ie.language="*" ' : '') . ' ) ';
     // Filter by currently selected content types
     $andcontenttypes = count($contenttypes) ? ' AND ie.type_id IN (' . implode(",", $contenttypes) . ') ' : '';
     // ***********************************************************************
     // Create the AND-WHERE clause parts for the currentl active Field Filters
     // ***********************************************************************
     $return_sql = 2;
     $filters_where = array();
     foreach ($filters as $field) {
         // Get value of current filter, and SKIP it if value is EMPTY
         $filtervalue = JRequest::getVar('filter_' . $field->id, '');
         $empty_filtervalue_array = is_array($filtervalue) && !strlen(trim(implode('', $filtervalue)));
         $empty_filtervalue_string = !is_array($filtervalue) && !strlen(trim($filtervalue));
         if ($empty_filtervalue_array || $empty_filtervalue_string) {
         // Call field filtering of advanced search to find items matching the field filter (an SQL SUB-QUERY is returned)
         $field_filename = $field->iscore ? 'core' : $field->field_type;
         $filtered = FLEXIUtilities::call_FC_Field_Func($field_filename, 'getFilteredSearch', array(&$field, &$filtervalue, &$return_sql));
         // An empty return value means no matching values were found
         $filtered = empty($filtered) ? ' AND 0 ' : $filtered;
         // A string mean a subquery was returned, while an array means that item ids we returned
         $filters_where[$field->id] = is_array($filtered) ? ' AND i.id IN (' . implode(',', $filtered) . ')' : $filtered;
         /*if ($filters_where[$field->id]) {
         			echo "\n<br/>Filter:". $field->name ." : ";   print_r($filtervalue);
         			echo "<br>".$filters_where[$field->id]."<br/>";
     //echo "\n<br/><br/>Filters Active: ". count($filters_where)."<br/>";
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($filters_where);
     // ******************************************************
     // Create Filters JOIN clauses and AND-WHERE clause parts
     // ******************************************************
     // JOIN clause - USED - to limit returned 'text' to the text of TEXT-SEARCHABLE only fields ... (NOT shared with filters)
     if (!$txtmode) {
         $onBasic_textsearch = $text_where;
         $onAdvanced_textsearch = '';
         $join_textsearch = '';
         $join_textfields = '';
     } else {
         $onBasic_textsearch = '';
         $onAdvanced_textsearch = $text_where;
         $join_textsearch = ' JOIN #__flexicontent_advsearch_index as ts ON ts.item_id = i.id ' . (count($fields_text) ? 'AND ts.field_id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($fields_text)) . ')' : '');
         $join_textfields = ' JOIN #__flexicontent_fields as f ON f.id=ts.field_id';
     // JOIN clauses ... (shared with filters)
     $join_clauses = '' . ' JOIN #__categories AS c ON c.id = i.catid' . ' JOIN #__flexicontent_items_ext AS ie ON ie.item_id = i.id' . ' JOIN #__flexicontent_types AS ty ON ie.type_id = ty.id';
     $join_clauses_with_text = '' . ' JOIN #__categories AS c ON c.id = i.catid' . ' JOIN #__flexicontent_items_ext AS ie ON ie.item_id = i.id' . $onBasic_textsearch . ' JOIN #__flexicontent_types AS ty ON ie.type_id = ty.id' . ($text_where ? $join_textsearch . $onAdvanced_textsearch . $join_textfields : '');
     // AND-WHERE sub-clauses ... (shared with filters)
     $where_conf = ' WHERE 1 ' . ' AND i.state IN (1,-5' . ($search_archived ? ',' . (FLEXI_J16GE ? 2 : -1) : '') . ') ' . ' AND c.published = 1 ' . ' AND ( i.publish_up = ' . $db->Quote($nullDate) . ' OR i.publish_up <= ' . $_nowDate . ' )' . ' AND ( i.publish_down = ' . $db->Quote($nullDate) . ' OR i.publish_down >= ' . $_nowDate . ' )' . $andaccess . $andlang . $andcontenttypes;
     // AND-WHERE sub-clauses for text search ... (shared with filters)
     $and_where_filters = count($filters_where) ? implode(" ", $filters_where) : '';
     // ************************************************
     // Set variables used by filters creation mechanism
     // ************************************************
     global $fc_searchview;
     $fc_searchview['join_clauses'] = $join_clauses;
     $fc_searchview['join_clauses_with_text'] = $join_clauses_with_text;
     $fc_searchview['where_conf_only'] = $where_conf;
     // WHERE of the view (mainly configuration dependent)
     $fc_searchview['filters_where'] = $filters_where;
     // WHERE of the filters
     $fc_searchview['search'] = $text_where;
     // WHERE for text search
     $fc_searchview['params'] = $params;
     // view's parameters
     // *****************************************************************************************************
     // Execute search query.  NOTE this is skipped it if (a) no text-search and no (b) no filters are active
     // *****************************************************************************************************
     // Do not check for 'contentypes' this are based on configuration and not on form submitted data,
     // considering contenttypes or other configuration based parameters, will return all items on initial search view display !
     if (!count($filters_where) && !strlen($text)) {
         return array();
     $print_logging_info = $params->get('print_logging_info');
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         global $fc_run_times;
         $start_microtime = microtime(true);
     // *****************************************
     // Overcome possible group concat limitation
     // *****************************************
     $query = "SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 9999999";
     // *************
     // Get the items
     // *************
     $query = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS i.id' . $orderby_col . ' FROM #__content AS i' . $join_clauses_with_text . $orderby_join . $joinaccess . $where_conf . $and_where_filters . ' GROUP BY i.id ' . $orderby;
     //echo "Adv search plugin main SQL query: ".nl2br($query)."<br/><br/>";
     // NOTE: The plugin will return a PRECONFIGURED limited number of results, the SEARCH VIEW to do the pagination, splicing (appropriately) the data returned by all search plugins
     try {
         // Get items, we use direct query because some extensions break the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, so let's bypass them (at this point it is OK)
         // *** Usage of FOUND_ROWS() will fail when (e.g.) Joom!Fish or Falang are installed, in this case we will be forced to re-execute the query ...
         // PLUS, we don't need Joom!Fish or Falang layer at --this-- STEP which may slow down the query considerably in large sites
         $query_limited = $query . ' LIMIT ' . $search_limit . ' OFFSET 0';
         $rows = flexicontent_db::directQuery($query_limited);
         $item_ids = array();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $item_ids[] = $row->id;
         // Get current items total for pagination
         $db->setQuery("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
         $fc_searchview['view_total'] = $db->loadResult();
         $app->setUserState('fc_view_total_' . $view, $fc_searchview['view_total']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Get items via normal joomla SQL layer
         $db->setQuery(str_replace('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', '', $query), 0, $search_limit);
         $item_ids = $db->loadColumn(0);
     if (!count($item_ids)) {
         return array();
     // No items found
     // *****************
     // Get the item data
     // *****************
     $query_data = 'SELECT i.id, i.title AS title, i.created, i.id AS fc_item_id, i.access, ie.type_id, i.language' . (!$txtmode ? ', ie.search_index AS text' : ', GROUP_CONCAT(ts.search_index ORDER BY f.ordering ASC SEPARATOR \' \') AS text') . ', CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(i.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', i.id, i.alias) ELSE i.id END as slug' . ', CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', c.id, c.alias) ELSE c.id END as categoryslug' . ', CONCAT_WS( " / ", ' . $db->Quote($searchFlexicontent) . ', c.title, i.title ) AS section' . $select_access . ' FROM #__content AS i' . $join_clauses . $join_textsearch . $join_textfields . ' WHERE i.id IN (' . implode(',', $item_ids) . ') ' . ' GROUP BY i.id ' . ' ORDER BY FIELD(i.id, ' . implode(',', $item_ids) . ')';
     //echo nl2br($query)."<br/><br/>";
     $list = $db->loadObjectList();
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         echo $db->getErrorMsg();
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         @($fc_run_times['search_query_runtime'] += round(1000000 * 10 * (microtime(true) - $start_microtime)) / 10);
     // *************************************
     // Create item links and other variables
     // *************************************
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($list); echo "</pre>";
     if ($list) {
         if (count($list) >= $search_limit) {
             $app->setUserState('fc_view_limit_max_' . $view, $search_limit);
         $item_cats = FlexicontentFields::_getCategories($list);
         foreach ($list as $key => $item) {
             $item->text = preg_replace('/\\b' . $search_prefix . '/', '', $item->text);
             $item->categories = isset($item_cats[$item->id]) ? $item_cats[$item->id] : array();
             // in case of item categories missing
             // If joomla article view is allowed allowed and then search view may optional create Joomla article links
             if ($typeData[$item->type_id]->params->get('allow_jview', 0) && $typeData[$item->type_id]->params->get('search_jlinks', 1)) {
                 $item->href = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->slug, $item->categoryslug, $item->language));
             } else {
                 $item->href = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->slug, $item->categoryslug, 0, $item));
             $item->browsernav = $browsernav;
     return $list;
예제 #9
 function display($tpl = null)
     global $globalcats;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
         JFactory::getLanguage()->load('com_categories', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, 'en-GB', true);
         JFactory::getLanguage()->load('com_categories', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true);
     // ***********************************************************
     // Get category data, and check if item is already checked out
     // ***********************************************************
     // Get data from the model
     $model = $this->getModel();
     if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
         $row = $this->get('Item');
         $form = $this->get('Form');
     } else {
         $row = $this->get('Category');
     $catparams = FLEXI_J16GE ? new JRegistry($row->params) : new JParameter($row->params);
     $cid = $row->id;
     $isnew = !$cid;
     // Check category is checked out by different editor / administrator
     if (!$isnew && $model->isCheckedOut($user->get('id'))) {
         JError::raiseWarning('SOME_ERROR_CODE', $row->title . ' ' . JText::_('FLEXI_EDITED_BY_ANOTHER_ADMIN'));
     // ***************************************************************************
     // Currently access checking for category add/edit form , it is done here, for
     // most other views we force going though the controller and checking it there
     // ***************************************************************************
     // *********************************************************************************************
     // Global Permssions checking (needed because this view can be called without a controller task)
     // *********************************************************************************************
     // Get global permissions
     $perms = FlexicontentHelperPerm::getPerm();
     // handles super admins correctly
     // Check no access to categories management (Global permission)
     if (!$perms->CanCats) {
         $app->redirect('index.php?option=com_flexicontent', JText::_('FLEXI_NO_ACCESS'));
     // Check no privilege to create new categories (Global permission)
     if ($isnew && !$perms->CanAddCats) {
         JError::raiseWarning(403, JText::_('FLEXI_NO_ACCESS_CREATE'));
     // ************************************************************************************
     // Record Permssions (needed because this view can be called without a controller task)
     // ************************************************************************************
     // Get edit privilege for current category
     if (!$isnew) {
         if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
             $isOwner = $row->get('created_by') == $user->id;
             $rights = FlexicontentHelperPerm::checkAllItemAccess($user->id, 'category', $cid);
             $canedit_cat = in_array('edit', $rights) || in_array('edit.own', $rights) && $isOwner;
         } else {
             if (FLEXI_ACCESS) {
                 $rights = FAccess::checkAllItemAccess('com_content', 'users', $user->gmid, 0, $row->id);
                 $canedit_cat = $user->gid < 25 ? in_array('edit', $rights) || in_array('editown', $rights) : 1;
             } else {
                 $canedit_cat = true;
     // Get if we can create inside at least one (com_content) category
     if (!FLEXI_J16GE || $user->authorise('core.create', 'com_flexicontent')) {
         $cancreate_cat = true;
     } else {
         $usercats = FlexicontentHelperPerm::getAllowedCats($user, $actions_allowed = array('core.create'), $require_all = true, $check_published = true, $specific_catids = false, $find_first = true);
         $cancreate_cat = count($usercats) > 0;
     // Creating new category: Check if user can create inside any existing category
     if ($isnew && !$cancreate_cat) {
         $acc_msg = JText::_('FLEXI_NO_ACCESS_CREATE') . "<br/>" . (FLEXI_J16GE ? JText::_('FLEXI_CANNOT_ADD_CATEGORY_REASON') : "");
         JError::raiseWarning(403, $acc_msg);
     // Editing existing category: Check if user can edit existing (current) category
     if (!$isnew && !$canedit_cat) {
         $acc_msg = JText::_('FLEXI_NO_ACCESS_EDIT') . "<br/>" . JText::_('FLEXI_CANNOT_EDIT_CATEGORY_REASON');
         JError::raiseWarning(403, $acc_msg);
     // **************************************************
     // Include needed files and add needed js / css files
     // **************************************************
     FLEXI_J30GE ? JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true) : JHTML::_('behavior.mootools');
     // Load pane behavior
     // Load tooltips
     // Add css to document
     $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base() . 'components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/flexicontentbackend.css');
     if (FLEXI_J30GE) {
         $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base() . 'components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/j3x.css');
     } else {
         if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
             $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base() . 'components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/j25.css');
         } else {
             $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base() . 'components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/j15.css');
     // Add js function to overload the joomla submitform
     $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/admin.js');
     $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/validate.js');
     // ********************
     // Initialise variables
     // ********************
     $editor_name = $user->getParam('editor', $app->getCfg('editor'));
     $editor = JFactory::getEditor($editor_name);
     $cparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent');
     $bar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');
     if (!FLEXI_J16GE) {
         $pane = JPane::getInstance('sliders');
         $tpane = JPane::getInstance('tabs', array('startOffset' => 0, 'allowAllClose' => true, 'opacityTransition' => true, 'duration' => 600));
     $categories = $globalcats;
     // ******************
     // Create the toolbar
     // ******************
     // Create Toolbar title and add the preview button
     if (!$isnew) {
         JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('FLEXI_EDIT_CATEGORY'), 'fc_categoryedit');
         $autologin = $cparams->get('autoflogin', 1) ? '&fcu=' . $user->username . '&fcp=' . $user->password : '';
         $previewlink = JRoute::_(JURI::root() . FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($categories[$cid]->slug)) . $autologin;
         // Add a preview button
         $bar->appendButton('Custom', '<a class="preview btn btn-small" href="' . $previewlink . '" target="_blank"><span title="' . JText::_('Preview') . '" class="icon-32-preview"></span>' . JText::_('Preview') . '</a>', 'preview');
     } else {
         JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('FLEXI_NEW_CATEGORY'), 'fc_categoryadd');
     // Add apply and save buttons
     if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
     } else {
     // Add a save and new button, if user can create inside at least one (com_content) category
     if ($cancreate_cat) {
         if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
         } else {
             JToolBarHelper::custom('saveandnew', 'savenew.png', 'savenew.png', 'FLEXI_SAVE_AND_NEW', false);
     // Add a save as copy button, if editing an existing category (J2.5 only)
     if (FLEXI_J16GE && !$isnew && $cancreate_cat) {
     // Add a cancel or close button
     if ($isnew) {
         if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
         } else {
     } else {
         if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
             JToolBarHelper::cancel('category.cancel', 'JTOOLBAR_CLOSE');
         } else {
             JToolBarHelper::custom('cancel', 'cancel.png', 'cancel.png', 'CLOSE', false);
     // *******************************************
     // Prepare data to pass to the form's template
     // *******************************************
     if (!FLEXI_J16GE) {
         //clean data
         JFilterOutput::objectHTMLSafe($row, ENT_QUOTES, 'description');
         // Create the form
         $form = new JParameter($row->params, JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'models' . DS . 'category.xml');
         //echo "<pre>"; print_r($form->_xml['templates']->_children[0]);  echo "<pre>"; print_r($form->_xml['templates']->param[0]); exit;
         foreach ($form->_xml['templates']->_children as $i => $child) {
             if (isset($child->_attributes['enableparam']) && !$cparams->get($child->_attributes['enableparam'])) {
         foreach ($form->_xml['special']->_children as $i => $child) {
             if (isset($child->_attributes['enableparam']) && !$cparams->get($child->_attributes['enableparam'])) {
     // **********************************************************************************
     // Get Templates and apply Template Parameters values into the form fields structures
     // **********************************************************************************
     $themes = flexicontent_tmpl::getTemplates();
     $tmpls = $themes->category;
     foreach ($tmpls as $tmpl) {
         if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
             $jform = new JForm('com_flexicontent.template.category', array('control' => 'jform', 'load_data' => true));
             $tmpl->params = $jform;
             // ... values applied at the template form file
         } else {
     //build selectlists
     $Lists = array();
     if (!FLEXI_J16GE) {
         $javascript = "onchange=\"javascript:if (document.forms[0].image.options[selectedIndex].value!='') {document.imagelib.src='../images/stories/' + document.forms[0].image.options[selectedIndex].value} else {document.imagelib.src='../images/blank.png'}\"";
         $Lists['imagelist'] = JHTML::_('list.images', 'image', $row->image, $javascript, '/images/stories/');
         $Lists['access'] = JHTML::_('list.accesslevel', $row);
         // build granular access list
         if (FLEXI_ACCESS) {
             $Lists['access'] = FAccess::TabGmaccess($row, 'category', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
     $check_published = false;
     $check_perms = true;
     $actions_allowed = array('core.create');
     $fieldname = FLEXI_J16GE ? 'jform[parent_id]' : 'parent_id';
     $Lists['parent_id'] = flexicontent_cats::buildcatselect($categories, $fieldname, $row->parent_id, $top = 1, 'class="use_select2_lib"', $check_published, $check_perms, $actions_allowed, $require_all = true, $skip_subtrees = array(), $disable_subtrees = array($row->id));
     $check_published = false;
     $check_perms = true;
     $actions_allowed = array('core.edit', 'core.edit.own');
     $fieldname = FLEXI_J16GE ? 'jform[copycid]' : 'copycid';
     $Lists['copycid'] = flexicontent_cats::buildcatselect($categories, $fieldname, '', $top = 2, 'class="use_select2_lib"', $check_published, $check_perms, $actions_allowed, $require_all = false);
     $custom_options[''] = 'FLEXI_USE_GLOBAL';
     $custom_options['0'] = 'FLEXI_COMPONENT_ONLY';
     $custom_options['-1'] = 'FLEXI_PARENT_CAT_MULTI_LEVEL';
     $check_published = false;
     $check_perms = true;
     $actions_allowed = array('core.edit', 'core.edit.own');
     $fieldname = FLEXI_J16GE ? 'jform[special][inheritcid]' : 'params[inheritcid]';
     $Lists['inheritcid'] = flexicontent_cats::buildcatselect($categories, $fieldname, $catparams->get('inheritcid', ''), $top = false, 'class="use_select2_lib"', $check_published, $check_perms, $actions_allowed, $require_all = false, $skip_subtrees = array(), $disable_subtrees = array(), $custom_options);
     // ************************
     // Assign variables to view
     // ************************
     $this->assignRef('document', $document);
     $this->assignRef('Lists', $Lists);
     $this->assignRef('row', $row);
     $this->assignRef('form', $form);
     $this->assignRef('perms', $perms);
     $this->assignRef('editor', $editor);
     $this->assignRef('tmpls', $tmpls);
     $this->assignRef('cparams', $cparams);
     if (!FLEXI_J16GE) {
         $this->assignRef('pane', $pane);
         $this->assignRef('tpane', $tpane);
예제 #10
  * Creates the page's display
  * @since 1.0
 function display($tpl = null)
     // check for form layout
     if ($this->getLayout() == 'form' || in_array(JRequest::getVar('task'), array('add', 'edit'))) {
         // Important set layout to be form since various category view SEF links have this variable set
     } else {
     // Get Content Types with no category links in item view pathways, and for unroutable (non-linkable) categories
     global $globalnoroute, $globalnopath, $globalcats;
     if (!is_array($globalnopath)) {
         $globalnopath = array();
     if (!is_array($globalnoroute)) {
         $globalnoroute = array();
     //initialize variables
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $menus = $app->getMenu();
     $menu = $menus->getActive();
     $uri = JFactory::getURI();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $aid = JAccess::getAuthorisedViewLevels($user->id);
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $nullDate = $db->getNullDate();
     // ******************************************************
     // Get item, model and create form (that loads item data)
     // ******************************************************
     // Get model
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $cid = $model->_cid ? $model->_cid : $model->get('catid');
     // Get current category id
     // Decide version to load
     $version = JRequest::getVar('version', 0, 'request', 'int');
     // Load specific item version (non-zero), 0 version: is unversioned data, -1 version: is latest version (=default for edit form)
     $preview = JRequest::getVar('preview', 0, 'request', 'int');
     // Preview versioned data FLAG ... if previewing and version is not set then ... we load version -1 (=latest version)
     $version = $preview && !$version ? -1 : $version;
     // Allow iLayout from HTTP request, this will be checked during loading item parameters
     // Try to load existing item, an 404 error will be raised if item is not found. Also value 2 for check_view_access
     // indicates to raise 404 error for ZERO primary key too, instead of creating and returning a new item object
     $start_microtime = microtime(true);
     $item = $model->getItem(null, $check_view_access = 2, $no_cache = $version || $preview, $force_version = $version || $preview ? $version : 0);
     // ZERO means unversioned data
     $_run_time = round(1000000 * 10 * (microtime(true) - $start_microtime)) / 10;
     // Get item parameters as VIEW's parameters (item parameters are merged parameters in order: component/category/layout/type/item/menu/access)
     $params =& $item->parameters;
     // Get item 's layout as this may have been altered
     $ilayout = $params->get('ilayout');
     $print_logging_info = $params->get('print_logging_info');
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         global $fc_run_times;
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         $fc_run_times['get_item_data'] = $_run_time;
     // ********************************
     // Load needed JS libs & CSS styles
     // ********************************
     //add css file
     if (!$params->get('disablecss', '')) {
         $document->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl . '/components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/flexicontent.css');
         $document->addCustomTag('<!--[if IE]><style type="text/css">.floattext {zoom:1;}</style><![endif]-->');
     //allow css override
     if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $app->getTemplate() . DS . 'css' . DS . 'flexicontent.css')) {
         $document->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/css/flexicontent.css');
     //special to hide the joomfish language selector on item views
     if ($params->get('disable_lang_select', 0)) {
         $css = '#jflanguageselection { visibility:hidden; }';
     // *************************************************************
     // Get cached template data, loading any template language files
     // *************************************************************
     $themes = flexicontent_tmpl::getTemplates($lang_files = array($ilayout));
     // *****************
     // Get Item's Fields
     // *****************
     $_items = array(&$item);
     FlexicontentFields::getFields($_items, FLEXI_ITEMVIEW, $params, $aid);
     $fields = $item->fields;
     // ****************************************
     // Get category titles needed by pathway,
     // this will allow Falang to translate them
     // ****************************************
     $catshelper = new flexicontent_cats($cid);
     $parents = $catshelper->getParentlist($all_cols = false);
     //echo "<pre>".print_r($parents,true)."</pre>";
     /*$parents = array();
     		if ( $cid && isset($globalcats[$cid]->ancestorsarray) ) {
     			$parent_ids = $globalcats[$cid]->ancestorsarray;
     			foreach ($parent_ids as $parent_id) $parents[] = $globalcats[$parent_id];
     // **********************************************************
     // Calculate a (browser window) page title and a page heading
     // **********************************************************
     // Verify menu item points to current FLEXIcontent object
     if ($menu) {
         $view_ok = FLEXI_ITEMVIEW == @$menu->query['view'] || 'article' == @$menu->query['view'];
         $cid_ok = JRequest::getInt('cid') == (int) @$menu->query['cid'];
         $id_ok = JRequest::getInt('id') == (int) @$menu->query['id'];
         $menu_matches = $view_ok && $id_ok;
         //$menu_params = $menu->params;  // Get active menu item parameters
     } else {
         $menu_matches = false;
     // MENU ITEM matched, use its page heading (but use menu title if the former is not set)
     if ($menu_matches) {
         $default_heading = FLEXI_J16GE ? $menu->title : $menu->name;
         // Cross set (show_) page_heading / page_title for compatibility of J2.5+ with J1.5 template (and for J1.5 with J2.5 template)
         $params->def('page_heading', $params->get('page_title', $default_heading));
         $params->def('page_title', $params->get('page_heading', $default_heading));
         $params->def('show_page_heading', $params->get('show_page_title', 0));
         $params->def('show_page_title', $params->get('show_page_heading', 0));
     } else {
         // Clear some menu parameters
         //$params->set('pageclass_sfx',	'');  // CSS class SUFFIX is behavior, so do not clear it ?
         // Calculate default page heading (=called page title in J1.5), which in turn will be document title below !! ...
         $default_heading = $item->title;
         // Decide to show page heading (=J1.5 page title), there is no need for this in item view
         $show_default_heading = 0;
         // Set both (show_) page_heading / page_title for compatibility of J2.5+ with J1.5 template (and for J1.5 with J2.5 template)
         $params->set('page_title', $default_heading);
         $params->set('page_heading', $default_heading);
         $params->set('show_page_heading', $show_default_heading);
         $params->set('show_page_title', $show_default_heading);
     // Prevent showing the page heading if (a) IT IS same as item title and (b) item title is already configured to be shown
     if ($params->get('show_title', 1)) {
         if ($params->get('page_heading') == $item->title) {
             $params->set('show_page_heading', 0);
         if ($params->get('page_title') == $item->title) {
             $params->set('show_page_title', 0);
     // ************************************************************
     // Create the document title, by from page title and other data
     // ************************************************************
     // Use the page heading as document title, (already calculated above via 'appropriate' logic ...)
     // or the overriden custom <title> ... set via parameter
     $doc_title = !$params->get('override_title', 0) ? $params->get('page_title') : $params->get('custom_ititle', $item->title);
     // Check and prepend category title
     if ($params->get('addcat_title', 1) && count($parents)) {
         $parentcat = end($parents);
         if (isset($item->category_title)) {
             if ($params->get('addcat_title', 1) == 1) {
                 // On Left
                 $doc_title = JText::sprintf('FLEXI_PAGETITLE_SEPARATOR', $item->category_title, $doc_title);
             } else {
                 // On Right
                 $doc_title = JText::sprintf('FLEXI_PAGETITLE_SEPARATOR', $doc_title, $item->category_title);
     // Check and prepend or append site name to page title
     if ($doc_title != $app->getCfg('sitename')) {
         if ($app->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 1) {
             $doc_title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', $app->getCfg('sitename'), $doc_title);
         } elseif ($app->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 2) {
             $doc_title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', $doc_title, $app->getCfg('sitename'));
     // Finally, set document title
     // ************************
     // Set document's META tags
     // ************************
     // Workaround for Joomla not setting the default value for 'robots', so component must do it
     $app_params = $app->getParams();
     if ($_mp = $app_params->get('robots')) {
         $document->setMetadata('robots', $_mp);
     // Set item's META data: desc, keyword, title, author
     if ($item->metadesc) {
     if ($item->metakey) {
         $document->setMetadata('keywords', $item->metakey);
     // ?? Deprecated <title> tag is used instead by search engines
     if ($app->getCfg('MetaTitle') == '1') {
         $document->setMetaData('title', $item->title);
     if ($app->getCfg('MetaAuthor') == '1') {
         $document->setMetaData('author', $item->author);
     // Set remaining META keys
     $mdata = $item->metadata->toArray();
     foreach ($mdata as $k => $v) {
         if ($v) {
             $document->setMetadata($k, $v);
     // Overwrite with menu META data if menu matched
     if ($menu_matches) {
         if ($_mp = $menu->params->get('menu-meta_description')) {
         if ($_mp = $menu->params->get('menu-meta_keywords')) {
             $document->setMetadata('keywords', $_mp);
         if ($_mp = $menu->params->get('robots')) {
             $document->setMetadata('robots', $_mp);
         if ($_mp = $menu->params->get('secure')) {
             $document->setMetadata('secure', $_mp);
     // ****************************************************************
     // Make sure Joomla SEF plugin has inserted a correct REL canonical
     // or that it has not insert any REL if current URL is sufficient
     // ****************************************************************
     if ($params->get('add_canonical')) {
         // Get canonical URL that SEF plugin adds, also $domain passed by reference, to get the domain configured in SEF plugin (multi-domain website)
         $domain = null;
         $defaultCanonical = flexicontent_html::getDefaultCanonical($domain);
         $domain = $domain ? $domain : $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port'));
         // Create desired REL canonical URL
         $ucanonical = $domain . JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->slug, $globalcats[$item->maincatid]->slug, 0, $item));
         // $item->categoryslug
         // Check if SEF plugin inserted a different REL canonical
         if ($defaultCanonical != $ucanonical) {
             // Add REL canonical only if different than current URL
             $head_obj = $document->addHeadLink(htmlspecialchars($ucanonical), 'canonical', 'rel', '');
             if ($uri->toString() == $ucanonical) {
             // Remove canonical inserted by SEF plugin
     // *************************
     // increment the hit counter
     // *************************
     // MOVED to flexisystem plugin due to ...
     /*if (FLEXIUtilities::count_new_hit($item->id) ) {
     // Load template css/js and set template data variable
     $tmplvar = $themes->items->{$ilayout}->tmplvar;
     if ($ilayout) {
         // Add the templates css files if availables
         if (isset($themes->items->{$ilayout}->css)) {
             foreach ($themes->items->{$ilayout}->css as $css) {
                 $document->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl . '/' . $css);
         // Add the templates js files if availables
         if (isset($themes->items->{$ilayout}->js)) {
             foreach ($themes->items->{$ilayout}->js as $js) {
                 $document->addScript($this->baseurl . '/' . $js);
         // Set the template var
         $tmpl = $themes->items->{$ilayout}->tmplvar;
     } else {
         $tmpl = '.items.default';
     // Just put item's text (description field) inside property 'text' in case the events modify the given text,
     $item->text = isset($item->fields['text']->display) ? $item->fields['text']->display : '';
     // Maybe here not to import all plugins but just those for description field ???
     // Anyway these events are usually not very time consuming, so lets trigger all of them ???
     // Suppress some plugins from triggering for compatibility reasons, e.g.
     // (a) jcomments, jom_comment_bot plugins, because we will get comments HTML manually inside the template files
     $suppress_arr = array('jcomments', 'jom_comment_bot');
     FLEXIUtilities::suppressPlugins($suppress_arr, 'suppress');
     // Do some compatibility steps, Set the view and option to 'article' and 'com_content'
     JRequest::setVar('view', 'article');
     JRequest::setVar('option', 'com_content');
     JRequest::setVar("isflexicontent", "yes");
     $limitstart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int');
     // These events return text that could be displayed at appropriate positions by our templates
     $item->event = new stdClass();
     $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterTitle', array('com_content.article', &$item, &$params, $limitstart));
     $item->event->afterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("\n", $results));
     $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentBeforeDisplay', array('com_content.article', &$item, &$params, $limitstart));
     $item->event->beforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));
     $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_content.article', &$item, &$params, $limitstart));
     $item->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));
     // Reverse the compatibility steps, set the view and option back to 'items' and 'com_flexicontent'
     JRequest::setVar('view', FLEXI_ITEMVIEW);
     JRequest::setVar('option', 'com_flexicontent');
     // Restore suppressed plugins
     FLEXIUtilities::suppressPlugins($suppress_arr, 'restore');
     // Put text back into the description field, THESE events SHOULD NOT modify the item text, but some plugins may do it anyway... , so we assign text back for compatibility
     if (!empty($item->positions)) {
         foreach ($item->positions as $pos_fields) {
             foreach ($pos_fields as $pos_field) {
                 if ($pos_field->name !== 'text') {
                 $pos_field->display =& $item->text;
     $item->fields['text']->display =& $item->text;
     // (TOC) TABLE OF Contents has been created inside description field (named 'text') by
     // the pagination plugin, this should be assigned to item as a property with same name
     if (isset($item->fields['text']->toc)) {
         $item->toc =& $item->fields['text']->toc;
     // ********************************************************************************************
     // Create pathway, if automatic pathways is enabled, then path will be cleared before populated
     // ********************************************************************************************
     $pathway = $app->getPathWay();
     // Clear pathway, if automatic pathways are enabled
     if ($params->get('automatic_pathways', 0)) {
         $pathway_arr = $pathway->getPathway();
         //$pathway->set('_count', 0);  // not needed ??
         $item_depth = 0;
         // menu item depth is now irrelevant ???, ignore it
     } else {
         $item_depth = $params->get('item_depth', 0);
     // Respect menu item depth, defined in menu item
     $p = $item_depth;
     while ($p < count($parents)) {
         // For some Content Types the pathway should not be populated with category links
         if (in_array($item->type_id, $globalnopath)) {
         // Do not add to pathway unroutable categories
         if (in_array($parents[$p]->id, $globalnoroute)) {
         // Add current parent category
         $pathway->addItem($this->escape($parents[$p]->title), JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($parents[$p]->slug)));
     if ($params->get('add_item_pathway', 1)) {
         $pathway->addItem($this->escape($item->title), JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->slug, $item->categoryslug, 0, $item)));
     // **********************************************************************
     // Print link ... must include layout and current filtering url vars, etc
     // **********************************************************************
     $curr_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $print_link = $curr_url . (strstr($curr_url, '?') ? '&amp;' : '?') . 'pop=1&amp;tmpl=component&amp;print=1';
     //$print_link = JRoute::_('index.php?view='.FLEXI_ITEMVIEW.'&cid='.$item->categoryslug.'&id='.$item->slug.'&pop=1&tmpl=component&print=1');
     $pageclass_sfx = htmlspecialchars($params->get('pageclass_sfx'));
     $this->assignRef('item', $item);
     $this->assignRef('user', $user);
     $this->assignRef('params', $params);
     $this->assignRef('print_link', $print_link);
     $this->assignRef('pageclass_sfx', $pageclass_sfx);
     $this->assignRef('parentcat', $parentcat);
     $this->assignRef('fields', $item->fields);
     $this->assignRef('tmpl', $tmpl);
      * Set template paths : this procedure is issued from K2 component
      * "K2" Component by JoomlaWorks for Joomla! 1.5.x - Version 2.1
      * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 JoomlaWorks Ltd. All rights reserved.
      * Released under the GNU/GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
      * More info at http://www.joomlaworks.gr and http://k2.joomlaworks.gr
      * Designed and developed by the JoomlaWorks team
     $this->addTemplatePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'templates');
     $this->addTemplatePath(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $app->getTemplate() . DS . 'html' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'templates');
     $this->addTemplatePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'templates' . DS . 'default');
     $this->addTemplatePath(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $app->getTemplate() . DS . 'html' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'templates' . DS . 'default');
     if ($ilayout) {
         $this->addTemplatePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'templates' . DS . $ilayout);
         $this->addTemplatePath(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $app->getTemplate() . DS . 'html' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'templates' . DS . $ilayout);
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         $start_microtime = microtime(true);
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         $fc_run_times['template_render'] = round(1000000 * 10 * (microtime(true) - $start_microtime)) / 10;
예제 #11
					<button class="<?php 
        echo $btn_class;
  btn-success" type="button" onclick="return flexi_submit('save_a_preview', 'flexi_form_submit_btns', 'flexi_form_submit_msg');">
						<span class="fcbutton_preview_save"><?php 
        echo JText::_(!$isnew ? 'FLEXI_SAVE_A_PREVIEW' : 'FLEXI_ADD_A_PREVIEW');

    $params = 'status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,left=50,width=\'+((screen.width-100) > 1360 ? 1360 : (screen.width-100))+\',top=20,height=\'+((screen.width-160) > 100 ? 1000 : (screen.width-160))+\',directories=no,location=no';
    $link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($this->item->id . ':' . $this->item->alias, $this->item->catid, 0, $this->item) . '&preview=1');
    if (in_array('preview_latest', $allowbuttons_fe) && !$isredirected_after_submit && !$isnew) {
					<button class="<?php 
        echo $btn_class;
  btn-default" type="button" onclick="window.open('<?php 
        echo $link;
        echo $params;
'); return false;">
예제 #12

foreach ($categories as $category) {
    $catid = $category->id;
    // Exclude the "noroute" categories (e.g. "Main slideshow", or other special categories that should NOT be displayed !)
    if (in_array($catid, @$globalnoroute)) {
    // Performance concern, only do routing once per category
    if ($link_to_view && !isset($cat_links[$catid])) {
        $cat_links[$catid] = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($category->slug));
    // With / without link
    $isMain = $catid == $item->catid;
    $display = $link_to_view ? '<a class="fc_categories fc_category_' . $catid . ' ' . ($isMain ? 'fc_ismain_cat' : '') . ' link_' . $field->name . '" href="' . $cat_links[$catid] . '">' . $category->title . '</a>' : '<span class="fc_categories fc_category_' . $catid . ' ' . ($isMain ? 'fc_ismain_cat' : '') . ' nolink_' . $field->name . '">' . $category->title . '</span>';
    $isMain ? array_unshift($field->{$prop}, $pretext . $display . $posttext) : ($field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . $display . $posttext);
    // Some extra data
    $field->value[] = $category->title;
예제 #13
 private function _replaceContent(&$tag)
     $oldFormat = empty($tag->format);
     if (!ACYMAILING_J16) {
         $query = 'SELECT a.*,b.name as authorname, c.alias as catalias, c.title as cattitle, c.image AS catpict, s.alias as secalias, s.title as sectitle FROM ' . acymailing_table('content', false) . ' as a ';
         $query .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('users', false) . ' as b ON a.created_by = b.id ';
         $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('categories', false) . ' AS c ON c.id = a.catid ';
         $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('sections', false) . ' AS s ON s.id = a.sectionid ';
         $query .= 'WHERE a.id = ' . $tag->id . ' LIMIT 1';
     } else {
         $query = 'SELECT a.*,b.name as authorname, c.alias as catalias, c.title as cattitle, c.params AS catparams FROM ' . acymailing_table('content', false) . ' as a ';
         $query .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('users', false) . ' as b ON a.created_by = b.id ';
         $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('categories', false) . ' AS c ON c.id = a.catid ';
         $query .= 'WHERE a.id = ' . $tag->id . ' LIMIT 1';
     $article = $this->db->loadObject();
     if (empty($article)) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         if ($app->isAdmin()) {
             $app->enqueueMessage('The article "' . $tag->id . '" could not be loaded', 'notice');
         return '';
     if (empty($tag->lang) && !empty($this->newslanguage) && !empty($this->newslanguage->lang_code)) {
         $tag->lang = $this->newslanguage->lang_code . ',' . $this->newslanguage->lang_id;
     $this->acypluginsHelper->translateItem($article, $tag, 'content');
     $varFields = array();
     foreach ($article as $fieldName => $oneField) {
         $varFields['{' . $fieldName . '}'] = $oneField;
     if ($this->params->get('integration') == 'jreviews' && !empty($article->images)) {
         $firstpict = explode('|', trim(reset(explode("\n", $article->images))) . '|||||||');
         if (!empty($firstpict[0])) {
             $picturePath = file_exists(ACYMAILING_ROOT . 'images' . DS . 'stories' . DS . str_replace('/', DS, $firstpict[0])) ? ACYMAILING_LIVE . 'images/stories/' . $firstpict[0] : ACYMAILING_LIVE . 'images/' . $firstpict[0];
             $myPict = '<img src="' . $picturePath . '" alt="" hspace="5" style="margin:5px" align="left" border="' . intval($firstpict[5]) . '" />';
             $article->introtext = $myPict . $article->introtext;
     $completeId = $article->id;
     $completeCat = $article->catid;
     if (!empty($article->alias)) {
         $completeId .= ':' . $article->alias;
     if (!empty($article->catalias)) {
         $completeCat .= ':' . $article->catalias;
     if (empty($tag->itemid)) {
         if (!ACYMAILING_J16) {
             $completeSec = $article->sectionid;
             if (!empty($article->secalias)) {
                 $completeSec .= ':' . $article->secalias;
             if ($this->params->get('integration') == 'flexicontent' && class_exists('FlexicontentHelperRoute')) {
                 $link = FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($completeId, $completeCat, $completeSec);
             } else {
                 $link = ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($completeId, $completeCat, $completeSec);
         } else {
             if ($this->params->get('integration') == 'flexicontent' && class_exists('FlexicontentHelperRoute')) {
                 $link = FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($completeId, $completeCat);
             } else {
                 $link = ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($completeId, $completeCat);
     } else {
         $link = 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=' . $completeId . '&catid=' . $completeCat;
     if ($this->params->get('integration') == 'flexicontent' && !class_exists('FlexicontentHelperRoute')) {
         $link = 'index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=items&id=' . $completeId;
     } elseif ($this->params->get('integration') == 'jaggyblog') {
         $link = 'index.php?option=com_jaggyblog&task=viewpost&id=' . $completeId;
     if (!empty($tag->itemid)) {
         $link .= '&Itemid=' . $tag->itemid;
     if (!empty($tag->lang)) {
         $link .= (strpos($link, '?') ? '&' : '?') . 'lang=' . substr($tag->lang, 0, strpos($tag->lang, ','));
     if (!empty($tag->autologin)) {
         $link .= (strpos($link, '?') ? '&' : '?') . 'user={usertag:username|urlencode}&passw={usertag:password|urlencode}';
     if (empty($tag->lang) && !empty($article->language) && $article->language != '*') {
         if (!isset($this->langcodes[$article->language])) {
             $this->db->setQuery('SELECT sef FROM #__languages WHERE lang_code = ' . $this->db->Quote($article->language) . ' ORDER BY `published` DESC LIMIT 1');
             $this->langcodes[$article->language] = $this->db->loadResult();
             if (empty($this->langcodes[$article->language])) {
                 $this->langcodes[$article->language] = $article->language;
         $link .= (strpos($link, '?') ? '&' : '?') . 'lang=' . $this->langcodes[$article->language];
     $link = acymailing_frontendLink($link);
     $varFields['{link}'] = $link;
     $afterTitle = '';
     $afterArticle = '';
     $contentText = '';
     $pictPath = '';
     if (!empty($tag->author)) {
         $authorName = empty($article->created_by_alias) ? $article->authorname : $article->created_by_alias;
         if ($tag->type == 'title') {
             $afterTitle .= '<br />';
         $afterTitle .= '<span class="authorname">' . $authorName . '</span><br />';
     $dateFormat = empty($tag->dateformat) ? JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2') : $tag->dateformat;
     if (!empty($tag->created)) {
         if ($tag->type == 'title') {
             $afterTitle .= '<br />';
         $varFields['{createddate}'] = JHTML::_('date', $article->created, $dateFormat);
         $afterTitle .= '<span class="createddate">' . $varFields['{createddate}'] . '</span><br />';
     if (!empty($tag->modified)) {
         if ($tag->type == 'title') {
             $afterTitle .= '<br />';
         $varFields['{modifieddate}'] = JHTML::_('date', $article->modified, $dateFormat);
         $afterTitle .= '<span class="modifieddate">' . $varFields['{modifieddate}'] . '</span><br />';
     if (!isset($tag->pict) && $tag->type != 'title') {
         if ($this->params->get('removepictures', 'never') == 'always' || $this->params->get('removepictures', 'never') == 'intro' && $tag->type == "intro") {
             $tag->pict = 0;
         } else {
             $tag->pict = 1;
     if (strpos($article->introtext, 'jseblod') !== false && file_exists(ACYMAILING_ROOT . 'plugins' . DS . 'content' . DS . 'cckjseblod.php')) {
         global $mainframe;
         include_once ACYMAILING_ROOT . 'plugins' . DS . 'content' . DS . 'cckjseblod.php';
         if (function_exists('plgContentCCKjSeblod')) {
             $paramsContent = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_content');
             $article->text = $article->introtext . $article->fulltext;
             plgContentCCKjSeblod($article, $paramsContent);
             $article->introtext = $article->text;
             $article->fulltext = '';
     if ($tag->type != "title") {
         if ($tag->type == "intro") {
             $forceReadMore = false;
             $mytag = new stdClass();
             $mytag->wrap = $this->params->get('wordwrap', 0);
             if (empty($article->fulltext)) {
                 $article->introtext = $this->acypluginsHelper->wrapText($article->introtext, $mytag);
                 if (!empty($this->acypluginsHelper->wraped)) {
                     $forceReadMore = true;
         if (empty($article->fulltext) || $tag->type != "text") {
             $contentText .= $article->introtext;
         if ($tag->type != "intro" && !empty($article->fulltext)) {
             if ($tag->type != "text" && !empty($article->introtext) && !preg_match('#^<[div|p]#i', trim($article->fulltext))) {
                 $contentText .= '<br />';
             $contentText .= $article->fulltext;
         $contentText = $this->acypluginsHelper->wrapText($contentText, $tag);
         if (!empty($this->acypluginsHelper->wraped)) {
             $forceReadMore = true;
         if (!empty($tag->clean)) {
             $contentText = strip_tags($contentText, '<p><br><span><ul><li><h1><h2><h3><h4><a>');
         if (ACYMAILING_J16 && !empty($article->images) && !empty($tag->pict)) {
             $picthtml = '';
             $images = json_decode($article->images);
             $pictVar = $tag->type == 'intro' ? 'image_intro' : 'image_fulltext';
             $floatVar = $tag->type == 'intro' ? 'float_intro' : 'float_fulltext';
             if (!empty($images->{$pictVar})) {
                 if ($images->{$floatVar} != 'right') {
                     if (empty($tag->format)) {
                         $tag->format = 'TOP_LEFT';
                     $images->{$floatVar} = 'left';
                 } elseif (empty($tag->format)) {
                     $tag->format = 'TOP_RIGHT';
                 $style = 'float:' . $images->{$floatVar} . ';padding-' . ($images->{$floatVar} == 'right' ? 'left' : 'right') . ':10px;padding-bottom:10px;';
                 if (!empty($tag->link) && empty($tag->nopictlink)) {
                     $picthtml .= '<a href="' . $link . '" style="text-decoration:none" >';
                 $alt = '';
                 $altVar = $pictVar . '_alt';
                 if (!empty($images->{$altVar})) {
                     $alt = $images->{$altVar};
                 $picthtml .= '<img' . (empty($tag->nopictstyle) ? ' style="' . $style . '"' : '') . ' alt="' . $alt . '" border="0" src="' . JURI::root() . $images->{$pictVar} . '" />';
                 $pictPath = JURI::root() . $images->{$pictVar};
                 if (!empty($tag->link) && empty($tag->nopictlink)) {
                     $picthtml .= '</a>';
                 $varFields['{picthtml}'] = $picthtml;
         $contentText = preg_replace('/^\\s*(<img[^>]*>)\\s*(?:<br[^>]*>\\s*)*/i', '$1', $contentText);
         if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'attachments') && empty($tag->noattach)) {
             try {
                 $query = 'SELECT display_name, url, filename ' . 'FROM #__attachments ' . 'WHERE (parent_entity = "article" ' . 'AND parent_id = ' . intval($tag->id) . ')';
                 if (ACYMAILING_J16) {
                     $query .= ' OR (parent_entity = "category" ' . 'AND parent_id = ' . intval($article->catid) . ')';
                 $attachments = $this->db->loadObjectList();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $attachments = array();
             if (!empty($attachments)) {
                 $afterArticle .= '<br />' . JText::_('ATTACHED_FILES') . ' :';
                 foreach ($attachments as $oneAttachment) {
                     $afterArticle .= '<br /><a href="' . $oneAttachment->url . '">' . (empty($oneAttachment->display_name) ? $oneAttachment->filename : $oneAttachment->display_name) . '</a>';
         $readMoreText = empty($tag->readmore) ? $this->readmore : $tag->readmore;
         $varFields['{readmore}'] = '<a style="text-decoration:none;" target="_blank" href="' . $link . '"><span class="acymailing_readmore">' . $readMoreText . '</span></a>';
         if ($tag->type == "intro" && empty($tag->noreadmore) && (!empty($article->fulltext) || $forceReadMore)) {
             $contentText .= ' ' . $varFields['{readmore}'];
         if (!empty($tag->share)) {
             $links = array();
             $shareOpt = explode(',', $tag->share);
             foreach ($shareOpt as $socialNetwork) {
                 $knownNetwork = true;
                 $socialNetwork = strtolower(trim($socialNetwork));
                 if ($socialNetwork == 'facebook') {
                     $linkShare = 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=' . urlencode($link) . '&t=' . urlencode($article->title);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'facebook.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/facebook.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/facebookshare.png';
                     $altText = 'Facebook';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'twitter') {
                     $text = JText::sprintf('SHARE_TEXT', $link);
                     $linkShare = 'http://twitter.com/home?status=' . urlencode($text);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'twitter.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/twitter.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/twittershare.png';
                     $altText = 'Twitter';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'linkedin') {
                     $linkShare = 'http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=' . urlencode($link) . '&title=' . urlencode($article->title);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'linkedin.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/linkedin.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/linkedin.png';
                     $altText = 'LinkedIn';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'hyves') {
                     $linkShare = 'http://www.hyves-share.nl/button/respect/?hc_hint=1&url=' . urlencode($link) . '&title=' . urlencode($article->title);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'hyves.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/hyves.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/hyvesshare.png';
                     $altText = 'Hyves';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'google') {
                     $linkShare = 'https://plus.google.com/share?url=' . urlencode($link);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'google.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/google.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/google_plusshare.png';
                     $altText = 'Google+';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'mailto') {
                     $linkShare = 'mailto:?subject=' . urlencode($article->title) . '&body=' . urlencode($article->title . ' (' . $link . ')');
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'mailto.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/mailto.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/mailto.png';
                     $altText = 'MailTo';
                 } else {
                     $knownNetwork = false;
                     acymailing_display('Network not found: ' . $socialNetwork . '. Availables networks are facebook, twitter, linkedin, hyves, google and mailto.', 'warning');
                 if ($knownNetwork) {
                     array_push($links, '<a target="_blank" href="' . $linkShare . '" title="' . JText::sprintf('SOCIAL_SHARE', $altText) . '"><img alt="' . $altText . '" src="' . $picSrc . '" /></a>');
             $afterArticle .= '<br />' . (!empty($tag->sharetxt) ? $tag->sharetxt . ' ' : '') . implode(' ', $links);
     if (!empty($tag->jtags) && version_compare(JVERSION, '3.1.0', '>=')) {
         $this->db->setQuery('SELECT t.id, t.alias, t.title FROM #__tags AS t JOIN #__contentitem_tag_map AS m ON t.id = m.tag_id WHERE t.published = 1 AND m.type_alias = "com_content.article" AND m.content_item_id = ' . intval($tag->id));
         $tags = $this->db->loadObjectList();
         if (!empty($tags)) {
             $afterArticle .= '<br />';
             foreach ($tags as $oneTag) {
                 $afterArticle .= ' <a href="index.php?option=com_tags&view=tag&id=' . $oneTag->id . '-' . $oneTag->alias . '">' . $oneTag->title . '</a> ';
     $format = new stdClass();
     $format->tag = $tag;
     $format->title = empty($tag->notitle) ? $article->title : '';
     $format->afterTitle = $afterTitle;
     $format->afterArticle = $afterArticle;
     $format->imagePath = $pictPath;
     $format->description = $contentText;
     $format->link = empty($tag->link) ? '' : $link;
     $format->cols = 2;
     $result = $this->acypluginsHelper->getStandardDisplay($format);
     if (!empty($tag->theme)) {
         if (preg_match('#<img[^>]*>#Uis', $article->introtext . $article->fulltext, $pregresult)) {
             $cleanContent = strip_tags($result, '<p><br><span><ul><li><h1><h2><h3><h4><a>');
             $tdwidth = (empty($tag->maxwidth) ? $this->params->get('maxwidth', 150) : $tag->maxwidth) + 20;
             $result = '<table cellspacing="0" width="500" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td class="contentpicture" width="' . $tdwidth . '" valign="top" align="center"><a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank" style="border:0px;text-decoration:none">' . $pregresult[0] . '</a></td><td class="contenttext">' . $cleanContent . '</td></tr></table>';
     if ($tag->type != 'title') {
         $result = '<div class="acymailing_content">' . $result . '</div>';
     if (!(empty($tag->cattitle) && empty($tag->catpict)) && (!strpos($article->catid, ',') && $this->currentcatid != $article->catid || strpos($article->catid, ',') && !in_array($this->currentcatid, explode(',', $article->catid)))) {
         if (strpos($article->catid, ',')) {
             $catids = explode(',', $article->catid);
             $this->currentcatid = $catids[0];
         } else {
             $this->currentcatid = $article->catid;
         if (ACYMAILING_J16) {
             $params = json_decode($article->catparams);
             $article->catpict = $params->image;
         $resultTitle = $article->cattitle;
         if (!empty($tag->catpict) && !empty($article->catpict)) {
             $style = '';
             if (!empty($tag->catmaxwidth)) {
                 $style .= 'max-width:' . intval($tag->catmaxwidth) . 'px;';
             if (!empty($tag->catmaxheight)) {
                 $style .= 'max-height:' . intval($tag->catmaxheight) . 'px;';
             $resultTitle = '<img' . (empty($style) ? '' : ' style="' . $style . '"') . ' alt="" src="' . $article->catpict . '" />';
             if (!empty($tag->cattitlelink)) {
                 $resultTitle = '<a href="index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=' . $this->currentcatid . '">' . $resultTitle . '</a>';
         } else {
             if (!empty($tag->cattitlelink)) {
                 $resultTitle = '<a href="index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=' . $this->currentcatid . '">' . $resultTitle . '</a>';
             $resultTitle = '<h3 class="cattitle">' . $resultTitle . '</h3>';
         $result = $resultTitle . $result;
     if ($oldFormat) {
         if (file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'tagcontent_html.php')) {
             require ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'tagcontent_html.php';
             $result = ob_get_clean();
         } elseif (file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'tagcontent.php')) {
             require ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'tagcontent.php';
             $result = ob_get_clean();
     } elseif (!empty($tag->template) && file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . $tag->template)) {
         require ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . $tag->template;
         $result = ob_get_clean();
     $result = str_replace(array_keys($varFields), $varFields, $result);
     $result = $this->acypluginsHelper->removeJS($result);
     $result = $this->acypluginsHelper->replaceVideos($result);
     $tag->maxheight = empty($tag->maxheight) ? $this->params->get('maxheight', 150) : $tag->maxheight;
     $tag->maxwidth = empty($tag->maxwidth) ? $this->params->get('maxwidth', 150) : $tag->maxwidth;
     $result = $this->acypluginsHelper->managePicts($tag, $result);
     if (!empty($tag->maxchar) && strlen(strip_tags($result)) > $tag->maxchar) {
         $result = strip_tags($result);
         for ($i = $tag->maxchar; $i > 0; $i--) {
             if ($result[$i] == ' ') {
         if (!empty($i)) {
             $result = substr($result, 0, $i) . @$tag->textafter;
     return $result;
예제 #14
  * Creates the RSS for the View
  * @since 1.0
 function display($tpl = null)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $params = $this->get('Params');
     $doc->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=flexicontent&rootcat=' . (int) $params->get('rootcat', FLEXI_J16GE ? 1 : 0));
     JRequest::setVar('limit', $params->get('feed_limit'));
     // Force a specific limit, this will be moved to the model
     $cats = $this->get('Feed');
     //$feed_summary = $params->get('feed_summary', 0);
     $feed_summary_cut = $params->get('feed_summary_cut', 200);
     $feed_use_image = $params->get('feed_use_image', 1);
     $feed_image_source = $params->get('feed_image_source', '');
     $feed_link_image = $params->get('feed_link_image', 1);
     $feed_image_method = $params->get('feed_image_method', 1);
     $feed_image_width = $params->get('feed_image_width', 100);
     $feed_image_height = $params->get('feed_image_height', 80);
     // Retrieve default image for the image field
     if ($feed_use_image && $feed_image_source) {
         $query = 'SELECT attribs, name FROM #__flexicontent_fields WHERE id = ' . (int) $feed_image_source;
         $image_dbdata = $db->loadObject();
         //$image_dbdata->params = FLEXI_J16GE ? new JRegistry($image_dbdata->params) : new JParameter($image_dbdata->params);
         $img_size_map = array('l' => 'large', 'm' => 'medium', 's' => 'small', '' => '');
         $img_field_size = $img_size_map[$image_size];
         $img_field_name = $image_dbdata->name;
     foreach ($cats as $cat) {
         // strip html from feed item title
         $title = $this->escape($cat->title);
         $title = html_entity_decode($title);
         // url link to article
         // & used instead of &amp; as this is converted by feed creator
         $link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($cat->slug));
         // strip html from feed item description text
         $description = $cat->description;
         //$feed_summary ? $cat->description : '';
         $description = flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($description, $feed_summary_cut);
         if ($feed_use_image) {
             // feed image is enabled
             // Get some variables
             $joomla_image_path = $app->getCfg('image_path', FLEXI_J16GE ? '' : 'images' . DS . 'stories');
             $joomla_image_url = str_replace(DS, '/', $joomla_image_path);
             $joomla_image_path = $joomla_image_path ? $joomla_image_path . DS : '';
             $joomla_image_url = $joomla_image_url ? $joomla_image_url . '/' : '';
             // **************
             // CATEGORY IMAGE
             // **************
             // category image params
             $show_cat_image = $params->get('show_description_image', 0);
             // we use different name for variable
             $cat_image_source = $params->get('cat_image_source', 2);
             // 0: extract, 1: use param, 2: use both
             $cat_link_image = $params->get('cat_link_image', 1);
             $cat_image_method = $params->get('cat_image_method', 1);
             $cat_image_width = $params->get('cat_image_width', 80);
             $cat_image_height = $params->get('cat_image_height', 80);
             $cat =& $category;
             $thumb = "";
             if ($cat->id && $show_cat_image) {
                 $cat->image = FLEXI_J16GE ? $params->get('image') : $cat->image;
                 $thumb = "";
                 $cat->introtext =& $cat->description;
                 $cat->fulltext = "";
                 if ($cat_image_source && $cat->image && JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . $joomla_image_path . $cat->image)) {
                     $src = JURI::base(true) . "/" . $joomla_image_url . $cat->image;
                     $h = '&amp;h=' . $cat_image_height;
                     $w = '&amp;w=' . $cat_image_width;
                     $aoe = '&amp;aoe=1';
                     $q = '&amp;q=95';
                     $zc = $cat_image_method ? '&amp;zc=' . $cat_image_method : '';
                     $ext = pathinfo($src, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                     $f = in_array($ext, array('png', 'ico', 'gif')) ? '&amp;f=' . $ext : '';
                     $conf = $w . $h . $aoe . $q . $zc . $f;
                     $thumb = JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_flexicontent/librairies/phpthumb/phpThumb.php?src=' . $src . $conf;
                 } else {
                     if ($cat_image_source != 1 && ($src = flexicontent_html::extractimagesrc($cat))) {
                         $h = '&amp;h=' . $feed_image_height;
                         $w = '&amp;w=' . $feed_image_width;
                         $aoe = '&amp;aoe=1';
                         $q = '&amp;q=95';
                         $zc = $feed_image_method ? '&amp;zc=' . $feed_image_method : '';
                         $ext = pathinfo($src, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                         $f = in_array($ext, array('png', 'ico', 'gif')) ? '&amp;f=' . $ext : '';
                         $conf = $w . $h . $aoe . $q . $zc . $f;
                         $base_url = !preg_match("#^http|^https|^ftp|^/#i", $src) ? JURI::base(true) . '/' : '';
                         $src = $base_url . $src;
                         $thumb = JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_flexicontent/librairies/phpthumb/phpThumb.php?src=' . $src . $conf;
             if ($thumb) {
                 $description = "<a href='" . $link . "'><img src='" . $thumb . "' alt='" . $title . "' title='" . $title . "' align='left'/></a><p>" . $description . "</p>";
         //$author = $cat->created_by_alias ? $cat->created_by_alias : $cat->author;
         @($date = $cat->created ? date('r', strtotime($cat->created)) : '');
         // load individual item creator class
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $title . ' (' . (int) $cat->assigneditems . ')';
         $item->link = $link;
         $item->description = $description;
         $item->date = $date;
         //$item->author    = $author;
         //$item->category  = $this->escape( $category->title );
         // loads item info into rss array
예제 #15
  * Creates the page's display
  * @since 1.0
 function display($tpl = null)
     //initialize variables
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $menus = $app->getMenu();
     $menu = $menus->getActive();
     $uri = JFactory::getURI();
     $view = JRequest::getCmd('view');
     // Get view's Model
     $model = $this->getModel();
     // Get tag and set tag parameters as VIEW's parameters (tag parameters are merged with component/page(=menu item) and optionally with tag cloud parameters)
     $tag = $model->getTag();
     if (empty($tag)) {
         // Raise a 404 error, if tag doesn't exist or access isn't permitted, maybe move this into model ??
         $tid = JRequest::getInt('id', 0);
         $msg = JText::sprintf($tid ? 'Tag id was not set (is 0)' : 'Tag #%d not found', $tid);
         if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
             throw new Exception($msg, 404);
         } else {
             JError::raiseError(404, $msg);
     // Get parameters via model
     $params = $model->getParams();
     // Get various data from the model
     $items = $this->get('Data');
     $total = $this->get('Total');
     // Make sure field values were retrieved e.g. we need 'item->categories' for template classes
     $items = FlexicontentFields::getFields($items, $view, $params);
     // Calculate CSS classes needed to add special styling markups to the items
     flexicontent_html::calculateItemMarkups($items, $params);
     // ********************************
     // Load needed JS libs & CSS styles
     // ********************************
     FLEXI_J30GE ? JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true) : JHTML::_('behavior.mootools');
     //add css file
     if (!$params->get('disablecss', '')) {
         $document->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl . '/components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/flexicontent.css');
         $document->addCustomTag('<!--[if IE]><style type="text/css">.floattext {zoom:1;}</style><![endif]-->');
     //allow css override
     if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'templates' . DS . $app->getTemplate() . DS . 'css' . DS . 'flexicontent.css')) {
         $document->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/css/flexicontent.css');
     // **********************************************************
     // Calculate a (browser window) page title and a page heading
     // **********************************************************
     // Verify menu item points to current FLEXIcontent object
     if ($menu) {
         $view_ok = 'tags' == @$menu->query['view'];
         $tid_ok = $tag->id == (int) @$menu->query['id'];
         $menu_matches = $view_ok && $tid_ok;
         //$menu_params = FLEXI_J16GE ? $menu->params : new JParameter($menu->params);  // Get active menu item parameters
     } else {
         $menu_matches = false;
     // MENU ITEM matched, use its page heading (but use menu title if the former is not set)
     if ($menu_matches) {
         $default_heading = FLEXI_J16GE ? $menu->title : $menu->name;
         // Cross set (show_) page_heading / page_title for compatibility of J2.5+ with J1.5 template (and for J1.5 with J2.5 template)
         $params->def('page_heading', $params->get('page_title', $default_heading));
         $params->def('page_title', $params->get('page_heading', $default_heading));
         $params->def('show_page_heading', $params->get('show_page_title', 0));
         $params->def('show_page_title', $params->get('show_page_heading', 0));
     } else {
         // Clear some menu parameters
         //$params->set('pageclass_sfx',	'');  // CSS class SUFFIX is behavior, so do not clear it ?
         // Calculate default page heading (=called page title in J1.5), which in turn will be document title below !! ...
         // meta_params->get('page_title') is meant for <title> but let's use as ... default page heading
         $default_heading = JText::_('FLEXI_ITEMS_WITH_TAG') . ": " . $tag->name;
         // Decide to show page heading (=J1.5 page title), this is always yes
         $show_default_heading = 1;
         // Set both (show_) page_heading / page_title for compatibility of J2.5+ with J1.5 template (and for J1.5 with J2.5 template)
         $params->set('page_title', $default_heading);
         $params->set('page_heading', $default_heading);
         $params->set('show_page_heading', $show_default_heading);
         $params->set('show_page_title', $show_default_heading);
     // Prevent showing the page heading if ... currently no reason
     if (0) {
         $params->set('show_page_heading', 0);
         $params->set('show_page_title', 0);
     // ************************************************************
     // Create the document title, by from page title and other data
     // ************************************************************
     // Use the page heading as document title, (already calculated above via 'appropriate' logic ...)
     $doc_title = $params->get('page_title');
     // Check and prepend or append site name
     if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
         // Not available in J1.5
         // Add Site Name to page title
         if ($app->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 1) {
             $doc_title = $app->getCfg('sitename') . " - " . $doc_title;
         } elseif ($app->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 2) {
             $doc_title = $doc_title . " - " . $app->getCfg('sitename');
     // Finally, set document title
     // ************************
     // Set document's META tags
     // ************************
     // Workaround for Joomla not setting the default value for 'robots', so component must do it
     $app_params = $app->getParams();
     if ($_mp = $app_params->get('robots')) {
         $document->setMetadata('robots', $_mp);
     // Overwrite with menu META data if menu matched
     if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
         if ($menu_matches) {
             if ($_mp = $menu->params->get('menu-meta_description')) {
             if ($_mp = $menu->params->get('menu-meta_keywords')) {
                 $document->setMetadata('keywords', $_mp);
             if ($_mp = $menu->params->get('robots')) {
                 $document->setMetadata('robots', $_mp);
             if ($_mp = $menu->params->get('secure')) {
                 $document->setMetadata('secure', $_mp);
     // ************************************
     // Add rel canonical html head link tag (TODO: improve multi-page handing)
     // ************************************
     $base = $uri->getScheme() . '://' . $uri->getHost();
     $start = JRequest::getVar('start', '');
     $start = $start ? "&start=" . $start : "";
     $ucanonical = $base . JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getTagRoute($tag->id) . $start);
     if ($params->get('add_canonical')) {
         $head_obj = $document->addHeadLink($ucanonical, 'canonical', 'rel', '');
         $defaultCanonical = flexicontent_html::getDefaultCanonical();
         if (FLEXI_J30GE && $defaultCanonical != $ucanonical) {
     $filter_order = JRequest::getCmd('filter_order', 'i.title');
     $filter_order_Dir = JRequest::getCmd('filter_order_Dir', 'ASC');
     $filter = JRequest::getString('filter');
     $lists = array();
     $lists['filter_order'] = $filter_order;
     $lists['filter_order_Dir'] = $filter_order_Dir;
     $lists['filter'] = $filter;
     // Create the pagination object
     $pageNav = $this->get('pagination');
     // Create links, etc
     $link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getTagRoute($tag->slug), false);
     //$print_link = JRoute::_('index.php?view=tags&id='.$tag->slug.'&pop=1&tmpl=component');
     $curr_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $print_link = $curr_url . (strstr($curr_url, '?') ? '&amp;' : '?') . 'pop=1&amp;tmpl=component&amp;print=1';
     $pageclass_sfx = htmlspecialchars($params->get('pageclass_sfx'));
     $this->assignRef('action', $link);
     // $uri->toString()
     $this->assignRef('print_link', $print_link);
     $this->assignRef('tag', $tag);
     $this->assignRef('items', $items);
     $this->assignRef('lists', $lists);
     $this->assignRef('params', $params);
     $this->assignRef('pageNav', $pageNav);
     $this->assignRef('pageclass_sfx', $pageclass_sfx);
     $print_logging_info = $params->get('print_logging_info');
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         global $fc_run_times;
         $start_microtime = microtime(true);
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         @($fc_run_times['template_render'] += round(1000000 * 10 * (microtime(true) - $start_microtime)) / 10);
예제 #16
 private function _replaceContent(&$results, $i)
     $acypluginsHelper = acymailing_get('helper.acyplugins');
     $tag = $acypluginsHelper->extractTag($results[1][$i]);
     $tag->id = intval($tag->id);
     if (!ACYMAILING_J16) {
         $query = 'SELECT a.*,b.name as authorname, c.alias as catalias, c.title as cattitle, s.alias as secalias, s.title as sectitle FROM ' . acymailing_table('content', false) . ' as a ';
         $query .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('users', false) . ' as b ON a.created_by = b.id ';
         $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('categories', false) . ' AS c ON c.id = a.catid ';
         $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('sections', false) . ' AS s ON s.id = a.sectionid ';
         $query .= 'WHERE a.id = ' . $tag->id . ' LIMIT 1';
     } else {
         $query = 'SELECT a.*,b.name as authorname, c.alias as catalias, c.title as cattitle FROM ' . acymailing_table('content', false) . ' as a ';
         $query .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('users', false) . ' as b ON a.created_by = b.id ';
         $query .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . acymailing_table('categories', false) . ' AS c ON c.id = a.catid ';
         $query .= 'WHERE a.id = ' . $tag->id . ' LIMIT 1';
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $article = $db->loadObject();
     $result = '';
     if (empty($article)) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         if ($app->isAdmin()) {
             $app->enqueueMessage('The article "' . $tag->id . '" could not be loaded', 'notice');
         return $result;
     if (!empty($tag->lang)) {
         $langid = (int) substr($tag->lang, strpos($tag->lang, ',') + 1);
         if (!empty($langid)) {
             $query = "SELECT reference_field, value FROM " . (ACYMAILING_J16 && file_exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_falang') ? '`#__falang_content`' : '`#__jf_content`') . " WHERE `published` = 1 AND `reference_table` = 'content' AND `language_id` = {$langid} AND `reference_id` = " . $tag->id;
             $translations = $db->loadObjectList();
             if (!empty($translations)) {
                 foreach ($translations as $oneTranslation) {
                     if (!empty($oneTranslation->value)) {
                         $translatedfield = $oneTranslation->reference_field;
                         $article->{$translatedfield} = $oneTranslation->value;
     $acypluginsHelper = acymailing_get('helper.acyplugins');
     if ($this->params->get('integration') == 'jreviews' and !empty($article->images)) {
         $firstpict = explode('|', trim(reset(explode("\n", $article->images))) . '|||||||');
         if (!empty($firstpict[0])) {
             $picturePath = file_exists(ACYMAILING_ROOT . 'images' . DS . 'stories' . DS . str_replace('/', DS, $firstpict[0])) ? ACYMAILING_LIVE . 'images/stories/' . $firstpict[0] : ACYMAILING_LIVE . 'images/' . $firstpict[0];
             $myPict = '<img src="' . $picturePath . '" alt="" hspace="5" style="margin:5px" align="left" border="' . intval($firstpict[5]) . '" />';
             $article->introtext = $myPict . $article->introtext;
     $completeId = $article->id;
     $completeCat = $article->catid;
     if (!empty($article->alias)) {
         $completeId .= ':' . $article->alias;
     if (!empty($article->catalias)) {
         $completeCat .= ':' . $article->catalias;
     if (empty($tag->itemid)) {
         if (!ACYMAILING_J16) {
             $completeSec = $article->sectionid;
             if (!empty($article->secalias)) {
                 $completeSec .= ':' . $article->secalias;
             if ($this->params->get('integration') == 'flexicontent' && class_exists('FlexicontentHelperRoute')) {
                 $link = FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($completeId, $completeCat, $completeSec);
             } else {
                 $link = ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($completeId, $completeCat, $completeSec);
         } else {
             if ($this->params->get('integration') == 'flexicontent' && class_exists('FlexicontentHelperRoute')) {
                 $link = FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($completeId, $completeCat);
             } else {
                 $link = ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($completeId, $completeCat);
     } else {
         $link = 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=' . $completeId . '&catid=' . $completeCat;
     if ($this->params->get('integration') == 'flexicontent' && !class_exists('FlexicontentHelperRoute')) {
         $link = 'index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=items&id=' . $completeId;
     } elseif ($this->params->get('integration') == 'jaggyblog') {
         $link = 'index.php?option=com_jaggyblog&task=viewpost&id=' . $completeId;
     if (!empty($tag->itemid)) {
         $link .= '&Itemid=' . $tag->itemid;
     if (!empty($tag->lang)) {
         $link .= (strpos($link, '?') ? '&' : '?') . 'lang=' . substr($tag->lang, 0, strpos($tag->lang, ','));
     if (!empty($tag->autologin)) {
         $link .= (strpos($link, '?') ? '&' : '?') . 'user={usertag:username|urlencode}&passw={usertag:password|urlencode}';
     if (empty($tag->lang) && !empty($article->language) && $article->language != '*') {
         if (!isset($this->langcodes[$article->language])) {
             $db->setQuery('SELECT sef FROM #__languages WHERE lang_code = ' . $db->Quote($article->language) . ' ORDER BY `published` DESC LIMIT 1');
             $this->langcodes[$article->language] = $db->loadResult();
             if (empty($this->langcodes[$article->language])) {
                 $this->langcodes[$article->language] = $article->language;
         $link .= (strpos($link, '?') ? '&' : '?') . 'lang=' . $this->langcodes[$article->language];
     $link = acymailing_frontendLink($link);
     $styleTitle = '';
     $styleTitleEnd = '';
     if ($tag->type != "title") {
         $styleTitle = '<h2 class="acymailing_title">';
         $styleTitleEnd = '</h2>';
     if (empty($tag->notitle)) {
         if (!empty($tag->link)) {
             $result .= '<a href="' . $link . '" ';
             if ($tag->type != "title") {
                 $result .= 'style="text-decoration:none" name="content-' . $article->id . '" ';
             $result .= 'target="_blank" >' . $styleTitle . $article->title . $styleTitleEnd . '</a>';
         } else {
             $result .= $styleTitle . $article->title . $styleTitleEnd;
     if (!empty($tag->author)) {
         $authorName = empty($article->created_by_alias) ? $article->authorname : $article->created_by_alias;
         if ($tag->type == 'title') {
             $result .= '<br/>';
         $result .= '<span class="authorname">' . $authorName . '</span><br/>';
     if (!empty($tag->created)) {
         if ($tag->type == 'title') {
             $result .= '<br/>';
         $dateFormat = empty($tag->dateformat) ? JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2') : $tag->dateformat;
         $result .= '<span class="createddate">' . JHTML::_('date', $article->created, $dateFormat) . '</span><br/>';
     if (!isset($tag->pict) and $tag->type != 'title') {
         if ($this->params->get('removepictures', 'never') == 'always' || ($this->params->get('removepictures', 'never') == 'intro' and $tag->type == "intro")) {
             $tag->pict = 0;
         } else {
             $tag->pict = 1;
     if (strpos($article->introtext, 'jseblod') !== false and file_exists(ACYMAILING_ROOT . 'plugins' . DS . 'content' . DS . 'cckjseblod.php')) {
         global $mainframe;
         include_once ACYMAILING_ROOT . 'plugins' . DS . 'content' . DS . 'cckjseblod.php';
         if (function_exists('plgContentCCKjSeblod')) {
             $paramsContent = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_content');
             $article->text = $article->introtext . $article->fulltext;
             plgContentCCKjSeblod($article, $paramsContent);
             $article->introtext = $article->text;
             $article->fulltext = '';
     if ($tag->type != "title") {
         $contentText = '';
         if ($tag->type == "intro") {
             $forceReadMore = false;
             $wordwrap = $this->params->get('wordwrap', 0);
             if (!empty($wordwrap) and empty($article->fulltext)) {
                 $tagToKeep = '<br>';
                 if (!isset($tag->pict) || $tag->pict != '0') {
                     $tagToKeep .= '<img>';
                 $newintrotext = strip_tags($article->introtext, $tagToKeep);
                 $numChar = strlen($newintrotext);
                 if ($numChar > $wordwrap) {
                     $stop = strlen($newintrotext);
                     for ($i = $wordwrap; $i < $numChar; $i++) {
                         if ($newintrotext[$i] == " ") {
                             $stop = $i;
                             $forceReadMore = true;
                     $article->introtext = substr($newintrotext, 0, $stop) . '...';
         if (empty($article->fulltext) or $tag->type != "text") {
             $contentText .= $article->introtext;
         if ($tag->type != "intro" and !empty($article->fulltext)) {
             if ($tag->type != "text" && !empty($article->introtext) && !preg_match('#^<[div|p]#i', trim($article->fulltext))) {
                 $contentText .= '<br />';
             $contentText .= $article->fulltext;
         $contentText = $acypluginsHelper->wrapText($contentText, $tag);
         if (!empty($tag->clean)) {
             $contentText = strip_tags($contentText, '<p><br><span><ul><li><h1><h2><h3><h4><a>');
         if (ACYMAILING_J16 && !empty($article->images) && !empty($tag->pict)) {
             $picthtml = '';
             $images = json_decode($article->images);
             $pictVar = $tag->type == 'intro' ? 'image_intro' : 'image_fulltext';
             $floatVar = $tag->type == 'intro' ? 'float_intro' : 'float_fulltext';
             if (!empty($images->{$pictVar})) {
                 if ($images->{$floatVar} != 'right') {
                     $images->{$floatVar} = 'left';
                 $style = 'float:' . $images->{$floatVar} . ';padding-' . ($images->{$floatVar} == 'right' ? 'left' : 'right') . ':10px;padding-bottom:10px;';
                 if (!empty($tag->link)) {
                     $picthtml .= '<a href="' . $link . '" style="text-decoration:none" >';
                 $alt = '';
                 $altVar = $pictVar . '_alt';
                 if (!empty($images->{$altVar})) {
                     $alt = $images->{$altVar};
                 $picthtml .= '<img style="' . $style . '" alt="' . $alt . '" border="0" src="' . JURI::root() . $images->{$pictVar} . '" />';
                 if (!empty($tag->link)) {
                     $picthtml .= '</a>';
                 $contentText = $picthtml . $contentText;
         $result .= $contentText;
         if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'attachments') && empty($tag->noattach)) {
             $db->setQuery('SELECT display_name, url, filename FROM #__attachments WHERE parent_id = ' . intval($tag->id));
             $attachments = $db->loadObjectList();
             if (!empty($attachments)) {
                 $result .= '<br/>' . JText::_('ATTACHED_FILES') . ' :';
                 foreach ($attachments as $oneAttachment) {
                     $result .= '<br/><a href="' . $oneAttachment->url . '">' . (empty($oneAttachment->display_name) ? $oneAttachment->filename : $oneAttachment->display_name) . '</a>';
         if ($tag->type == "intro") {
             if (empty($tag->noreadmore) and (!empty($article->fulltext) or $forceReadMore)) {
                 $readMoreText = empty($tag->readmore) ? $this->readmore : $tag->readmore;
                 $result .= '<a style="text-decoration:none;" target="_blank" href="' . $link . '"><span class="acymailing_readmore">' . $readMoreText . '</span></a>';
         if (!empty($tag->share)) {
             $links = array();
             $shareOpt = explode(',', $tag->share);
             foreach ($shareOpt as $socialNetwork) {
                 $knownNetwork = true;
                 $socialNetwork = strtolower(trim($socialNetwork));
                 if ($socialNetwork == 'facebook') {
                     $linkShare = 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=' . urlencode($link) . '&t=' . urlencode($article->title);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'facebook.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/facebook.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/facebookshare.png';
                     $altText = 'Facebook';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'twitter') {
                     $text = JText::sprintf('SHARE_TEXT', $link);
                     $linkShare = 'http://twitter.com/home?status=' . urlencode($text);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'twitter.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/twitter.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/twittershare.png';
                     $altText = 'Twitter';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'linkedin') {
                     $linkShare = 'http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=' . urlencode($link) . '&title=' . urlencode($article->title);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'linkedin.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/linkedin.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/linkedin.png';
                     $altText = 'LinkedIn';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'hyves') {
                     $linkShare = 'http://www.hyves-share.nl/button/respect/?hc_hint=1&url=' . urlencode($link) . '&title=' . urlencode($article->title);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'hyves.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/hyves.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/hyvesshare.png';
                     $altText = 'Hyves';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'google') {
                     $linkShare = 'https://plus.google.com/share?url=' . urlencode($link);
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'google.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/google.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/google_plusshare.png';
                     $altText = 'Google+';
                 } elseif ($socialNetwork == 'mailto') {
                     $linkShare = 'mailto:?subject=' . urlencode($article->title) . '&body=' . urlencode($article->title . ' (' . $link . ')');
                     $picSrc = file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'mailto.png') ? 'media/com_acymailing/plugins/mailto.png' : 'media/com_acymailing/images/mailto.png';
                     $altText = 'MailTo';
                 } else {
                     $knownNetwork = false;
                     acymailing_display('Network not found: ' . $socialNetwork . '. Availables networks are facebook, twitter, linkedin, hyves, google and mailto.', 'warning');
                 if ($knownNetwork) {
                     array_push($links, '<a target="_blank" href="' . $linkShare . '" title="' . JText::sprintf('SOCIAL_SHARE', $altText) . '"><img alt="' . $altText . '" src="' . $picSrc . '" /></a>');
             $result .= '<br/>' . (!empty($tag->sharetxt) ? $tag->sharetxt . ' ' : '') . implode(' ', $links);
         $result = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="cat_' . @$article->catid . '" ><div class="acymailing_content" style="clear:both" >' . $result . '</div></td></tr></table>';
     if (!empty($tag->theme)) {
         if (preg_match('#<img[^>]*>#Uis', $article->introtext . $article->fulltext, $pregresult)) {
             $cleanContent = strip_tags($result, '<p><br><span><ul><li><h1><h2><h3><h4><a>');
             $tdwidth = (empty($tag->maxwidth) ? $this->params->get('maxwidth', 150) : $tag->maxwidth) + 20;
             $result = '<div class="acymailing_content" style="clear:both"><table cellspacing="0" width="500" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td class="contentpicture" width="' . $tdwidth . '" valign="top" align="center"><a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank" style="border:0px;text-decoration:none">' . $pregresult[0] . '</a></td><td class="contenttext">' . $cleanContent . '</td></tr></table></div>';
     if (!empty($tag->cattitle) && $this->currentcatid != $article->catid) {
         $this->currentcatid = $article->catid;
         $result = '<h3 class="cattitle">' . $article->cattitle . '</h3>' . $result;
     if (file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'tagcontent_html.php')) {
         require ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'tagcontent_html.php';
         $result = ob_get_clean();
     } elseif (file_exists(ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'tagcontent.php')) {
         require ACYMAILING_MEDIA . 'plugins' . DS . 'tagcontent.php';
         $result = ob_get_clean();
     $result = $acypluginsHelper->removeJS($result);
     if (isset($tag->pict)) {
         $pictureHelper = acymailing_get('helper.acypict');
         $pictureHelper->maxHeight = empty($tag->maxheight) ? $this->params->get('maxheight', 150) : $tag->maxheight;
         $pictureHelper->maxWidth = empty($tag->maxwidth) ? $this->params->get('maxwidth', 150) : $tag->maxwidth;
         if ($tag->pict == '0') {
             $result = $pictureHelper->removePictures($result);
         } elseif ($tag->pict == 'resized') {
             if ($pictureHelper->available()) {
                 $result = $pictureHelper->resizePictures($result);
             } elseif ($app->isAdmin()) {
                 $app->enqueueMessage($pictureHelper->error, 'notice');
     if (!empty($tag->maxchar) && strlen(strip_tags($result)) > $tag->maxchar) {
         $result = strip_tags($result);
         for ($i = $tag->maxchar; $i > 0; $i--) {
             if ($result[$i] == ' ') {
         if (!empty($i)) {
             $result = substr($result, 0, $i) . @$tag->textafter;
     return $result;
예제 #17
    function onDisplayFieldValue(&$field, $item, $values = null, $prop = 'display')
        if (!in_array($field->field_type, self::$field_types)) {
        $field->label = JText::_($field->label);
        // Some variables
        $is_ingroup = !empty($field->ingroup);
        $use_ingroup = $field->parameters->get('use_ingroup', 0);
        $multiple = $use_ingroup || (int) $field->parameters->get('allow_multiple', 0);
        $image_source = $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0);
        // ***********************
        // One time initialization
        // ***********************
        static $initialized = null;
        static $app, $document, $option;
        static $isMobile, $isTablet, $useMobile;
        if ($initialized === null) {
            $app = JFactory::getApplication();
            $document = JFactory::getDocument();
            $option = JRequest::getVar('option');
            // *****************************
            // Get isMobile / isTablet Flags
            // *****************************
            $cparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent');
            $force_desktop_layout = $cparams->get('force_desktop_layout', 0);
            //$start_microtime = microtime(true);
            $mobileDetector = flexicontent_html::getMobileDetector();
            $isMobile = $mobileDetector->isMobile();
            $isTablet = $mobileDetector->isTablet();
            $useMobile = $force_desktop_layout ? $isMobile && !$isTablet : $isMobile;
            //$time_passed = round(1000000 * 10 * (microtime(true) - $start_microtime)) / 10;
            //printf('<br/>-- [Detect Mobile: %.3f s] ', $time_passed/1000000);
        // **********************************************
        // Static FLAGS indicating if JS libs were loaded
        // **********************************************
        static $multiboxadded = false;
        static $fancyboxadded = false;
        static $gallerifficadded = false;
        static $elastislideadded = false;
        static $photoswipeadded = false;
        // *****************************
        // Current view variable / FLAGs
        // *****************************
        $realview = JRequest::getVar('view', FLEXI_ITEMVIEW);
        $view = JRequest::getVar('flexi_callview', $realview);
        $isFeedView = JRequest::getCmd('format', null) == 'feed';
        $isItemsManager = $app->isAdmin() && $realview == 'items' && $option == 'com_flexicontent';
        $isSite = $app->isSite();
        // *************************************************
        // TODO:  implement MODES >= 2, and remove this CODE
        // *************************************************
        if ($image_source > 1) {
            global $fc_folder_mode_err;
            if (empty($fc_folder_mode_err[$field->id])) {
                echo __FUNCTION__ . "(): folder-mode: " . $image_source . " not implemented please change image-source mode in image/gallery field with id: " . $field->id;
                $fc_folder_mode_err[$field->id] = 1;
                $image_source = 1;
        $all_media = $field->parameters->get('list_all_media_files', 0);
        $unique_thumb_method = $field->parameters->get('unique_thumb_method', 0);
        $dir = $field->parameters->get('dir');
        $dir_url = str_replace('\\', '/', $dir);
        // Check if using folder of original content being translated
        $of_usage = $field->untranslatable ? 1 : $field->parameters->get('of_usage', 0);
        $u_item_id = $of_usage && $item->lang_parent_id && $item->lang_parent_id != $item->id ? $item->lang_parent_id : $item->id;
        // FLAG to indicate if images are shared across fields, has the effect of adding field id to image thumbnails
        $multiple_image_usages = !$image_source && $all_media && $unique_thumb_method == 0;
        $extra_prefix = $multiple_image_usages ? 'fld' . $field->id . '_' : '';
        $usealt = $field->parameters->get('use_alt', 1);
        $alt_usage = $field->parameters->get('alt_usage', 0);
        $default_alt = $alt_usage == 2 ? $field->parameters->get('default_alt', '') : '';
        $usetitle = $field->parameters->get('use_title', 1);
        $title_usage = $field->parameters->get('title_usage', 0);
        $default_title = $title_usage == 2 ? JText::_($field->parameters->get('default_title', '')) : '';
        $usedesc = $field->parameters->get('use_desc', 1);
        $desc_usage = $field->parameters->get('desc_usage', 0);
        $default_desc = $desc_usage == 2 ? $field->parameters->get('default_desc', '') : '';
        $usecust1 = $field->parameters->get('use_cust1', 0);
        $cust1_usage = $field->parameters->get('cust1_usage', 0);
        $default_cust1 = $cust1_usage == 2 ? JText::_($field->parameters->get('default_cust1', '')) : '';
        $usecust2 = $field->parameters->get('use_cust2', 0);
        $cust2_usage = $field->parameters->get('cust2_usage', 0);
        $default_cust2 = $cust2_usage == 2 ? JText::_($field->parameters->get('default_cust2', '')) : '';
        // Separators / enclosing characters
        $remove_space = $field->parameters->get('remove_space', 0);
        $pretext = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $field->parameters->get('pretext', ''), 'pretext');
        $posttext = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $field->parameters->get('posttext', ''), 'posttext');
        $separatorf = $field->parameters->get('separatorf', 0);
        $opentag = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $field->parameters->get('opentag', ''), 'opentag');
        $closetag = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $field->parameters->get('closetag', ''), 'closetag');
        if ($pretext) {
            $pretext = $remove_space ? $pretext : $pretext . ' ';
        if ($posttext) {
            $posttext = $remove_space ? $posttext : ' ' . $posttext;
        switch ($separatorf) {
            case 0:
                $separatorf = '&nbsp;';
            case 1:
                $separatorf = '<br />';
            case 2:
                $separatorf = '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
            case 3:
                $separatorf = ',&nbsp;';
            case 4:
                $separatorf = $closetag . $opentag;
            case 5:
                $separatorf = '';
                $separatorf = '&nbsp;';
        // **************************************************
        // SETUP VALUES: retrieve, verify, load defaults, etc
        // **************************************************
        $values = $values ? $values : $field->value;
        // Intro-full mode get their values from item's parameters
        if ($image_source == -1) {
            $values = array();
            $_image_name = $view == 'item' ? 'fulltext' : 'intro';
            if ($item->images) {
                if (!is_object($item->images)) {
                    $item->images = new JRegistry($item->images);
                //echo "<pre>"; print_r($item->images); echo "</pre>";
                $_image_path = $item->images->get('image_' . $_image_name, '');
                $image_by_params = array();
                // field attributes (mode-specific)
                $image_by_params['image_size'] = $_image_name;
                $image_by_params['image_path'] = $_image_path;
                // field attributes (value)
                $image_by_params['originalname'] = basename($_image_path);
                $image_by_params['alt'] = $item->images->get('image_' . $_image_name . '_alt', '');
                $image_by_params['title'] = $item->images->get('image_' . $_image_name . '_alt', '');
                $image_by_params['desc'] = $item->images->get('image_' . $_image_name . '_caption', '');
                $image_by_params['cust1'] = '';
                $image_by_params['cust2'] = '';
                $image_by_params['urllink'] = '';
                $values = array(serialize($image_by_params));
                //echo "<pre>"; print_r($image_by_params); echo "</pre>"; exit;
        // Check for deleted image files or image files that cannot be thumbnailed,
        // rebuilding thumbnails as needed, and then assigning checked values to a new array
        $usable_values = array();
        if ($values) {
            foreach ($values as $index => $value) {
                $value = unserialize($value);
                if (plgFlexicontent_fieldsImage::rebuildThumbs($field, $value, $item)) {
                    $usable_values[] = $values[$index];
        $values =& $usable_values;
        // Allow for thumbnailing of the default image
        $field->using_default_value = false;
        if (!count($values)) {
            // Create default image to be used if  (a) no image assigned  OR  (b) images assigned have been deleted
            $default_image = $field->parameters->get('default_image', '');
            if ($default_image) {
                $default_image_val = array();
                // field attributes (default value specific)
                $default_image_val['default_image'] = $default_image;
                // holds complete relative path and indicates that it is default image for field
                // field attributes (value)
                $default_image_val['originalname'] = basename($default_image);
                $default_image_val['alt'] = $default_alt;
                $default_image_val['title'] = $default_title;
                $default_image_val['desc'] = $default_desc;
                $default_image_val['cust1'] = $default_cust1;
                $default_image_val['cust2'] = $default_cust2;
                $default_image_val['urllink'] = '';
                // Create thumbnails for default image
                if (plgFlexicontent_fieldsImage::rebuildThumbs($field, $default_image_val, $item)) {
                    $values = array(serialize($default_image_val));
                // Also default image can (possibly) be used across multiple fields, so set flag to add field id to filenames of thumbnails
                $multiple_image_usages = true;
                $extra_prefix = 'fld' . $field->id . '_';
                $field->using_default_value = true;
        // *********************************************
        // Check for no values, and return empty display
        // *********************************************
        if (!count($values)) {
            $field->{$prop} = $is_ingroup ? array() : '';
        // Assign (possibly) altered value array to back to the field
        $field->value = $values;
        // This is not done for onDisplayFieldValue, TODO check if this is needed
        // **************************************
        // Default display method depends on view
        // **************************************
        if ($prop == 'display' && ($view == FLEXI_ITEMVIEW || $view == 'category')) {
            $_method = $view == FLEXI_ITEMVIEW ? $field->parameters->get('default_method_item', 'display') : $field->parameters->get('default_method_cat', 'display_single_total');
        } else {
            $_method = $prop;
        $cat_link_single_to = $field->parameters->get('cat_link_single_to', 1);
        // Calculate some flags, SINGLE image display and Link-to-Item FLAG
        $isSingle = isset(self::$single_displays[$_method]);
        $linkToItem = $_method == 'display_link' || $_method == 'display_single_link' || $_method == 'display_single_total_link' || $view != 'item' && $cat_link_single_to && $isSingle;
        // ************************
        // JS gallery configuration
        // ************************
        $usepopup = (int) $field->parameters->get('usepopup', 1);
        // use JS gallery
        $popuptype = (int) $field->parameters->get('popuptype', 1);
        // JS gallery type
        // Different for mobile clients
        $popuptype_mobile = (int) $field->parameters->get('popuptype_mobile', $popuptype);
        // this defaults to desktop when empty
        $popuptype = $useMobile ? $popuptype_mobile : $popuptype;
        // Enable/Disable GALLERY JS according to current view and according to other parameters
        $popupinview = $field->parameters->get('popupinview', array(FLEXI_ITEMVIEW, 'category', 'backend'));
        $popupinview = FLEXIUtilities::paramToArray($popupinview);
        if ($view == FLEXI_ITEMVIEW && !in_array(FLEXI_ITEMVIEW, $popupinview)) {
            $usepopup = 0;
        if ($view == 'category' && !in_array('category', $popupinview)) {
            $usepopup = 0;
        if ($view == 'module' && !in_array('module', $popupinview)) {
            $usepopup = 0;
        if ($isItemsManager && !in_array('backend', $popupinview)) {
            $usepopup = 0;
        // Enable/Disable GALLERY JS if linking to item view
        if ($linkToItem) {
            $usepopup = 0;
        // Only allow multibox and fancybox in items manager, in other cases force fancybox
        if ($isItemsManager && !in_array($popuptype, array(1, 4))) {
            $popuptype = 4;
        // Displays that need special container are not allowed when field in a group, force fancybox
        $no_container_needed = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 6);
        if ($is_ingroup && !in_array($popuptype, $no_container_needed)) {
            $popuptype = 4;
        // Optionally group images from all image fields of current item ... or of all items in view too
        $grouptype = $field->parameters->get('grouptype', 1);
        $grouptype = $multiple ? 0 : $grouptype;
        // Field in gallery mode: Force grouping of images per field (current item)
        // Needed by some js galleries
        $thumb_w_s = $field->parameters->get('w_s', 120);
        $thumb_h_s = $field->parameters->get('h_s', 90);
        // ******************************
        // Hovering ToolTip configuration
        // ******************************
        $uselegend = $field->parameters->get('uselegend', 1);
        $tip_class = FLEXI_J30GE ? ' hasTooltip' : ' hasTip';
        // Enable/disable according to current view
        $legendinview = $field->parameters->get('legendinview', array(FLEXI_ITEMVIEW, 'category'));
        $legendinview = FLEXIUtilities::paramToArray($legendinview);
        if ($view == FLEXI_ITEMVIEW && !in_array(FLEXI_ITEMVIEW, $legendinview)) {
            $uselegend = 0;
        if ($view == 'category' && !in_array('category', $legendinview)) {
            $uselegend = 0;
        if ($isItemsManager && !in_array('backend', $legendinview)) {
            $uselegend = 0;
        // load the tooltip library if required
        if ($uselegend && !FLEXI_J30GE) {
        // **************************************
        // Title/Description in inline thumbnails
        // **************************************
        $showtitle = $field->parameters->get('showtitle', 0);
        $showdesc = $field->parameters->get('showdesc', 0);
        // *************************
        // Link to URL configuration
        // *************************
        $linkto_url = $field->parameters->get('linkto_url', 0);
        $url_target = $field->parameters->get('url_target', '_self');
        $isLinkToPopup = $linkto_url && ($url_target == 'multibox' || $url_target == 'fancybox');
        // Force opening in new window in backend, if URL target is _self
        if ($isItemsManager && $url_target == '_self') {
            $url_target = "_blank";
        // Only allow multibox (and TODO: add fancybox) when linking to URL, in other cases force fancybox
        if ($isLinkToPopup && $url_target == 'multibox') {
            $popuptype = 1;
        if ($isLinkToPopup && $url_target == 'fancybox') {
            $popuptype = 4;
        } else {
            if ($linkto_url) {
                $usepopup = 0;
        // ************************************
        // Social website sharing configuration
        // ************************************
        $useogp = $field->parameters->get('useogp', 0);
        $ogpinview = $field->parameters->get('ogpinview', array());
        $ogpinview = FLEXIUtilities::paramToArray($ogpinview);
        $ogpthumbsize = $field->parameters->get('ogpthumbsize', 2);
        // **********************************************
        // Load the configured (or the forced) JS gallery
        // **********************************************
        // Do not load JS, for value only displays
        if (!isset(self::$value_only_displays[$prop])) {
            // MultiBox maybe added in extra cases besides popup
            // (a) in Item manager, (b) When linking to URL in popup target
            $view_allows_mb = $isItemsManager || $isSite && !$isFeedView;
            $config_needs_mb = $isLinkToPopup || $usepopup && $popuptype == 1;
            if ($view_allows_mb && $config_needs_mb) {
                if (!$multiboxadded) {
                    //echo $field->name.": multiboxadded";
                    $js = "\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.addEvent('domready', function(){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('a.mb').jmultibox({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinitialWidth: 250,  //(number) the width of the box when it first opens while loading the item. Default: 250\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinitialHeight: 250, //(number) the width of the box when it first opens while loading the item. Default: 250\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcontainer: document.body, //(element) the element that the box will take it coordinates from. Default: document.body\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcontentColor: '#000', //(string) the color of the content area inside the box. Default: #000\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tshowNumbers: " . ($isItemsManager ? 'false' : 'true') . ",    //(boolean) show the number of the item e.g. 2/10. Default: true\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tshowControls: " . ($isItemsManager ? 'false' : 'true') . ",   //(boolean) show the navigation controls. Default: true\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdescClassName: 'multiBoxDesc',  //(string) the classname of the divs that contain the description for the item. Default: false\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdescMinWidth: 400,     //(number) the min width of the description text, useful when the item is small. Default: 400\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdescMaxWidth: 600,     //(number) the max width of the description text, so it can wrap to multiple lines instead of being on a long single line. Useful when the item is large. Default: 600\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmovieWidth: 576,    //(number) the default width of the box that contains content of a movie type. Default: 576\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmovieHeight: 324,   //(number) the default height of the box that contains content of a movie type. Default: 324\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toffset: {x: 0, y: 0},  //(object) containing x & y coords that adjust the positioning of the box. Default: {x:0, y:0}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfixedTop: false,       //(number) gives the box a fixed top position relative to the container. Default: false\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpath: '',            //(string) location of the resources files, e.g. flv player, etc. Default: ''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\topenFromLink: true,  //(boolean) opens the box relative to the link location. Default: true\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\topac:0.7,            //(decimal) overlay opacity Default: 0.7\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuseOverlay:false,    //(boolean) use a semi-transparent background. Default: false\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toverlaybg:'01.png',  //(string) overlay image in 'overlays' folder. Default: '01.png'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonOpen:function(){},   //(object) a function to call when the box opens. Default: function(){} \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonClose:function(){},  //(object) a function to call when the box closes. Default: function(){} \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\teasing:'swing',        //(string) effect of jQuery Default: 'swing'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuseratio:false,        //(boolean) windows size follows ratio. (iframe or Youtube) Default: false\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tratio:'90'             //(number) window ratio Default: '90'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t})";
                    $multiboxadded = true;
            // Regardless if above has added multibox , we will add a different JS gallery if so configured because it maybe needed
            if (!$isSite || $isFeedView) {
                // Is backend OR it is a feed view, do not add any JS library
            } else {
                if ($usepopup) {
                    switch ($popuptype) {
                        // Add Fancybox image popup
                        case 4:
                            if (!$fancyboxadded) {
                                $fancyboxadded = true;
                            // Add Galleriffic inline slideshow gallery
                        // Add Galleriffic inline slideshow gallery
                        case 5:
                            $inline_gallery = 1;
                            // unused
                            if (!$gallerifficadded) {
                                $gallerifficadded = true;
                                $js = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//document.write('<style>.noscript { display: none; }</style>');\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// We only want these styles applied when javascript is enabled\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('div.navigation').css({'width' : '150px', 'float' : 'left'});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('div.content').css({'display' : 'inline-block', 'float' : 'none'});\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Initially set opacity on thumbs and add\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// additional styling for hover effect on thumbs\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar onMouseOutOpacity = 0.67;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#gf_thumbs ul.thumbs li').opacityrollover({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmouseOutOpacity:   onMouseOutOpacity,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmouseOverOpacity:  1.0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfadeSpeed:         'fast',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\texemptionSelector: '.selected'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Initialize Advanced Galleriffic Gallery\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#gf_thumbs').galleriffic({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/*enableFancybox: true,*/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdelay:                     2500,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnumThumbs:                 4,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpreloadAhead:              10,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tenableTopPager:            true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tenableBottomPager:         true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmaxPagesToShow:            20,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\timageContainerSel:         '#gf_slideshow',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcontrolsContainerSel:      '#gf_controls',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcaptionContainerSel:       '#gf_caption',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tloadingContainerSel:       '#gf_loading',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trenderSSControls:          true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trenderNavControls:         true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplayLinkText:              'Play Slideshow',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpauseLinkText:             'Pause Slideshow',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprevLinkText:              '&lsaquo; Previous Photo',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextLinkText:              'Next Photo &rsaquo;',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextPageLinkText:          'Next &rsaquo;',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprevPageLinkText:          '&lsaquo; Prev',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tenableHistory:             false,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tautoStart:                 false,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsyncTransitions:           true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefaultTransitionDuration: 900,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonSlideChange:             function(prevIndex, nextIndex) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// 'this' refers to the gallery, which is an extension of jQuery('#gf_thumbs')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.find('ul.thumbs').children()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.eq(prevIndex).fadeTo('fast', onMouseOutOpacity).end()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.eq(nextIndex).fadeTo('fast', 1.0);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonPageTransitionOut:       function(callback) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.fadeTo('fast', 0.0, callback);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonPageTransitionIn:        function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.fadeTo('fast', 1.0);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                            // Add Elastislide inline carousel gallery (Responsive image gallery with togglable thumbnail-strip, plus previewer and description)
                        // Add Elastislide inline carousel gallery (Responsive image gallery with togglable thumbnail-strip, plus previewer and description)
                        case 7:
                            if (!$elastislideadded) {
                                $elastislideadded = true;
                            $uid = 'es_' . $field->name . "_fcitem" . $item->id;
                            $js = file_get_contents(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'librairies' . DS . 'elastislide' . DS . 'js' . DS . 'gallery_tmpl.js');
                            $js = str_replace('unique_gal_id', $uid, $js);
                            $js = str_replace('__thumb_width__', $field->parameters->get('w_s', 120), $js);
					<script id="img-wrapper-tmpl_' . $uid . '" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">	
						<div class="rg-image-wrapper">
							{{if itemsCount > 1}}
								<div class="rg-image-nav">
									<a href="#" class="rg-image-nav-prev">' . JText::_('FLEXI_PREVIOUS') . '</a>
									<a href="#" class="rg-image-nav-next">' . JText::_('FLEXI_NEXT') . '</a>
							<div class="rg-image"></div>
							<div class="rg-loading"></div>
							<div class="rg-caption-wrapper">
								<div class="rg-caption" style="display:none;">
                            // Add PhotoSwipe popup carousel gallery
                        // Add PhotoSwipe popup carousel gallery
                        case 8:
                            if (!$photoswipeadded) {
                                $photoswipeadded = true;
        // *******************************
        // Prepare for value handling loop
        // *******************************
        // Extra thumbnails sub-folder for various
        if ($field->using_default_value) {
            $extra_folder = '';
            // default value
        } else {
            if ($image_source == -1) {
                $extra_folder = 'intro_full';
                // intro-full images mode
            } else {
                if ($image_source > 0) {
                    $extra_folder = 'item_' . $u_item_id . '_field_' . $field->id;
                    // folder-mode 1
                    if ($image_source > 1) {
                    // TODO
                } else {
                    $extra_folder = '';
                    // db-mode
        // Create thumbs/image Folder and URL paths
        $thumb_folder = JPATH_SITE . DS . JPath::clean($dir . ($extra_folder ? DS . $extra_folder : ''));
        $thumb_urlpath = $dir_url . ($extra_folder ? '/' . $extra_folder : '');
        if ($field->using_default_value) {
            // default image of this field, these are relative paths up to site root
            $orig_urlpath = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($default_image_val['default_image']));
        } else {
            if ($image_source == -1) {
                // intro-full image values, these are relative paths up to the site root, must be calculated later !!
                $orig_urlpath = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($image_by_params['image_path']));
            } else {
                if ($image_source > 0) {
                    // various folder-mode(s)
                    $orig_urlpath = $thumb_urlpath . '/original';
                } else {
                    // db-mode
                    $cparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent');
                    $orig_urlpath = str_replace('\\', '/', JPath::clean($cparams->get('file_path', 'components/com_flexicontent/uploads')));
        // Initialize value handling arrays and loop's common variables
        $i = -1;
        $field->{$prop} = array();
        $field->thumbs_src['backend'] = array();
        $field->thumbs_src['small'] = array();
        $field->thumbs_src['medium'] = array();
        $field->thumbs_src['large'] = array();
        $field->thumbs_src['original'] = array();
        $field->{"display_backend_src"} = array();
        $field->{"display_small_src"} = array();
        $field->{"display_medium_src"} = array();
        $field->{"display_large_src"} = array();
        $field->{"display_original_src"} = array();
        $cust1_label = JText::_('FLEXI_FIELD_IMG_CUST1');
        $cust2_label = JText::_('FLEXI_FIELD_IMG_CUST2');
        // Decide thumbnail to use
        $thumb_size = 0;
        if ($isItemsManager) {
            $thumb_size = -1;
        } else {
            if ($view == 'category') {
                $thumb_size = $field->parameters->get('thumbincatview', 1);
            } else {
                if ($view == FLEXI_ITEMVIEW) {
                    $thumb_size = $field->parameters->get('thumbinitemview', 2);
        // ***************
        // The values loop
        // ***************
        foreach ($values as $val) {
            // Unserialize value's properties and check for empty original name property
            $value = unserialize($val);
            $image_name = trim(@$value['originalname']);
            if (!strlen($image_name)) {
                if ($is_ingroup) {
                    $field->{$prop}[] = '';
                // add empty position to the display array
            // Create thumbnails urls, note thumbnails have already been verified above
            $wl = $field->parameters->get('w_l', 800);
            $hl = $field->parameters->get('h_l', 600);
            // Optional properties
            $title = $usetitle && @$value['title'] ? $value['title'] : '';
            $alt = $usealt && @$value['alt'] ? $value['alt'] : flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($item->title, 60);
            $desc = $usedesc && @$value['desc'] ? $value['desc'] : '';
            // Optional custom properties
            $cust1 = $usecust1 && @$value['cust1'] ? $value['cust1'] : '';
            $desc .= $cust1 ? $cust1_label . ': ' . $cust1 : '';
            // ... Append custom properties to description
            $cust2 = $usecust2 && @$value['cust2'] ? $value['cust2'] : '';
            $desc .= $cust2 ? $cust2_label . ': ' . $cust2 : '';
            // ... Append custom properties to description
            // HTML encode output
            $title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
            $alt = htmlspecialchars($alt, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
            $desc = htmlspecialchars($desc, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
            $srcb = $thumb_urlpath . '/b_' . $extra_prefix . $image_name;
            // backend
            $srcs = $thumb_urlpath . '/s_' . $extra_prefix . $image_name;
            // small
            $srcm = $thumb_urlpath . '/m_' . $extra_prefix . $image_name;
            // medium
            $srcl = $thumb_urlpath . '/l_' . $extra_prefix . $image_name;
            // large
            $srco = $orig_urlpath . '/' . $image_name;
            // original image
            // Create a popup url link
            $urllink = @$value['urllink'] ? $value['urllink'] : '';
            if ($urllink && false === strpos($urllink, '://')) {
                $urllink = 'http://' . $urllink;
            // Create a popup tooltip (legend)
            $class = 'fc_field_image';
            if ($uselegend && (!empty($title) || !empty($desc))) {
                $class .= $tip_class;
                $legend = ' title="' . flexicontent_html::getToolTip($title, $desc, 0, 1) . '"';
            } else {
                $legend = '';
            // Handle single image display, with/without total, TODO: verify all JS handle & ignore display none on the img TAG
            $style = $i != 0 && $isSingle ? 'display:none;' : '';
            // Create a unique id for the link tags, and a class name for image tags
            $uniqueid = $item->id . '_' . $field->id . '_' . $i;
            switch ($thumb_size) {
                case -1:
                    $src = $srcb;
                case 1:
                    $src = $srcs;
                case 2:
                    $src = $srcm;
                case 3:
                    $src = $srcl;
                    // this makes little sense, since both thumbnail and popup image are size 'large'
                // this makes little sense, since both thumbnail and popup image are size 'large'
                case 4:
                    $src = $srco;
                    $src = $srcs;
            // Create a grouping name
            switch ($grouptype) {
                case 0:
                    $group_name = 'fcview_' . $view . '_fcitem_' . $item->id . '_fcfield_' . $field->id;
                case 1:
                    $group_name = 'fcview_' . $view . '_fcitem_' . $item->id;
                case 2:
                    $group_name = 'fcview_' . $view;
                    $group_name = '';
            // ADD some extra (display) properties that point to all sizes, currently SINGLE IMAGE only
            if ($is_ingroup) {
                // In case of field displayed via in fieldgroup, this is an array
                $field->{"display_backend_src"}[] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcb;
                $field->{"display_small_src"}[] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcs;
                $field->{"display_medium_src"}[] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcm;
                $field->{"display_large_src"}[] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcl;
                $field->{"display_original_src"}[] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srco;
            } else {
                if ($i == 0) {
                    // Field displayed not via fieldgroup return only the 1st value
                    $field->{"display_backend_src"} = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcb;
                    $field->{"display_small_src"} = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcs;
                    $field->{"display_medium_src"} = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcm;
                    $field->{"display_large_src"} = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcl;
                    $field->{"display_original_src"} = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srco;
            $field->thumbs_src['backend'][] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcb;
            $field->thumbs_src['small'][] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcs;
            $field->thumbs_src['medium'][] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcm;
            $field->thumbs_src['large'][] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcl;
            $field->thumbs_src['original'][] = JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srco;
            $field->thumbs_path['backend'][] = JPATH_SITE . DS . $srcb;
            $field->thumbs_path['small'][] = JPATH_SITE . DS . $srcs;
            $field->thumbs_path['medium'][] = JPATH_SITE . DS . $srcm;
            $field->thumbs_path['large'][] = JPATH_SITE . DS . $srcl;
            $field->thumbs_path['original'][] = JPATH_SITE . DS . $srco;
            // Suggest image for external use, e.g. for Facebook etc
            if ($isSite && !$isFeedView && $useogp) {
                if (in_array($view, $ogpinview)) {
                    switch ($ogpthumbsize) {
                        case 1:
                            $ogp_src = $field->thumbs_src['small'][$i];
                            // this maybe problematic, since it maybe too small or not accepted by social website
                        // this maybe problematic, since it maybe too small or not accepted by social website
                        case 2:
                            $ogp_src = $field->thumbs_src['medium'][$i];
                        case 3:
                            $ogp_src = $field->thumbs_src['large'][$i];
                        case 4:
                            $ogp_src = $field->thumbs_src['original'][$i];
                            $ogp_src = $field->thumbs_src['medium'][$i];
                    $document->addCustomTag('<link rel="image_src" href="' . $ogp_src . '" />');
                    $document->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:image" content="' . $ogp_src . '" />');
            // ****************************************************************
            // CHECK if we were asked for value only display (e.g. image source)
            // if so we will not be creating the HTML code for Image / Gallery
            // ****************************************************************
            if (isset(self::$value_only_displays[$prop])) {
            // *********************************************************
            // Create image tags (according to configuration parameters)
            // that will be used for the requested 'display' variable
            // *********************************************************
            switch ($prop) {
                case 'display_backend':
                    $img_legend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcb . '" alt="' . $alt . '"' . $legend . ' class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                    $img_nolegend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcb . '" alt="' . $alt . '" class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                case 'display_small':
                    $img_legend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcs . '" alt="' . $alt . '"' . $legend . ' class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                    $img_nolegend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcs . '" alt="' . $alt . '" class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                case 'display_medium':
                    $img_legend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcm . '" alt="' . $alt . '"' . $legend . ' class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                    $img_nolegend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcm . '" alt="' . $alt . '" class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                case 'display_large':
                    $img_legend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcl . '" alt="' . $alt . '"' . $legend . ' class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                    $img_nolegend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcl . '" alt="' . $alt . '" class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                case 'display_original':
                    $img_legend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srco . '" alt="' . $alt . '"' . $legend . ' class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                    $img_nolegend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srco . '" alt="' . $alt . '" class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                case 'display':
                    $img_legend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $src . '" alt="' . $alt . '"' . $legend . ' class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
                    $img_nolegend = '<img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $src . '" alt="' . $alt . '" class="' . $class . '" itemprop="image"/>';
            // *************************************************
            // Create thumbnail appending text (not linked text)
            // *************************************************
            // For galleries that are not inline/special, we can have inline text ??
            $inline_info = '';
            if ($linkto_url || ($prop == 'display_large' || $prop == 'display_original') || !$usepopup || $popuptype != 5 && $popuptype != 7) {
                // Add inline display of title/desc
                if ($showtitle && $title || $showdesc && $desc) {
                    $inline_info = '<div class="fc_img_tooltip_data alert alert-info" style="' . $style . '" >';
                if ($showtitle && $title) {
                    $inline_info .= '<div class="fc_img_tooltip_title" style="line-height:1em; font-weight:bold;">' . $title . '</div>';
                if ($showdesc && $desc) {
                    $inline_info .= '<div class="fc_img_tooltip_desc" style="line-height:1em;">' . $desc . '</div>';
                if ($showtitle && $title || $showdesc && $desc) {
                    $inline_info .= '</div>';
            // *********************************************
            // FINALLY CREATE the field display variable ...
            // *********************************************
            if ($linkToItem) {
                // CASE 0: Add single image display information (e.g. image count)
                $item_link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->slug, $item->categoryslug, 0, $item));
                $field->{$prop}[] = '<span style="display: inline-block; text-align:center; ">
					<a href="' . $item_link . '" style="display: inline-block;">
					' . $img_nolegend . '
					</a><br/>' . ($_method == 'display_single_total' || $_method == 'display_single_total_link' ? '
					<span class="fc_img_total_data badge badge-info" style="display: inline-block;" >
						' . count($values) . ' ' . JText::_('FLEXI_IMAGES') . '
					</span>' : '') . '
                // If single display and not in field group then do not add more images
                if (!$is_ingroup && $isSingle) {
            } else {
                if ($linkto_url) {
                    // CASE 1: Handle linking to a URL instead of image zooming popup
                    if (!$urllink) {
                        // CASE: Just image thumbnail since url link is empty
                        $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '<div class="fc_img_container">' . $img_legend . $inline_info . '</div>' . $posttext;
                    } else {
                        if ($url_target == 'multibox') {
                            // CASE: Link to URL that opens inside a popup via multibox
                            $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '
					<script>document.write(\'<a style="' . $style . '" href="' . $urllink . '" id="mb' . $uniqueid . '" class="mb" rel="width:\'+(jQuery(window).width()-150)+\',height:\'+(jQuery(window).height()-150)+\'">\')</script>
						' . $img_legend . '
					<div class="multiBoxDesc mbox_img_url mb' . $uniqueid . '">' . ($desc ? $desc : $title) . '</div>
					' . $inline_info . $posttext;
                        } else {
                            if ($url_target == 'fancybox') {
                                // CASE: Link to URL that opens inside a popup via fancybox
                                $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '
					<span class="fc_image_thumb" style="' . $style . '; cursor: pointer;" ' . 'onclick="jQuery.fancybox.open([{ type: \'iframe\', href: \'' . $urllink . '\', topRatio: 0.9, leftRatio: 0.9, title: \'' . ($desc ? $title . ': ' . $desc : $title) . '\' }], { padding : 0});"
						' . $img_legend . '
					' . $inline_info . $posttext;
                            } else {
                                // CASE: Just link to URL without popup
                                $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '
					<a href="' . $urllink . '" target="' . $url_target . '">
						' . $img_legend . '
					' . $inline_info . $posttext;
                } else {
                    if (!$usepopup || ($prop == 'display_large' || $prop == 'display_original')) {
                        // CASE 2: // No gallery code ... just apply pretext/posttext
                        $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . $img_legend . $inline_info . $posttext;
                    } else {
                        if ($popuptype == 5 || $popuptype == 7) {
                            // CASE 3: Inline/special galleries OR --> GALLERIES THAT NEED SPECIAL ENCLOSERS
                            // !!! ... pretext/posttext/inline_info/etc not meaningful or not supported or not needed
                            switch ($popuptype) {
                                case 5:
                                    // Galleriffic inline slideshow gallery
                                    $group_str = '';
                                    // image grouping: not needed / not applicatble
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = '<a href="' . $srcl . '" class="fc_image_thumb thumb" name="drop">
							' . $img_legend . '
						<div class="caption">
							<b>' . $title . '</b>
							<br/>' . $desc . '
                                case 7:
                                    // Elastislide inline carousel gallery (Responsive image gallery with togglable thumbnail-strip, plus previewer and description)
                                    // *** NEEDS: thumbnail list must be created with large size thubmnails, these will be then thumbnailed by the JS gallery code
                                    $title_attr = $desc ? $desc : $title;
                                    $img_legend_custom = '
						 <img src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $src . '" alt ="' . $alt . '"' . $legend . ' class="' . $class . '"
						 	data-large="' . JURI::root(true) . '/' . $srcl . '" data-description="' . $title_attr . '" itemprop="image"/>
                                    $group_str = $group_name ? 'rel="[' . $group_name . ']"' : '';
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = '
						<li><a href="javascript:;" class="fc_image_thumb">
							' . $img_legend_custom . '
                                    // ERROR unhandled INLINE GALLERY case
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = ' Unhandled INLINE GALLERY case in image with field name: {$field->name} ';
                        } else {
                            // CASE 4: Popup galleries
                            switch ($popuptype) {
                                case 1:
                                    // Multibox image popup
                                    $group_str = $group_name ? 'rel="[' . $group_name . ']"' : '';
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '<a style="' . $style . '" href="' . $srcl . '" id="mb' . $uniqueid . '" class="fc_image_thumb mb" ' . $group_str . ' >
							' . $img_legend . '
						<div class="multiBoxDesc mb' . $uniqueid . '">' . ($desc ? '<span class="badge">' . $title . '</span> ' . $desc : $title) . '</div>' . $inline_info . $posttext;
                                case 2:
                                    // Rokbox image popup
                                    $title_attr = $desc ? $desc : $title;
                                    $group_str = '';
                                    // no support for image grouping
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '<a style="' . $style . '" href="' . $srcl . '" rel="rokbox[' . $wl . ' ' . $hl . ']" ' . $group_str . ' title="' . $title_attr . '" class="fc_image_thumb" data-rokbox data-rokbox-caption="' . $title_attr . '">
							' . $img_legend . '
						</a>' . $inline_info . $posttext;
                                case 3:
                                    // JCE popup image popup
                                    $title_attr = $desc ? $title . ': ' . $desc : $title;
                                    // does not support HTML
                                    $group_str = $group_name ? 'rel="group[' . $group_name . ']"' : '';
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '<a style="' . $style . '" href="' . $srcl . '"  class="fc_image_thumb jcepopup" ' . $group_str . ' title="' . $title_attr . '">
							' . $img_nolegend . '
						</a>' . $inline_info . $posttext;
                                case 4:
                                    // Fancybox image popup
                                    $title_attr = $desc ? '<span class=\'badge\'>' . $title . '</span> ' . $desc : $title;
                                    $group_str = $group_name ? 'data-fancybox-group="' . $group_name . '"' : '';
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '<a style="' . $style . '" href="' . $srcl . '"  class="fc_image_thumb fancybox" ' . $group_str . ' title="' . $title_attr . '">
							' . $img_legend . '
						</a>' . $inline_info . $posttext;
                                case 6:
                                    // (Widgetkit) SPOTlight image popup
                                    $title_attr = $desc ? $desc : $title;
                                    $group_str = $group_name ? 'data-spotlight-group="' . $group_name . '"' : '';
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '<a style="' . $style . '" href="' . $srcl . '" class="fc_image_thumb" data-lightbox="on" data-spotlight="effect:bottom" ' . $group_str . ' title="' . $title_attr . '">
							' . $img_legend . '
							<div class="overlay">
								' . '<b>' . $title . '</b>: ' . $desc . '
						</a>' . $inline_info . $posttext;
                                case 8:
                                    // PhotoSwipe popup carousel gallery
                                    $group_str = $group_name ? 'rel="[' . $group_name . ']"' : '';
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . '<a style="' . $style . '" href="' . $srcl . '" ' . $group_str . ' class="fc_image_thumb">
							' . $img_legend . '
						</a>' . $inline_info . $posttext;
                                    // Unknown / Other Gallery Type, just add thumbails ... maybe pretext/posttext/separator/opentag/closetag will add a gallery
                                    $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . $img_legend . $inline_info . $posttext;
        // **************************************************************
        // Apply separator and open/close tags and handle SPECIAL CASEs:
        // by adding (container) HTML required by some JS image libraries
        // **************************************************************
        // Using in field group, return array
        if ($is_ingroup) {
        // Check for value only displays and return
        if (isset(self::$value_only_displays[$prop])) {
        // Check for no values found
        if (!count($field->{$prop})) {
            $field->{$prop} = '';
        // Galleriffic inline slideshow gallery
        if ($usepopup && $popuptype == 5) {
            $field->{$prop} = '
			<div id="gf_container">
				<div id="gallery" class="content">
					<div id="gf_controls" class="controls"></div>
					<div class="slideshow-container">
						<div id="gf_loading" class="loader"></div>
						<div id="gf_slideshow" class="slideshow"></div>
					<div id="gf_caption" class="caption-container"></div>
				<div id="gf_thumbs" class="navigation">
					<ul class="thumbs noscript">
						' . implode("</li>\n<li>", $field->{$prop}) . '
				<div style="clear: both;"></div>
        } else {
            if ($usepopup && $popuptype == 7) {
                //$max_width = $field->parameters->get( 'w_l', 800 );
                // this should be size of previewer aka size of large image thumbnail
                $uid = 'es_' . $field->name . "_fcitem" . $item->id;
                $field->{$prop} = '
			<div id="rg-gallery_' . $uid . '" class="rg-gallery" >
				<div class="rg-thumbs">
					<!-- Elastislide Carousel Thumbnail Viewer -->
					<div class="es-carousel-wrapper">
						<div class="es-nav">
							<span class="es-nav-prev">' . JText::_('FLEXI_PREVIOUS') . '</span>
							<span class="es-nav-next">' . JText::_('FLEXI_NEXT') . '</span>
						<div class="es-carousel">
								' . implode('', $field->{$prop}) . '
					<!-- End Elastislide Carousel Thumbnail Viewer -->
				</div><!-- rg-thumbs -->
			</div><!-- rg-gallery -->
            } else {
                if ($usepopup && $popuptype == 8) {
                    $field->{$prop} = '
			<span class="photoswipe_fccontainer" >
				' . implode($separatorf, $field->{$prop}) . '
                } else {
                    $field->{$prop} = implode($separatorf, $field->{$prop});
        // Apply open/close tags
        $field->{$prop} = $opentag . $field->{$prop} . $closetag;
예제 #18
 public function getLinks($args)
     $view = isset($args->view) ? $args->view : '';
     if (!($view = 'category')) {
         return array();
     require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'route.php';
     $items = array();
     $CategoryId = $args->cid;
     //adding categoryes
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select('id, title, lft, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', id, alias) ELSE id END as slug');
     $query->where('published = 1 AND extension = \'com_content\' AND parent_id = ' . $CategoryId);
     $query->order('lft ASC');
     $categories = $db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $items[] = array('url' => FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($category->slug), 'id' => 'index.php?option=com_flexicontent_items&view=category&cid=' . $category->id, 'name' => $category->title, 'class' => 'folderflexiitems');
     //adding items
     $query->select(' i.id as iid, i.title AS ititle, c.id as catid,' . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(i.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', i.id, i.alias) ELSE i.id END as slug,' . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', c.id, c.alias) ELSE c.id END as catslug');
     $query->from('#__content AS i' . ' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_cats_item_relations AS rel ON rel.itemid = i.id ' . ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ON c.id = rel.catid ');
     $query->where('c.id = ' . $CategoryId);
     $query->order('i.title ASC');
     $contents = $db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($contents as $content) {
         $items[] = array('url' => FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($content->slug, $content->catslug), 'id' => 'index.php?option=com_flexicontent_items&view=category&cid=' . $category->id . '&id=' . $content->iid, 'name' => $content->ititle . '(id=' . $content->iid . ')', 'class' => 'fileflexiitems');
     return $items;
예제 #19
		<tr class="<?php 
    echo "row{$k}";
    echo $this->pagination->getRowOffset($i);
			<td width="7"><?php 
    echo $checked;
			<td width="1%" >
    $cat_link = str_replace('&', '&amp;', FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($row->id));
    $cat_link = JRoute::_(JURI::root() . $cat_link, $xhtml = false);
    // xhtml to false we do it manually above (at least the ampersand) also it has no effect because we prepended the root URL ?
    $previewlink = $cat_link . $autologin;
    echo '<a class="preview" href="' . $previewlink . '" target="_blank">' . $image_preview . '</a>';
			<td width="1%" >
    $rsslink = $cat_link . '&amp;format=feed&amp;type=rss';
    echo '<a class="preview" href="' . $rsslink . '" target="_blank">' . $image_rsslist . '</a>';
			<td align="left" class="col_title">
    if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
예제 #20
    function onDisplayCoreFieldValue(&$_field, &$_item, &$params, $_tags = null, $_categories = null, $_favourites = null, $_favoured = null, $_vote = null, $values = null, $prop = 'display')
        $view = JRequest::setVar('view', JRequest::getVar('view', FLEXI_ITEMVIEW));
        static $cat_links = array();
        static $tag_links = array();
        static $cparams = null;
        if ($cparams === null) {
            $cparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent');
        if (!is_array($_item)) {
            $items = array(&$_item);
        } else {
            $items =& $_item;
        // Prefix - Suffix - Separator parameters
        // these parameters should be common so we will retrieve them from the first item instead of inside the loop
        $item = reset($items);
        if (is_object($_field)) {
            $field = $_field;
        } else {
            $field = $item->fields[$_field];
        $remove_space = $field->parameters->get('remove_space', 0);
        $_pretext = $field->parameters->get('pretext', '');
        $_posttext = $field->parameters->get('posttext', '');
        $separatorf = $field->parameters->get('separatorf', 3);
        $_opentag = $field->parameters->get('opentag', '');
        $_closetag = $field->parameters->get('closetag', '');
        $pretext_cacheable = $posttext_cacheable = $opentag_cacheable = $closetag_cacheable = false;
        switch ($separatorf) {
            case 0:
                $separatorf = ' ';
            case 1:
                $separatorf = '<br />';
            case 2:
                $separatorf = ' | ';
            case 3:
                $separatorf = ', ';
            case 4:
                $separatorf = $closetag . $opentag;
            case 5:
                $separatorf = '';
                $separatorf = '&nbsp;';
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            //if (!is_object($_field)) echo $item->id." - ".$_field ."<br/>";
            if (is_object($_field)) {
                $field = $_field;
            } else {
                $field = $item->fields[$_field];
            if ($field->iscore != 1) {
            $field->item_id = $item->id;
            // Replace item properties or values of other fields
            if (!$pretext_cacheable) {
                $pretext = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $_pretext, 'pretext', $pretext_cacheable);
                if ($pretext && !$remove_space) {
                    $pretext = $pretext . ' ';
            if (!$posttext_cacheable) {
                $posttext = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $_posttext, 'posttext', $posttext_cacheable);
                if ($posttext && !$remove_space) {
                    $posttext = ' ' . $posttext;
            if (!$opentag_cacheable) {
                $opentag = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $_opentag, 'opentag', $opentag_cacheable);
            // used by some fields
            if (!$closetag_cacheable) {
                $closetag = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $_closetag, 'closetag', $closetag_cacheable);
            // used by some fields
            $field->value = array();
            switch ($field->field_type) {
                case 'created':
                    // created
                    $field->value = array($item->created);
                    // Get date format
                    $customdate = $field->parameters->get('custom_date', 'Y-m-d');
                    $dateformat = $field->parameters->get('date_format', '');
                    $dateformat = $dateformat ? JText::_($dateformat) : ($field->parameters->get('lang_filter_format', 0) ? JText::_($customdate) : $customdate);
                    // Add prefix / suffix
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . JHTML::_('date', $item->created, $dateformat) . $posttext;
                    // Add microdata property
                    $itemprop = $field->parameters->get('microdata_itemprop', 'dateCreated');
                    if ($itemprop) {
                        $field->{$prop} = '<div style="display:inline" itemprop="' . $itemprop . '" >' . $field->{$prop} . '</div>';
                case 'createdby':
                    // created by
                    $field->value[] = $item->created_by;
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . ($field->parameters->get('name_username', 1) == 2 ? $item->cuname : $item->creator) . $posttext;
                case 'modified':
                    // modified
                    $field->value = array($item->modified);
                    // Get date format
                    $customdate = $field->parameters->get('custom_date', 'Y-m-d');
                    $dateformat = $field->parameters->get('date_format', '');
                    $dateformat = $dateformat ? JText::_($dateformat) : ($field->parameters->get('lang_filter_format', 0) ? JText::_($customdate) : $customdate);
                    // Add prefix / suffix
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . JHTML::_('date', $item->modified, $dateformat) . $posttext;
                    // Add microdata property
                    $itemprop = $field->parameters->get('microdata_itemprop', 'dateModified');
                    if ($itemprop) {
                        $field->{$prop} = '<div style="display:inline" itemprop="' . $itemprop . '" >' . $field->{$prop} . '</div>';
                case 'modifiedby':
                    // modified by
                    $field->value[] = $item->modified_by;
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . ($field->parameters->get('name_username', 1) == 2 ? $item->muname : $item->modifier) . $posttext;
                case 'title':
                    // title
                    $field->value[] = $item->title;
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . $item->title . $posttext;
                    // Get ogp configuration
                    $useogp = $field->parameters->get('useogp', 1);
                    $ogpinview = $field->parameters->get('ogpinview', array());
                    $ogpinview = FLEXIUtilities::paramToArray($ogpinview);
                    $ogpmaxlen = $field->parameters->get('ogpmaxlen', 300);
                    if ($useogp && $field->{$prop}) {
                        if (in_array($view, $ogpinview)) {
                            $content_val = flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($field->{$prop}, $ogpmaxlen);
                            JFactory::getDocument()->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:title" content="' . $content_val . '" />');
                    // Add microdata property (currently no parameter in XML for this field)
                    $itemprop = $field->parameters->get('microdata_itemprop', 'name');
                    if ($itemprop) {
                        $field->{$prop} = '<div style="display:inline" itemprop="' . $itemprop . '" >' . $field->{$prop} . '</div>';
                case 'hits':
                    // hits
                    $field->value[] = $item->hits;
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . $item->hits . $posttext;
                case 'type':
                    // document type
                    $field->value[] = $item->type_id;
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . JText::_($item->typename) . $posttext;
                case 'version':
                    // version
                    $field->value[] = $item->version;
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . $item->version . $posttext;
                case 'state':
                    // state
                    $field->value[] = $item->state;
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . flexicontent_html::stateicon($item->state, $field->parameters) . $posttext;
                case 'voting':
                    // voting button
                    if ($_vote === false) {
                        $vote =& $item->vote;
                    } else {
                        $vote =& $_vote;
                    $field->value[] = 'button';
                    // dummy value to force display
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . flexicontent_html::ItemVote($field, 'all', $vote) . $posttext;
                case 'favourites':
                    // favourites button
                    if ($_favourites === false) {
                        $favourites =& $item->favs;
                    } else {
                        $favourites =& $_favourites;
                    if ($_favoured === false) {
                        $favoured =& $item->fav;
                    } else {
                        $favoured =& $_favoured;
                    $field->value[] = 'button';
                    // dummy value to force display
                    $favs = flexicontent_html::favoured_userlist($field, $item, $favourites);
                    $field->{$prop} = $pretext . '
					<div class="fav-block">
						' . flexicontent_html::favicon($field, $favoured, $item) . '
						<div id="fcfav-reponse_item_' . $item->id . '" class="fcfav-reponse-tip">
							<div class="fc-mssg-inline fc-info fc-iblock fc-nobgimage ' . ($favoured ? 'fcfavs-is-subscriber' : 'fcfavs-isnot-subscriber') . '">
							' . $favs . '
						' . $posttext;
                case 'categories':
                    // assigned categories
                    $field->{$prop} = '';
                    if ($_categories === false) {
                        $categories =& $item->cats;
                    } else {
                        $categories =& $_categories;
                    if ($categories) {
                        // Get categories that should be excluded from linking
                        global $globalnoroute;
                        if (!is_array($globalnoroute)) {
                            $globalnoroute = array();
                        // Create list of category links, excluding the "noroute" categories
                        $field->{$prop} = array();
                        foreach ($categories as $category) {
                            $cat_id = $category->id;
                            if (in_array($cat_id, @$globalnoroute)) {
                            if (!isset($cat_links[$cat_id])) {
                                $cat_links[$cat_id] = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($category->slug));
                            $cat_link =& $cat_links[$cat_id];
                            $display = '<a class="fc_categories fc_category_' . $cat_id . ' link_' . $field->name . '" href="' . $cat_link . '">' . $category->title . '</a>';
                            $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . $display . $posttext;
                            $field->value[] = $category->title;
                        $field->{$prop} = implode($separatorf, $field->{$prop});
                        $field->{$prop} = $opentag . $field->{$prop} . $closetag;
                case 'tags':
                    // assigned tags
                    $use_catlinks = $cparams->get('tags_using_catview', 0);
                    $field->{$prop} = '';
                    if ($_tags === false) {
                        $tags =& $item->tags;
                    } else {
                        $tags =& $_tags;
                    if ($tags) {
                        // Create list of tag links
                        $field->{$prop} = array();
                        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                            $tag_id = $tag->id;
                            if (!isset($tag_links[$tag_id])) {
                                $tag_links[$tag_id] = $use_catlinks ? JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute(0, 0, array('layout' => 'tags', 'tagid' => $tag->slug))) : JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getTagRoute($tag->slug));
                            $tag_link =& $tag_links[$tag_id];
                            $display = '<a class="fc_tags fc_tag_' . $tag->id . ' link_' . $field->name . '" href="' . $tag_link . '">' . $tag->name . '</a>';
                            $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . $display . $posttext;
                            $field->value[] = $tag->name;
                        $field->{$prop} = implode($separatorf, $field->{$prop});
                        $field->{$prop} = $opentag . $field->{$prop} . $closetag;
                case 'maintext':
                    // main text
                    // Special display variables
                    if ($prop != 'display') {
                        switch ($prop) {
                            case 'display_if':
                                $field->{$prop} = $item->introtext . chr(13) . chr(13) . $item->fulltext;
                            case 'display_i':
                                $field->{$prop} = $item->introtext;
                            case 'display_f':
                                $field->{$prop} = $item->fulltext;
                    } else {
                        if (!$item->fulltext) {
                            $field->{$prop} = $item->introtext;
                        } else {
                            if ($view != FLEXI_ITEMVIEW) {
                                if ($item->parameters->get('force_full', 0)) {
                                    $field->{$prop} = $item->introtext . chr(13) . chr(13) . $item->fulltext;
                                } else {
                                    $field->{$prop} = $item->introtext;
                            } else {
                                if ($item->parameters->get('show_intro', 1)) {
                                    $field->{$prop} = $item->introtext . chr(13) . chr(13) . $item->fulltext;
                                } else {
                                    $field->{$prop} = $item->fulltext;
                    // Get ogp configuration
                    $useogp = $field->parameters->get('useogp', 1);
                    $ogpinview = $field->parameters->get('ogpinview', array());
                    $ogpinview = FLEXIUtilities::paramToArray($ogpinview);
                    $ogpmaxlen = $field->parameters->get('ogpmaxlen', 300);
                    if ($useogp && $field->{$prop}) {
                        if (in_array($view, $ogpinview)) {
                            if ($item->metadesc) {
                                JFactory::getDocument()->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:description" content="' . $item->metadesc . '" />');
                            } else {
                                $content_val = flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($field->{$prop}, $ogpmaxlen);
                                JFactory::getDocument()->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:description" content="' . $content_val . '" />');
예제 #21
  * Utility Function:
  * Force frontend specific redirestions most notably redirecting the joomla ARTICLE VIEW to the FLEXIcontent ITEM VIEW
  * Some special cases are handled e.g. redirecting the joomla article form to FLEXIcontent item form
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function redirectSiteComContent()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $option = JRequest::getCMD('option');
     $view = JRequest::getCMD('view');
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // Let's Redirect/Reroute Joomla's article view & form to FLEXIcontent item view & form respectively !!
     // NOTE: we do not redirect/reroute Joomla's category views (blog,list,featured for J2.5 etc),
     //       thus site administrator can still utilize them
     if ($option == 'com_content' && ($view == 'article' || $view == FLEXI_ITEMVIEW || $view == 'form')) {
         // In J2.5, in case of form we need to use a_id instead of id, this will also be set in HTTP Request too and JRouter too
         $id = JRequest::getInt('id');
         $id = $view == 'form' ? JRequest::getInt('a_id') : $id;
         // Get article category id, if it is not already in url
         $catid = JRequest::getInt('catid');
         if (!$catid) {
             $db->setQuery('SELECT catid FROM #__content WHERE id = ' . $id);
             $catid = $db->loadResult();
         $in_limits = $catid >= FLEXI_LFT_CATEGORY && $catid <= FLEXI_RGT_CATEGORY;
         // Allow Joomla article view for non-bound items or for specific content types
         if ($in_limits && $view == 'article') {
             $db->setQuery('SELECT	attribs' . ' FROM #__flexicontent_types AS ty ' . ' JOIN #__flexicontent_items_ext AS ie ON ie.type_id = ty.id ' . ' WHERE ie.item_id = ' . $id);
             $type_params = $db->loadResult();
             if (!$type_params) {
                 $in_limits = false;
             } else {
                 $type_params = new JRegistry($type_params);
                 $in_limits = $type_params->get('allow_jview') == 0;
                 // Allow viewing by article view, if so configured
         if (empty($in_limits)) {
         if ($this->params->get('redirect_method_fe', 1) == 1) {
             // Set new request variables:
             // NOTE: we only need to set REQUEST variable that must be changed,
             //       but setting any other variables to same value will not hurt
             if ($view == 'article' || $view == FLEXI_ITEMVIEW) {
                 $newRequest = array('option' => $this->extension, 'view' => FLEXI_ITEMVIEW, 'Itemid' => JRequest::getInt('Itemid'), 'lang' => JRequest::getCmd('lang'));
             } else {
                 if ($view == 'form') {
                     $newRequest = array('option' => $this->extension, 'view' => FLEXI_ITEMVIEW, 'task' => 'edit', 'layout' => 'form', 'id' => $id, 'Itemid' => JRequest::getInt('Itemid'), 'lang' => JRequest::getCmd('lang'));
                 } else {
                     // Unknown CASE ?? unreachable ?
             JRequest::set($newRequest, 'get');
             // Set variable also in the router, for best compatibility
             $router = $app->getRouter();
             $router->setVars($newRequest, false);
             //$app->enqueueMessage( "Set com_flexicontent item view instead of com_content article view", 'message');
         } else {
             if ($view == 'form') {
                 $urlItem = 'index.php?option=' . $this->extension . '&view=' . FLEXI_ITEMVIEW . '&id=' . $id . '&task=edit&layout=form';
             } else {
                 // Include the route helper files
                 require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_content' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'route.php';
                 require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'route.php';
                 $itemslug = JRequest::getVar('id');
                 $catslug = JRequest::getVar('catid');
                 // Warning current menu item id must not be passed to the routing functions since it points to com_content, and thus it will break FC SEF URLs
                 $urlItem = $catslug ? FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($itemslug, $catslug) : FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($itemslug);
                 $urlItem = JRoute::_($urlItem);
             //$app->enqueueMessage( "Redirected to com_flexicontent item view instead of com_content article view", 'message');
예제 #22
    function onDisplayCoreFieldValue(&$_field, &$_item, &$params, $_tags = null, $_categories = null, $_favourites = null, $_favoured = null, $_vote = null, $values = null, $prop = 'display')
        // this function is a mess and need complete refactoring
        // execute the code only if the field type match the plugin type
        $view = JRequest::setVar('view', JRequest::getVar('view', FLEXI_ITEMVIEW));
        static $cat_links = array();
        static $tag_links = array();
        if (!is_array($_item)) {
            $items = array(&$_item);
        } else {
            $items =& $_item;
        // Prefix - Suffix - Separator parameters
        // these parameters should be common so we will retrieve them from the first item instead of inside the loop
        $item = reset($items);
        if (is_object($_field)) {
            $field = $_field;
        } else {
            $field = $item->fields[$_field];
        $remove_space = $field->parameters->get('remove_space', 0);
        $_pretext = $field->parameters->get('pretext', '');
        $_posttext = $field->parameters->get('posttext', '');
        $separatorf = $field->parameters->get('separatorf', 3);
        $_opentag = $field->parameters->get('opentag', '');
        $_closetag = $field->parameters->get('closetag', '');
        $pretext_cacheable = $posttext_cacheable = $opentag_cacheable = $closetag_cacheable = false;
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            //if (!is_object($_field)) echo $item->id." - ".$_field ."<br/>";
            if (is_object($_field)) {
                $field = $_field;
            } else {
                $field = $item->fields[$_field];
            if ($field->iscore != 1) {
            $field->item_id = $item->id;
            // Replace item properties or values of other fields
            if (!$pretext_cacheable) {
                $pretext = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $_pretext, 'pretext', $pretext_cacheable);
                if ($pretext && !$remove_space) {
                    $pretext = $pretext . ' ';
            if (!$posttext_cacheable) {
                $posttext = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $_posttext, 'posttext', $posttext_cacheable);
                if ($posttext && !$remove_space) {
                    $posttext = ' ' . $posttext;
            if (!$opentag_cacheable) {
                $opentag = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $_opentag, 'opentag', $opentag_cacheable);
            // used by some fields
            if (!$closetag_cacheable) {
                $closetag = FlexicontentFields::replaceFieldValue($field, $item, $_closetag, 'closetag', $closetag_cacheable);
            // used by some fields
            switch ($separatorf) {
                case 0:
                    $separatorf = ' ';
                case 1:
                    $separatorf = '<br />';
                case 2:
                    $separatorf = ' | ';
                case 3:
                    $separatorf = ', ';
                case 4:
                    $separatorf = $closetag . $opentag;
                case 5:
                    $separatorf = '';
                    $separatorf = '&nbsp;';
            $field->value = array();
            switch ($field->field_type) {
                case 'created':
                    // created
                    $field->value[] = $item->created;
                    $dateformat = $field->parameters->get('date_format', '');
                    $customdate = $field->parameters->get('custom_date', '');
                    $dateformat = $dateformat ? $dateformat : $customdate;
                    $field->display = $pretext . JHTML::_('date', $item->created, JText::_($dateformat)) . $posttext;
                case 'createdby':
                    // created by
                    $field->value[] = $item->created_by;
                    $field->display = $pretext . ($field->parameters->get('name_username', 1) == 2 ? $item->cuname : $item->creator) . $posttext;
                case 'modified':
                    // modified
                    $field->value[] = $item->modified;
                    $dateformat = $field->parameters->get('date_format', '');
                    $customdate = $field->parameters->get('custom_date', '');
                    $dateformat = $dateformat ? $dateformat : $customdate;
                    $field->display = $pretext . JHTML::_('date', $item->modified, JText::_($dateformat)) . $posttext;
                case 'modifiedby':
                    // modified by
                    $field->value[] = $item->modified_by;
                    $field->display = $pretext . ($field->parameters->get('name_username', 1) == 2 ? $item->muname : $item->modifier) . $posttext;
                case 'title':
                    // title
                    $field->value[] = $item->title;
                    $field->display = $pretext . $item->title . $posttext;
                    // Get ogp configuration
                    $useogp = $field->parameters->get('useogp', 1);
                    $ogpinview = $field->parameters->get('ogpinview', array());
                    $ogpinview = FLEXIUtilities::paramToArray($ogpinview);
                    $ogpmaxlen = $field->parameters->get('ogpmaxlen', 300);
                    if ($useogp && $field->{$prop}) {
                        if (in_array($view, $ogpinview)) {
                            $content_val = flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($field->display, $ogpmaxlen);
                            JFactory::getDocument()->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:title" content="' . $content_val . '" />');
                case 'hits':
                    // hits
                    $field->value[] = $item->hits;
                    $field->display = $pretext . $item->hits . $posttext;
                case 'type':
                    // document type
                    $field->value[] = $item->type_id;
                    $field->display = $pretext . JText::_($item->typename) . $posttext;
                case 'version':
                    // version
                    $field->value[] = $item->version;
                    $field->display = $pretext . $item->version . $posttext;
                case 'state':
                    // state
                    $field->value[] = $item->state;
                    $field->display = $pretext . flexicontent_html::stateicon($item->state, $field->parameters) . $posttext;
                case 'voting':
                    // voting button
                    if ($_vote === false) {
                        $vote =& $item->vote;
                    } else {
                        $vote =& $_vote;
                    $field->value[] = 'button';
                    // dummy value to force display
                    $field->display = $pretext . flexicontent_html::ItemVote($field, 'all', $vote) . $posttext;
                case 'favourites':
                    // favourites button
                    if ($_favourites === false) {
                        $favourites =& $item->favs;
                    } else {
                        $favourites =& $_favourites;
                    if ($_favoured === false) {
                        $favoured =& $item->fav;
                    } else {
                        $favoured =& $_favoured;
                    $field->value[] = 'button';
                    // dummy value to force display
                    $favs = flexicontent_html::favoured_userlist($field, $item, $favourites);
                    $field->display = $pretext . '
					<span class="fav-block">
						' . flexicontent_html::favicon($field, $favoured, $item) . '
						<span id="fcfav-reponse_' . $field->item_id . '" class="fcfav-reponse">
							<small>' . $favs . '</small>
						' . $posttext;
                case 'categories':
                    // assigned categories
                    $field->display = '';
                    if ($_categories === false) {
                        $categories =& $item->cats;
                    } else {
                        $categories =& $_categories;
                    if ($categories) {
                        // Get categories that should be excluded from linking
                        global $globalnoroute;
                        if (!is_array($globalnoroute)) {
                            $globalnoroute = array();
                        // Create list of category links, excluding the "noroute" categories
                        $field->display = array();
                        foreach ($categories as $category) {
                            $cat_id = $category->id;
                            if (in_array($cat_id, @$globalnoroute)) {
                            if (!isset($cat_links[$cat_id])) {
                                $cat_links[$cat_id] = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($category->slug));
                            $cat_link = $cat_links[$cat_id];
                            $display = '<a class="fc_categories fc_category_' . $cat_id . ' link_' . $field->name . '" href="' . $cat_link . '">' . $category->title . '</a>';
                            $field->display[] = $pretext . $display . $posttext;
                            $field->value[] = $category->title;
                        $field->display = implode($separatorf, $field->display);
                        $field->display = $opentag . $field->display . $closetag;
                case 'tags':
                    // assigned tags
                    $field->display = '';
                    if ($_tags === false) {
                        $tags =& $item->tags;
                    } else {
                        $tags =& $_tags;
                    if ($tags) {
                        // Create list of tag links
                        $field->display = array();
                        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                            $tag_id = $tag->id;
                            if (!isset($tag_links[$tag_id])) {
                                $tag_links[$tag_id] = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getTagRoute($tag->slug));
                            $tag_link = $tag_links[$tag_id];
                            $display = '<a class="fc_tags fc_tag_' . $tag->id . ' link_' . $field->name . '" href="' . $tag_link . '">' . $tag->name . '</a>';
                            $field->display[] = $pretext . $display . $posttext;
                            $field->value[] = $tag->name;
                        $field->display = implode($separatorf, $field->display);
                        $field->display = $opentag . $field->display . $closetag;
                case 'maintext':
                    // main text
                    // Special display variables
                    if ($prop != 'display') {
                        switch ($prop) {
                            case 'display_if':
                                $field->{$prop} = $item->introtext . chr(13) . chr(13) . $item->fulltext;
                            case 'display_i':
                                $field->{$prop} = $item->introtext;
                            case 'display_f':
                                $field->{$prop} = $item->fulltext;
                    } else {
                        if (!$item->fulltext) {
                            $field->display = $item->introtext;
                        } else {
                            if ($view != FLEXI_ITEMVIEW) {
                                if ($item->parameters->get('force_full', 0)) {
                                    $field->display = $item->introtext . chr(13) . chr(13) . $item->fulltext;
                                } else {
                                    $field->display = $item->introtext;
                            } else {
                                if ($item->parameters->get('show_intro', 1)) {
                                    $field->display = $item->introtext . chr(13) . chr(13) . $item->fulltext;
                                } else {
                                    $field->display = $item->fulltext;
                    // Get ogp configuration
                    $useogp = $field->parameters->get('useogp', 1);
                    $ogpinview = $field->parameters->get('ogpinview', array());
                    $ogpinview = FLEXIUtilities::paramToArray($ogpinview);
                    $ogpmaxlen = $field->parameters->get('ogpmaxlen', 300);
                    if ($useogp && $field->{$prop}) {
                        if (in_array($view, $ogpinview)) {
                            if ($item->metadesc) {
                                JFactory::getDocument()->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:description" content="' . $item->metadesc . '" />');
                            } else {
                                $content_val = flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($field->display, $ogpmaxlen);
                                JFactory::getDocument()->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:description" content="' . $content_val . '" />');
예제 #23
             $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base(true) . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/css/flexicontent.css');
 $form_target = '';
 $default_target = $mcats_itemid ? JRoute::_('index.php?Itemid=' . $mcats_itemid) : JURI::base(true) . '/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=category&layout=mcats';
 // !! target MCATS layout of category view when selecting multiple categories OR selecting single category but no default category set (or no current category)
 if ($display_cat_list && $mcats_selection || !$catid) {
     $form_target = $default_target;
 } else {
     if ($catid) {
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $query = 'SELECT CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', c.id, c.alias) ELSE c.id END as categoryslug' . ' FROM #__categories AS c WHERE c.id = ' . $catid;
         $categoryslug = $db->loadResult();
         $form_target = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($categoryslug), false);
 // Render Layout
 require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_flexifilter', $layout);
 // Add needed js
 $js = "";
 /*if (!$display_cat_list || !empty($selected_cats)) {
 		$js .= '
 			jQuery(document).ready(function() {
 				jQuery("#'.$form_name.'_filter_box").css("display", "block");
 	$document = JFactory::getDocument();
예제 #24
  * Method to CHECK item's -VIEWING- ACCESS, this could be moved to the controller,
  * if we do this, then we must check the view variable, because DISPLAY() CONTROLLER TASK
  * is shared among all views ... or create a separate FRONTEND controller for the ITEM VIEW
  * @access	private
  * @return	array
  * @since	1.5
 function _check_viewing_access($version = false)
     global $globalcats;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $aid = (int) $user->get('aid');
     $gid = (int) $user->get('gid');
     $cid = $this->_cid;
     $params = $this->_item->parameters;
     $cparams = $this->_cparams;
     $fcreturn = serialize(array('id' => @$this->_item->id, 'cid' => $cid));
     // a special url parameter, used by some SEF code
     $referer = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     // the previously viewed page (refer)
     // a basic item title string
     $title_str = "<br />" . JText::_('FLEXI_TITLE') . ": " . $this->_item->title . '[id: ' . $this->_item->id . ']';
     // Since we will check access for VIEW (=read) only, we skip checks if TASK Variable is set,
     // the edit() or add() or other controller task, will be responsible for checking permissions.
     if (@$this->_item->id && !JRequest::getVar('task', false) && JRequest::getVar('view') == FLEXI_ITEMVIEW) {
         // STEP A: Calculate ownership, edit permission and read access
         // (a) isOwner, (b) canedititem, (c) canviewitem
         // (a) Calculate if owned by current user
         $isOwner = $this->_item->created_by == $user->get('id');
         // (b) Calculate edit access ...
         // NOTE: we will allow view access if current user can edit the item (but set a warning message about it, see bellow)
         $canedititem = $params->get('access-edit');
         $caneditstate = $params->get('access-edit-state');
         if (!$caneditstate) {
             // Item not editable, check if item is editable till logoff
             if ($session->has('rendered_uneditable', 'flexicontent')) {
                 $rendered_uneditable = $session->get('rendered_uneditable', array(), 'flexicontent');
                 $canedititem = isset($rendered_uneditable[$this->_item->id]);
         // (c) Calculate read access ...
         $canviewitem = $params->get('access-view');
         // *********************************************************************************
         // STEP B: Calculate SOME ITEM PUBLICATION STATE FLAGS, used to decide if current item is active
         // FLAGS: item_is_published, item_is_scheduled, item_is_expired, cats_are_published
         // *********************************************************************************
         $item_is_published = $this->_item->state == 1 || $this->_item->state == -5 || $this->_item->state == (FLEXI_J16GE ? 2 : -1);
         $item_is_scheduled = $this->_item->publication_scheduled;
         $item_is_expired = $this->_item->publication_expired;
         if ($cid) {
             // cid is set, check state of current item category only
             // NOTE:  J1.6+ all ancestor categories from current one to the root, for J1.5 only the current one ($cid)
             if (!isset($this->_item->ancestor_cats_published)) {
                 $ancestor_cats_published = true;
                 foreach ($globalcats[$cid]->ancestorsarray as $pcid) {
                     $ancestor_cats_published = $ancestor_cats_published && $globalcats[$pcid]->published == 1;
                 $this->_item->ancestor_cats_published = $ancestor_cats_published;
             $cats_are_published = $this->_item->ancestor_cats_published;
             $cats_np_err_mssg = JText::sprintf('FLEXI_CONTENT_UNAVAILABLE_ITEM_CURRCAT_UNPUBLISHED', $cid);
         } else {
             // cid is not set, we have no current category, the item is visible if it belongs to at one published category
             $itemcats = $this->_item->categories;
             $cats_are_published = true;
             foreach ($itemcats as $catid) {
                 if (!isset($globalcats[$catid])) {
                 $cats_are_published |= $globalcats[$catid]->published;
                 // For J1.6+ check all ancestor categories from current one to the root
                 foreach ($globalcats[$catid]->ancestorsarray as $pcid) {
                     $cats_are_published = $cats_are_published && $globalcats[$pcid]->published == 1;
             $cats_np_err_mssg = JText::_('FLEXI_CONTENT_UNAVAILABLE_ITEM_ALLCATS_UNPUBLISHED');
         // Calculate if item is active ... and viewable is also it's (current or All) categories are published
         $item_active = $item_is_published && !$item_is_scheduled && !$item_is_expired;
         $item_n_cat_active = $item_active && $cats_are_published;
         $previewing_and_unlogged = $version && $user->guest;
         // this is a flag indicates to redirect to login instead of 404 error
         $ignore_publication = $canedititem || $caneditstate || $isOwner || $previewing_and_unlogged;
         $inactive_notice_set = false;
         $item_state_pending = $this->_item->state == -3;
         $item_state_draft = $this->_item->state == -4;
         // STEP C: CHECK item state, if publication state is not ignored terminate with 404 NOT found, otherwise add a notice
         // NOTE: Asking all users to login when item is not active maybe wrong approach, so instead we raise 404 error, but we
         // will ask them to login only if previewing a latest or specific version (so ignore publication FLAG includes this case)
         // (a) Check that item is PUBLISHED (1,-5) or ARCHIVED (-1)
         // (b) Check that item has expired publication date
         // (c) Check that item has scheduled publication date
         // (d) Check that current item category or all items categories are published
         // (a) Check that item is PUBLISHED (1,-5) or ARCHIVED (-1)
         if (!$caneditstate && ($item_state_pending || $item_state_draft) && $isOwner) {
             // SPECIAL workflow case, regardless of (view/edit privilege), allow users to view unpublished owned content, (a) if waiting for approval, or (b) if can request approval
             $inactive_notice_set = true;
         } else {
             if (!$item_is_published && !$ignore_publication) {
                 // Raise error that the item is unpublished
                 $msg = JText::_('FLEXI_CONTENT_UNAVAILABLE_ITEM_UNPUBLISHED') . $title_str;
                 if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
                     throw new Exception($msg, 404);
                 } else {
                     JError::raiseError(404, $msg);
             } else {
                 if (!$item_is_published && !$inactive_notice_set) {
                     // Item edittable, set warning that ...
                     JError::raiseNotice(404, JText::_('FLEXI_CONTENT_UNAVAILABLE_ITEM_UNPUBLISHED'));
                     $inactive_notice_set = true;
         // NOTE: First, we check for expired publication, since if item expired, scheduled publication is meaningless
         // (b) Check that item has expired publication date
         if ($item_is_expired && !$ignore_publication) {
             // Raise error that the item is scheduled for publication
             $msg = JText::_('FLEXI_CONTENT_UNAVAILABLE_ITEM_EXPIRED') . $title_str;
             if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
                 throw new Exception($msg, 404);
             } else {
                 JError::raiseError(404, $msg);
         } else {
             if ($item_is_expired && !$inactive_notice_set) {
                 // Item edittable, set warning that ...
                 JError::raiseNotice(404, JText::_('FLEXI_CONTENT_UNAVAILABLE_ITEM_EXPIRED'));
                 $inactive_notice_set = true;
         // (c) Check that item has scheduled publication date
         if ($item_is_scheduled && !$ignore_publication) {
             // Raise error that the item is scheduled for publication
             $msg = JText::_('FLEXI_CONTENT_UNAVAILABLE_ITEM_SCHEDULED') . $title_str;
             if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
                 throw new Exception($msg, 404);
             } else {
                 JError::raiseError(404, $msg);
         } else {
             if ($item_is_scheduled && !$inactive_notice_set) {
                 // Item edittable, set warning that ...
                 JError::raiseNotice(404, JText::_('FLEXI_CONTENT_UNAVAILABLE_ITEM_SCHEDULED'));
                 $inactive_notice_set = true;
         // (d) Check that current item category or all items categories are published
         if (!$cats_are_published && !$ignore_publication) {
             // Terminate execution with a HTTP not-found Server Error
             $msg = $cats_np_err_mssg . $title_str;
             if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
                 throw new Exception($msg, 404);
             } else {
                 JError::raiseError(404, $msg);
         } else {
             if (!$cats_are_published && !$inactive_notice_set) {
                 // Item edittable, set warning that item's (ancestor) category is unpublished
                 JError::raiseNotice(404, $cats_np_err_mssg);
                 $inactive_notice_set = true;
         // STEP D: CHECK viewing access in relation to if user being logged and being owner / editor
         // (a) redirect user previewing a non-current item version, to either current item version or to refer if has no edit permission
         // (b) redirect item owner to previous page if user has no access (read/edit) to the item
         // (c) redirect unlogged user to login, so that user can possible login to privileged account
         // (d) redirect unauthorized logged user to the unauthorized page (if this is set)
         // (e) finally raise a 403 forbidden Server Error if user is unauthorized to access item
         // SPECIAL case when previewing an non-current version of an item, this is allowed only if user can edit the item
         $current_version = FLEXIUtilities::getCurrentVersions($this->_id, true);
         // Get current item version
         if ($version && $version != $current_version && !$canedititem && !$previewing_and_unlogged) {
             // (a) redirect user previewing a non-current item version, to either current item version or to refer if has no edit permission
             JError::raiseNotice(403, JText::_('FLEXI_ALERTNOTAUTH_PREVIEW_UNEDITABLE') . "<br />" . JText::_('FLEXI_ALERTNOTAUTH_TASK'));
             if ($item_n_cat_active && $canviewitem) {
                 $app->redirect(JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($this->_item->slug, $this->_item->categoryslug, 0, $this->_item)));
             } else {
                 // Item not viewable OR no view access, redirect to refer page
         } else {
             if (!$item_n_cat_active && !$previewing_and_unlogged) {
                 if (!$caneditstate && ($item_state_pending || $item_state_draft) && $isOwner) {
                     // no redirect, SET message to owners, to wait for approval or to request approval of their content
                     $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_($item_state_pending ? 'FLEXI_ALERT_VIEW_OWN_PENDING_STATE' : 'FLEXI_ALERT_VIEW_OWN_DRAFT_STATE'), 'notice');
                 } else {
                     if (!$canedititem && !$caneditstate && $isOwner) {
                         // (b) redirect item owner to previous page if user cannot access (read/edit) the item
                         JError::raiseNotice(403, JText::_($item_state_pending ? 'FLEXI_ALERTNOTAUTH_VIEW_OWN_PENDING' : 'FLEXI_ALERTNOTAUTH_VIEW_OWN_UNPUBLISHED'));
                     } else {
                         if ($canedititem || $caneditstate) {
                             // no redirect, SET notice to the editors, that they are viewing unreadable content because they can edit the item
                             $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('FLEXI_CONTENT_ACCESS_ALLOWED_BECAUSE_EDITABLE_PUBLISHABLE'), 'notice');
                         } else {
                             $app->enqueueMessage('INTERNAL ERROR: item inactive but checks were ignored despite current user not begin item owner or item assigned editor', 'notice');
             } else {
                 if (!$canviewitem && !$canedititem || !$item_n_cat_active) {
                     if ($user->guest) {
                         // (c) redirect unlogged user to login, so that user can possible login to privileged account
                         $uri = JFactory::getURI();
                         $return = $uri->toString();
                         $com_users = FLEXI_J16GE ? 'com_users' : 'com_user';
                         $url = $cparams->get('login_page', 'index.php?option=' . $com_users . '&view=login');
                         $return = strtr(base64_encode($return), '+/=', '-_,');
                         $url .= '&return=' . $return;
                         //$url .= '&return='.base64_encode($return);
                         $url .= '&fcreturn=' . base64_encode($fcreturn);
                         JError::raiseWarning(403, JText::sprintf("FLEXI_LOGIN_TO_ACCESS", $url));
                     } else {
                         $msg = JText::_('FLEXI_ALERTNOTAUTH_VIEW');
                         $msg .= $item->type_id && !$item->has_type_access ? "<br/>" . JText::_("FLEXI_ALERTNOTAUTH_VIEW_TYPE") : '';
                         $msg .= $item->catid && !$item->has_mcat_access ? "<br/>" . JText::_("FLEXI_ALERTNOTAUTH_VIEW_MCAT") : '';
                         if ($cparams->get('unauthorized_page', '')) {
                             // (d) redirect unauthorized logged user to the unauthorized page (if this is set)
                             JError::raiseNotice(403, $msg);
                         } else {
                             // (e) finally raise a 403 forbidden Server Error if user is unauthorized to access item
                             if (FLEXI_J16GE) {
                                 throw new Exception($msg, 403);
                             } else {
                                 JError::raiseError(403, $msg);
                 } else {
     // End of Existing item (not new)
예제 #25

$html = '<span class="flexi fc-pagenav">';
$tooltip_class = FLEXI_J30GE ? ' hasTooltip' : ' hasTip';
// CATEGORY back link
if ($use_category_link) {
    $cat_image = $this->getCatThumb($category, $field->parameters);
    $limit = $item_count;
    $limit = $limit ? $limit : 10;
    $start = floor($location / $limit) * $limit;
    if (!empty($rows[$item->id]->categoryslug)) {
        $html .= '
		<span class="fc-pagenav-return">
			<a class="btn" href="' . JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($rows[$item->id]->categoryslug)) . '?start=' . $start . '">' . htmlspecialchars($category_label, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ($cat_image ? '
				<img src="' . $cat_image . '" alt="Return"/>' : '') . '
// Item location and total count
$html .= $show_prevnext_count ? '<span class="fc-pagenav-items-cnt badge badge-info">' . ($location + 1) . ' / ' . $item_count . '</span>' : '';
// Next item linking
if ($field->prev) {
    $tooltip = $use_tooltip ? ' title="' . flexicontent_html::getToolTip($tooltip_title_prev, $field->prevtitle, 0) . '"' : '';
    $html .= '
	<span class="fc-pagenav-prev' . ($use_tooltip ? $tooltip_class : '') . '" ' . ($use_tooltip ? $tooltip : '') . '>
		<a class="btn" href="' . $field->prevurl . '">
			<i class="icon-previous"></i>
			' . ($use_title ? $field->prevtitle : htmlspecialchars($prev_label, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8')) . '
			' . ($field->prevThumb ? '
$subcat_cont_class = $show_description_subcat ? "fc_block" : "fc_inline_block";
$subcat_info_class = $show_description_subcat ? "fc_inline_clear" : "fc_inline";
$subcats_html = array();
foreach ($this->categories as $sub) {
    if (!$show_empty_cats && $show_itemcount && $sub->assigneditems == 0) {
    $subsubcount = count($sub->subcats);
    // a. Optional sub-category image
    $subcats_html[$i] = "<span class='floattext subcat " . $subcat_cont_class . "'>\n";
    if ($show_description_image_subcat && $sub->image) {
        $subcats_html[$i] .= "  <span class='catimg'>" . $sub->image . "</span>\n";
    $subcats_html[$i] .= "  <span class='catinfo " . $subcat_info_class . "'>\n";
    // b. Category title with link and optional item counts
    $cat_link = $layout == 'myitems' || $layout == 'author' ? $this->action . (strstr($this->action, '?') ? '&amp;' : '?') . 'cid=' . $sub->slug : JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($sub->slug));
    $infocount_str = '';
    if ($show_itemcount) {
        $infocount_str .= (int) $sub->assigneditems . $itemcount_label;
    if ($show_subcatcount) {
        $infocount_str .= ($show_itemcount ? ' / ' : '') . count($sub->subcats) . $subcatcount_label;
    if (strlen($infocount_str)) {
        $infocount_str = ' (' . $infocount_str . ')';
    $subcats_html[$i] .= "    <a class='catlink' href='" . $cat_link . "'>" . $this->escape($sub->title) . "</a>" . $infocount_str . "</span>\n";
    // c. Optional sub-category description stripped of HTML and cut to given length
    if ($show_description_subcat && $sub->description) {
        $subcats_html[$i] .= "  <span class='catdescription'>" . flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($sub->description, $description_cut_text_subcat) . "</span>";
				$footer_shown = $readmore_shown || $item->event->afterDisplayContent;

			<?php if ( $footer_shown ) : ?>
			<footer class="group">
			<?php endif; ?>

			<?php if ( $readmore_shown ) : ?>
			<span class="readmore">
				/*$uniqueid = "read_more_fc_item_".$item->id;
				$itemlnk = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->slug, $item->categoryslug, 0, $item).'&tmpl=component');
				echo '<script>document.write(\'<a href="'.$itemlnk.'" id="mb'.$uniqueid.'" class="mb" rel="width:\'+((MooTools.version>='1.2.4' ? window.getSize().x : window.getSize().size.x)-150)+\',height:\'+((MooTools.version>='1.2.4' ? window.getSize().y : window.getSize().size.y)-150)+\'">\')</script>';
				<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->slug, $item->categoryslug, 0, $item)); ?>" class="readon">
				if ($item->params->get('readmore')) :
					echo ' ' . $item->params->get('readmore');
				else :
					echo ' ' . JText::sprintf('FLEXI_READ_MORE', $item->title);
				<?php //echo '<script>document.write(\'</a> <div class="multiBoxDesc mbox_img_url mb'.$uniqueid.'">'.$item->title.'</div>\')</script>'; ?>
			<?php endif; ?>
			<!-- BOF afterDisplayContent -->
			<?php if ($item->event->afterDisplayContent) : ?>
				<div class="fc_afterDisplayContent group">
예제 #28
  * Creates the RSS for the View
  * @since 1.0
 function display($tpl = null)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $params = $this->get('Params');
     $doc->link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute(JRequest::getVar('cid', null, '', 'int')));
     $category = $this->get('Category');
     // Prepare query to match feed data
     JRequest::setVar('limit', $params->get('feed_limit'));
     // Force a specific limit, this will be moved to the model
     $params->set('orderby', $params->get('feed_orderby', 'rdate'));
     $params->set('orderbycustomfield', $params->get('feed_orderbycustomfield', 1));
     $params->set('orderbycustomfieldid', $params->get('feed_orderbycustomfieldid', 0));
     $params->set('orderbycustomfielddir', $params->get('feed_orderbycustomfielddir', 'ASC'));
     $params->set('orderbycustomfieldint', $params->get('feed_orderbycustomfieldint', 0));
     $params->set('orderby_2nd', $params->get('feed_orderby', 'alpha'));
     $params->set('orderbycustomfield_2nd', $params->get('feed_orderbycustomfield_2nd', 1));
     $params->set('orderbycustomfieldid_2nd', $params->get('feed_orderbycustomfieldid_2nd', 0));
     $params->set('orderbycustomfielddir_2nd', $params->get('feed_orderbycustomfielddir_2nd', 'ASC'));
     $params->set('orderbycustomfieldint_2nd', $params->get('feed_orderbycustomfieldint_2nd', 0));
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $model->setState('limit', $params->get('feed_limit', $model->getState('limit')));
     $rows = $this->get('Data');
     $feed_summary = $params->get('feed_summary', 0);
     $feed_summary_cut = $params->get('feed_summary_cut', 200);
     $feed_use_image = $params->get('feed_use_image', 1);
     $feed_link_image = $params->get('feed_link_image', 1);
     $feed_image_source = $params->get('feed_image_source', '');
     $feed_image_size = $params->get('feed_image_size', '');
     $feed_image_method = $params->get('feed_image_method', 1);
     $feed_image_width = $params->get('feed_image_width', 100);
     $feed_image_height = $params->get('feed_image_height', 80);
     // Retrieve default image for the image field
     if ($feed_use_image && $feed_image_source) {
         $query = 'SELECT attribs, name FROM #__flexicontent_fields WHERE id = ' . (int) $feed_image_source;
         $image_dbdata = $db->loadObject();
         //$image_dbdata->params = FLEXI_J16GE ? new JRegistry($image_dbdata->params) : new JParameter($image_dbdata->params);
         $img_size_map = array('l' => 'large', 'm' => 'medium', 's' => 'small', '' => '');
         $img_field_size = $img_size_map[$feed_image_size];
         $img_field_name = $image_dbdata->name;
     // TODO render and add extra fields here ... maybe via special display function for feeds view
     $extra_fields = $params->get('feed_extra_fields', '');
     $extra_fields = array_unique(preg_split("/\\s*,\\s*/u", $extra_fields));
     if ($extra_fields) {
         foreach ($extra_fields as $fieldname) {
             // Render given field for ALL ITEMS
             FlexicontentFields::getFieldDisplay($rows, $fieldname, $values = null, $method = 'display');
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         // strip html from feed item title
         $title = $this->escape($row->title);
         $title = html_entity_decode($title);
         // url link to article
         // & used instead of &amp; as this is converted by feed creator
         $link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($row->slug, $category->slug, 0, $row));
         // strip html from feed item description text
         $description = $feed_summary ? $row->introtext . $row->fulltext : $row->introtext;
         $description = flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($description, $feed_summary_cut);
         if ($feed_use_image) {
             // feed image is enabled
             $src = '';
             $thumb = '';
             if ($feed_image_source) {
                 // case 1 use an image field
                 FlexicontentFields::getFieldDisplay($row, $img_field_name, null, 'display', 'module');
                 $img_field = $row->fields[$img_field_name];
                 if (!$img_field_size) {
                     $src = str_replace(JURI::root(), '', $img_field->thumbs_src['large'][0]);
                 } else {
                     $src = '';
                     $thumb = $img_field->thumbs_src[$img_field_size][0];
             } else {
                 // case 2 extract from item
                 $src = flexicontent_html::extractimagesrc($row);
             $RESIZE_FLAG = !$feed_image_source || !$img_field_size;
             if ($src && $RESIZE_FLAG) {
                 // Resize image when src path is set and RESIZE_FLAG: (a) using image extracted from item main text OR (b) not using image field's already created thumbnails
                 $h = '&amp;h=' . $feed_image_height;
                 $w = '&amp;w=' . $feed_image_width;
                 $aoe = '&amp;aoe=1';
                 $q = '&amp;q=95';
                 $zc = $feed_image_method ? '&amp;zc=' . $feed_image_method : '';
                 $ext = pathinfo($src, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                 $f = in_array($ext, array('png', 'ico', 'gif')) ? '&amp;f=' . $ext : '';
                 $conf = $w . $h . $aoe . $q . $zc . $f;
                 $base_url = !preg_match("#^http|^https|^ftp|^/#i", $src) ? JURI::base(true) . '/' : '';
                 $thumb = JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_flexicontent/librairies/phpthumb/phpThumb.php?src=' . $base_url . $src . $conf;
             } else {
                 // Do not resize image when (a) image src path not set or (b) using image field's already created thumbnails
             if ($thumb) {
                 $description = "\n\t  \t\t\t<div class='feed-description'>\n\t\t  \t\t\t<a class='feed-readmore' target='_blank' href='" . $link . "'>\n\t\t  \t\t\t\t<img src='" . $thumb . "' alt='" . $title . "' title='" . $title . "' align='left'/>\n\t\t  \t\t\t</a>\n\t\t  \t\t\t<p>" . $description . "</p>\n\t\t  \t\t</div>";
         if ($extra_fields) {
             foreach ($extra_fields as $fieldname) {
                 if ($row->fields[$fieldname]->display) {
                     $description .= '<br/><b>' . $row->fields[$fieldname]->label . ":</b> " . $row->fields[$fieldname]->display;
         //$author = $row->created_by_alias ? $row->created_by_alias : $row->author;
         @($date = $row->created ? date('r', strtotime($row->created)) : '');
         // load individual item creator class
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $title;
         $item->link = $link;
         $item->description = $description;
         $item->date = $date;
         //$item->author    = $author;
         $item->category = $this->escape($category->title);
         // loads item info into rss array
예제 #29
 static function createItemsListHTML(&$params, &$item_list, $isform = 0, &$parentfield, &$parentitem, &$_item_data = null)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     global $globalcats, $globalnoroute, $fc_run_times;
     if (!is_array($globalnoroute)) {
         $globalnoroute = array();
     // Get fields of type relation
     static $disallowed_fieldnames = null;
     $disallowed_fields = array('relation', 'relation_reverse');
     if ($disallowed_fieldnames === null) {
         $query = "SELECT name FROM #__flexicontent_fields WHERE field_type IN ('" . implode("','", $disallowed_fields) . "')";
         $field_name_col = FLEXI_J16GE ? $db->loadColumn() : $db->loadResultArray();
         $disallowed_fieldnames = !$field_name_col ? array() : array_flip($field_name_col);
     // Prefix - Suffix - Separator parameters, replacing other field values if found
     $remove_space = $params->get('remove_space', 0);
     $pretext = $params->get($isform ? 'pretext_form' : 'pretext', '');
     $posttext = $params->get($isform ? 'posttext_form' : 'posttext', '');
     $separatorf = $params->get($isform ? 'separator' : 'separatorf');
     $opentag = $params->get($isform ? 'opentag_form' : 'opentag', '');
     $closetag = $params->get($isform ? 'closetag_form' : 'closetag', '');
     if ($pretext) {
         $pretext = $remove_space ? $pretext : $pretext . ' ';
     if ($posttext) {
         $posttext = $remove_space ? $posttext : ' ' . $posttext;
     switch ($separatorf) {
         case 0:
             $separatorf = '&nbsp;';
         case 1:
             $separatorf = '<br />';
         case 2:
             $separatorf = '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
         case 3:
             $separatorf = ',&nbsp;';
         case 4:
             $separatorf = $closetag . $opentag;
         case 5:
             $separatorf = '';
             $separatorf = '&nbsp;';
     // some parameter shortcuts
     $relitem_html = $params->get($isform ? 'relitem_html_form' : 'relitem_html', '__display_text__');
     $displayway = $params->get($isform ? 'displayway_form' : 'displayway', 1);
     $addlink = $params->get($isform ? 'addlink_form' : 'addlink', 1);
     $addtooltip = $params->get($isform ? 'addtooltip_form' : 'addtooltip', 1);
     // Parse and identify custom fields
     $result = preg_match_all("/\\{\\{([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)(##)?([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)?\\}\\}/", $relitem_html, $field_matches);
     $custom_field_reps = $result ? $field_matches[0] : array();
     $custom_field_names = $result ? $field_matches[1] : array();
     $custom_field_methods = $result ? $field_matches[3] : array();
     /*foreach ($custom_field_names as $i => $custom_field_name)
     			$parsed_fields[] = $custom_field_names[$i] . ($custom_field_methods[$i] ? "->". $custom_field_methods[$i] : "");
     		echo "$relitem_html :: Fields for Related Items List: ". implode(", ", $parsed_fields ? $parsed_fields : array() ) ."<br/>\n";*/
     // Parse and identify language strings and then make language replacements
     $result = preg_match_all("/\\%\\%([^%]+)\\%\\%/", $relitem_html, $translate_matches);
     $translate_strings = $result ? $translate_matches[1] : array('FLEXI_READ_MORE_ABOUT');
     foreach ($translate_strings as $translate_string) {
         $relitem_html = str_replace('%%' . $translate_string . '%%', JText::_($translate_string), $relitem_html);
     foreach ($item_list as $result) {
         // Check if related item is published and skip if not published
         if ($result->state != 1 && $result->state != -5) {
         $itemslug = $result->id . ":" . $result->alias;
         $catslug = "";
         // Check if removed from category or inside a noRoute category or inside a non-published category
         // and use main category slug or other routable & published category slug
         $catid_arr = explode(",", $result->catidlist);
         $catalias_arr = explode(",", $result->cataliaslist);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($catid_arr); $i++) {
             $itemcataliases[$catid_arr[$i]] = $catalias_arr[$i];
         $rel_itemid = $result->id;
         $rel_catid = !empty($result->rel_catid) ? $result->rel_catid : $result->catid;
         if (isset($itemcataliases[$rel_catid]) && !in_array($rel_catid, $globalnoroute) && $globalcats[$rel_catid]->published) {
             $catslug = $rel_catid . ":" . $itemcataliases[$rel_catid];
         } else {
             if (!in_array($result->catid, $globalnoroute) && $globalcats[$result->catid]->published) {
                 $catslug = $globalcats[$result->catid]->slug;
             } else {
                 foreach ($catid_arr as $catid) {
                     if (!in_array($catid, $globalnoroute) && $globalcats[$catid]->published) {
                         $catslug = $globalcats[$catid]->slug;
         $result->slug = $itemslug;
         $result->categoryslug = $catslug;
     // Perform field's display replacements
     if ($i_slave = $parentfield ? $parentitem->id . "_" . $parentfield->id : '') {
         $fc_run_times['render_subfields'][$i_slave] = 0;
     foreach ($custom_field_names as $i => $custom_field_name) {
         if (isset($disallowed_fieldnames[$custom_field_name])) {
         if ($custom_field_methods[$i] == 'label') {
         if ($i_slave) {
             $start_microtime = microtime(true);
         $display_var = $custom_field_methods[$i] ? $custom_field_methods[$i] : 'display';
         FlexicontentFields::getFieldDisplay($item_list, $custom_field_name, $custom_field_values = null, $display_var);
         if ($i_slave) {
             $fc_run_times['render_subfields'][$i_slave] += round(1000000 * 10 * (microtime(true) - $start_microtime)) / 10;
     $tooltip_class = FLEXI_J30GE ? 'hasTooltip' : 'hasTip';
     $display = array();
     foreach ($item_list as $result) {
         $url_read_more = JText::_(isset($_item_data->url_read_more) ? $_item_data->url_read_more : 'FLEXI_READ_MORE_ABOUT', 1);
         $url_class = isset($_item_data->url_class) ? $_item_data->url_class : 'relateditem';
         // Check if related item is published and skip if not published
         if ($result->state != 1 && $result->state != -5) {
         // a. Replace some custom made strings
         $item_url = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($result->slug, $result->categoryslug, 0, $result));
         $item_title_escaped = htmlspecialchars($result->title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
         $tooltip_title = flexicontent_html::getToolTip($url_read_more, $item_title_escaped, $translate = 0, $escape = 0);
         $item_tooltip = ' class="' . $tooltip_class . ' ' . $url_class . '" title="' . $tooltip_title . '" ';
         $display_text = $displayway ? $result->title : $result->id;
         $display_text = !$addlink ? $display_text : '<a href="' . $item_url . '"' . ($addtooltip ? $item_tooltip : '') . ' >' . $display_text . '</a>';
         $curr_relitem_html = $relitem_html;
         $curr_relitem_html = str_replace('__item_url__', $item_url, $curr_relitem_html);
         $curr_relitem_html = str_replace('__item_title_escaped__', $item_title_escaped, $curr_relitem_html);
         $curr_relitem_html = str_replace('__item_tooltip__', $item_tooltip, $curr_relitem_html);
         $curr_relitem_html = str_replace('__display_text__', $display_text, $curr_relitem_html);
         // b. Replace item properties, e.g. {item->id}, (item->title}, etc
         $null_field = null;
         FlexicontentFields::doQueryReplacements($curr_relitem_html, $null_field, $result);
         // c. Replace HTML display of various item fields
         $err_mssg = 'Cannot replace field: "%s" because it is of not allowed field type: "%s", which can cause loop or other problem';
         foreach ($custom_field_names as $i => $custom_field_name) {
             $_field = @$result->fields[$custom_field_name];
             $custom_field_display = '';
             if ($is_disallowed_field = isset($disallowed_fieldnames[$custom_field_name])) {
                 $custom_field_display .= sprintf($err_mssg, $custom_field_name, @$_field->field_type);
             } else {
                 $display_var = $custom_field_methods[$i] ? $custom_field_methods[$i] : 'display';
                 $custom_field_display .= @$_field->{$display_var};
             $curr_relitem_html = str_replace($custom_field_reps[$i], $custom_field_display, $curr_relitem_html);
         $display[] = trim($pretext . $curr_relitem_html . $posttext);
     $display = $opentag . implode($separatorf, $display) . $closetag;
     return $display;
$subcats_html = array();
foreach ($this->categories as $sub) {
	$subsubcount = count($sub->subcats);
	// a. Optional sub-category image
	$subcats_html[$i] = "<span class='floattext subcat ".$subcat_cont_class."'>\n";
	if ($show_description_image_subcat && $sub->image) {
		$subcats_html[$i] .= "  <span class='catimg'>".$sub->image."</span>\n";
	$subcats_html[$i] .= "  <span class='catinfo ".$subcat_info_class."'>\n";
	// b. Category title with link and optional item counts
	$cat_link = ($layout=='myitems' || $layout=='author') ? $this->action .(strstr($this->action, '?') ? '&amp;'  : '?'). 'cid='.$sub->slug :
		JRoute::_( FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($sub->slug) );
	$infocount_str = '';
	if ($show_itemcount)   $infocount_str .= (int) $sub->assigneditems . $itemcount_label;
	if ($show_subcatcount) $infocount_str .= ($show_itemcount ? ' / ' : '').count($sub->subcats) . $subcatcount_label;
	if (strlen($infocount_str)) $infocount_str = ' (' . $infocount_str . ')';
	$subcats_html[$i] .= "    <a class='catlink' href='".$cat_link."'>".$this->escape($sub->title)."</a>".$infocount_str."</span>\n";
	// c. Optional sub-category description stripped of HTML and cut to given length
	if ($show_description_subcat && $sub->description) {
		$subcats_html[$i] .= "  <span class='catdescription'>". flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut( $sub->description, $description_cut_text_subcat )."</span>";
	$subcats_html[$i] .= "</span>\n";
	// d. Add prefix, suffix to the HTML of current sub-category
	$subcats_html[$i] = $pretext.$subcats_html[$i].$posttext;